Pocahontas holds Pow Wow; concerned about Veterans
It appears that Pocahontas, (that Warren woman), and a few of her friends are not happy with President Trump and some of his friends. They accuse President Trump of using a group of insiders to help make decisions on matters concerning veterans.
“These accounts … paint a disturbing picture of corruption and cronyism that is not only antithetical to transparent, accountable and ethical government, but will make it more difficult for (VA Secretary Robert Wilkie) to lead the VA in a way that allows him to exercise his independent judgement,” Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, wrote in a letter to the VA inspector general’s office on Friday.
Oh, and there is this:
“Membership in President Trump’s private club should not give any individual the right to exert influence on decisions made by the VA that impact the over nine million veterans under its care.”
At issue this time is a report released by ProPublica this week that identifies three businessmen — Marvel Entertainment CEO Ike Perlmutter, primary care specialist Dr. Bruce Moskowitz and attorney Marc Sherman — as key architects of a host of veterans policy decisions by Trump’s administration, even though none of the men hold an official government post.
Can you imagine a President getting advice from people who are not in any “official government post”? Why this is just anarchy, the outrage, I, I, I, am lost for words.
This may hurt a little, but you can read the article HERE
Category: Politics
Lieawatha can take her phony concern for veterans and shove it up her ass.
Exactly, the lying bitch and her idiot consorts are like flies on shyt! They wait until something comes up they think they can bitch about….so sick of these assholes, I can’t tell you!!
On the banks of the river, stood running bear and little white dove.
Williams and Ree killed me with that song… 😉
I got all happy, expecting to see a woman running naked through the woods. I missed the last two words in the title. Dammit.
Yeah, Chief Spreading Bull should not be talking. Those who live in a glass Teepee should not throw buffalo chips! Didn’t she just call the justice system “Racist from top to bottom”? You know, seeing as she is a lawyer, she would know. She doesn’t care about anyone who is not putting money in her account. She is one of my Senators and her latest antics are really pissing people off.
With luck she’ll join Strzok on the unemployment lists very shortly….
I’ve heard that her nickname is “Walking Turkey” meaning a bird that is too full of shit to fly.
She is also known as “Running Beaver” since she began her aspirations for the Presidency. I wouldn’t believe anything that lying, POSer scrunt said even if she was standing on a stack of bibles in a thunderstorm holding a lightning rod in an open field.
She has a few honorary Injun titles, including “Shrieking Crow”. My thoughts on that one are mixed because I have a grudging respect for crows. Unlike Warren, they are intelligent birds.
I heard her Indian name is stupid bitch. Because she is a stupid bitch.
I did like this:
“but will make it more difficult for (VA Secretary Robert Wilkie) to lead the VA in a way that allows him to exercise his independent judgement,””
and after reading it, re-read it. looked a whole lot like “it will make it difficult for the VA secretary to misuse and abrogate his responsibility.” ISTR in my understanding of American civics that cabinets and departments are allowed “independent judgment” but are beholden to the people they serve, so hey shitting bull: shhhhhhh! grown folks are talking. we don’t care about your opinions. next time I want you or any other government con artist doing my thinking for me, I will have a tag on my toe. “independent judgment” (read, corruption) is what gave the VA such a terrible reputation. seriously: STFU.
a thought on a side note: wouldn’t just be so very nice if we could go through congress (and staffers) and make them do SF86s or whatever, and *then* be able to kick whoever fails the background investigations?
correction: AREN’T allowed “independent judgment”
Fuck that cunt,and duckworthless as well, under 0sama oops 0bama, it took 4ever to get my left knee replaced, meds.braces etc etc etc, under Trumps Veteran choice program, 10 days to see a real ortho surgeon at a private clinic here in Seattle, and poof im getting a new knee in about 6 weeks, the wait times have been cut down (FOR ME AT LEAST BY 75% )
Next thing Fauxcahontas will tell us is there are thousands of people in DC constantly lobbying members of Congress to get them to vote the way those lobbyists (I guess that’s what they’d be called?) want them to?
Nah, impossible. DC is the stronghold of truth, integrity, and honor. They always do what’s best for the people.
LMAO! Luv the pic, it says all anyone would ever need to know about her.
Her feewings are hurt because she can’t make a nuisance of herself in regard to veterans’ affairs.
Okay, moving on.
She sure does think she’s more important than anyone else thinks she is.
I heard somewhere that she was the chief of the famous WheretheFuckarewe Tribe? Somehow, I’m sure she is 100% genetic Fuckarewe??
Fauxcahontas is catching flack for flapping her big mouth a little too much and calling the justice system in the US racist after having multiple local plice officers in MA killed recently so of course she’s feigning concern for veteran’s issues. She’s up for re-election, she’s got people competing to run against her, a governor who’s not going to speak for her like Urkel did last time, it’s not a presidential election year, and people are pissed off at her for her stupid remarks in NOLA. Problem is most vets I know here in the PDRMA haven’t stopped being pissed at her when she advocated for illegals instead of vets and didn’t bother to respond when she got called out on it.
This is the dem playbook for 2018. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mi) is doing the same thing. She’s suddenly concerned about veterans, even though she’s been around for years, but just found out last week that this country has veterans, and there are problems.
If only the vets had been enrolled in programs like Medical Weight Loss, or Weight Watchers, she might have run into a vet or two.
Warren is treading on Susan Collins turf.
Collins has been pimping vets for many terms and she will not allow a FNG to horn in on it.
Ever since I moved to NH I used to call Collins and Snowe, “Obama’s Comfort Girls,” but sadly, the twin twits of NH (Hassan and Shaheen) have taken over.
And true to form Shaheen left Massachusetts for NH after her govenorship expired. She used to have the State Police fly her home in a helicopter for the weekends. Hassan and her hubby belong in jail.
Still waiting on that DNA test, Fauxcahontas!
“Pocahontas holds Pow Wow; concerned about Veterans”
Since when?
Fauxcahontas has taken posing to a whole different level. I could give a sh*t about her.
After reading through the comments so far, I believe I may, just may, have detected a trend among those who have commented so far. I suspect that trend will continue throughout any new comments following.
This is me, not giving a shit what that scrunt thinks.
We’ve had “professionals” run the VA into the ground. I don’t see how anyone Trump hired could do worse.
Except maybe Omarosa. Fuck that loser attention whore.
Roger that. Seems those hired to lead the VA have been professional, self serving bureaucrats more interested in their image than the well being of those they were hired to serve. Not helping the efficiency and image of the VA is the union, who has never met a no load employee whose job they could not save, to the detriment of those they were hired to serve.
Just phony concern trying to get the veteran vote, unfortunately for her most of us smell the bovine manure from a long way off, I feel sorry for the people of Massachusetts, but here in NJ we have representing us in the Senate, Menendez and Corey snooker, so I feel sorry for us too….how these village idiot dumbasses keep getting elected shows just how stupid and gullible the population in the most densely populated areas of these 2 states are.
Don’t leave out Connecticut!
Chris Murphy is ISIS and Richard (Dick) Blumenthal doesn’t know what Vietnam is, that is to say he’s a f**ing lair.
So she’s ok with foreign agents literally paying the Clinton Foundation to curry favor with a Sec State, but has a problem with Americans in a Trump golf club allegedly having an opinion?
See this is why the left so hates Trump. He is playing the game by the rules they set up. They abhor someone who uses their tricks against them. They need to stop pretending they hold some sort of moral high ground.
The hatred the socialist dummycrats have for Trump is beyond understanding. There is nothing he does that does not result in gnashing of teeth with immediate condemnation. In this instance, it seems pocodummy is pissed that Trump would consider seeking the opinion of anyone not in a cabinet post. One of these local protests could easily get out of hand and escalate. Hoping I am wrong but I’m a realist and I think all this ends badly for the country. I’m so sick of the never-ending hatred for all things Trump.
“I hold it that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing.” … TJ, whose understanding of people and government far exceeds that of the babbling democrat trash. If Soros croaks they lose much of their bankroll. That would be a good thing.
Can you imagine how terrible she must feel?
Why, it must almost be enough to make her skip her $300 steak tonight….
Liawatha and her cocksucking commie/socialist friends can go suck the BARBED COCK OF SATAN… they couldn’t give a shit (or three) about the military or vets.
Even if she’s un-elected, she’ll still keep running her yapping mouth until no one is really interested in anything she has to say.
It would be nice if someone would just say ‘liar, liar, pants on fire’ right to her face and then walk away.
Remember guys, at this point in time she is the (one of the) front “front runners” for the Dems in 2020.
*double post…caffeine not yet at operational level.
Looks like a female victim of ball tapage.
You know that bill Trump just signed, the one that provided a raise to the military? She voted NAY.
Of course, she voted ‘nay’.
(Not doing the horse’s ass pun here. Not!)
If it has dTrump on it, she’s agin’ it.
She’ll go down fightin’, no matter what it does to her manicure.
I live in “Taxachusetts” where many residents loudly refer to themselves as “Massholes.” Like Pocahontas, I’m not a “native” of this state. I’m an OIF\OEF veteran (REMF\Retired Army Reserve) and retired federal civil service employee. I receive some health care through a VA Medical Center and worked four years for the Veterans Benefits Administration.
If I were made “Chief” for the day, I would ask Pocahontas to define what military service qualifies someone as a “veteran.” Then I would quiz the former Harvard Law professor about VA “disability compensation” and “pension” eligibility determination and benefits allowances.
There’s a world of difference between a “disabled veteran” and a “veteran who becomes disabled.” However, both types are recipients of VA benefits. If Pocahontas truly wants to make VA more responsive, I suggest she write legislation to mandate the agency’s limited resources be expended firstly and primarily on “those who have borne the battle” and their widows and orphans. I’m not denigrating those non-combat veterans who later experience substance abuse, alcoholism, dementia, homelessness, and unemployment and qualify for a VA pension (non-service connected). However, when a WW II Silver Star and Purple Heart recipient receives less in VA disability compensation than a non-combat veteran receives in VA pension income, then our nation’s priorities are skewed. This example is but one of many cases I’ve encountered where combat wounded veterans are inadequately compensated.
I’m new to TAH but have quickly become an avid daily reader. Coming here has restored a sense of pride in my own military service and deepened my appreciation for the sacrifices of those who have heard shots fired in anger. I salute all who have honorably served.
“There’s a world of difference between a “disabled veteran” and a “veteran who becomes disabled”.” Welcome to the club.
And I thought I was the only person who thought “There’s a world of difference between a ‘disabled veteran’ and a “veteran who becomes disabled.”
What is sad are those Veterans who “brag” about being a Disabled Veteran of a war/conflict (“I’m a Disabled World War II Veteran; I’m a Disabled Korean War Veteran; I’m a Disabled Vietnam War Veteran; I’m a Disabled Desert Storm Veteran”, etc) only to find out their disability was not “war” related.
Just my 2 cents perception.
Speaking of Warren:
“Police chiefs criticize Elizabeth Warren for calling criminal justice system ‘racist’”
“While speaking Aug. 3 at Dillard University, a historically black college in New Orleans, Warren said the criminal justice system is “racist. . . front to back.”
It appears that she is annoying not only the police in various localities, but also the public in general. And her opponents are taking advantage of her penchant for faux pas, as below:
Shiva Ayyadurai, who is challenging Warren as an independent, called her remarks “election-year posturing.”
“She’s done this simply to garner political points with her constituency,” he said. “In my view, she’s part of the problem.”
Thanks, Ex-PH2.
You nailed it…👍👏
I saw this! How does she think she can crap all over the Police, courts, prisons, probation officers?
Maybe she forgot that they’re union members…
She’s gotta have the worst case of trench foot from having it in there CONSTANTLY!
That is why I am hoping Ex-PH2, Dave, AW1Ed, ex-os2, Poetrooper, Claymore, Hondo, thebesig, etc. to write a piece on this and place it on the TAH Blog for us minions to comment.
Still waiting for your DNA, Lizzy the Indian Maiden of Fair Skin Hair and Eyes..
Ex-PH2: Don’t know if her dumb bunny comment ever made it on TAH for comments, but just in case it didn’t: Could you please post something about this for others to comment? Thank You.
Also, here is her comeback:
Why aren’t people calling her Faux-cahontas? It’s so simple and it gets the point across how fake she is. She’s like Hillary Lite -all the crazy nonsense and none of the focus.
Native American activists pointed out how she liked to falsely claim to be a Cherokee Indian but never did anything with or for them. She’s just another sad poser upper-class hippie.
Her critics just need to stop the baseless mud-slinging. There’s a lot of gold to mine in her incompetence and posturing.