Central American Caravan Poses Serious Public Health Threat; TB, Dengue, Chikungunya
As if any another reason was required: this invasion brings bio-hazards with it.
The caravan of Central Americans marching towards the United States poses a serious public health threat and could bring dangerous diseases into the country, a prominent physician in a key border state warns. “It’s insane to bring in migrants from any country without proper health screening,” said Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. At her Tucson, Arizona practice, Dr. Orient, a graduate of the prestigious Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, specializes in internal medicine. In an interview with Judicial Watch she said that extremely drug resistant strands of tuberculosis are among the infectious diseases the Central American migrants are likely to bring in. Others include mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue and chikungunya that are widespread in the region.
Just this week a mainstream newspaper reported on the health crisis created by the influx of Venezuelans fleeing to neighboring countries. The migrants are spreading malaria, yellow fever, diphtheria, dengue, tuberculosis and AIDS throughout South America. Many of the diseases had been considered eradicated in the neighboring Latin American countries, according to government officials cited in the article, which states that “contagion from Venezuela’s economic meltdown is starting to spread to neighboring countries—not financially, but literally, in the form of potentially deadly diseases carried among millions of refugees.” As an example, the story reveals that “measles reappeared with a vengeance” in a Brazilian city near the Venezuelan border that had declared the highly contagious airborne disease “vanquished” nearly two decades ago. “Measles is already spreading beyond the Brazilian Amazon to other Brazilian states, as well as Colombia, Peru and as far south as Argentina, according to recent Pan American Health Organization reports,” the article states. “Other diseases racing through communities in Venezuela are now crossing borders and raising concerns among health authorities as far away as the U.S.”
The entire article may be viewed at Judicial Watch
Category: Illegal Immigrants
It’s almost like these people are coming from a shithole.
They ARE coming from a shythole and they are bringing diseases that we have not seen for decades….let’s all hope the dumocraps catch the diseases!!
You overlooked the good ole standby’s, clap and scabies.
If memory serves me correctly after all these years, when my father and his siblings legally entered the United States through Ellis Island there was a simple health screening. Years later when I was working in Republic de Panama, we encountered people in the Free Zone on the Atlantic side of the same name, same faith, same origin in Palestine now Israel. They said their ancestors were turned away from Ellis Island on suspicion of having TB. The next stop from Ellis Island was Colon, Panama which is how they wound up there.
Great story, CM. Meeting relatives you never knew in Panama of all places, very cool.
Should have mentioned they owned and operated a jewelry store in the Colon Free Zone and the blond left Panama with a lot of bling.
Would be great if every dem liberal were made to take in these peeps and they could let them live in their basement like Lazlo in Real Genious.
Unfortunately they would, and then start trafficking them and having them mow their yards and cook their dinners for $10 a day.
Another reason to call this what it is: an illegal invasion of the soil of the United States of America. I noticed on the posting the other day of the units that were there, seemed to be a number of medical type outfits. And a number of those seemed to be medical units that were more geared toward infections as v wounds. Between this potential invasion and the idiots not getting their kids vaccinated, crap that we got rid of decades ago will come screaming back in. As posted above, used to you had to be in a fairly good medical condition to be let in. Why has that changed? Secure the border! Build the wall, or two, or three! And while we’re at it, DRAIN THE SWAMP!
“…medical units that were more geared toward infections as v wounds.”
I noticed that, too, and wondered about it, because the hanta virus is found in the Southwest.
However, I did not realize until now that it isn’t just the people on this northward trek. It’s also people escaping/fleeing Venezuela. Some of that stuff, like dengue, is less of a worry in the north, but measles? Does this mean we have to inquire about getting a measles (MMR) update? And CDC is saying “be up to date on that, too.”
News of the Hanta virus was big in the Southwest back in the mid-90s, right after I finished cleaning all the rodent shit out of the neglected dormers in my house in NM. Timing is everything…
We could almost count this as an assault with WMD, biologicals. IIRC the whole French Revolution/The Storming of the Bastille was done with less people than this. Why aren’t the people marching the other way. How much aid do you think The Trumpster would give them if they overthrew their little tinpot dick tatars? Do not let single one pass.
So, I just had a great idea. Let all the liberal lawyers headed to the border to assist these wonderful folks, be denied any body isolation precautions, you like protective mask etc. That way when one of our future democrats coughs up a big green luggy on one of them they will then understand how stupid they are.
I remember the day filled with vaccinations I had to have to go to beautiful Soto Cano air base in Honduras. What a great place! The water was pure as chlorine could get it. The malaria pills at the mess hall were sublime. I remember Specialist Shake and Bake who still managed to catch malaria. He had a name, but no one remembered it. Oh what times we had. Let’s bring them all in, what could go wrong?
OMG….it looks like a ‘herd’ from the Walking Dead! But smells much worse I imagine.
Bringing diseases into the USA via “migrants” and “refugees”, further proof to me that liberals and the left want to turn the United States into a third world shithole.
What would Joe Arpaio do? Left to my devices, I’d transport at least 10,000 of them to Westchester County, NY and give them maps to the Clinton’s place as well as any Kennedys still living there. Take another 1,000 or so to Hillary’s place in Foxhall, maybe 30 or 40 thousand to Capitol Hill and the rest could be resettled in San Francisco.
Elizabeth Warren could use a couple thousand domestic campaign assistants, as could Maxine Waters.
You know how they say “improvise and overcome”? Well, git’r’dun!
I do not fault folks for wanting to come here. Best place on earth, in my opinion.
By providing -easy- escape, we take the pressure off the Thugs back in the old places. Why fight a messy rebellion when paradise is one trek away?
Our insane “welfare” state is the big problem. Come here to work and prosper? You add to the national wealth as you move up. Come here to veg out and skim free stuff? We grow plenty of lazy idiots already. No need for imports.
I want it to be -hard- to get in and stay here, and easy to flunk out any get sent back. That way we skim off all the hardworking, tough, smart folks from elsewhere, and get them working on -our- side. The leftovers will be no threat to us run by generalissimo dingleberry, dictator dipstick, partyleader poobah, or Ayatollah assholla.
I want “the wall” to be “ninja warrior challenge”. I want the ports of entry to be brain-tests. Stand up ” army of the United States auxiliary” and draft them all for six years of indoctrination, work, national Guard type service, and civil works.
Permanent residence in return, and eligibility to become citizens.
After all that, they mostly would be fire-breathing citizens and Patriots welded to the soul of America, and intolerant of the few slackers and cheats and shitbags in their midst.
It was the Legions that Romanized the western world. All those foreign-born folks Romanized by the Legion, then mustered out -elsewhere- as Romans.
Until the system became politically corrupt and failed, it was amazingly stable.
We should not give away the extremely valuable privilege to come here. Folks do not tend to value that which is cheaply available, but treasure what was difficult to obtain. And thus having well and truly -earned- it, they will shed blood to -conserve- it.
Well said.
They are not coming here to become American Citzens! half are terrorists, or NWO plants, or MS13 or some such scum that should be exterminated imho! Any that legitimately want to come here to be citizens…TAKE THE LEGAL ROUTE! or stay the hell out!