Blast From the Past-Kevin Holian; phony Vietnam vet, POW

| November 28, 2018

“Congratulations” to Kevin Holian, today’s Blast From the Past star.

As I was going through the hate posts that never got airtime, I noticed that one IP seemed to provide the bulk of the hate mail directed at Jonn. This individual, using multiple usernames, attempted to post comments on three threads from this one IP:

  • RIP, SFC Jonn Lilyea
  • SFC Jonn V. Lilyea U.S. Army — Funeral at Arlington National Cemetery
  • Kevin Holian; phony Vietnam vet, POW

This started to look easy. I looked at the language on the Kevin Holian article, and noticed that Jonn called Kevin, “Junior” in one of the attachments. In these hate posts, this individual consistently called Jonn “Junior”.

This is a part of what he tried to say with regards to how we should conduct ourselves:

The federal and states laws about Stolen Valor address posing for monetary gain versus a person saying or wearing anything. Stolen Valor Act and laws address the fraud perpetrated to gain veteran benefits or other monetary benefits. The Stolen Valor Act has zero to do with words, dress appearance and freedom of speech statements by anyone.

Jonn and TAH are sadly and will remain misguided. They TAH should address stolen valor correctly or simply continue to be a Hate Group, much similar to the KKK or any other vile Hate Group.

His attempt to “sneak in”:

As a CTT2 in the Navy I was in awe at the courage of SFC Lilyea. He was my idol and role model. He showed me how to be the greatest man I could be. My wife dated him before she met me. She always loved him, even now. Navy guys could never be as good as a Army grunt like Lilyea.

He also attempted to sneak in by stealing the username of a regular participant on this site.

He utilized multiple usernames to attempt to get in. Fortunately for us, and unfortunately for this individual, he didn’t gain any traction. He appeared to have control and anger issues. These apparent issues appeared to get in the way of his sense of common decency, if he had one. So much that he entered the site and trashed one of the founders who had just passed away.

However, for the efforts of this individual, posting from one IP while using multiple usernames, we could reward Kevin Holian, aka “Junior” by reinforcing his Google fame.

As for who this individual is, it could be a sock puppet, or it could be someone that attempted to go “Wickre” on us. Either way, he needs to know that what he intended to do with those attempts did nothing but backfire.

On a side note, Claw gave us a lead that has been moved up on the list, will be featured next. Kevin Holian got rushed to the front on the account of what this one individual said… Most not yet suitable for posting.

Here’s what Jonn said last time:

Someone sent us their work on this fellow, Kevin Holian who claimed in one of his Facebook Groups that he was a Vietnam veteran and a POW of that war;

Yeah, but no. He did serve towards the end of the Vietnam War as a Vietnamese linguist – he ended his training four months after combat troops left Vietnam. The closest he got to Vietnam was Korea. Then he finished his commitment in the Reserves.

To complete the evidence, the alphabetical list of Vietnam POWs from the US Army who have been accounted for;

It’s not his fault that war ended before he could get to it – it is his fault that he had to make shit up to feel better about himself. And a POW, ffs.

From Kev on our Facebook page;


Category: Past Posers

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Wilted Willy

So here we have another sock puppet, I hope you enjoy your Google fame there asslick! You are nothing but a pussy trying to gain fame and attention for something you never had the balls to actually do! Quit trying to stand in the blood of real heroes that did do these things!
Puppet in the wire!
Expend all ammo!
Fire for Effect!!






Wilted Willy

Amen! Grunt!!


If he’s still that desperate for attention, when is he going to do something useful with himself to get it?

What a dork!

Combat Historian

He received the standard treatment after he was captured by the NVA: He had to survive in a tiger cage and was forced to play russian roulette, and then was rescued by a beautiful Vietnamese cleaning girl whom he was able to befriend. Yep, he totally legit…///


CH, I think he meant he was stuck in “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood” and was subjected to hearing this song over and over and over again. The Horror!!!

Combat Historian

NVA torture technique we never heard about…


Gawd I wish I hadn’t clicked on that

5th/77th FA

From his post “Now you know who I am” But do you like long walks on the beach? Getting freaky with a double bacon cheese burger pulled pork hoagie on the Sabbath? You piece of s#^\.
From the picture; so this is what it feels like to be a towel boy in training at Brucie’s Bath House (entrance in the rear).
So Kevin Holian, Google Hit, how does it feel to be a lying, valor stealing,low life asinine, piss poor excuse for an oxygen thieving waste of humanity? Coulda, woulda had some semblance of honorable service, but had to take a steaming dump on it. And to add the old proverbial insult to injury, you had to attempt to besmirch the name of a man that was loved and respected by thousands. You, sir, are not worth the percussion cap, much less the powder, to blow your worthless ass up. Why don’t you just crawl back under your rock? Or you could just ESAD MF.



Isn’t this him? According to the September 2018 Article posted below, he is now “UNABLE TO HAVE INTERCOURSE WITH HIS WIFE.”


“Long Beach Police Commissioner Sued For $15 Million”

“A Syosset man who claims that Long Beach Police Chief Michael Tangney punched him without provocation is now suing the city and Tangney for $15 million for physical and emotional harm.”

“Kevin Holian, 65, a retired IRS worker, claimed last December that Tangney pulled him over in Long Beach for running through a stop sign and then punched him in the face while he was trying to get his license and registration. However, an investigation conducted by the Nassau County District Attorney’s office closed this year and did not bring charges against Tangney.”

“Court documents show that Holian and his wife are suing the city for multiple reasons, including malicious prosecution, abuse of power, emotional distress, violating Holian’s civil rights and causing Holian to be unable to have intercourse with his wife, among others.”

Toasty Coastie

Ohhh dear….Is this Bernath’s long lost twin? I feel triggered reading about a POSer suing someone for no reason….

Former EM1/SS

Isn’t this him? According to the September 2018 Article posted below, he is now “UNABLE TO HAVE INTERCOURSE WITH HIS WIFE.”

As I hear it, no one else is having that problem. Popular lady at the truck stop, I’m told….


You mean she graduated from behind the dumpster at Popeye’s?


Maybe that claimed punch to his head brought back all those terrifying memories of his imaginary years of captivity and abuse by the North Vietnamese in the Viet of the Nam, triggering the dreaded PTS of D. And that angst is preventing him getting wood in his willie. Who knows maybe he was on one of them secret squirrel missions into Viet of the Nam when he was based in Korea, and that is how he was captured.


What he doesn’t say is that he was unable to have intercourse with his wife for twenty years BEFORE the alleged stop.


He was likely “unable” because he can only perform with the boys at Brucie’s.


When even Viagra doesn’t help with the wife there is only one reason left to explain it.

You have correctly diagnosed his ED.


Once again we have a liar who lies in a way to embarrass and demean himself. Do they think that it makes the claim seem less absurd?


Perhaps he now suffers from a prolapsed penis?


Guys, guys, stop arguing. It’s very simple. Yes, Kevin is admittedly unable to have intercourse with his wife, because……

“He can’t stop fucking himself


😀 😀 😀


From his conduct and fraudulent claims, could his nickname be “Ass?” Ass Holian has a nice ring to it. And it looks like his personality was ideal for his former career with the IRS.


The assholian is a reed instrument.
Tounge position is everything.
Kinda like the skin flute.


“unable to have intercourse with his wife, among others”

Am I reading that correctly?


GREAT CATCH,26Limabeans!


Dwight Schwarz

With all these people who claim to be what they are not, maybe I should do what the official spokesman for all veterans on another site said I should do, tear them up and wipe my @&& with them. Then I should contact folks in Chicago and Hawaii who managed to forge documents for that impostor and get new ones made and see if there are awards for everything I have been told as to my value. L with 3 oak leaf clusters, WS with 4 oak leaf clusters, MWS with 3 oak leaf clusters, DBD, come to mind right off the top of my head and am sure will think of more. Also ought to delete a bunch of pics out of personal files in computer and slides in closet, my thoughts for the moment.


Hey you sick impotent fuck. The plural of “attorney” is “LAWERS”, dumbie. Geez. Why are they all so fucking stoopid?


A possible solution for Kevin Holian’s Erectile Dysfunction Disorder:

Kevin needs to read this Self-Help Book by Kevin Michael Holian AKA Richard E. Broome, a trained Life Coach, titled “An Unconditional Life: Choosing Needs Over Wants”

The Author learned alot from his German Shepard, Joseph.

If you click on the book in the link, you will be able to read several pages:

“Unconditional lives begin with the decision to learn before judging – a deceptively simple way of approaching life and love, considered here in this reflective and conversational guide to a better life.”


Maybe he just needs a couple of popsicle sticks and some duct tape. Cheaper than Viagra and no prescription needed.


You are da bomb, Pat, when it comes to searching the interwebs. Pretty amazing that this lying POSer has anything useful or truthful to say in his 200 page self-help book. I like how the seven new copies are cheaper than the one used one. They must really be selling like hotcakes.


Thank You, rgr769. 😊

Am sure his Wife is overjoyed that her Life Coach Hubby has let the cat outta the bag by letting the public know that he can’t get it up anymore for her.

And that he credits his dog, Joey, on teaching him how to approach life and love.



AS TO Kevin’s little “problem”… there are “little blue pills” for you little blue pecker, Kev.


Retired IRS worker.

Explains a lot.

Give a petty tyrant a little undeserved power, and watch them abuse it. Then take it away from them, and watch them really go apeshit.

Sucks for you, Junior.


I hope this pisses off Kevin.


Green Thumb


Green Thumb

Also, dude looks familiar.

Where is out of?


He’s from Long Beach, New Yawk.

Green Thumb


I would not know him then.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Kevin Holian is still a 24K dildohead!


Hey, Kev, so you can’t give the ol’ high hard one to the missus? Whose choice is that, hers or yours? I’m asking for a friend.

Fucking termite


Again this is libel and my atourneys have advised me to seek there counsel to dispose of this rubbish institued and designed to smear my good name. I have all the credible papers and will submit them only by court issued command. Until then you loosers keep living your miserable fake lifes while I sip on my scotch and laugh. Prepare for incomming summons to appear before my atourney to state the reasonings behind these malicious claims to smear my client.


Huh? Are you talking or your “atourney”?

Green Thumb

This loser cannot even spell loser.



Kevin “Ass” Holian, you should spend some time taking remedial English instead of posting fake threats here. Or, if you want to spend several hundred dollars you can find a real lawyer who can read and write English to send us a demand letter. However, you will be wasting your money as the law is well settled that we are free to tell the truth about your military service and post our opinions regarding said service. If you want to spend thousands of dollars on legal fees, go ahead and sue us. It has been done before by other POSers like you, but not successfully. In several cases, the insurers for those POSers ended up paying tens of thousands of dollars to those of us who were sued.

RGR 4-78

Is that new age speak for attorneys on a journey?

“you loosers”
I am not looser nor am I A loser. And I am positive that none of the others that hang out here are either.

Lay off the scotch and learn to read and write english, you dumbass.

Green Thumb

It appears we have another Paul-mer (of the ballsack).

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.


This is written like a Nigerian prince email. What credible papers? If you’re the one demanding stuff through a court, then why would you submit the “credible papers” only by “court issued command?” And what incoming summons to appear before your atourney? Is that like a renaissance fair drinking tournament? I think you’re more than sipping your scotch. And I doubt it’s scotch. Cleaning fluid is not meant to be used as cheap alcohol.


Of course they’d advise exactly that.

Nothing says, “Easy payday!” like someone with a terminal case of butthurt willing to pay someone $250/hour to go, “Sorry bro, you got no case.”

How much did you give them for a retainer? Asking for a friend.


“I sip on my scotch”
Sip faster you’re starting make sense.