Halloween Open Thread

| October 31, 2018

Urban Matter – Halloween Head

Keep Halloween on October 31, or move it to the last Saturday of October?

Thanksgiving happens on the fourth Thursday of November, and Easter occurs on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. If Halloween and Custom Association gets its way, Halloween would also move dates:

Kevin Johnson, chairman of the Halloween and Custom Association:

We feel the change is inevitable and that in the end, the logic behind creating a safer, longer Halloween will prevail.


Halloween has become a commercial holiday — a time of fun, celebration and embracing the opportunity to become anything you could possibly dream of becoming, even if it’s just for a day.

One reasoning is that it would be financially better for some groups.

With many people having Saturday and Sunday off, the use of the customs doesn’t end with trick or treat. Granted, people wear Halloween customs in some work locations, but look at the possibilities… There’s the clubbing and bar hoping that takes place on Friday and Saturday night.

In other words, the potential for additional demand on Halloween customs. You can read more here.

I don’t wear Halloween customs these days, but something else goes on during October. Halloween lights and decorations help beat back the lengthening darkness by “extending” light… Orange light. I have enough Halloween decorations to be “decked indoors” like Christmas. Used to have the outdoor counterparts.

Come November 1, the Halloween decorations come down, and the Thanksgiving lights and decorations go up.

Now for one of your scares, or laughs, for the day. Someone that we know as an NPC (smile).

The Halloween photo above is from Chicago’s Ultimate Halloween Guide.


Category: Open thread

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Slow Joe

This tread is promoting paganism!!!!1+1=3


Just don’t bring up 2+2=5


You mean, like this? (smile)

And remember, everyone: “Don’t Fear the Commie”!


Perhaps, but All Saints Eve or All Hallows Eve was an Irish thing, so it is even money whether the NPC types think that you must be Irish to celebrate at all.

In any event, tomorrow is All Saints Day and Anniversary day for Ret_25X and his bride. I don’t know how she has put up with me for 21 years but here we are…LOL




BOO you liar!
Says the ghost of Benghazi past.

BlueCord Dad

4th? Looks like it anyway. Happy Halloween TAH 🎃

Wilted Willy

My costume for this year will be me getting naked, putting on roller skates and going as a Pull Toy!!

5th/77th FA

Will the costume come with a magnifying glass and a set of needle nose pliers so someone can find the pull string? (snort, giggle, ducks, rolls, runs away laughing)


And a Pull my finger sign?

2/17 Air Cav

I don’t like scary shit. I have never been a fan of those crazy movies but I did watch Chuckie once on TV, or part of it, anyway. When I was a kid, Halloween was fun and meant free candy. We had no store-bought costumes. Pirates and hobos were popular but, occasionally, a Casper mask would be spied. Mischief amounted to egg throwing and that’s about all. After the candy collection, we would gather around, spill our take on the floor and commence to trading.

5th/77th FA

Same here A/C. If I wanna get scared, I look into the deep recesses of my mind; or my taxes with held; or the majority of politicians, especially a certain Bitch of Benghazi hildabeastwideloadmcPantssuit Do like to see the sexy nurse, pirate girl/lusty wench, cat woman ect ect costumes. They trigger an involuntary vascular re-action. Did love the whole free candy thing, and now as a chronological eligible adult, (I’ve only grown older, not grown up), I do enjoy scaring the bejebas out of the older kids. The whole trick or treat thing got really messed up with the sick bastards that started spiking the candy back years ago. The whole push toward having a neighborhood party for the kids is doing away with the traditional t&t that we grew older with. Damn shame too. I would expect that the whole weekend before thing will take over. Too much money at stake for it not to.


The only reason I ever watched Chuckie movies was to get a gander at Jennifer Tilly’s flotation devices./smile

Oh, and Catherine Hicks also. She’s my Sweetie.


Someone approaching me wearing an “annonymous” mask.
Swear to God I would end up in jail.

Halloween or not.


“We had no store-bought costumes”

Wore my dad’s B-17 crewmember jacket.
People knew what it was back then.
Scary? Yeah, if you were a Nazi.

Try going blackface as a Tuskegee Airman in
todays politically correct climate.


I used my dad’s 60’s era flightsuit. Still got it.

Slow Joe

Was I supposed to say First?

2/17 Air Cav

No, that counts for the Book Of Firsts only and that’s a Weekend Open Thread thing only. However, there is no prohibition on declaring first whenever you feel like it.


“whenever you feel like it”

Oh man that felt good.



Must not be doing it right. I feel exactly the same as before saying first. Maybe I should scream it – FIRST!

Well. That was a little bit better, but not much…


I’m planning on going as an overweight middle-aged white guy. I think I can nail it.

2/17 Air Cav

“Democrats will carry the House. If we have a bigger victory, the Senate,governorships,” It’s going to be a great night for America.” Nancy “Skin Stretch” Pelosi, 30 October 2018

“We will, of course, retain the White House with the election of Hillary Clinton. I believe that we will gain the United States Senate ….”
Nancy “Skin Stretch” Pelosi, 8 November 2016

Let’s hope she’s as right this year as she was in 2016. Vote.


“Donald Trump is not going to be President of the United States. Take it to the bank, I guarantee it.” – Skeletor Pelosi

With her soothsaying abilities, I sure would not take stock advice from her.


Tee-Man defeats the evil Skelator-Pelosi again!

“By the Power of OrangeSkull…..”


You better hope the dummycrats DON’T get anything, those insane communists will block everything they can!


Trick or Treat is usually the weekend of or just before Hallowe’em, if it’s on a school night as it is this year.

But it rained cats and dogs and burritos, so the candygrabbers were few and far between. Thinned out the herd. Of course, since it’s Wednesday, 10/31, the day dawned clear and sunny, and the only thing kids will be doing tonight is homework.


A story (with photos) for all TAH US Army RANGERS (RLTW!):

“Easley Woman Shares How She Became the First Enlisted Soldier to Become an Army Ranger”:



2/17 Air Cav

Okay, fasten those seat belts for this. Some TV actor wanted to be a wounded warrior so he took a power saw and cut off one of his arms. It happened 17 years ago when he went off his meds. Over the years, we’ve seen a great many posers and valor thieves, but this guy is in a category all his own.



The irony of what he said:

“The power is in your hands to take your medication in the morning, or at night.”

Well, he now only has one hand…and the power he mentioned was a Skil saw…

Gotta hand it to him, though, posing as a war veteran. Guess he realized it got out of hand. Maybe he got tired of all the handouts as a struggling actor and was trying to audition for “The Fugitive”…

Waiting for more hand jokes…(Jeff?)



On the other hand….Oh, wait.


Gotta be pretty handy with a skilsaw to hold it in one hand while cutting off the other.
Hand saw would take to long though.

5th/77th FA

Hand me another cold beer.


How’s he gonna hold it AND open it…


That’s going to cost him an arm and a ….

Nope. Just an arm.


I am stumped as to his thinking….


He was also looking for handouts…well, maybe one hand out…

That skil saw sure came in handy…

5th/77th FA

won that contest hands down.


While stationed in Maine, we lived in off-base housing. Every Halloween the military brats would come around fairly early, then the non-military kids from the local area would come by. Not many had costumes, and most were early teens. Just to fuck with them a bit, when they cried “Trick or treat!” I’d demand a trick. This short circuited they’re thoughts and many stood there with a blank expression, but some would break out into an impromptu dance. These got extra treats.


“While stationed in Maine, we lived in off-base housing”

Ever run into a P3 guy named Gilley?


Afraid not. I was there ’89-03, VP-23 Seahawks.


He was AW circa 80-81.
ex GF’s relative.
Always in a flight suit.
Did you guys sleep in those things?


“The guy they had on their show talked about how it was common for ghosts to be captured in photos taken during the tour.”

Interesting, thebesig. I’ve been on that tour 5 times. The tour takes place at night, walking around Colonial Williamsburg on Main Street only…we never went inside any of the buildings. Never saw anyone use a camera or smartphone…and if they got good quality pictures, I am surprise, unless they used a high speed camera.

Our tour guide did tell us ghost stories about occurred in certain buildings, but that was it. Trying to remember if we visited the graveyard outside the Church, which BTW, is very intersting to see in the day.

Never heard any guides (William & Mary students) mention ghosts showing up in photos.

Will have to remember the ghost photo story to ask Guide Number 6.

Thank you for sharing.


Piney Point, at the bitter end of the PRofMD was a POW camp for Confederate soldiers, and is considered one of the most haunted places in America.


Thanks, thebesig, for your story…wow!

What I meant to say was during the times I was on the Ghost Tour at Williamsburg, I never saw anyone take pictures with either a camera or smartphone during the tour. All 5 of them. It was just plain too dark, plus there was nothing to take puctures of since we were outside. Perhaps other folks have done so on other tours.

You still have your picture of your Mom-In-Law’s apparition? This is all so spooky!


We used to see them on my dads old tv.

5th/77th FA

The tin foil that was on the rabbit ears is now used to make lib’s hats.


Not at all related to Halloween, but I do have a request.

For those who do the prayer thing, please offer one up for an unnamed trooper who committed suicide recently. Any stray good thoughts from the rest of you would be appreciated.

I, and my VFW Post, are dealing with the aftermath. I wish we could have become involved sooner. But, we were unaware and so will just do what we can for the widow and children. He will get a proper send off from us. The widow is still deciding just how formal a military service that she wants for us to perform.

Tough days ahead. For all of us.

5th/77th FA

You will have them, probably more than you will know of. His peace to you and the Family.


Prayers for all, OWB. Our hearts goes out to everyone through this difficult time.

Thank You to You and your VFW Post for taking care of his Widow and children.


Sorry to hear of your sudden loss.

No person knows what demons another deals with so don’t second guess yourself.

Help those left behind. It is the best way to honor the deceased.


Love Mattis’s answer to a reporter’s suggestion that the deployment of troops to the U.S.-Mexico border is part of a political stunt ahead of next week’s midterm elections:

“We don’t do stunts in this department. Thank you.”



Sure do miss Jonn.

5th/77th FA

don’t we all.

2/17 Air Cav

This probably belongs in the food section. Anyway, we rarely have Italian food in my house and, when we do, I like Parmesan cheese sprinkled heavily on the pasta and sauce. Two nights ago, we had Italian and I asked my wife for the Parmesan. I then recalled that the last time I used it, maybe three months ago, it tasted bland, so I asked my wife to check the expiration date on it. “Best if used by July 2011.” I was still laughing as I headed out to buy a new container of the stuff.

RGR 4-78

Parmesan = Frankencheese.

2/17 Air Cav

“I’ve been thinking about, do I want to move to Canada? I don’t know. I’m just so saddened by this thing happening to our country. It’s making me fat. I hear what he said now, and I have to go eat pancakes now, and pancakes are very fattening.” Babs “Rent-the Lincoln bedroom” Streisand. It doesn’t get better than that: Trump is making Babs fat. I wish she would go to Canadia. I’m tired of the empty promises.

RGR 4-78

She is starting to look like a maple syrup sponge.