A Republican Governor Shoots Himself in the Foot

| October 3, 2018

An article in the WSJ has me wondering what the requirements for claiming to be Republican are and what kind of hogwash is being sold by politicians.

By Geoffrey Norman:

For a small state, Vermont has a way of getting noticed. It was the first state to recognize same-sex civil unions and the first to experiment with a single-payer health-care system. Two Vermont politicians—Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Gov. Howard Dean—have sought the White House in recent years. This year, Vermont Democrats made Christine Hallquist the first transgender candidate for governor in any state.

Ms. Hallquist’s Republican opponent, Gov. Phil Scott, has gone from being one of the nation’s most popular governors to one of its least liked. The reason? Guns. In the days following the February school shootings in Parkland, Fla., a Vermont boy threatened a similar massacre. In April, Mr. Scott signed legislation allowing guns to be taken from people who pose an “extreme risk” of violence and those arrested on suspicion of domestic violence. The law also expanded background checks, banned bump stocks and limited magazine capacity.

Not long ago, this would have been unthinkable in Vermont. As a House candidate in 1990, Mr. Sanders—who even then called himself a “socialist”—managed to snag the endorsement of the National Rifle Association. He understood how rural Vermonters felt about guns. His opponent supported a ban on “assault rifles.” It cost him the election.

Vermont has become more liberal as people from neighboring states settle here. Still, signing that legislation cost Mr. Scott his claim on the affections of old-time Vermonters. He has a background in the construction business, and he raced cars at a dirt track called Thunder Road. He gained popularity by promising to hold the line on taxes and focus on jobs so that children the state had spent lavishly to educate wouldn’t leave once they graduated.

These were familiar themes. The number of students in Vermont’s schools has declined by some 20% since 1997. School spending has gone up 48%, and the ratio of teachers to students is among the lowest in the nation. The bill comes due in the form of property-tax rates that are more than 50% higher than the national average and climbing.

The economy has been anything but dynamic. For years the labor force shrank as young people departed and their parents retired. There are 16,000 fewer people in the workforce than there were in 2009. Employers complain they can’t find qualified people to take jobs. The Scott administration will soon begin offering $10,000 payments to telecommuters who move to Vermont. It’s generous, but it may not be enough if the Legislature keeps raising taxes.

A state-government shutdown was averted this summer when Mr. Scott opted not to veto a bill raising taxes. The Democratic-controlled Legislature insisted on a tax hike even though Vermont had a $55 million budget surplus for 2018. Were it not for the damage to his favorability ratings from the gun legislation, Mr. Scott might have had the political capital to stand up to lawmakers on taxes.

Vermont governors serve two-year terms, and no incumbent has been defeated for re-election since 1962. But Mr. Scott was challenged from the right in the Republican primary. His opponent’s campaign was fueled by hostility to the gun bill and he got more than 30% of the vote with turnout exceeding expectations. Mr. Scott himself said he was surprised his opponent’s share of the vote wasn’t higher.

So now Mr. Scott is running against a transgender candidate promising free college tuition, universal health care, paid family leave and a $15 minimum wage. Ms. Hallquist was equivocal when Mr. Scott pressed her in a debate on how she planned to pay for all of it. Perhaps, she said, the state could halve what it spends on its prison population. As for the possibility of a payroll tax, she said: “I’m not afraid of having a tax to be civilized and do those things but we’ll figure ways to fund things in whatever the best way possible is, but that is a collaborative decision. That’s why the governor should be working collaboratively with the Legislature to figure out how to do the right thing.”

There once were some politicians who ran a campaign saying, “Everything that should be up is down and everything that should be down is up”.   I am not sure what defines a Republican or a Commie Pinko Hag anymore.

The rest of the campaign promises to be similarly tedious. Though Mr. Scott has been wounded, he is generally expected to win. But, then, these haven’t been good times for expectations in American politics.

Nor, particularly, for Vermont, which would like to pay people to come and enjoy its special “quality of life,” but where the malaise of the heartland manifests itself in the usual, depressing ways. According to a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2014 nearly 5% of women who gave birth in Vermont hospitals had opioid use disorder—the highest, by far, in America, with the national average at 0.65%.

That’s not a first to be proud of.

Mr. Norman is a writer living in Vermont.

A Republican Gun Grabber and a Weiner Denier are who the people of Vermont have set their hopes and dreams upon?  They need someone who is proud of their penis or at least someone who likes peni.  I don’t think putting someone into office that will reach out and grab people by their Glock is a good idea.  Here is a good idea for example:

It’s perfect for those pesky home invasion opioid zombies.  You can purchase a few HERE.  

As always…please kill responsibly.


Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Politics

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Comm Center Rat

Judging from the photo it appears that Christine Hallquist is twice the man and three times the lady Governor Phil Scott will ever be!


What… the hell… is that in the photo in the right side?!

Combat Historian

and looks what’s on the photo’s left side: a GOP-e quisling…


Who’s the guy in the back playing pocket pool?

Slow Joe

Christine’s boy-friend?
Perhaps the body-guard…

Slow Joe

That’s the future of Amerika.

Slow Joe

High taxes heaven!

Deplorable B Woodman

$10,000 “bonus” to move to Vermont? Is that like the “tax free zone” (limited time, 10 years) promised by NY?

Oh, I’m sorry (not sorry), did I roll my eyes too loud?

2/17 Air Cav

All that one needs to know about VT politics is that Howard Dean was its longest-serving governor. Throw Bernie Sanders and Dave “I-hate-my-dick-but-love-yours” Hallquist in the mix and the place is a write-off.

2/17 Air Cav

By the way, of those three, kook, the commie, and the confused c**ksucker, all are originally from NY.


Most of Vermonts population is from NY.
And not upstate either.
Toss in Ben and Jerry.

Comm Center Rat

Prime example: Brooklyn, NY born Bernie Sanders. The Big Apple is rotten to the core.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Ive never bought ben/jerky’s ice cream even after they sold the buisness. Two A-hole socialists making a lot of Moola Shmoola doing the capitalist thing.


Do not forget the reptile Patrick Leahy, for which the voters of Vermont should be flogged.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

So now we have a mentally ill candidate running for a state governor’s job and they have a shot at winning?

Jesus H. Christ this nation is getting weirder by the day….


Once again politicos contorting, ignoring, and breaking the sacrosanct rights mentioned in Constitutions.
Once again politicos taking the void created by self-interest and filling it with commie bullshit.
Once again politicos wrestling money away from the hardworking to subsidize their ideological campmates.
Once again politicos vying to be the One to force ‘A More Perfect Society’ (or they’ll f*cking kill you).
New England is running out of refuges, I shall be the one to cry out, “fellow Americans, steer clear of the Shine and Glint of Socialism! Hark! Our boat, she doth sink!”

A Proud Infidel®™

Goddamnit I already need a shot and a beer…


There was an announcement on the news yesterday that the minimum wage in my state here in the glorious upper midwest will be raised to $15/hr.

Great! But the consequence of that is more bricks & mortar stores losing customers because they have to raise prices on the junk they sell to pay this idiot raise.

Hey, there’s an empty Toyota plant in Bloomington, needs something to fill it up. Maybe someone could put Fannie Mae candies down there? Oh, wait – that’s all made in China now. Too expensive to run the kitchens in the stores… er, what stores?

I wonder if this means that Baskin Robbins/Dunkin Donuts will bump up their prices again. I can get better ice cream at Walmart for less.

No wonder the commuter trains are so crowded now that people have to stand in the aisles. No one can afford to live in the city any more.

A Proud Infidel®™

Not to mention the automated restaurant equipment coming out! I can see it now “YOU want $15 an hour? Never mind, your replacement is already on the job right there, “*BEEP!*, *CLICK*, *Whirrrr*…”

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The true minimum wage is, and always has been, $0.00/hr when your zero skill set job is eliminated because the product is such a commodity that labor is the only profit center.

Here in Western Massachusetts several local McDonald’s restaurants already have zero cashiers, you place your order at a kiosk and one of the workers prepping food brings it out to you….

People who constantly whine about living wages also refuse to recognize that minimum wage jobs represent less than three percent of our workforce. Primarily because minimum wage jobs are bottom of the barrel no talent jobs.

No one at my shop makes less than double the current minimum wage and many make 4 times the minimum and we are not a super high tech manufacturer. But we don’t have any non-skilled labor positions either.

When you realize that many small manufacturers make single digit net profits there’s only two choices if minimum wage hits $15, layoffs to make payroll or close your doors. Which means the wage for those workers is again zero per hour.


More unemployment is what they want. Unemployed people go on the government dole and vote for the party of freebies.


Minimum wage: When management wants to say “we really think you should get even less, but the law won’t let us”.

Yoicks, that shotgun ammo is damn near $10 a round.


I predict Manning will move to Vermont and run for something. You heard it here first.

Combat Historian

You mean Manning isn’t the current demonrat candidate for U.S. Senator from Maryland? I am really sad… 🙁


Peyton or Eli?


You mean “life in the US is like prison” Manning?

Who pays for that little reamed out, useless asshole to fly around and give speeches?




Or Bloomberg, or Steyer.


Heinlein, as usual, was right. The “Crazy Years” are here.


Less than tasteful comments to follow so be forewarned.

Does it really count as transgender if you want to become a bull dyke instead of a guy? How does that work anyway – you give up a real dick to start using a strap on? And while we are at it, if a gay guy wants to screw a very girly guy, wouldn’t it be easier to just screw a girl??


I was puzzled too. Halquist was a man, wanted to be a woman, so he clipped his junk and became a lesbian. Sooo we still like chicks, except now we pee sitting down. This is progressive? My head hurts.


Wife used to date a guy who after dating decided he wanted to swing the other way… grew long hair and added boobs but is still intact below the waist. I asked her if that didn’t make his being married a little awkward and she said “no, he says his wife is a lesbian.” Near as I can figure, that makes him a wannabe girl with a dick married to a lesbian who seems to like dick… my head hurts.


The children of Bernie Sanders, I will stay on my side of Vermont.


Druggy socialist tranny gun grabbers.

What a time to be alive. No wonder the residents are killing themselves and fleeing.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

The Orton family opened up their Vermont Country Store back in 1946 but I don’t know their political affiliations. I do buy neat mail order stuff from them not knowing which side of the fence that they are on and if they are very vocal about it and if they are on the opposite side of the fence that I am on, and if it turns out that they are the ben/jerky types, they lost my buisness.


12 gauge pistol


For anyone that’s interested, this guy does a pretty extensive review on these rounds.
Not exactly great particularly for the price.


Too much for my taste. I just slow them down with the first shot and take them down with the second one. This round will remove most of one’s vital organs in one shot.


If old-fashioned double-ought seems insufficient, a Winchester “high wall” buffalo gun in .45-70 will do for heavy duty. (Hogzilla, Kzinti invasion, etc)


Just damn. Thought we had it bad down here with the Governator race. Old school career pol white boy running against an out of state funded (Soros & Co.) black female. The mud & lies being slung. I’ll be off the net for awhile there Dickweeds/weedesses. Old Dell’s hard drive is acting up and a crushed, sprinkled up blue pill over the key board ain’t helping. Gonna send him off for an implant. Hope to be back before the voting. 5/77 out nsnr