Some mornings I just love this site.

| November 28, 2018

I got up at Zero Dark Thirty to finalize this years battle plan for the War on Christmas and some prissy little gay white boy insisted on sending us an early present.



I also noticed that Hillary finally confessed to her crimes:

In an interview over the weekend, Hillary Clinton continued to deny any wrongdoing in the various controversies she was involved with during her time as Secretary of State and the 2016 Democratic candidate, claiming her only crime was “stealing the hearts of the American people.”

The interviewer asked Clinton if she was guilty of any of the myriad accusations against her when she admitted to being “100% guilty” of being America’s sweetheart.

“If being an extremely likable person beloved by every true American is a crime, then lock me up!” she said, laughing. “I’m guilty on all counts! Put me away for years! Throw me in the dungeon and toss the key in the garbage!”

She also confessed to lesser crimes of being “a woman of the people” and “extremely relatable.”

“I can’t help it if I’m just really good at connecting with the common man, who may only own two or three modest homes and wear suits worth less than $1,000,” she said. “I’m just that really down-to-earth kind of person, and you can’t blame me for that. It’s just who I am, fam!”

You people need to be more understanding and compassionate.  Apparently,  you just don’t understand anything.  Try to play nice.


Category: "Teh Stoopid", Do You Miss Me Yet?, Dumbass Bullshit

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So … who is the tard in the recorded message? All the names he calls me as well as the accusations, it’s almost as if he knows me personally. He was possibly right about one thing, tho, WASPs in America are being out-populated by other groups who have higher birth rates. Doesn’t bother me … I’ll be dead. I do hope, though, that the national cemetery where my ass is parked is well maintained. I’m almost glad I don’t have any grandchildren.

The Other Whitey

WASP? Well, I’m white, but neither Anglo-Saxon nor Protestant, so that excludes me.


I’m offended also by his WASP comment.
I’m a “Dickweed” and proud of it! (smile)

This guy’s favorite Christmas song is probably the one that has the verse….
“now we don our gay apparel….”
(not there’s anything wrong with that) /s


Undoubtedly. He is one foul mouthed little mangina-boi. He should go into mommy’s basement and suck start a 12 guage since he has such an unhappy life. Query: Is that suggesting “self-murder,” as our favorite self-murder victim would say. (Clarification: Lawn Dart Danny was likely a victim of his own incompetence in aviation)


I’ve been an honorary black man since 1985…. so I have that going for me.


“I was born a poor black child….”


Good morning, Dave.
Thanks for the laugh.

I’m guessing here, but I think the caller looks a lot like this guy. (grin)

comment image

The Other Whitey

So now we can identify Commissar by face and voice.


I always suspected he was a mouth breather.


Nice command of one word. I only made it to about one minute… it was amusing that his speech patterns are 100% white middle class. Let’s just say he probably is not living up to Mommy and Daddy’s expectations.


“white middle class”

Concur. I was on the edge of my seat awaiting a loud bang follwed by gurgling sounds during the long pause before he hung up.

Lurker Curt

Okay, wait…those “quotes” from Hildabeast were made up, right? I mean, she can’t really be *that* delusional, can she?

I hope she dies in a fire…

Oh, and as for the self-hating white dumbass in the recording- srsly, dude? Really?


Oh, yeah: That’s from a satire news site “The Babylon Bee”.

I was reading a BBC article on the Fake News trend, and it appears most of it originally came from one man (a liberal). He started the trend before the 2016 election in order to troll conservatives and then call them out for ‘being stupid and gullible’.. I think it backfired on him, but he is too smug to admit it and still takes delight in inventing stories to see how many conservatives or racists he can Dox.

Story is here:


And the great part is that if you block and copy the line (“If being an extremely likable person beloved by every true American is a crime, then lock me up!” she said, laughing.) into your browser, the FIRST HIT is not the Babylon Bee, it’s TAH.

Dave Hardin

Shhh…don’t tell these MAGA crazed loons around here that Fake News is real. Those are not drums you hear beating in the distance … those are thumps you hear.


“…and it appears most of it originally came from one man (a liberal). He started the trend before the 2016 election…”

Karl Marx unavailable for comment.

2/17 Air Cav

Just saw your cmt. In the Mid-Week Open Thread I mentioned that their kick-off in Toronto fell about 17000 seats short of filling the 19000 seat arena. I guess Canadians don’t like being played for saps either.


I guess Canadians don’t like being played for saps either.

Dunno about that, 2/17. They elected Trudeau the Lesser, didn’t they?

5th/77th FA

And just think, most of us served to preserve his right to be an idiotic douche bag. Kinda makes ya proud, don’t it? /s/ Dip shit waste of oxygen. Wonder if he hates himself as much as he hates others? Wonder if he realizes when minorities rise against “whitey” he’ll be one of the ones robbed, beaten, and burned out? Wonder if he realizes how “whitey” has done more to advance modern civilization than all the other races combined? Wonder if he could just STFU and/or ESAD?
I am concerned for my Grand Children. I do wonder what kind of world they will have when they are are ages.


The fact he hates himself is a given.


” most of us served to preserve his right to be an idiotic douche bag.”

It proves the truth of that old adage, “No good deed goes unpunished”.


Well, I cant confirm that I am going to commit “not living”. However, that love message does have me close to dying of laughter. Poor guy, not having anyone to love close to the holidays.


“Poor guy, not having anyone to love close to the holidays.”

Don’t worry, he has several pair of socks. Mommy probably washes them for him.


Sounds like some kid in moms basement.
He’s pissed at people. Especially dad for leaving him and mom even though she got the house and the 401K. When he turns 21 there will be no trust fund because mom settled for the house instead. She can turn a nice profit on the house and leave junior to fend for himself.
He got used by both parents and now he is pissed.
Daddy was a shitbag draft dodger and that is why he hates TAH.
Your research may show different results.


Yeah Dave, you dumb fucking Christian!


That one about put the coffee into the already filled sinuses. Dave’s a lot of things, but I’m fairly certain “dumb fucking Christian” didn’t make the list!


No doubt the mouth breather on the recording is a graduate of the S2 shop.

Dave Hardin

You people need Jesus … just sayin



For an intelligent fellow, as he claims to be, he sure does seem to portray a mastery of the English language on that recording. Nice repetition on the expletives there.


He’s quite the example of somebody’s quality school system.


He lashes out at men because deep down in his hollow little chest, he knows he’ll never be one.

Yawn, son. Yawn. Does my existence piss you off? Good. Because that means my life has actually had an impact, something you’ll never have to worry about having made.

Oh, and go suck start a cannon.


“Oh, and go suck start a cannon.”

I almost choked reading that line. Freaking hilarious.


lol…I almost dropped mah banjo


And that almost made me fall off the porch.


And that woke up all the dogs…


But your sister-cousin, didn’t that piss her off?


Uncle-Daddy’s gonna be mightily pissed!


Aunt-Momma is horrerin’ fer supper and Pa’s in the barn with the mules agin’.


And the cow isn’t giving any milk what with Uncle-Daddy standing behind her with a step ladder.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

That shit was so funny I had to close my office door.

That sad little twerp wasting his time thinking anyone cares at all what he has to say just made me smile. Does he honestly think I’m going to sit back and think about how righteous he is? He’s just another fucking whiner parasite who never contributed a dime beyond his minimum wage no skill labor.

I know more than a few of these useless jagoffs who think they should be paid lots of money for being superior to the rest of us knuckle dragging mouthbreathers but he can’t sell his amazing skill set to anyone because it’s not worth acquiring by any employer.

It’s quite fun knowing I get to live rent free in his sad little mind.


Nobody cares? Why the post with 50+ comments?

I read some of his comments and understand his frustration. He posited a very faithful and diligent argument from a left of center view. Unfortunately his failure is in the foundation of the basic illogic of his leftist arguments. It is that point that all leftists miss.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

“Nobody cares? Why the post with 50+ comments?”

There could be 500 comments and still no one actually cares.

It just made me laugh to hear him ranting all pissed off and I enjoy sharing that view with the folks here.

We are in agreement that the basic illogical nature of the positions expressed during the rant are lost on him and those who share his opinions.

Although as I consider it, perhaps you are right that we do care a bit because we share the nation with these people and they are so fundamentally lost in their world view that we should care even more that these people vote and reproduce.


Your comments from you sourpusses are forcing me to ask: should I listen to that drivel from a sniveling draft-dodging whiny-assed mouth breather?

Or should I just go shovel snow again and be glad I live where people can express themselves freely without fear of being burned at the stake?

While you’re sorting that out, Dave never calls, never writes. No gravy for you, Fella!

Lurker Curt

I say take a break, have a cup of cocoa, ignore Whiny Ass Brat Boy, and go back to shoveling- at least that’s productive.


Hey Ex-PH2, just a shout out to you to thank you for posting the link to the Lehman website a week or so ago.

I just received their catalog. Awesome stuff!


My pleasure, Skyjumper!


The Clinton foundation is down to about 10% of its cash compared to when she was SOTS.


Gee Whiz…

Was that the BEST that Man-Child could do?



Noun: A person considered contemptibly inept at a particular activity.

Synonyms: Bungler,Incompetent, Bumbler


I’m going to post this just because of the kind of guy I am, generous, thoughtful, caring. Self Loathing pussy boy, this is for you. I hope you come here and take some notes and broaden your horizons (Disclaimer: In this instance, I an suspending the usual TAH Roberts Rules of Order for the benefit of Dave’s Caller….Consider me “MOTHERFUCKING SANTA” here’s your CHRISTMAS Gift…girly ass, ball licking rectum tonguer… The Continent of Insults®™ (aka, “This Ain’t Hell” Thesaurus) FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!! TACTICAL NUCLEAR ROUND OUT!!!! THREE PASS AIRCRAFT BOMB RUN!!!!! DANGER CLOSE!!!! MOPP LEVEL 4!!! TAKE COVER!!!!! ….Pussy, gender bending, baby dick caller who cried at Dave over the phone , vile, flaming piece of skunk shit, ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed or proven, but in some people’s opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobo’s crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, HOLY Baby Ape Shit Breath, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, “Fowl” mouthed Chicken Fucking Chickenfucker, You flaccid piece of tofu, Simply a fart in life waiting to be fabreezed away, moral equivalent of pond scum, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS A WALKING TURD, inflamed, “Towel boy” in a gay bath house, DILLY DILLY!!, Ambulatory verbal dissembling anus, Fucking one cell spermatozoon with a tiny flagella, gaping giant ass walking fungus shit nugget, Bag of seasoned dog shit, Cambodian cunt sauce, he deserves to have his private parts gnawed by angry badgers, Anyone who ever loved you was wrong, bucket of ass chum, Poopy Headed ball working asshole, JERK OFF !!, Soup Sandwich, if you Mom would have known you were going to turn out like this, she’d have prayed for a miscarriage, Diaper-Sniper, you’re such a pussy, when you get a haircut they charge you for a bikini wax, suck a big diseased gorilla dick and open those ass cheeks for the bull elephant that has been eyeing your lying ass, Poster-child for post birth abortion, Testicle face, This twat waffle is dumber than a bucket of goat piss, I pray thou shalt be pursued into the mountains… Read more »


a black hole would spit you out, the founding fathers said all men are created equal….except for you, you make scientists contemplate the possibility that there’s a negative IQ number, if you an 2 other guys ran a race together, you’d come in fourth, dick pickle, gòrach pìos de cac, It looks like he smeared super glue on his lip and chin and went down on Whoopi Goldberg’s cootchie, You make PTSD/TBI look like a state fair, a 3 ring circus and Disneyland all rolled into one, likes to gargle with a mouthful of unborn crib midgets, He can shit and fall in it as far as I am concerned(This one is for the Ladies and Medical Staff) this prancing fairy is about as popular as a failed Episiotomy with a 4th degree perineal tear, wanker, herpes-ridden dung beetle target, feejackapeesack, first volunteer for being part of a jailhouse human centipede, bunghole warrior, cockwomble, bread loaf end slice, should eat a nice steaming pile of monkey shit you ass clown, looks like hammered dog shit, Your mother may have told you that you could be anything you wanted, but a douchebag wasn’t what she meant, If Mr. Rogers were alive, he’d piss on your grave, helmet wearing short bus riding window licker, Head paddler in the douche canoe, Uncle Fucker, more ate up than a chocolate dildo in a crowded gay bar, shitbag, dipstickus giganticus, Humpty Dumpty cleanup man after the fleet visits Naples, Herp-Burger, poofter, intergalactic cunt muffin, knob gobbling, fimicolous galactic Jackoff, Deputy executive assistant jizz mopper in training, chronic hemorrhoid, stugatz, inbred, toe-jam from an infected Filipino hooker that specializes in foot jobs, tortured turnip turd, Sea Donkey, festering pool of anal leakage, your penis lives in eternal darkness, I’d hate to see your toilet, retardus maximus, Microcephalic Toad Licker, can go suck a fat baby’s dick, steaming rat-felching bucket of moldy monkey fuck, Bellicose ball gnashing raper of babies with rabies, Pecker-puffing pickle licker, catcher not pitcher, bawbag, about as useful as a white crayon, Arschloch, impotent koekeloeren, slaptard, couldn’t even be trained in my AFSC… Read more »


Amen! Aaamen! AAmen, AMEN, AMEN!!!!



Do you see now why I called that Man-Child an Amateur…he needs to learn from PROs…



Nous sommes tous “Le Continent de Insults’®™


I get all teary every time I read that. Thank you Chip, you are truly a master.


Don’t forget, and a reminder to all, I only started this when it was like two paragraphs, I interneted a bunch, remembered some and thought of some on the daily commutes, but, most of all, a LOT of this came from all of you and you know which ones are your babies.

Please continue to try to poke me in any of the threads to let me know if you have any additions, just throw them under my posts and I hope I’ll see your replies.
If you don’t see a response to your suggestions or for a request and seconds etc, to drop the
The Continent of Insults®™ on any individual, please poke me anywhere yo see me comment and direct me to your post.


5th/77th FA

All Hail All Hail The Continent of Insults. It has been missed. A most approby place for it to show back up. Thanks ChipNASA!


That’s gotta leave a mark like a branding iron!

RGR 4-78

I really got a kick out of the picture of Kommando Kevin water boarding the Christmas elf. Funny stuff.

Then imagine my surprise, a “guest” audio recording to complete my jolliness.

Happy Days are here again!

A Proud Infidel®™️

He sounds like some self-loathing candyassed booger-eating snowflake from UC Berzerkely who would never have the balls to say any of that to someone’s face.


One positive thing is he and his boyfriend(s) will never reproduce no matter how long the “train” gets.


My chuckle came from contrasting the many excellent and knowledgeable comments on the computer modelling thread with this potty mouth’s depiction of the folks of TAH. With thanks to Chip for the wall of insults. Having battled anti-nuclear types in public, it was drummed into me to not be derogatory in a public forum, but boy do I enjoy it when someone does it to someone who deserves it.


I’m sure the sperm sodden little butt queef is reading every word posted here and about to pop a blood vessel. He’s so angry that he won’t even touch the hot pockets mommy made for him. Who knew that trying to be an internet badass would be so hard? Speaking of hard, Bubba will be visiting him shortly for a little “afternoon delight.” Little butt queef wants us to kill ourselves because he’s too cowardly to attack us himself. But what does one expect from a sissy boi who shouts profanities from mommy’s basement?


Am not white, right wing or a redneck… wow dude. Shooting mouth off and not even knowing your back drop. If I had not spent time in the Peoples Communist Republic of Kommiefornia if take offense. But shooting you mouth from your well to do sisters house is too Damn funny.


You kiddo must be an ASBAB waiver

2/17 Air Cav

Man. This is killin’ me. For some reason, I can’t get the audio. I get the striped line. The speaker is on. Nothing. Hep me.


You really haven’t missed much, unless you haven’t heard enough f-bombs this week.

As to the other issue – when that happened to me a while back, the function key (F11 on this Toshiba laptop) had accidently been pressed. Not likely your issue or you would have noticed the “X” over the speaker symbol on your screen. Or something.

USMC Steve

I get the sense that this oddball was trying to make a point here.

We may get outbred, but this fool is definitely inbred. By my mere existence, I seem to make him absolutely crazy, and I am very happy about that.