Feed Two Birds With One Scone, Don’t Kill Them With a Stone

| December 17, 2018

If PETA gets its way, many of the familiar phrases that we’ve used would fall victim to political correctness. Normally, when we use these sayings, we are using the characters in the sayings to symbolize something.

For example, taking the bull by the horns. Granted, most of us will not run out to the pasture and grab any bull by the horns. That’s just asking for trouble. The “bull” happens to be whatever it is that we are trying to accomplish or overcome.

One use for this saying is that we simply have to just “dive in” and tackle the issue. The idea is that a bull would fight back if we tried to grab it by the horns. We’d sometimes find ourselves dealing with a problem that does not offer an “easier route”.

But, we still have to “prevail” regardless of how daunting and difficult the task. This describes many a problem and challenge. Both evolve, and both seem to “tend to try to overcome us”.

A flower doesn’t do that. If you grabbed a flower by the thorn, said flower would not try to fight you back. The meaning of the saying would simply not match the meaning of the original saying.

Ditto with “Kill two birds with one stone”. One of uses of this statement is to resolve two issues with one action. “Killing” implies a benefit to the one doing the “killing”.

If you’re feeding two birds with a scone, this statement becomes more of using one action to compound more than one problem.

From Fox News:

Instead of “kill two birds with one stone,” say “feed two birds with one scone.” “Take the bull by the horns” should be replaced with “take the flower by the thorns” and instead of “bring home the bacon,” say “bring home the bagels”.

They’re trying to include “anti-animal” statements in the same category as “anti-gay” statements.

Our language may be evolving, but the universal meanings, of the sayings that PETA wants to change, remain the same and would lose these meanings under PETA’s version.

Thanks to AnotherPat for this link. You can read more here.


Category: Politics

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Screw the pooch. Old joe is out behind the barn fucking the dog. Think I’ll go salt that birds tail. Balls on a heifer. Trouser Trout.
Spanish fly……………PETA peter eater.

Ok, I made my my point.


“A potato in the bush is worth two in the pot”‘
Maxine Walters

Slow Joe

I don’t get it.

MI Ranger

Which bush is she talking about?


The one that is rustling.


Walk to end of any potato field and you will see small piles of potatos and rocks that were discarded in the bushes by the harvester after each row.
Bush taters are free for the taking but at seven bucks a 10 lb bag for table stock, why bother eating bush culls?

Green Thumb

“My foot in your ass” becomes “My foot in your grass.”

Green Thumb

But then I would run the risk of stepping in a huge, steaming pile of Phil Monkress.

What to do???

Slow Joe

My IQ went down 10 points by reading this. PETA wants to make vegetarians out of all of us.
They can eat a bag.



Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.


SFC D: Can’t say that any more. The PETA-Approved, PC version is “… the domesticated animal you walked in with.” You can’t ride them any longer as was intended by common sense. No, they are now our equal and as such we may only walk with them, not on them.

The do gooders in this country are going to ruin us with supposed kindness. The PETA crowd would have animals the equal of man. We would be unable to use any animal to our benefit. No eating, no riding, no nothing.


^^^Francis and Mr. Ed approve of this message.^^^




What do you have against horses that you would inflict that sort of thing on them?


In some states that form of “inter-species love” is not even a crime.

5th/77th FA

I love the disgusted look of the dog. I believe I resemble him.

Been a proud member of PeopleEatingTastyAnimals for my entire life. Will be inviting a number of tasty animals to be my “Guests for Dinner” during the Christmas/New Years Holiday. They will be accomodated by the Big Green Egg, Smoker, crock pot, grill, and oven.

More saying”

I don’t eat what my food eats.
No bacon recalls all year. How many for lettuce?
2 birds make a bucket from KFC.
Grill a pig, apple in mouth optional.
Mystery meat in C-Rats WAS horse.
On the eighth day, God created bacon. Way to go Big Guy.
Make the bull USDA #1 Prime.

Combat Historian

Talk about a bunch of hen-pecked dykes with nuthin better to do…


PETA should stick to what it does best, killing stray dogs and cats.



They wormed their way out of that controversy. They pop up every so often to get their 15 minutes. Then it’s back to their oversized mahogany or rosewood desks.


“Veggies are what food eats.”


Really throwing the baby out with the bathwater there PETA.
I take it that’s approved since y’alls members probably love you some ‘Planned Parenthood’


I would venture that the whackos at PETA are among the people who are in total agreement with the slaughter that takes place in abortion clinics every day. After all, they would have us believe that the wonderful being inside a woman is nothing more than a non-viable mass of tissue.

Care for animals but kill babies. Yeah, that makes my skin crawl. They can eat a bag of dicks.


“They can eat a bag of dicks” and choke on every single one.
PETA is cancer.
PETA couldn’t find ethics if given a map and a compass.
PETA makes the Westboro Church look rational.
Ok, I’m done.


I’ve been killing Red Squirrels at a pretty good clip this year. Winged one the other day with a 12 gauge #7 birdshot. He was still alive so I went inside and grabbed the pre war Colt. Blam! still moving. Blam! Blam! still moving. Blam!, Blam!, Blam!………..Blam!
Got him.
The Crows have been great lately. They wait about a half hour for the all clear and then clean up the mess. Nature, ya just gotta love it.

The Other Whitey

Kill two birds with one shotgun shell.

I like this one better.


They’re just trying to pet your goat. They know triggering conservatives is as easy as feeding fish in a barrel.


“easy as feeding fish in a barrel”

Good grief. Reminds me of your “Trycare”


You’re that kid we all knew in grade school, aren’t you. The kid that ate paste and smelled funny.


Sheesh, I know you are just trying to pet my goat but you just keep replying to my posts. It is like you can’t stop feeding a fed horse. Maybe you should try a different tactic, after all; there is more than one way to skin a potato.

2/17 Air Cav

These Lars posts are excellent examples of his game. See, he’s just a victim and a sensible fellow with a sense of humor. His comments almost engender sympathy. Almost. He’s a commie SOB who is wrong about nearly everything he asserts.


He’s reminding me of the Liberal Sherpa Tucker has on. Never met a whacky, far-left, extreme liberal idea too crazy to defend.


Uh…… what?

” trying to pet my goat but”


Even wors:
“can’t stop feeding a fed horse”

Not real hot with the puns, are you, sport.


It is not shocking that PeTA makes these outrageous demands.

What they want (and what they get) are articles like this and others that 1) keep them in the news and 2) the ability to convince people they are right and that the language should change.

(For the record, the site I work on covered this too.)

After all, there are always going to be “woke” people who will see oppression in language which is why PeTA tied the ideas to “civil rights.”

It is also interesting to note that on the PeTA site they have cartoon handouts to be distributed by teachers. We all know why that is.

Ever notice how these “campaigns” come around the holiday season when people are more likely to be in a giving mood? Gee….wonder why PeTA does that?


They get wet around Thanksgiving.


As far as I’m concerned, fETA can go Puck itself.

MI Ranger

Here is one that the PC conservative, #METOO, #TIMESUP, and PETA folks really hate:
You will be “Sucking hind tit” if you wait until the deadline to submit your proposal!

Maybe they can change it to say “you will be begging at the homeless shelter” if you wait until the deadline to submit your proposal!

I grew up around farms so I understand exactly what this is suppose to mean, and never even thought of associating it with upright walking animals…mainly because they only have two to go around, and rarely have litters of two or more.


“Sucking hind tit”

Most excellent. Lived on a Dairy farm for many years.


“I grew up around farms”

Here is something you might like:



There is a # 2 lead pencil sticking out of my right thigh after reading this!


mmmmmmm… #barbecue

Hey peta! #forkU2


Fucking idiots.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

These are just some silly twats on twitter twaddling their usual bullshit that is nothing more than click bait for the masses. It’s how they get a conversation started.

I mean, not to beat a dead horse but I’ll take the bull by the horns and kill two birds with one stone and claim there’s nothing there “there” in these tweets that matters in any way to most Americans.

PETA is desperately trying to remain in the public consciousness, but most people don’t give a flying fuck what they have to say anymore than we care what Greenpeace is on about.


The PETA people really want to get rid of animals altogether.

I think they should start with euthanizing themselves. We could start with them, then go after liberal political hacks, and then whatever detritus, flotsam and jetsam are left, like spouse beaters and attention whores, like Piglet and His Friend Pooh.


where is a really good plague that only attacks the stupid and liberal when you need it?


I’ll donate to PETA if and when:

Their office furniture is second hand from thrift stores
The company vehicles are used, five-or-more-year-old Camrys
No executive makes more than $75,000
No executives have personal drivers
They hold their annual meetings in Kansas City (either one)
Assistants to executives do not themselves have an assistant

A Proud Infidel®™

Being a lifetime member of People Eating Tasty Animals, I say that the other PETA can go fuck themselves sideways with a dead Boar’s dick!


I suppose this old playground ditty isn’t on their playlist?



Lars isn’t wrong, though. PETA does shit like this all the time because they know it will get them the publicity they seek. Like the stupid clickbait articles you see on various social media sites, the intention is not to change behavior it’s to get attention.

PETA subscribes to the Oscar Wilde view of publicity: “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”

If you really want to confound PETA just ignore them.



Are you referring to my comment made here: December 17, 2018 at 12:55 pm.

Trust me, I am not Lars.


No I’m referring to Lars (Cthulu)’s comment above yours.

PETA says and does “shocking” things not because they want people to change their behavior but to get their name in the news, and unfortunately it seems to have worked.


I identify as a carnivore with a hankering for onion soup w/broiled cheese on the side.

Oh! I just had another BRILLIANT idea for something entirely different!


I don’t eat rabbit food! I eat rabbits! I’m a fucking carnivore!! Therefore, I’m going to grab the bull by the horns, bring home the bacon, and fry it up into a huge BLT minus the fucking LT!!! Bite my hairy white ass, PETA!! You screwed the pooch!


Not sure where they stand on the issue of screwing the pooch.


That made me chuckle

The Other Whitey

I’ll quote Sam Elliott on “The Ranch.”

Sam Elliott: What the fuck is that?
Debra Winger: Your dinner.
Sam Elliott: That ain’t my dinner. That’s what I feed my dinner!


Meanwhile, in England:

“Now militant vegans target Waitrose: Stunned shoppers watch as demonstrators form human chain around turkey aisle in Brighton store and carry flowers for the dead animals on sale”


There’s a difference between espousing your beliefs and forcing others to abide by them. If you don’t want to eat meat, that’s fine with me. Leaves more on the table for me or to donate to charities.


Militant vegan. Now there’s an oxymoron. Impotent rage vegans.


Carry a spray bottle of water with you and offer that as your response: move or get wet.

When stores start allowing protesters to commandeer something like the meat counter, they won’t be in business much longer.


what does a vegan look like with a fat lip and black eyes?

Asking for a friend…


Fornicate PETA in the neck with an acid-soaked cactus.


Let them be! I want more actresses and models taking their clothes off, all for a non-winner. In the end they’ll go after cat owners, and that will kill their movement.


The CCF wants to change the name of “Frontage Street” to better reflect what PETA stands for.



I’d support that change.


?? Why would the Chinese Communist Forces care about a street name?