A Follow-up on the Gun Ban That Failed

| November 1, 2018

This is a follow-up to the news from last summer about the Mayor of Deerfield, IL, a bedroom community near a shopping center, declaring a gun ban and trying to seize guns that belonged to the residents, even thought those people were following the very strict, strictured rules of the Illinois FOID and CCW. A suit was filed against her ban and it was overturned, partly because the mayor’s methods were unreasonable and also because they violated the Illinois state laws on gun ownership.


Since then, the resolution declaring Effingham County a sanctuary for guns has started a statewide trend of opposition to legislation directed toward firearms. But it remains to be seen if it has any real effect in Springfield.

So far, 30 Illinois counties have passed “firearms sanctuary” resolutions that oppose bills before the state legislature and declare that the counties will not enforce laws that infringe on the Second Amendment. The resolutions have not been tested by any new laws, but it appears the resolutions would not affect how law enforcement operates. – Article

The article includes a color-coded map of the counties in Illinois which have voted themselves into gun owner sanctuary status as of July 2018. This is partly because they are good game hunting counties, which represents a certain amount of income.

The map also shows by color coding which counties are in the process of voting to declare themselves gun sanctuaries, as well as those which are planning to move in that direction. I cannot imagine moving back to Macon County, but the southern and western parts of the state are very attractive. And the further you get from Chicago, the more you see that the state of Illinois is a farm state, not an industrial platform.

There’s an NRA video about it here:


The article is dated July 2018. It’s the most recent information I could find on this. It’s the vox populi* part so disliked by politicians who want to stick their noses into everything – they don’t want your opinion, nor do they care what you want, unless it’s voting time.

*Vox populi = voice of the people

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns

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5th/77th FA

“they don’t want your opinion, nor do they care what you want” They are Borg. Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated. Like hell! Damn a bunch of politicians. Contrary to what they believe, we are intelligent enough to know what is best for us, and yes, our communities. Was informed of the “Draconian” gun laws of Illinois on a trip thru to Neb a few years back. Had driven thru the extreme southern end previously, but never stopped or laid over in state. Laid over near Collinsville visiting some good folks. They too, were disgusted with what politicians, especially at the state level, had/were doing, and many are ready to get out. We wish y’all luck, and when you get ready—Welcome South Sister.


It’s like a good woman, more fun to be had by touching. Not the same kind of fun, but fun nonetheless.


I attended school in southeastern Illinois, Wabash Valley College, and was pleasantly surprised to find out how much the people there and throughout southern Illinois, detested the Springfield and Chicago politicians.


I lived in Collinsville when I was a kid, in fact, I started school there….:)


The draconian gun laws recently enacted in the PDRofMD have mostly been ignored. As I may have mentioned before, our county Sheriff has flat refused to enforce them.

He’s up for reelection next week- he’ll win it in a walk.

5th/77th FA

Was in your current AO back in ’88; we were heading to Gettysburg for the 125th and had toured Richmond and Sharpsburg. Had asked a local popo for local dining and he sent us to the Chesapeake Bay Seafood. It was killer groceries and we shut them down. The officer had noticed the out of state plates and we had a good conversation, showing the arsenal and talking shit in general. Even then, as he told us, the laws were completely different from what we were used to. Technically legally we were in violation of state Law then, but, to quote him “the hell with a bunch of politicians.” Similar to what I ran into in Illinois, no reciprocity. On my return from Neb, driving, swung down thru Kansas thru lower MO, crossed the big water at Memphis to get home. Glad your local Sheriff has some sense about him.


In Soviet Russia, The Gun controls You!

5th/77th FA

That’s the part that the idiots can’t understand. If only the state or the criminals have guns the Joe 6 packs of the world/read USA are screwed. What part of “Shall not be infringed” is hard to understand. And as ExPH2 has stated many a time. Just cause the Constitution says you CAN have a gun, doesn’t mean you HAVE TO HAVE one.


But the way things are and the insanity of people anymore, you damned well BETTER have one! imho


Leftists want to forbid anything they don’t like
And will force their aberrations on you