
| September 6, 2018


And we wake to the news that the Trump administration is either in Turmoil, or – well, WHAT?????

The allegedly anonymous 0p-ed piece, allegedly written by a White House staffer, appears to be another attempt on the part of the media to discredit someone they don’t like because he isn’t The One and he isn’t The Other One.

Here goes, with Fox News quoting the NYT article:

“From the White House to executive branch departments and agencies, senior officials will privately admit their daily disbelief at the commander in chief’s comments and actions,” the official wrote.

“Meetings with him veer off topic and off the rails, he engages in repetitive rants, and his impulsiveness results in half-baked, ill-informed and occasionally reckless decisions that have to be walked back.”

The author specifically noted Trump’s reluctance to take action against the Russian government after a former Russian spy-turned-double agent and his daughter were poisoned with a nerve agent earlier this year in the U.K.

“He complained for weeks about senior staff members letting him get boxed into further confrontation with Russia, and he expressed frustration that the United States continued to impose sanctions on the country for its malign behavior,” the official writes. “But his national security team knew better — such actions had to be taken, to hold Moscow accountable.”

WH Press Secretary Sanders has this to say: “We are disappointed, but not surprised, that the paper chose to publish this pathetic, reckless, and selfish op-ed. This is a new low for the so-called ‘paper of record,’ and it should issue an apology,” said Sanders, adding: “The individual behind this piece has chosen to deceive, rather than support, the duly elected President of the United States. He is not putting country first, but putting himself and his ego ahead of the will of the American people. This coward should do the right thing and resign.”

In my view, it is made up out of wishful thinking, dust bunnies, and fishnet stocking (lots of holes) in a very vapid attempt to unseat a legitimately elected President who is an independent thinker.  I realize that the libertreds don’t like him because he didn’t stay on their side of the political fence. But I do feel that they are scrambling now, grasping desperately at straws and making up scheisse to do so.

If this person exists, I believe it is either a NYT staff writer trying to make a name for itself, or someone like Bob Woodward concocting this bag of air.


If it is someone on the WH staff, like this**: 

s/he/it should quit her/his/its job now and go write books before s/he/it is indicted for security violations.

Unfortunately for these weasels, dTrump has hinted at another run after this one.

People, The They are desperate when They stoop to this kind of trash. Remember when your mother told you to stop slamming your head on the wall?

If you can find the entire article online without having to fork over some donuts and coffee to the NYT’s coffers, do a copy/paste to Word, with the date and the news source included. Apparently, that newsrag is losing advertising revenues because their online access used to be free.

**Sorry, could not resist!

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Yes, “Fair bit of desperate!” absolutely came to mind upon reading this tale last night. Who knew that the NYT would start replacing Aesop’s with Me Sop’s.


“online access used to be free”

The Boston Globe is behind a paywall also.
They tell me my browser is old and my cookies suck. I go elsewhere to be lied to.


I can give you a tip about the whole “paywall” thing. Just disable javascript in your browser (most browsers allow you to disable it on a per-site basis). I was just a the Globe’s site and got the “register or pay” popup. After disabling JS, that went goodbye and I could browse the entire site without issue. Works for the Washington Post too.

You do lose features like video embeds, etc. but I hate video autoplays anyway.

Sea Dragon

More sound and fury, signifying nothing. If even a fraction of what these tell all books claim, PDT could not have accomplished all that he has.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

It just goes on and on and on and on and on.

2/17 Air Cav

“Meetings with him veer off topic and off the rails, he engages in repetitive rants, and his impulsiveness results in half-baked, ill-informed and occasionally reckless decisions that have to be walked back.”

We have bad punctuation in that sentence. We have the expression “off the rails” that the writer probably uses in the WH from time to time and, when taken with the other expressions used in that sentence, should point a finger.


A forensic writing analyst may be able to ID this treasonous bastard, if he has written other stuff of sufficient length and content. He also uses the word “lodestar,” so I am suspecting he is a “lawer,” by training, anyway.


Mistyped, I meant “loadstone.”

e. conboy

But he /she just described congress!


It was not written by a white household staffer. It was written by a senior administration official. Which typically means cabinet level, chief of agency level, or senior advisor.

Internet pundits are speculating it is Mike Pence due to the author’s use of the term “lodestone”.

It does not sound like the Vice-President to me.

My money is on it being Ryan Zinke.

Whoever it is, their identity will be known at some point.

2/17 Air Cav

The use of the word lodestone use is a deflection technique. I agree that someone got his or her nose out of joint about something and is playing it to the hilt. As for a senior administration official, I am not aware that the term enjoys a hard and fast definition, permitting wiggle room for the NYT.


True. I imagine the lawn mowers and garbage men at the WH would be described as “administration officials” in any media contacts. They’d be “senior administration officials” if they were supervisors.


Based on Zinke’s tweet today It is clear I was wrong about it being him.

2/17 Air Cav

I believe that, in fact, the piece as written by someone in the WH. Under the circumstances of the publication, at least two people at the NYT know who it is. So, too, will we fairly soon. Look for the next resignation, with “in good conscience” bullshit, followed by a book deal.


Watch it turn out to be some WH staffer’s intern that the NY Times has designated as a “Senior official.” Wouldn’t be the first time that the NY Times would be caught exaggerating, if not outright lying about the status of their source.


Vindictive little swamp dweller. Must have already realized it’s own limited ability to further influence either public opinion or the behavior of the boss.


Sun Tzu advised “Sow discord in the enemy camp”

That “op ed” is an intel op. Someone wanted to induce a witch hunt in the Trump administration. The person who shopped it to the NYT may have claimed to have been a Trump admin person, but this is highly unlikely. Far more likely, they were simply delightfully plausible to the rabid anti-Trump NYT.

If someone in “the Resistance” was actually in a position to do what the worm claimed, they would -never- be stupid enough to blow their own cover that way. No way, no how, not happening. Anyone smart enough to get there, and do such, is not possibly so stupid as to tempt federal prison for any number of prosecutable acts claimed or inferred.

Nope. Not buying it.

What they -did- do, was peruse other folks speec patterns, spoke and written, then bake that into the “op ed” op, to induce “AHA!” And “Gotcha” amoung the actually-loyal folks.

Any decent pro speechwriter does it all the time, learning to mimic their clients so they can write beleiveable speeches.

The “op ed” is an agit-prop op. And it shows just how far someone is willing to go to complete the coup against the American electoral system.

And they will only double-down. They won’t chance losing another one.


It wouldn’t surprise me to find out the NYT fabricated the whole thing. If anyone in the drive-by media said the sky is blue and the sun rises in the east, I would have to verify it myself. I don’t trust anything they say (or print) anymore.


I doubt the NY Times created this whole cloth. This either the rant of a disgruntled employee, or fake news from a low level staffer in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

NY Times just iced the cake with the “senior official” tag.


I do not think the NYT fabricated it, but they did jump on it like a crackhead on a loose C-note.

I watched an intervew with someone who delves into this stuff professionally. He also noted some oddities of writing style, such as frequent one-sentence paragraphs.That is supposedly more “journalist” style, but it is also observed on blogs, like this one.

So far, no one has owned up to it.

I still am still quite convinced this “editorial” is an “op” designed to induce distrust and disfunction.


There was an old saying that business folks used to use quite often. Saw it framed on many an office wall. Paraphrasing “When you work for a man, for Heaven’s sake work for him. If you must disparage, back bite, or run down; leave your position to work else where and then you can complain to your hearts content.” Just as only can you effectively change an organization from within, the best way to destroy an organization is from with in. Not the 1st time The Donald has been shafted by people he paid to be loyal, and he trusted. Probably won’t be the last time.

Lurker Curt

FIRST to say “ew…please stop posting that picture…”


I’d like to nominate it for permanent banning from the Internet.

It should only be used on this site as part of the Continent of Insults©™.


The supposed “Newspaper of Record” has become nothing more than a purveyor of prurient political fiction with this latest desperate attempt to sow chaos inside the Trump Administration. The “tell” is the too-cute-by-far planting of the word “lodestar” to point the finger at V.P. Mike Spence as the author because it is a word used by him in his past speeches and writings that is not commonly used by others inside the administration.

Actually the word “desperate” is too mild a term to describe this madness that has seized the minds of the American Left. They are becoming completely unhinged, so much so that DOJ should revise Form 4473, the Firearms Transaction Record to include the question, “Are you now or have you ever been a registered Democrat” with a positive response becoming an immediate disqualifier.

Seriously, I am increasingly concerned that some lunatic seeking leftist martyrdom is going to assassinate Donald Trump. Were that to happen and the assassin should in fact be lauded as a hero by the left and the Democrats, which seems likely, it could ignite a political conflagration in this country the likes of which has not seen since the War Between the States.

What on earth has happened in the minds of Democrats that has led them down this path of political madness?


Good to see you posting again PT, hope you’re feeling better. and as usual, great post!


Liberalism is a mental disorder. Once it gets added to the DSM, we’ll be able to get these people the help they so obviously need.


What is Progtardism, Alex, for $500.


Welcome back, Poet. And thanks for saying what I have been thinking for some time. There are enough whack jobs who would do as you say and I’m convinced it would result in rebellion. I mentioned recently that before the leftist slime push us off that cliff, they should consider who has a few hundred million guns and a few trillion rounds of ammo. And it ain’t the pussies in their safe spaces crying on their pillow in mommy’s basement bedroom. Liberally translating here, but TJ suggested an occasional rebellion now and then is a good thing. I believe he is absolutely correct. We are past due to throw out the trash.

Perry Gaskill

Follow the money. The current CEO of the New York Times is Mark Thompson. He’s a former director of the BBC, and was quoted not long ago as saying the financial goal of the NYT is to reach 10 million subscribers with each paying a $1000 annual subscription. A main reason for this is a shift away from a dependency on advertising, which is now dominated by Google.

In order for the Times to achieve such a goal, it’s been necessary for the paper to expand outside of its core New York City readership. Since the prospects are apparently not good for a reach into “flyover” country in the U.S., an effort has been made to target a “cosmopolitan” audience outside the country. The fact that the paper’s largest single shareholder is the Mexican cell phone magnate Carlos Slim is also unlikely to be pure coincidence with no influence.

“A political conflagration in this country the likes of which has not seen since the War Between the States” is something the NYT would probably be thrilled to see happen if it sold more papers and helped the company reach its financial goal. Whether such a conflict would be good for the rest of the country is apparently not an NYT consideration.


The NYT might not be quite so thrilled, Perry, since most of the administrative, editorial and reportorial staffs would likely be among the first in that target rich environment to be defenestrated from the upper stories by the flyover hordes. I confess I would find it interesting to see if those high and mighty elitists, so bloated with contempt for the likes of us, can float or fly.

Perry Gaskill

Poe, I’m not sure we’re talking about a group of people whose ego allows them to consider the prospect of negative unintended consequences.


That seems a lofty goal. $100 billion annual from subscribers? They need a CEO that can set attainable, realistic goals.

Netflix is probably one of the largest subscription-based services and they’re less than $12b annually.

Comcast is probably the single largest subscription business out there and they brought in ~$22b in 2017.

Perry Gaskill

True, but the number actually works out to $10 Billion. My own view is that Thompson isn’t off on potential NYT readership. The paper has already apparently logged 35 million uniques with a metered paywall. What is less clear is if 10 million subscribers are going to be willing to cough up $1000 per year. Here’s a link to a Thompson interview if you’re curious about the news media business models involved:


Obviously math is not my strong suit. D’oh!


Mark Thompson is delusional. The number who would pay $1000 annually for a sub to that rag is miniscule. And when the SHTF, the blue bloods in the NYT and other elitist turds are going to be among the first to feel the wrath of the citizens of the flyover states. They’re dead meat and their gated communities won’t do shit to protect them. Same of the pussies living in mommy’s basement. Dead Meat … Good riddance assholes.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Eeeyup, let ‘em hole up in their gated communities and eat each other!

Wilted Willy

Poe, first off, glad to see you back, I have been praying for you! I whole heartdly agree with you! I just bought another black scary gun and another 1K rounds of hollow point ammo with a very accurate laser sight. I hope it doesn’t come to that, but hey, if it does, I’m ready and willing! Bring it you bunch of leftard pussies!


Speaking of guns, you guys will like this throwback educational video.

This guy’s channel is my new favorite. I’ll be putting a list together of some of the hits for the WoT. The Navy’s low pressure water distillation system has some cool videos there if you need help falling asleep.


Easy there, Poe. Here in the PDRofMD we tried a “DINO” offensive, where Republicans or Independents would register as Dems, to vote Dem incumbents out in the Primaries. Hence the name Democrat In Name Only.

Sadly, it didn’t work.

So perhaps omit the “have you ever been” part out?


No problema, Ed, just act like a real Democrat and lie your ass off…


Like my Congress Critter Steny Fucking Hoyer?
Sorry, no can do.

A Proud Infidel®™️

As I see it, the more they go running around shitting their diapers and throwing hissy fits, the more people will come over to our side, President Trump hasn’t waffled yet like other GOP Presidents have in the past and IMHO the more he sticks to his guns the higher of a landslide he’ll win by in 2020!


Why are the Dems flaking out?

Because Trump, in -one- election, has -utterly- destroyed their perception of inevitable victory. He not only beat them at their own game, he made it look like a tired old man could, on his first go at it, defeat the Donks Queen of corruption with 90% of the media cheering her on and with at least half of the insiders furiously burying her misdeeds.

Trump -utterly- destroyed their Faith, and far worse, he is boasting about it and is making sure -everyone- knows about that fatal vulnerability.

The Donks may not outright lose their minds in the 2018 elections , but if the “Blue Wave” is a ripple, or if there are Republican -gains-, then the wheels come off the Donks bus in 2020. A Trump re-election in 2020 would be a -generational- change in America politics especially if he has a solid cadre of cooperative congresscritters riding his coattails.

They are going to go to …. extreme … lengths to prevent Trump getting a second term.

They have to. Otherwise a century of “progress” goes down the shitter.

But not to fear, look for some supposed Republicans to try to save the Donks from themselves. You know the sort – they made a racket out of being the “opposition party”, and Trump wrecked their fundraising game plan by actually -winnng-. (Some are actually Progressives, and resent the wrecked “inevitable social progress, with set-asides for our guys”)

Popcorn, anyone?

2/17 Air Cav

“What on earth has happened in the minds of Democrats that has led them down this path of political madness?”

They have had at least eight years of having things their way. They had the presidency. They had RINOs afraid of their own shadows. They had the Sup Ct and lesser cts legislating what Congress wouldn’t bless. Their hopes that Trump would be inpeached by now are gone and the prospect for that happening in the future are fading. Mueller’s best efforts have gone for naught, with the FBI now revealed to be as dirty as the day is long. In short, the Left has nothing in its collective quiver but shouting, screeching, pouting and, occasionally, doing violence. It’s a pleasure to see.


Watching the screeching howler monkeys airing their insanity at the confirmation hearing is somewhere between amusing and incredibly sad. Only in America do we display so proudly the lunatics among us.


You talking the howler monkeys in the audience being carted out by the men/women in blue or the howler monkeys seated behind the bench from Feinstein and to her left?

Speaking of Feinstein, her exchange with the good judge yesterday on what constitutes “common use” is priceless. They are certifiably crazy.




I think Trump said hold my Coke.
Penned the screed.
Handed it to a millennial staffer to dirty up and flung it.
Just to watch the dirt fly…


Oh how he does like to mess with the media. Certainly has drawn attention away from the confirmation hearings.

It is too coincidental that it’s timed perfectly with the pre-book release media tour of Woodward for my tastes.


You were not supposed to notice that “coincidence” of timing!



Here’s a political writer dissecting the Pence deflection with some humor:

2/17 Air Cav

That was funny. I especially liked the last (time sensitive on that) commenter. He used the word jamoke. I’d give him an A+ for his comment just for that.

Wilted Willy

Ex, I love the squirrel! I hope you are giving her lot’s of nuts???

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO it’s further evidence of just how shit-scared the DC insider crowd is of President Donald Trump. Many a past POTUS has backpedaled and flip-flopped by this point but not President Trump. With past Presidents, big money PACS have been able to manipulate via big money campaign donations, but like even plenty of libs have said “Donald Trump cannot be bought” and along with that, I’m sure he himself has owned many a pol in the past thus he knows how it works and I’m sure there are pols out there that President Trump HAS bought off in the past.


Every place I go lately has “now hiring” signs. Even Taco Bell had several posted like Burma-Shave signs in their drive-thru a couple weeks back.

Despite all the doom and gloom from the left/media, all of Trump’s moves have made us safer, wealthier, and happier. People ain’t got time to read the fake news when they’re back at work and makin’ money.

A Proud Infidel®™

Another thing I remember seeing recently is that Black Unemployment is THE LOWEST it’s ever been since they started keeping track of it and the D-rats are extra-scared shitless they’re going to lose control of a voting bloc they’ve held captive for decades, ditto with Hispanics, could that be another reason the D-rats want to hurry up and get as many illegal aliens in the USA as they can?


Editorial Cartoon drawn by Jeff Danzinger, The Rutland Herald, Washington Post Writers group, dated Sep 2, 2018 (8887) Was run in today’s local fish wrapper. Caption Ante Bellum. Shows two apparently white men on horses over looking supposed blacks picking cotton. “You know, I don’t think employment levels for African Americans have ever been higher.” I firmly believe what we have discussed here for several years now is coming to pass. The swamp dwelling congress critters, on both sides of the aisle, are using the media to do what ever they can to derail the Trump Train so they can justify and keep their phony baloney jobs. They think that the real (armed) Americans are so scattered, when the mob rule/riots starts, their police state can kick in, section by section. Maybe they all need to watch Red Dawn again.


Sucks that Trump’s chickens are coming home to roost, huh PH?

2/17 Air Cav

Hey Joey. We’re nearly a week into September. You’re overdue to change your draws. Whoever first said that “It sucks to be you” must have been talking to you. And now for the news:

H. Wide Load Clinton lost the election. The DOJ’s sham Russian collusion investigation has succeeded only in damaging the FBI. Kavanaugh will be on the Supreme Court before the month is out and may be there for decades. Jobs are up. Unemployment is down. Food stamp recipients are at an 8-year low. We are not at war. Korea is de-nuking. Iran is getting its due. Oh. I nearly forgot. Trump’s first term doesn’t end until 2021.


“Sucks that Trump’s chickens are coming home to roost”

– said every idiot Lefty

You lose Joe, and everyone sees it. Thus desperate lefty attempts to deflect and distract, and utterly lame attempts to troll us that utterly backfire.

I appreciate your efforts on behalf of Trump 2020 and four more years of MAGA.


Looky, Shit-n-Run Joe is back with one of his insightful one liners. What a maroon.


Maybe he learned that stuff from the sibling rivalry of his parents.?


You may have meant that as a slam, Joe, but in reality it is anything but. Those chickens roosting back in the good old U S of A is just one of the terrific things going on which you lefties cannot explain or whine away.

Awwww. The clueless still pretending to have some relevance. Bwess their poor widdle willfully ignorant hearts.