Trans and Non-Binary boys are allowed to menstruate at school.

| December 27, 2018

Most people can not imagine the things that come across my desk during the course of a week.  This headline caught my attention, “In Brighton, UK, Boys to be Told They Can Have Periods Too.”

My first reaction to these sensationalized headlines is always skeptical.  I usually dig around a bit to see if this type of headline is one of those all too obvious attempts at click bait.  Then, lo and behold, I find this jewel of a link.   

I poked around a bit more only to find someone who sounds a lot like me, needing a shave and a haircut,  yammering on about it.  I always wondered what would have happened to me had I not become a Marine.  I like this guy, he has that same animal like sexual magnetism that I have to deal with along with that weird Jame Gumb uniqueness I admire.   I wonder if he gives anyone butterflies.

I am so grateful that I don’t need to constantly check my gender fluid. Abuse of children seems to be all the rage these days.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit, Exploitation, I hate hippies, Liberals suck

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The stick figure by the tree is a hoot.


That’s a proud vermonta

Lurker Curt

Wait a damn minute…one of the bullet points says “Lessons…factually accurate”. So which is it gonna be?

2/17 Air Cav

When I was in school, boys were allowed to have periods. My favorites were lunch period and rec period. My first period in highschool was especially cool. We had a bow-legged French teacher who wore short skirts and gave us all early-morning woodies.

Lurker Curt

Damn me for being so closed minded- I didn’t even think about *those* periods!

Snorted a bit when dude said “you could punch yourself in the bladder a couple times…”

Dennis - not chevy

My favorite was Gym period. Alas, those were the days when boys not only were boys; but, they could be boys.


I loved gym, lunch and, wait for it, typing. Took it two years in a class of about 30 and both years only a few of them were boys. Oh, man, there were some good looking girls in there.


I had to take a “practical arts” class in HS, and I already sorta knew how to work on cars, and I was into computers, so typing it was.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I wonder just how much more fucked up they’re going to get, what’s next?


Poop eating.


I can think of a few:
Making sexual attraction to children “normal”.
Legally protection for people who choose to have sex with objects (cars, mailboxes, etc.) exclusively.
Lower the age of consent to “birth”.
Kids coming out as gay from the womb.
First Democratic senator (from California, ‘natch) that identifies as a different mammal or other species.

Twenty years ago, I would have laughed if someone suggested that the creepy old drag queen down the street would be given more rights and respect than a normal person. Twenty years from now? Who knows!


“Making sexual attraction to children “normal”.

There are more than a few perverts who believe hat is normal behavior. Those who feel that way and those who action upon those feelings should die.


Facination with menstruation and associated hygene products is a phillia recognized as autogynaphillia. It is thought to originate in childhood where an association with sexual pleasure is formed.

Sounds like a porno sissy school.


This is one of many reasons why I drink. Where’s my Jameson’s…


Going Irish green are ye laddie? Tha’ make mine a wee dram o’ the Bushmills, and don’t be wavin’ any water about. ‘Tis an evil thing in the presence of good whiskey!


SFC D: It’s a reason I might return to drinking. I do so miss da booze and cigs.

The Other Whitey

Looking at the headline, I just started hearing Big Gay Al: “Jesus! Jesus Christ!”

People with a Y-chromosome do not undergo the physical process of menstruation. Are they just expecting the poor misguided kid in question to designate a week out of the month where he’ll pretend there’s blood in his shorts and act more annoying than usual?


It is a great way for the gay/trannie/ whatever boys to say, I’m having my period and cramps, I need to go home. What a clever way to get out of school early, so they can go smoke some weed.


In the 50s and 60s boys who acted out like that got thumped in school. Not so much any more. Seems more and more kids have an asterisk after their name/condition/sexual persuasion. Wonder how these kids will function later in life when their boss doesn’t give a shit if they are menstruating? These kids better grow a set if they are to be anything but a pussy.


I believe you are thinking of Mr. Slave(who outslutted Paris Hilton), but point well taken!

The Other Whitey

I stand corrected.


Man. That guy needs to hit the gym and get out of the house a little more … probably needs to hire a town crier to go before him and warn the innocent bystanders of his near maximum solar output albedo.

snicker …


Hear ye, Hear ye, Douches Maximimus aproacheth, hide the innocent and faint of heart. Groin punters commence thy warm up.


I sincerely hope that some day, some kid, whose brains are not corrupted by this crap, stands up in class and yells at the teacher something on the order of “I don’t want you coming within 50 feet of me. You’re a pervert. And you smell bad.”

Someone please let me know when this insanity ends, will you?


So if if I squirt ketchup on my jeans and tell my company I am getting the cramps they will send my middle age guys butt home? I would do this every Friday morning.


So if men can menstruate, does that mean I get an excuse to be a raging asshole for no apparent reason for two or three days a month?

*Ducks from the women of TAH throwing things*


What did you plan to do with the remaining 27 days?

MSG Eric

Only 2 or 3 days a month? What the hell?


Nah brah….I have a dick. I’m good.

Perry Gaskill

It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again…


Yeah, I got in trouble for saying that.

Those old hags at Bath and Body Works have ZERO sense of humor.

Dennis - not chevy

Is that a percussion cap weapon and a sieg rune on the flag behind that SJW? What will the children think?


Really odd that you all care about this. The idea that gender is a 100% binary thing is not supported by medical science. In approximately 3% percent of births gender is not medically certain. Despite tears and physical observations. All humans start female and approximately half begin to transition the womb to male. That transition is a complex physiological process that shapes not just the genitals but the entire body and brain. That process has varying degrees of outcomes and some percentage of developing fetuses do not have a process that could medically be certain to be assigned a gender. And even if they physically appear to be a gender the blood tests may not match the appearance or the brain development and physiological chemistrys is not conclusive or cannot be determined until the child is old enough to recognize and understand their own gender identity. What kind of government intervention would you all support for this problem? One where the government decides your gender and then enforced that decision against a persons will? One where you have to petition the government for a gender determination at 18 and live with the governments decision? One where a doctor makes a best guess and that files that guess with the government and then the government enforced that doctors decision regardless of the persons physiological identity or in many casss contradictory medical tests? One where doctors assign a best guess and than the parents listen to their child as the child decelops and if the child has a conflict with their assigned gender the parents in cooperation with doctors and with the informed awareness of the child navigates the complex process as best they can until the child reaches an age where they can make a decision they feel comfortable with and the government respects that decision. For a group of people who loves to claim they want a small government you all seem fixated on using the power of government to dictate how others live their lives. And before you all clutch your pearls about sexual predators using loopholes in gender… Read more »


* despite tests not “despite tears”

Many more typos and malapropisms but I don’t have time to fix them. Apologies.


What’s yer Flo like…???


You are one dumb mofo. Science, not the made up shit you believe, shows there are only two genders, one with XX chromosomes and one with XY chromosomes. We call them male and female. And yes, we know about the biological malfunction known as hermaphroditism, which is a genetic foul-up. What you are calling “gender” is just another proglogdyte fantasy. You always drink all the Kool-aide and then ask for more. But hey, if you want to start wearing a maxi-pad, feel free to do so.

Mr. Pete

Thanks for being so clear about this



This is actually super rare. Only a handful in all of medical literature.

The problems most often cited are called ambiguous genitalia and are a form of pseudohermaphroditism which is much more common.

These folks do not have complete sets of male/female external/internal genitalia but instead exhibit some abnormality, though in most cases it’s not that dramatic.


Why should the gubmint be involved at all????

Who here has advocated, much less displayed a fixation on, having the gubmint involved with any of this?????

When you show a single iota of consistency, perhaps some here will consider taking any of your blatherings seriously. Ooops – you ARE consisten in one thing – you don’t want real science involved with global weather issues and you don’t seem to want it used in determining gender.

Why bother. Banging one’s head against a brick wall is much more effective.


Is it your “time” of the month Commissar?


Larsie is a woman trapped in a man’s body

A Proud Infidel®™️

Hey Babbles McButthead, if I had a dollar for every gender out there I’d have $2 and a fat handful of counterfeits!!!

charles w

You seem like the right person to ask. I want to make sure I do this whole menstrual thing right. One question, does the adhesive strip on the pads go up or down?

2/17 Air Cav

“Really odd that you all care about this.” I told Dave to check with you first before posting articles. Did he listen? Hell no. If he had, your ass would have been re-banned.


I cast you OUT!
Return to the Starbucks from witch you came!


“complex process”???? Only the left makes boys and girls complex.

All I can say is God-damn boy!

Lurker Curt

For three fucking years I have heard the same shit from my wife, how we all start as female but some of us can’t resist the flood of testosterone in the womb. Okay, maybe some science there, but I am to believe that I am inferior becuase I’m a man? Fuck you, her ass that has spent the last two months in a mental hospital, and anybody else that spews that bullshit. Male and female, those are the options. Not choices, ya fuck wit. Sure, somehow some are born with what looks like both genitalia, but that’s likely PEOPLE fucking with nature. Again, kindly FUCK OFF. FOR REAL.


So you piss blood out of your penis one week a month… Explains everything. Fuck you.


Lars says damn the actual science. Full stupid ahead.


Let’s actually debate this.

I was involuntarily amd tangentially involved in developing Army transgender policy a few years ago, and as a result I was in the room when some great minds on all sides (there a more than a few sides) of this issues discussed this. I know way more about this than I would like.

Let’s start with a deceptively simple question: is there a difference between sex and gender? This is a simple but important question.


“is there a difference between sex and gender?”

Not until recently. Climate change affects everything.


Back where I come from, sex is what you engage in with the opposite gender.


I find it really odd that you attend a school that recently paid out $70k to conservation groups because the school decided to regulate/take away their rights to free speech. Isn’t that one of the things that the Democratic/Socialist party do through their minions in the media?

Got to control the message… and the only way to do it is to control the people through via big government.

School districts have employees that love to control the message and the education of our youth. They’re people a lot like you, Lars. If they can’t control the message they play the bigot card and call those that don’t agree with them all sorts of names.

Sex education should not be the responsibility of the schools – it should be the parents that do it (mine did it when I was old enough, and I turned out just fine). School districts have a hard enough time just educating our kids to read, write and do math (and they have been failing to do that for years).


Well, you did become a corpsman, so all bets are off. You know, a corpsman’s fascination with the silver bullet and all.

The Other Whitey

Lars, just draw a stick figure and circle the area where the bad man touched you.


I think we should send him some maxi-pads for those monthly bouts where his mangina starts man-struating, since he is a true believer and one experienced first hand in the new proglo-science of fluid human “gender” genetics.

RGR 4-78

Back about the 1st of November I had the wife buy me a big package of maxi pads. I use them in the bottom of the beer fridge to absorb the blood that drips down from the deer quarters that we hang in there before processing them.


The old style “sanitary napkins” made great gunshot wound dressings. Especially the maternity pads with tails.



Commissioner Wretched

If I had a dollar for every gender out there …

… I’d have two dollars and a lot of counterfeit bills.


Yes. What you said.


“All humans start female”

People LIKE to say that as some silly evidence of female superiority.

Not really. The Zygote if not acted upon by the Y chromosome will develop as female. The Y chromosome through the SRY gene activates the process of male development.

The Y chromosome in boys is present at conception. Saying all humans start out as female is really not true…at conception the Y chromosome being present begins the programmed development as male. There are developmental forks in the road and were it not for the Y chromosome, yes, the embryo/fetus would go towards the Mullerian (female) pathway, but in the presence of a functional Y chromosome that is immaterial.

In the the presence of the Y chromosome the Wolfian system causes the development of a phenotypical male, in the absence of a Y chromosome the functional X chromosome activates the Mullerian system and develops a phenotypical female.

If you are male you were male at conception…that moment of conception did not include a phenotypical presentation of anything at that time. You didn’t have a dick or a vajayjay at that moment.

The Other Whitey

Lars will still insist that he’s smarter and knows better than you, regardless of how little he knows about the subject, especially if it’s one in which you have real expertise.


expertise and student loan debt. 🙂

The academic dichotomy.


In approximately 3% percent of births gender is not medically certain.

true, and like being born with fused or extra digits, webbed neck, prominant epicanthal folds, hypospadias, subluxated lenses, imporforate anus, horseshoe kidney, duplex ureters or the many other possibilities, they are abnormalities, not separate and distinct genders to be somehow celebrated.


I am against feeding trolls but I have to chime in here.
I am an Anesthesiologist and I attend many births. Hundreds every year by both C section and vaginal delivery.
In the past 30 years, I gave been able to determine the sex of the baby with one look, I have not seen a hermaphrodite delivery yet.
I have done anesthesia for intersex children as part of my other duties, these are extremely rare.
Your 3% number is not borne out by my personal experience.


All of that sciencey sounding tapdancing just to avoid addressing the idiotic idea that people born with penises can be female, or that people with vaginas can be male. It’s utter bullshit, no matter how you “feel” about it.

Chromosomes don’t lie, but sometimes your feelings do.


Next up: normal boys and girls made to dress and act as the opposite sex. Under threat of government action if parents refuse.


Just for the record, I am having trouble understanding all of this.

However, I do know this:


That is all.




That about covers it.

Thank you.



My pussy is in heat. I have to find someone to spay her so that I don’t have to listen to her yowling all winter long.

When I do get her spayed, she will still be female, even if she no longer has a uterus or ovaries.

She simply won’t be able to produce 4-leggers that climb up your leg in the middle of the night. That’s the science of it.

I have been around mares that had a difficult time foaling, something that screwed up their hormones a lot, after which they took to herding other mares and mounting them. They were desperately in need of hormone therapy, not gender reassignment. Once they got what they needed, they stopped acting like that.

This is not the same thing as some dork who hates himself talking himself into wearing women’s clothing and godawful bad makeup, and presenting himself as a woman when he is NOT one. He needs a shrink to deal with his self-hatred, because reality is a harsh mistress.


“My pussy is in heat”

Ermahgerd…That made my morning. 🙂


I stopped reading after the first sentence…..


Me too! 😳

2/17 Air Cav

It applies to all who want to live in a decent society. Sure, it’s a UK story about paying homage to the god of perversions, but it may as well be here. This is just another in a long list of sick shit that we are told is normal, acceptable, and okay. None of it is, not same-sex marriage, not child exploitation masquerading as entertainment, not trannies in ladies’ rooms, not men kissing on prime-time (or anytime) TV shows or commercials, and not boys having periods, to name just a few. It’s sick stuff arising from a sick society, and it’s worsening.


“It’s sick stuff arising from a sick society, and it’s worsening”. That wraps it up, thanks 2/17.
Note to Lars: See, more is not always better in most cases, especially perversions like this article addresses.


Perversion, failure of a people to defend their country, and loss of values had a great deal to do with the demise of the Roman Empire. That is where the homeland of the former British Empire is headed. In fifty years, it will merely be a province of the Eurabian Caliphate.


Most/All of Western Europe is gone. Holding out hope for China and Russia, though, although I feel they, too, should join in the festivities.

Bill R.

I remember I bled once during gym period when I dove to get out of the way of a dodge ball and bounced my chin off the floor. I still have a scar almost 40 years later.

Kenneth Taylor

I don’t give a dam what any looney, brain dead leftie says but, as fare as I am concerned this whole thing is a massive Pedophile Conditioning Exercise by the Gender Quire Mob of Homos. My children are old enough to know that boys are boys, and girls are girls and any thing in-between is normally a pet dog or a cat. Yes there are Homosexuals and Lesbians, no argument and these people are usually respectful. I do not need any brain washed Socialist Leftie trying to force me or my family into re-education mode just because they want to share their retarded twisted ideas with the world. If they don’t like my stance, then they have the problem not me.

2/17 Air Cav

In the old days, Ken, Jonn would have given you a private ultimatum to provide proof of your service in Vietnam or become the subject of an article. He did it to at least one regular commenter and that clown promptly disappeared. What tipped him off to Jonn was the over-the-top comments he made regarding posers and embellishers. You don’t do that. On the other hand, there’s that question which you never answered, although it has been asked repeatedly. You keep ignoring it. I will not ignore you or grow tired, just so you know.


Here you go Ken, just to refresh your memory:

October 30, 2018 at 10:24 am
2/17 Air Cav: Any idea why neither Taylor, Kenneth T nor Taylor, Ken T isn’t listed?

To make it easy for you, here is the link to the Australian Government DVA Nominal Rolls where you can easily search for your service.

I did a search and came up empty, maybe you will have better luck.

LCpl Rhodes

Why are you posting videos from Styxhexenhammer? That dumbass is a worthless pothead Libertarian shithead that used to be a Bernie supporter. Fuck him and his hippie ass.


Certainly can’t speak to the why, other that what was posted along with the vid. But, can hazard a guess – it is on point to the discussion.

When we quit looking for people with whom we can agree on some topics, we are doomed. If you think you know folks with whom you agree on everything, somebody is lying.

FC2(SW) Ron

The good old days of getting your ass beat for being an in your face fuckwad is what is severely missing in society today. Just shut the fuck up already and go about your business. Reminds me of a Navy pilot O-type I worked with for twenty some years prior to retirement. That douche nozzle would say anything just to stir shit up. Couldn’t believe he was a military “officer”. Can’t wait to see him at a retirement function…..


“That douche nozzle would say anything just to stir shit up. Couldn’t believe he was a military “officer”. Can’t wait to see him at a retirement function…..”

Was his name Lars?


I can write my name in the the Snow in Red…Cool…!!!


Who cares if boys have permission to menstruate? Permission has nothing to do with the ability to do something.

It is permissible for each of us to pay NBA ball. What I don’t have are the characteristics necessary to actually do it. Some of y’all may have the talent, youth, and height to do it, but I don’t. No amount of wishful thinking will change that.

But I have somebody’s permission to do it. It just doesn’t matter.

Lurker Curt

Shit damn, I can still be an astronaut!!!



See – this is one of those occasions when long forgotten lessons in the use of the language is significant. You MAY still become an astronaut, but that has nothing to do with whether you CAN or not.

Guard Bum

Actually, I can believe people like Don Lemon and Joe Scarborough menstruate…they get pretty bitchy at times!




I stated earlier that I was involved in policy development for transgender Soldiers, which taught me a lot about the scientific, medical, and social aspects of this. In the course of the project I met a few trans people and the docs that treat them, and I truly believe they truly believe their gender is not what they were assigned at birth. I fully support them, think they should be treated with dignity and respect, and believe they should be have every opportunity to succeed without bigotry or oppression of any sort. BUT. In a nutshell, my studied opinion is that the gender identity movement, just like the Me Too movement, is causing more harm than good, and most of the harm is being done to the people it is trying to protect. Here’s why: The whole movement is predicated on the notion that sex, gender, and orientation exist on a spectrum, independent of each other. In other words, according to this theory, your biological sex does not dictate gender, and neither dictate your orientation, mainly because gender is a social construct. So, you could be a biological male, identify as a masculine female, and be sexually attracted to women, or any other combination you can think of. At one point, the community had ‘identified’ over 64 genders. Fine, whatever. I get that different people have different orientations, and I think everyone should let their freak flag fly if that is what floats their boat and it doesn’t harm me. I will treat them with dignity and respect, and ask them to do the same to me. This is called tolerance, and I am all for it. I have a problem when I am asked or even required to accept someone else’s nonsense theories. I have an even bigger problem when I am required to indoctrinate my children according to those theories. So, if there is a biological girl that thinks she is a boy at school or vice versa, I will tell my son exactly that, and I will tell him to treat that kid with dignity and respect.… Read more »


Good points reddevil – BTW, did you see the recent uproar over comments that Martina Navratilova made and the pushback she received from the trans community?


Yes- Joe Rogan was similarly criticized over comments about a trans-woman fighter:

I suppose it’s all about what sport and athletic contests are for.

The Other Whitey

The modern left is built on a mountain of Orwellian doublethink, and many of its adherents fail to see the contradictions because they are blinded by a sincere desire to live and let live. I had a discussion with one of my firefighters (a female who prefers other females) a while back on the “gender identity” topic. She was a proponent of the “If they’re not hurting anyone, we can call them what they want” mentality. I countered with this question: How can it be anything other than an infringement of my rights to compel me by force of law to indulge someone’s delusion? She admitted that she didn’t have an answer for that.


Grunt says: “Next up: normal boys and girls made to dress and act as the opposite sex. Under threat of government action if parents refuse.”

Maybe the schools will have mandatory Fag Friday which would mandate everyone to be a Queer For A Day.

And let’s not forget Transgender Tuesday. The kids could dress any way they like. Oh, wait, they are already doing that.

And of course Menstruation Monday. The boys would be required to attend classes on such things as proper application of the maxi pad and instruction re how to remove blood stains from underwear.

Wednesday and Thursday are open to be used at the government’s discretion.

Guarantee the government wants to intrude into our school system to the greatest extent possible. Thought New Math was a crock of shit? You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Think the above is farfetched? Look at the crap the government now requires of its citizens. Nothing is off the table. I think the government does not much care what it mandates. What is important is that it is doing something to take away our rights. Eventually we will have 1984 such that every aspect of our behavior is monitored. No, I don’t wear an aluminum foil hat. One need simply see the current intrusion into our lives. This will not stop on its own accord.

2/17 Air Cav

“Think the above is farfetched?” No, no I don’t. The speed with which the LGBQTBBQ? went from a dark closet to a spotlighted center stage is remarkable. It’s gotten to the point where being queer is no longer a special status, so every other perversion under the sun is being featured now. It’s institutionalized sickness and your prediction is easily foreseeable.


I just found out today that the high school I worked security for has a new trend going on. They have a group of “Furries” running around in the school building.
Yep, kids with ears and tails running around, rubbing against each other.
It was related to me that one of the guys from the baseball team came into class wearing a baseball cap(forbidden since the time of Columbine) and the teacher told him to take the hat off. The young man replied, “you got people running around in this class wearing ears and tails, and you want me take off a baseball cap? I won’t do it”. After thinking it over, the teacher caved and let him keep the cap on.


The “Coexist” bumper sticker only shows 2 genders… (drops mic)


“I am so grateful that I don’t need to constantly check my gender fluid.”

That’s gold, right there.