Dox Boy An “Unpaid Intern”? Think Again.
That “fine individual” who doxxed several GOP Senators recently is in the news again. Yeah, I’m talking about Lil’ Pencil Neck himself – Jackson Cosko.
Original reporting indicated that Cosko was an “unpaid intern” working for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX). Indeed, it seems Rep. Lee herself has referred to Cosko as an unpaid intern working in her office.
Well, Rep. Lee can say whatever she wants. But it appears that the truth is somewhat different.
Per this article from The Daily Wire, Cosko was far from being an unpaid intern. Instead, prior to being “fired” by Rep. Lee he was what is termed a “fellow” – e.g., he was being paid by an “outside institution” to work in her office.
Further, the same Daily Wire article indicates that Cosko’s responsibilities while working for Lee were far different that that of a typical copier operator/coffee and snack gofer intern. Specifically, per correspondence from Lee’s office Cosko “was routinely trusted to advise Lee and communicate with other members of Congress, specifically those co-sponsoring Lee’s bills.”
But that’s no big deal. All Members of Congress routinely let unpaid interns do that on their behalf, right? (I hope the sarcasm here is obvious.)
The obvious question: what is the name of that “outside institution” which was paying Cosko – and who was providing the money to pay him?
For some reason, an old advertising jingle with modified lyrics just came to mind; it seems somewhat apropos.
This baloney has a first name
Starts G-E-O-R-G
I’m sure it has a second name
What could that name be?
I could hazard a guess, but I’ll pass for now. But my guess is probably the same as many of yours – and it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if that turns out to be the case.
Stay tuned. This could get really interesting.
Category: Politics
Spot on, Hondo. I wonder how many other “unpaid interns” there are.
Soros? Color me unshocked, I wonder just how many paid minions he has in the Great Whorehouse on the Potomac River?
Soros and his boys have their dickbeaters in so many “causes” so they can get their way.
Fuck them…
So, the Koch Brothers spending their money bet to influence the US government is bad, but George Soros spending his money to influence the US government is good. Does Hack have that right?
That’s it, Hack. Bad is good, up is down, light is dark.
“Now lil’Eddie, you listen to me.”
“Yessir, Gramps.”
“See now, a mouse really isn’t a big deal, except to the wimmin’s, who will pour hot wax on their cooters, but are askeered to death of one little mouse.”
“Their what, Gramps?”
“Never mind, lil’Eddie. You find out about that in due time. As I was saying, one mouse isn’t really a problem, that is, until you understand that if you see one mouse, there’s 10 mice you don’t see.”
“So you see, lil’Eddie, one mouse IS a big deal, and if you see one, you have to find the other 10 and be rid of ’em, too. You see?”
“Yes indeed, Gramps. I do see.”
Here ends the lesson.
The devil knows his own and they serve him well.
I’m still hoping that when butter-butt is staring at “up to 50 years” in ass stretching therapy with Tiny, he will roll over on some of the crap that goes on up on the Hill.
My guess is though, that either the FBI will wimp out or Hillery will send him a visitor.
If he gets an invite from Hillary for a picnic at Fort Marcy Park, he is fucked.
You mean, he’s gonna commit Arkancide?
You know, he could get shanked in prison. Beaumont, TX is notorious for that.
I wonder how quickly he’ll be abandoned when convicted.
Is the term “sucker” appropriate here?
Inn more ways than one.
I’m sure he’s regarded as a throwaway useful idiot, Soros buys them cheaper by the dozen!
By the dozen? More like by the thousand.
The MSN is giving it a good leaving alone.
Someone mentioned his similarity to Hogg in the previous post.
This is exactly why Hogg has so many handlers.
Dox Boy was off his leash, bit some people and now has to be put to sleep. Bye Dox Boy.
He will be missed… not.
I wonder if he’ll squeal while he’s in jail.
When the boys at the BTJT Deli (Home of the WORLD FAMOUS Cockmeat Sammich) meet him, he will…
if the MSM is hands-off, it would be an ideal time to handle him for some information. that second email (threatening about the senators’ kids) is really gonna come back and sting him hard if they know how to work it.
one also needs to consider that unpaid interns can’t live in that section of the country for long. surprised nobody started scratching their heads about that. but I imagine it was more important (and it was) to focus on Kav in entirety. my guess is this creep will have some info for us right about the time the mid-terms are upon us.
He MIGHT be afraid to squeal for fear of Clintonicide!
I think that when Dox Boy hears Tiny say “you got a purty mouth, boy,” and Bubba steps behind him and starts bending him over, he’ll start squealing like a little pig.
He will take a date with Tiny before being released into the custody of Hillary and her henchwomen.
Doxboy gets to face the music,
Knowing he failed.
More proof of the deep state.
This is the type of shadowy partisan, unelected employee that’s passed around from office to office without ever having a real, adult job. Unchecked, he’d have been in his mid-40’s and being nominated for leadership of some federal agency after years of “public service” working his way around Congress and friendly administrations.
Kavanaugh sworn in!
Pajama Boy runs amok. I have seen these dickheads in the early AM en masse at Starbucks when in D.C. They all wear pin striped suits with backpacks. All usually are 4-5 days overdue for a shave and their hair looks like they slept in cat shit.
Wonder what mommy and daddy say to the neighbors now about sonny’s important job in D.C. Prison library a good start. CAPT Bones USN (ret)