Monday morning feel good stories

| August 13, 2018

From Blakely, GA

 A Blakely woman shot a convicted sex offender to death over the weekend after he allegedly broke into her home.

Photo from State of Georgia.

During a 9-1-1 call placed late Saturday the victim reported she was assaulted after discovering 53-year old Michael Lindsey hiding in a closet of her home. The woman’s 12-year old daughter was also present.

“Deputies arrived at the scene and insured the safety of the victims who had locked themselves inside a room because they weren’t sure if the intruder was still inside the home,” Early County Investigator Captain Will Caudill said.

Officers also discovered 53-year old Michael Lindsey outside the home. He was taken to a Blakely hospital and pronounced dead. He’s believed to have stumbled from inside before collapsing. Prior to the shooting she fought off her attacker with a spoon, a police report states.

Caudill said Lindsey molested a child in 1999 and is listed on the Georgia Sex Offender Registry.

Caudill said his car was found parked behind a motel located a short distance from the home. He isn’t sure if he had broken into the home before the victim arrived home or later.


Category: Feel Good Stories

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Obviously, no range time needed for this lady.

Great ending to a tough story.

Doc Savage




Michael Lindsey – DRT by assault spoon – 25×3=75



Deplorable B Woodman

Fifty-three years old……. He looks worse than I feel this morning. And I’m more than ten years older. Rough life, rough death.

Doc Savage

Im sure he looks a lot worse now than he did in that mugshot.




It had a assault grip.


Spoon control, they make people fat and now they have been shown to be lethal weapons….
Yep, spoon control !!!


It was one of those dreaded black assault spoons! and she used it on him for 30 rounds! lol


“and is listed on the Georgia Sex Offender Registry”

Not any more.

Daisy Cutter

She tore him up with that spoon and then finished the job with the firearm.


But was it an assault spoon?

Roger in Republic

Only if it is a military grade spoon as used in the War on Soup!


Ka-Bar makes a spork. I shit you not. Maybe she defended herself with that.


Nice, but does it have a USB port?

Doc Savage

This one does…and an assault spoon, a panini maker, TV remote, and I am pretty sure I saw a B61 nuclear device in that thing somewhere.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

That knife I see has an irregular defect because it’s missing the series 6 newton ring which framinizes the bob o link fluctuator which in turn razzle dazzles and arms the above B61 nuclear devise.

Doc Savage

Gotcha…, Imma have to ask the wife for one of her hairpins.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Be careful with that hairpin Doc. You know what they say-Hair today, gone tommoro.


Well, that’s one way to ensure that a sex offender doesn’t mess up any more 12-year-olds.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

She spotted the perp in the dark who was illuminated by the Light Of the Silvery Spoon. Hey, wasn’t that a song.

Roger in Republic

He got what every child rapist deserves. Too bad he had to get it retroactively.


Dave you forgot a couple of “allegedly’s,” as the homeowner allegedly shot the dirtbag who is allegedly deceased. Good thing for mom she has a witness, cuz we won’t be hearing the dirtbag’s version of how this went down. Remember folks, keep your .45 pistol handy for when a large spoon is just not enough in a fight to the death.


Dave, I humbly apologize, as it was the local newshound who sparingly used the subject adjective, not you.

Dave Hardin

lol, I don’t always make mistakes but when I do…it’s usually on perpose. S/F

Bill M

And another goblin takes the long dirt nap. Oughta bury the spoon with him as a reminder that “a spoon full of 45s makes the douchebag go down.”

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Sounds like a lot of Tom Spoonery, attacking the perp with a spoon.


And another small piece of God’s Country is safer now. BTW; couldn’t have been an assault spoon, there wasn’t a chainsaw bayonet attachment, or a flip up thingy in the rear.