Please Help Me Solve This Puzzle
In regard to claims by the various members of the media, the count of protesters in those crowds runs from “several hundred” to ‘thousands’, and yet, when you look at photos taken en scene, there is an apparent gap between the real crowd numbers in the photos and what is reported. You can see some of that at this link:
Per that article, “even as the hundreds of protesters move on from the steps of the court….”
Per this twitterpating by the President:
The crowd in front of the U.S. Supreme Court is tiny, looks like about 200 people (& most are onlookers) – that wouldn’t even fill the first couple of rows of our Kansas Rally, or any of our Rallies for that matter! The Fake News Media tries to make it look sooo big, & it’s not!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 6, 2018
When I looked at the AP crowd photo in the Sunday Chicago Tribune newsrag, the image was closely cropped at the sides, possibly to make it appear that the reported “thousands” were just that, rather than a few hundred people. I can personally confirm that, in the Autumn of 1967, the march on the Pentagon had several thousand people in it, because I lived at Quarters K, just up the hill from the Pentagon, and I watched that business unfold. The MPs threw three guys out of the Pentagon when they tried to get past them to find the Selective Service files.
A lot of people who worked there lived at Quarters K. It is now expensive apartment buildings, and we were told we had to move to the Triservice barracks at Ft. Myer or move off base.
It is being reported that the crowd is now still pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court building, but the photos I’m finding online show only a few people at the base of the steps, not several hundred, as shown in the photos accompanying the linked article. And no one is pounding on anything, including the cops positioned on the steps.
So here’s the real question (maybe): what Universe is the media inhabiting? Are they all drunk?
Seriously, reporting now is so unreliable that when I take notes on Accuweather’s forecasts for a week ahead, never mind a month ahead, I keep those notes handy and go back to make updates and am sincerely glad that I don’t have to listen to these people. I think they are all nuts. Accuweather is, in fact, so bad now that they reported a thunderstorm in my area, per their weather station, when the day was perfectly sunny and the only clouds in the sky were puffy cumulus clouds to the south of me. If Accuweather’s ineptitude is symptomatic of what is wrong with the rest of the media world, then a good, hard shakeout would not hurt them at all.
There have been times when news reports were so off the wall that I would turn the sound down and insult the reporters in heinous ways. Gross exaggeration is the metier of yellow journalism like tabloids. They should know that and avoid it if they want to be believed, and that includes WaPo and the NYT.
I get that they don’t like dTrump. He isn’t the pushover that bodaprez was, nor is he the Other Person who made promises that only little kids would believe, and was a major risk to national security. Those things don’t matter when you’re dealing with little kids, you know. Promise them a pony and a Popsicle, and they are so dumb they’ll get right into your car.
But for Pete’s sake, when you are so angst-ridden by this childishness that you are now taking on that “jealous little kid” stuff and trying to excoriate his claims of self-made this or that, when his daddy Fred left him $413 million, but didn’t leave any of it to you, you are dumping this ridiculous preface to a temper tantrum on people who just don’t give a damn.
Job numbers available are higher than they’ve been in a long time. Unemployment is at its lowest rate since 1969. Wages are good and some techno stuff may be coming back here. We might not get things like garment-making or furniture construction back for a while, but towns in what used to be the Rust Belt are reviving because tech companies’ employees are moving to them. These cycles do tend historically to repeat themselves. We now have trade deals with Canada and Mexico, because China’s a bit annoyed with us and our tariffs. Some foreign companies like Foxconn are bringing jobs here.
If you want a real smack up the side of your head, Merkel’s Greenbean energy hasn’t been working, so more coal-fired power plants are under construction in Germany than have been in a while. Australia’s “green energy” utilities are so costly to consumers that people have to choose between light and food, so the Australians are going to build new nuclear power plants. The reality of the extreme cost of “renewables” is pounding on these silly people.
The point is that even a possible recession in the early to mid-2020s may be extremely mild, and not have much impact except on unskilled labor. The reality of what is going on now, which started after dTrump was elected and broke the back of Terminal Socialism, is that we are moving forward despite the cries of anguish from the Left side of the political fence. I think that the political pendulum swung as far as it could to the Left, reached its zenith, and slowly but surely has begun to make its way back to center where it belongs. You have to have a certain amount of opposition in order to stay balanced.
So I’ll ask those questions again: what Universe is the media inhabiting? Are they all drunk? Is this a collective herd mentality that believes its own delusions? Or are they just kids still in diapers throwing tantrums because they can’t play with the burner knobs on the stove?
Note: No grackles were harmed in the construction of this article.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves"
I quit going to The Weather Channel for forecasts because of the editorial politics they put into their coverage, it’s far worse than Accuweather! As to manufacturing, US Steel has spent money to reactivate a mill in Illinois along with $750 million to reactivate their mill in Gary, IN, so much for what the leftards said about President Trump’s tariffs hurting the Manufacturing Industry, looks like they were wrong yet again!
There was a problem developing over the tariffs on Chinese imports, because China slapped a tariff on American exports. That could have a negative effect on farmers in particular, because they have to lock in their prices (futures) ahead of delivery, e.g., December soybeans.
However, Trump got the trade agreements with Mexico and Canada, which may solve that problem.
There is an empty Toyota plant in Bloomington, the result of Toyota’s malfeasance with faulty accelerators. There are also buildings over in Janesville, WI, which closed during the Great Recession (bodaprez’s gift) and I don’t know whether or not those lost jobs have been replaced, but things should be looking up everywhere.
One of my aunts lives in Bloomington. It was really BAD when that plant closed.
On the recommendation of rgr769 I’ve been using Weather Underground. It so happens we’ll be installing an AcuRite weather station this week which will be able to act as a WU reporting station.
WU is what I use. It’s also one of the sites we use at work to find out the ceiling and visibility to see if and what caliber the Soldiers can fire on the ranges.
API; When WX Underground was owned by the 3 WX Geeks, I had a great time on the site because it was strictly WX with all sorts of maps and Wx data. The main map had everything on it and then they sold out to the Wx Channel which has home depot ads and wx stories but I didn’t know that they joined the political arena. I stopped watching way before Wx Underground was bought out because they would not re new one of the Woman forecasters contract who was also an Air Natl. Guardsman that rode the Hurricane Hunter Aircraft.
I would so pay to ride along on a Hurricane Hunter. Mike is cranking up some big wind right now. Scary fun I bet.
Have had the shit beat out of me in the P-3 several times due to weather (one was on the deck in Keflavik during a Condition II Whiteout) you DO NOT want to go through that willingly. If you must, eat bananas before you go.
They taste pretty much the same coming up as they did going down.
The Left has been in a free-fall meltdown since Kav refused to be intimidated by and stood up to, salacious slander, and a couple unexpected Senators showed some very welcome spine.
It’s not surprising that the Dems are loudly upset, but their complete abandonment of due process and the concept of innocent until proven otherwise, is. They’re even starting to eat their own-
Breitbart News Link
This is what mob rule looks like.
If only we could get them to turn on each other….
What? I can dream, can’t I?
I think it is MARK (Giffords) Kelly, Scott’s twin, who is the gun grabber. Of course, Scott likely agrees with his bro.
I stand corrected, thanks.
So let me get this straight. The SJW crowd hates Churchill. Churchill hated Hitler and his crew. Oh I get it SJWs are Nazis.
Speaking of quotes and Hitler, I saw a story last week about a few of academics who have had enough of the bullshit masquerading as scholarly studies. One of their efforts involved penning a paper that was peer-reviewed and selected for publication by feminist league of some sort. The authors excerpted passages from Mein Kampf and simply replaced certain terms with “feminism” or a form of that word. Psychology Today published the account and asked, “Who’s the Nazi now?”
It’s nice to see that the idiocy was spread evenly in the Kelly family.
What a cuck Kelly is for apologizing to a bunch of Leftard/Progtard twitter-twats. He should turn in his Man-Card, he clearly doesn’t have a pair, notwithstanding being an astronaut and all.
Every time I see pictures of these “massive” protests, it’s at least 50% are “media”. It really is just a couple dozen loons showing up for these things, with some paid protestors to fill out the ranks. Combine that with the counter protestors and those just showing up to watch some hippies get thumped and you go from 20 legitimate protestors to a crowd of hundreds.
I remember going to a campaign rally GW Bush spoke at when he was Prez, there were about 20,000 people there as well as a few small gaggles of libtard protesters and the local snooze media spent as much time yapping about them as they did the crowd which outnumbered the fleabag libtards by about a thousand to one!
Houston reported large protests outside the NRA meeting… I counted 14 people.
Everyone here should go read “Trump Goes Full Alinsky” over at AmercianThinker. It quotes an article from the WSJ that explains how all the anti-Kavanaugh protests were organized, controlled, and paid for by Soros funded progtard orgs.
Allow me:
American Thinker Link
This is me being shocked.
That is a very informative article.
Thank you!
That article also documents that the scrunt screaming at Flake in the elevator gets paid over $175K per year in Soros bucks. She is also purportedly here illegally from some Central American shithole, likely one of 0’s dreamers.
Its Common Core math you big silly.
Common Core? Oh, is that 3 + 3 = 8? 🙂
From what I’ve seen lately from “professional educators”, IMO it’s more like
2 + 2 = 5.
The answer is blue.
or potato, I get confused.
BLUE POTATO, now where’s my participation trophy?
We only have participation trophies for the Weekend Open Thread.
There are blue potatoes, red potatoes, and white potatoes.
Choose wisely, said the old Crone. You don’t want to taint the brew.
There are four lights!!!
Remember when the commissar spent all that time informing us, in great detail, exactly how 2 + 2 could be made to equal 5?? I’m waiting for him to show up in the mainstream stuff. How priceless would that be?
I think it is going to be a very interesting period ahead of us.
Oh that guy, I miss him as much as I do my last toothache!
No NO No Nyet, uze guyz gitz it all wrong, 2+2= wattever uze wanz it 2 b, I sez it is 4.3, c dare is no wong anzer, like dare iz no wong wa uv spellin wirds.
And I gradumated wid a PHD frum Yale, a mastuhs fwum Pwincetin and Boikley and I also fwound Waldo once on my froot loops serial box
Patient Vaarkman, it’s time for your nap now. Be a good boy and swallow the Blue Pill.
No! No! Not the Red Pill! Stop him! He’s got the Red Pill!!!
whew I’m ok now
Good. I was a little worried there.
I saw some left over seniors from wood stock and younger ones that most likely wished that they were at wood stock and among the anti Viet-Nam crowd demonstrators during the 60’s. Where are the now defunct NYPD TPF with their hats and bats. The unit was disbanded because they did their job too well from what a retired NYPD LEO told me years ago. I think that it was a liberal Mayor at the time but that has to be googled to get the skinny.
Yes, that was Robert F. Wagner, Jr., a Democrat.
Elementary, Ex-PH2. The press is merely obeying the “big lie” principle of Propaganda.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
Anyone with a passing knowledge of history should recognize the quote – and the author. Today’s press is so lacking in historical background that they probably think they invented the technique during the past decade.
The quote in its entirety is chilling, and worth repeating:
Oh, I understand that completely. The media try to bounce it right back on Trump, but it’s backfiring on them now.
From last year, at USA Today: Demonizing independent media and canonizing propagandists is the hallmark of autocracies. —
The author was upset because Trump called the media all liars, but they make stuff up that is baloney and we know it, but they think it’s okay for them to do it. They don’t like being caught at it.
The whole climate change peril was manufactured out of whole cloth, but people fell for it. Now it’s so obviously baloney that it is laughable. But they’re still trying to convince everyone that the world is going to self-destruct by XXXXAD, and when it doesn’t happen, they move the goalpost further out. And it’s always about ‘gimme more money’. That needs to stop.
I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. It will before long.
Best movie quote ever, from ‘The Usual Suspects: The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled off was convincing the entire world he didn’t exist. – Vebal Kint.
I hope it doesn’t hurt them too much when the other shoe does drop.
Somewhere along the line it appears that the media may have taken it upon itself to be “the state.” Following that train of thought, the DNC could be a pawn of the media instead of the other way around.
We do know for sure that the media, as well as the education industry, are controlled by leftists. What if one, or both, of them are really in charge of this mess? Between them, they own the propaganda machine in its entirety and thus control the foot soldiers AND the agenda.
They have deployed many individuals as provocateurs around the country in government, business, houses of worship, and certainly in the systems which deliver medicine. None of these folks need receive specific instructions to do anything – they will cause chaos when the opportunity presents itself. We see them doing so now.
Will give you a for instance – just saw one of those law suit ads for a shingles drug pushed on us all a few years ago. Something (I like to call it a G-d moment, but that’s another topic) kept me from getting one even though I don’t generally shy away from inoculations. Why were we inundated with information insisting that we take one? It didn’t sit well with me, so I declined. Now we know – something was indeed wrong with at least one of them. Who knew it and forced it on the elderly anyway?
“Following that train of thought, the DNC could be a pawn of the media instead of the other way around.”
That is extremely perceptive, OWB. Keep it up.
I never got the shingles shot. Didn’t see any point. Glad I skipped it now.
Australia has zero nuclear power plants and has zero plans to build any, they are not acceptable here.
The real reason for high power prices in Australia is that the state governments have sold off power stations & the poles & wires to private enterprise & they then jack up the price until your eyes bleed.
Compounding the problem of high electricity prices is that many Aussies have roof top solar panels that feed back into the grid and have an almost zero power bill leaving the rest to pay system maintenance with an ever decreasing paying customer base.
Roof top solar with battery backup can run most households in Australia & that’s where We are heading, a solar panel power system can pay for its cost in 5 years.
Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought there were plans for reactors. I got it from this:
Our newest Prime minister “Scomo” would find it impossible to site a nuclear reactor in Australia.
PM Scomo won’t be P.M in seven or so months when a general election must be held, He may be in minority government after a byelection in Ex PM Turnbull’s seat of Wentworth in a few weeks, so a general election could be held anytime & word on the street is the LNP is going to get its arse kicked in the general election.
Rule No.1. Never believe anything you read in a newspaper, particularly an Australian newspaper.
Comrade, the answer to your riddle is simple, the states media will tell you what to think.
In Mother Russia, TV watches YOU!
It wouldn’t be hard for me to sit down and write 20,000 words on what’s wrong with the news media, and how it got itself in such a situation. The bottom line is that the MSM is facing an existential threat brought about partly by itself, and partly by other financial forces. A situation which has generated, at least it seems to me, a climate of panic. And businesses are sometimes like people; those who freak out tend to make bad decisions. Something to consider is that both The New York Times and The Washington Post were for most of the past 100 years never the front runner in their own markets. The Post, for example, was such a dismal failure that it was bought at a bankruptcy auction by Katharine Graham’s father back in the 1930’s. For its own part, the NYT was considered so stodgy in its content and layout design that it earned the nickname “The Gray Lady.” Still, something the Post and NYT shared, unlike the screaming hyperbole of, say, the now mostly defunct William Randolph Hearst yellow-journalism empire, was the simple idea that if you wanted to survive in the newspaper business, your best option was to look to the long term by being fair and accurate. If you did that, eventually the money would show up. In the words of George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Personally, I don’t agree there’s now some vast conspiracy involved. One of the things that’s happened is that a lot of the people who had the benefit of professional and life experience were fired because it got too expensive to pay them. The result is that there’s a fair proportion of those generating news content now who are 20-somethings just out of J-school. They are valued not so much for their insight as much as for the ability to work cheap and tap into the social media zeitgeist. Something which amounts mostly to listening to the echo chamber of each other. Another thing which tends to be ignored is that there’s… Read more »
Then they are listening to their own echo chambers and that way, they reinforce their hive mind mentality?
Well, that makes sense, too, if you take into account that they will almost universally dive on something that suits their notions, instead of looking further for facts.
You have to explore all the possibilities, Perry Gaskill, because if you don’t you will miss something that might have presented a clue to what is really going on.
I don’t know where (or if) the old Zombietime site still exists, but it had some rather, um, “illuminating” items back in the day, particularly on how the media slanted events to create a favorable light on them.
My fave was his photographic proof that the Pali-nazis were faking all these claims that the Israeli government/military were deliberately targeting and killing women and children. I especially like the one showing their fake story about the rocket strike on an ambulance.
Well I suppose it isn’t news to see headlines like: “The expected winner won, a crowd of people showed up to cheer the victory and only a few people protested”.
The liberal media, in league with the Ivory Tower elite, and Social Media made Celebrities have been slowly trying to change our country by influencing the way our younger generations think. We need to get our children to unplug and learn to evaluate a situation before acting.