“Trump signs bill named for Sen. John McCain, doesn’t mention him”

| August 14, 2018

President Donald Trump on Monday signed a $716 billion defense policy bill named for John McCain but included no mention in his remarks of the Republican senator, who is battling brain cancer at home in Arizona.

Trump and McCain are engaged in a long-running feud that dates to Trump’s 2016 presidential run. At campaign rallies, Trump regularly castigates McCain — without outright naming him — for casting a dramatic thumbs-down vote that doomed Trump’s effort last year to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which was enacted by President Barack Obama.

Trump said there was “no better place than right here at Fort Drum” to celebrate passage of the defense bill, which will boost military pay by 2.6 percent, giving service members their largest increase in nine years.

I have not read the entire thing but there are some very interesting things brewing.

Besides setting policy and spending levels, the bill weakens a bid to clamp down on Chinese telecom company ZTE. It allows Trump to waive sanctions against countries that bought Russian weapons and now want to buy U.S. military equipment. The bill provides no money for Trump’s requested Space Force but authorizes the military parade he wants in Washington in November. The White House has said it will outline a budget for the space force next year.

Damn, no Space Force yet.  I have been waiting decades for those alien bastards to pay for shooting up my ride.   What are they waiting for?  Christmas?

Category: Military issues

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McCain served and was a POW… and usually hasn’t done enough to help the military/vets since he’s been a pol.

OT – I noticed that the tribute thread for Jonn had 406 posts last night, now it’s 397. I hope that nobody has been getting stupid on it forcing Dave or any of the other mods to delete posts.


I saw that too. Methinks fuckery is a foot.

2/17 Air Cav

Nah. The exact same thing happened about two weeks ago, too. It’s just a glitch.


Back at 406.


We need the Space Force. Space aliens are everywhere. They are now trying to turn the high volume of plant growth into a Bad Thing For The Planet. Greening the Planet Is Bad!

Bring on Space Force!!!!


If they give you a RED SHIRT, don’t be part of any AWAY TEAM.


If you’ve got a Red Shirt, STAY IN THE ENGINE ROOM!


Red? Oh, noes!!

They gave me the jacket with the green color patch that says I’m in the Groundpouners Section.

Help!!! I wanna go back to my desk job! This isn’t what I signed up for! I have responsibilities at home! Who’s going to look after my fish and my cat?


It was amateur proctoligist


So, once they establish the US space academy, will the attending students then be referred to as “space cadets?” Inquiring minds want to know.


That’s not the aliens…thats the Air Farce spraying their Chemtrails! They have killed everything in our garden we have tried to plant…when we moved in here before the spraying, we had a hell of a good garden!

2/17 Air Cav

McCain must be as lucid as a stalk of celery about now. Hell, he didn’t even vote on the bill b/c emails from staff voting on his behalf are not yet acceptable. Screw him.


So the CiC doesn’t mention a war hero with whom he disagrees? Well, someone should have stuck to the plan and voted to repeal the ‘ACA’ like they said they would.
Besides, I’m pretty sure the President’s job is to sign things, Congress names ‘em. Jus’sayin’.

Warning, content not suitable for all audiences.

Speaking of Duke Nukem, a couple classics:
And did you know that Duke Nukem is anti immigrant or something…?
Snowflakes gonna snowflake.


Hah, listening to those Duke Nukem rants reminds me of some of the crap that went on 45 years ago when America went nuts over the CB Radio craze.

Oh, Well, this is KDX-7269 and I’m 10-99./smile


For sure, for sure


Don’t ever tell a police officer you’re 10-99.

Steve S.

Or 10-96.

USMC Steve

He ain’t a war hero. Some of the prisoners he was in Hanoi with wanted him prosecuted for collaborating with the enemy, hence his nickname of “Songbird”. His daddy got him out of that by crushing the dissenters. He did his job, no more, and by many accounts not all that well. He has systematically shit upon conservatives and hasn’t really been much of a friend to the military, but has been an outstanding RINO for decades. His one accomplishment.


I don’t know about that. He didn’t take the offer to leave Hanoi Hilton before his time. And about the ‘songbird’ crap, even IF McCain gave up information, which Robert Timberg said wasn’t likely, ever been tortured? McCain went through a period of sacrifice few know, thank Christ.
Attack the man on his logic, reason and position, hell, his lack of consistency re conservative values! To discount his past for ad hominem is a damn shame.

tom reynolds

This is a man that would have been tossed from flight school over his incompetence if not for his Admiral daddy and Grandfather.Just because Nixon pardoned him for his treason dosen’t mean he didn’t do it.Sadly they will inter him in Arlington with the real heros.


Yep, he crashed some planes.
McCain was never pardoned or charged, especially not for treason, which is one of few crimes mentioned by name and definition in the Constitution, vid:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
How could that charge ever stick?
What aid? What comfort?

USMC Steve

You are correct, ROH. Because his daddy was a massive admiral in charge of a significant part of the Navy, and very powerful and influential with other flag rank officers. Stockdale was another member of the Mccain fan club, who assisted in this. He suppressed a number of very troubling accusations that Mccain should have at least stood trial for. If he got off, then so be it. But that didn’t happen. I will say this. As evil as this man is, I have no sympathy for anything done to him. Fuck him.


I respectfully disagree. You being a Man of faith and personal integrity, and I believe myself the same, will not yield from our positions.
I beg of you Truce.


Yep. McCain got tortured so badly he tried to kill himself in despair and to this day he can’t raise hie arms over his head, he was so helpful to the North Vietnamese.

Perhaps try citing actual facts instead of gossip?

Agree that McCain is past being obligated to retire from the cancer alone. He’s no longer capable of doing his job, even forgetting his actual positions.

USMC Steve

I will go with the men who were there with him. They probably know better than you. And EVERYONE there got an intensive torture session or several, because the NVA liked that stuff. Several prisoners said they were not even asked questions, just tortured.


B >S> that arm was injured when he crashed the plane..the VC couldn’t kiss his ass enough to appease daddykins! imho


Right on! McCain is a p.o.s.!!

Dave Hardin

Sargon of Akkad ? Are you some kind of xenophobic alt right homophobe that was secretly sent here by those Commie Bastards in the Kremlin to wage war against honest Patriots? LMAO, for a guy that likes smashed peas…he is spot on with most things.


“Are you some kind of xenophobic alt right homophobe that was secretly sent here by those Commie Bastards in the Kremlin to wage war against honest Patriots?”
Um, even though I don’t believe in the Constitution can I still use the 5th Amendment, the guaranteed protection not to incriminate myself? J/k.
Sargon, Crowder, Shapiro, Owen Benjamin, Matt Christiansen, Count Dankula etc and gun vids, get the lion share of my youtube clicks. Because of the corp-pirate embargo on right wing thought I’ve been trying to throw a couple ducats to them via tee spring, patreon, CRTV membership, etc.
Do not let the left monopolize speech!

Dave Hardin

Look man, you need help brother. You’re all hopped up on that Jordan Peterson hype. You’re high on that Owens chick. You’ve been gorging on too much Rubin.

For the love a God, seek help before its too late.


I’ve got something to admit, I’ve been freebasing The Great One, Mark Levin.
I’m a monster


Would you like fries with that?


Maybe. You make the fries, I’ll make the cucumber salad?
Wine, ice tea or margaritas?

jim h

ok, but im not gonna kick “that Owens chick” out for eating cookies in bed. wouldn’t mind being a little high on her myself.

all innuendo aside, her transformation from proggy to conservative has been interesting to watch, at the very least.


To the admin that put in the warning, thank you!

Dave Hardin

I can tell you need some special attention, Semper Fi bro.


That’s a fair assessment.
Semper Fi to you, Brother. Army Strong!


One of my “Dukes” favorite lines.


Probably could not give the formal name of more than a handful of bill names passed since I was a kid… Graham Rudman,a couple others. Once again, a non-controversy blown up by the media.


I remember all of Susan Collins bills because they all start with the same “veterans this and veterans that”.
McCain needs a graceful exit but Trump is not required to provide it, nor should he.

2/17 Air Cav

It’s too late for a graceful exit. The major pubs and news outlets wrote his obit late last year. The SOB just won’t go.


Yeah, if he gave a shit about the country, he’d resign, and let a real conservative fill his seat. Right now, he’s basically giving the dims an extra vote.. but he’s hanging on to fuck over the President and try to get his wife into his seat.. Any respect he earned, he’s pissed away with this crap.


Fyr, resigning is probably the last thing on his mind. He’s looking for any what to fuck over Trump, and will do it on his deathbed.

He should have been shown the door a long, long time ago.

A Proud Infidel®™️

IMHO John McCain should have been put out to pasture after he lost his bid for the Presidency .


Agreed. He’s worse off than Wilson after his stroke. McCain is not capable of fulfilling his duties. Time to retire.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

McCain was the only Republican caught up in the Keating Five debacle, but corruption in the Senate never leaves a lasting mark on the guilty.

McCain is a reminder that just because someone served honorably and did amazing things at one time in their life it’s not a free pass for the rest of their life, nor is it indicative they’ll always be honorable afterwards.

Most of us humans have deep flaws, McCain and Trump are no exception to this reality. They just have far more public lives than the rest of us. I always find it amusing listening to folks I grew up with castigating one side or the other for some perceived moral impropriety….I like to remind them I knew them when they were kids and I saw and remember what they did at various points in their lives.

There are so many hypocrites criticizing both sides of the aisle today I’ve come to realize we have the government we deserve, dysfunctional, corrupt and full of shit just the people who vote for it.




Preach it! DRAIN the Swamp on both sides of the aisle. BTW, when the Space Force does come on line, will they give all the former Door Gunners the slots?


Dysfunctional government I can live with; it’s when they agree to “get things done” that I get worried


Why would a politician use his bully pulpit to stump for a guy who has actively campaigned against him and reneged on his own campaign promises? This is fricken politics. Don’t vote the way the big man wants? Don’t expect to get a shout out. Anyone who claims this is anything else is a simple minded fool who is swallowing the MSM haterade.

2/17 Air Cav

I have a recommendation to lead the Ghost Force. He would be perfect for the job.