Mike Ritze’ embellishing ways cost him re-election.

| September 2, 2018

Mike Ritze lost in Primary.  Jonn wrote about Mike Ritze back in May.

According to Tulsa World, Oklahoma Legislator Mike Ritze who represents Broken Arrow has been called out by two of his peers for wearing a Disabled American Veterans cap with a Purple Heart attached on the floor of the chamber;

Two of his House colleagues — Reps. Kevin McDugle, R-Broken Arrow, and Josh West, R- Grove — are accusing Ritze of embellishing his military record. They say he has been wearing on the House floor the DAV cover — or hat — with a Purple Heart insignia, implying that he was a member and had been awarded the medal.

He also claimed that DAV had given him a honorary membership in the organization. DAV denies that and they’ve asked him to stop using their name in his campaign material.

There were other factors involved with Mike Titze losing…but it seems he was not used to being challenged.  He was accustomed to being unopposed.

Broken Arrow state Rep. Mike Ritze lost to Stan May. Ritze became embroiled in his own controversy when claims of “stolen valor” surfaced against him.

Ritze had not seen an opponent of any kind since winning his first term in the 2008 House District 80 Republican primary. Roberts has had only one real test, a 2012 Republican primary, since winning his first term in 2010.

I certainly hope his embellishing ways being exposed helped him snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  He just looks like the kind of guy I want to see fail.

Category: Politics

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A Proud Infidel®™️

‘Buh-BYE you pisspants pile of poodle shit!


That face looks like the kind of arrogant, narcissitic clown that says “I got this”!


It warms my heart when pols crash and burn, especially if they’re assholes. Like Mike Ritze.


Voepel. See how that works?


Embellishing = You Reap What You Sow.


He just looks like the kind of guy I want to see in jail. Appears he spread a little shitz on his ritz. I, too, love to see pols crash and burn, be they democans or republicrats.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Ditto that. If they lie about or embellish Military Service they need to be thrown out like a psychotic ex-Wife!

“Politicians and diapers both need to be changed often and for the same reason.” – Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)


Exactly. If they’ll lie about that, they just lost what little credibility they had.


Goofy Fred Flintstone looking dickhead… adios!


I was thinking the “Joe Izusu” character of commercial fame (which IMO is probably closer to this guy’s character than Fred Flintsone). But to each his own.


Yeah, definitely a resemblance to Joe Isuzu.

Joe Isuzu

comment image&exph=360&expw=480&q=joe+isuzu&simid=608049281556350373&selectedIndex=5


That’s a “I just got DORKED IN THE SQUEAKHOLE by my constituents” look


Dude has same look when his Great Dane is boning him


His false claims obviously didn’t help him, but I’m sure there were other things in the mix that fouled his anchor chain.

I’m sure he’ll be back, on a new track. He looks like a truly lame-version of Joe Pesci in ‘My Cousin Vinny’, and not nearly as smart as Vinny was.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

No dancing at the Ritze.



What about “Putting on the Ritz” as featured in “Young Frankenstein”:



Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

AnotherPat; I think Putting on the Ritz goes way back and I thought my above comment was the right one. I’m wrong again.


Jeff, you are not wrong or wrote anything wrong! I’m so sorry my comment came across that I was correcting you (which I wasn’t).

I LIKED your comment
“No dancing at the Ritze.” Thought it was funny!

Your comment reminded me of the movie “Young Frankenstein” with Gene Wilder/Peter Doyle’s version of “Putting on the Ritz”, so I shared that link with you and TAH. Thank You for bringing that hilarious movie scene back to my memory cells!

It’s all good! Keep up the great puns! 🤗


The song does go way back, Jeff – as in 90+ years. It was written by Irving Berlin in 1927.



this dude has that 1000 meter “long range meat gazer” smile.

Like he pissed his pants and the feeling is pleasing to him or something…


IMHO, he looks like this “Preacher” Ernest Angley:




Pretty close resemblance indeed.

For those who don’t read Spanish, here’s the English-language Wikipedia entry for the “Right Reverend”:



Lest we lose sight of what pisses most of off here the most is this phony claiming to be a recipient of a Purple Heart. Fake ass smile, Groucho Marx eyebrows, and a $19.95 (“As seen on T V”) cheap toupee…..what more could you expect from a GENUINE PHONY? Well, you could wonder if he has any issues like Ernest Angley

MSG Eric

He looks like he made a poopie and needs a diaper change.

Club Manager, USA ret.

Broken Arrow, any of y’all know what that is the code for? Not to be confused with “Straight Arrow” which I suspect most mark “N/A” on questionnaires. Every time I drive through that town and see the road sign I think about the one we had at the McGuire AFB BOMARC site.


Broken arrow, empty quiver, bent spear.

I always enjoyed the nuclear codes. Someone had some flair that created those. Glad I never had to deal with any directly, just in exercise messages.

MSG Eric

“I don’t know what’s worse. The fact that this has happened, or the fact that we have a name for it.”


“Broken Arrow, any of y’all know what that is the code for?”

Since I graduated the USAF Nuclear Accident Response Course, definitely. 🙂


“Broken Arrow” code also used during the Viet of the Nam indicating American Ground unit in danger of being over run, and calling for available air/fire support to help. IIRC most famously used by LT COL Hal Moore @ LZ X-Ray Nov 65. Lt Charlie Hastings called in the whole clan; Army gunships, Air Force and Navy fast movers, The Spads and the tube arty from LZ Falcon, to bring the dam dam down on the NVA.

2/17 Air Cav

2/17 Air Cav

Ritze at his day job:

“This little honey is a cream puff. One owner and–you’ll think I’m lying and I don’t blame you–but she was in her 80s and only drove it to and from church! I’d buy it myself but my wife let me. Get it now. It won’t be here long!”

Green Thumb

Your are not supposed to wear a cover indoors.

Unless you are under arms.


Dude looks creepy as well….

william bennett

It is heartening to see one of these lying turds be discovered. I voluntarily served for 21 years and loved it. Never was a hero unless one considers the unaccompanied overseas tours, night watches, wet foxholes, landing craft rides in 8 foot seas heroic. I was always convinced that the pilots did not know how to fly, they were just expert at crash avoidance. The ones with less survival acumen, well they and their passengers are no longer with us.
I will bet that this guy Ritze was a draft dodger, never served, never went anywhere near a battlefield. He just wants that purple heart to help him slide into office by an extra couple of votes. So he perpetrates a lie, maybe not verbalized, but a lie none the less. In addition to be a thief of unearned valor, he is an imposter and worst of all he is a liar. Now we all believe that politicians stretch the truth but when we catch one of the phony buggers in a lie, we should as his constituents in Broken Arrow have done. We should ‘break his arrows’, cut his bowstring and cast the bastard out on his ass.
But you watch, Ritze will return, somewhere, somehow and the next time it will be with a Silver Star, CIB, Trident and a set of Marine Corps dress blues.