Wednesday feel good stories

| October 3, 2018

From Orangeburg, SC

Orangeburg County deputies say a man shot at a suspect who was breaking into his home.

Michael Rowe, 37, has been charged with second-degree burglary and breaking and entering into an automobile.

Sheriff Leroy Ravenell said just before 8 a.m.., Rowe tried to break into a home in the area. The homeowner told officers he heard a noise, then found the suspect inside his house.

The homeowner grabbed a gun, and Rowe starting trying to get away. Deputies say the homeowner fired three shots at the suspect, but none of them hit him. The homeowner then called 911.

Responding officers were able to find Rowe about 500 yards from the home.

“This individual is lucky to be in jail,” the sheriff said. “He could have been in the care of the county coroner’s office.”

Rowe faces up to 15 years in prison for the burglary charge alone, if convicted of the crime.

From Mobile, Al 

There have been several instances of Mobile County homeowners recently standing up to intruders.

A California mother held a burglar at gunpoint in her home until police arrived Sunday morning, and it was all caught on surveillance cameras.

According to police, 25-year-old Aoreliorho Velasco snuck into Brittany Morse’s home in Taft and stayed there for three hours.

“He approached our house around 6:19 in the morning. I didn’t find him until 9 a.m.,” Morse said.

But the warning signs came early on.

“We woke up in the morning and my kids were saying, ‘your laptop’s missing,’ and I was just on it the night before,” Morse said.

While searching for her laptop, her seven-year-old daughter Aubrey first noticed Velasco their garage.

“She opened the door, she sees him there and slams it shut–screaming, running back to me,” Morse explained.

Morse shuttled her children into one room, then grabbed the gun she bought just two weeks ago. She cornered him from the doorway of the garage as she called 911.

“I told the dispatch, ‘I believe he has a knife on him.’ And I told him, ‘you come near me, you take one step toward me, I will shoot you,'” she said.

Taft police showed up in two minutes. In a news release, they said Velasco used the rear garage door to enter their home.

The most valuable thing he took was Morse’s laptop. He also stole food.

“He went through my purse. He didn’t take my credit cards; he didn’t take the money I had in my purse. He took bananas,” she said.

Taft police say they haven’t seen a case like this.

If he would’ve come in the house while me and my children were awake, I don’t know what he would’ve done. But I wasn’t going to sit there and find out,” Morse said.

Taft police say Velasco was booked into Taft City Jail for first-degree burglary. He also has an outstanding misdemeanor warrant for possession of drug paraphernalia. He is due in court on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Deplorable B Woodman

“He took bananas”.
Velasco was just cutting out the middleman. Instead of stealing the plastic and money, and THEN going to the store to buy bananas, he skipped all that and went straight to the bananas.
How considerate of him (/sarc).


I was wondering who keeps bananas in their purse? Although that does confirm my suspicions of what they do carry there.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Check out Abbott/Costello Banana skit.

Abbott & Costello, Joe Kirk, Bingo the Chimp – The Banana Sketch …


From: General Mattis
To: TAH Twinkies

Subj: Recent Meal I Had

Thank you to the individual who sent me the ricin. I added marshmallows to it and made ricin crisps. It was delicious. Please send more.

James Mattis


A TRUE LIFE PRESERVER! Summer of 1942 was without a doubt one to remember in the life of young nineteen year old signalman 3rd class (SM3) Elgin Staples. Stationed on the USS Astoria, this US Cruiser was the first to engage the Japanese during the battle of Savo Island – an entire night of action fought August 8th-9th 1942. At around 0200 (2 am), in his attempt to dodge enemy shells and destruction around him, Staples was blown clear off his feet by a large blast and thrown overboard. The USS Astoria’s number one eight-inch gun turret had exploded near him. He took some shrapnel on his shoulder and his legs and in semi-shock, he was kept afloat by a narrow rubber life belt that he managed to inflate with a simple trigger mechanism. In the wake of the next morning, Staples was relieved to have been rescued by a passing destroyer and was shortly returned to the USS Astoria which was badly damaged but still afloat. The ship’s captain was attempting to save the cruiser by beaching her in the nearest shore. But the effort failed, and Staples, who still kept wearing the same life belt, found himself back in the water. He was picked up again, this time by the USS President Jackson, he was one of 500 survivors of the battle who were evacuated to Noumea. It was during this transport where he first noticed that the life belt that had served him so well had been manufactured by Firestone Tire and Rubber Company of Akron, Ohio; his hometown. He examined closer and found a registration number that at the time had no significance to him. SM3 Staples decided to keep the belt as a souvenir and a reminder of how lucky he had been. He brought the belt back home with him on his next 30-day leave. He had an emotional welcome and was excited to sit with his mother to tell her his story (Staple’s mother worked for Firestone at the same plant that the rubber belt was manufactured). During their talk, she had explained… Read more »




And WOW again. What are the odds? And yes, that is a rhetorical question, I do not want to do the math.

Joe Arpaio

Surprise, the media left out he is not a citizen of the united states and entered the country illegally.