Scott Huff, was never a Navy SEAL

| August 7, 2018

I know our regular readers will be shocked to find out that some people were under the impression that a Scott A. Huff was a Navy SEAL with 8 years of service.  Military Phonies is reporting today that they are making efforts to help Scott clear up this misunderstanding.

Years ago, Scott Huff’s then-girlfriend/wife made a comment about him being a SEAL for eight (8) years as he got ready to serve as a VFW Honor Guard.

Makes one wonder why she would be under the impression that Scott was a SEAL for eight years, not to mention the specificity of the claim.  She never made any correction to this claim.

We keep getting reports about little Scott being a Navy SEAL.  Some have told us he even has Certificates and such saying as much.  Even his church seems to be under some impression he was a Navy SEAL.

Gosh, it seems like other people keep making false statements about Scott’s service record.  That must be a terrible thing for him to have to put up with.  Ya’ll know I stop at the church doors so you will have to go see that stuff HERE.  Someone told me its worth the trip.

It turns out:

He was only in the Navy 2 years and made it all the way to E-2.  Some guy named Shipley was contacted a few years back and tried to tell people Huff was not a SEAL.  We just want to help Scott Huff out and get the word around this interwebnet thingy that he was never a Navy SEAL and people should stop saying that.


Category: Politics

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Mustang Major

Scott Huff should get a job stress testing shirt buttons for Lands End. You should always got with your strengths I say.


You are picking on phat stuf…do you realize how hard this dickhead studied to make e-2? 😉


He is in fact an actual seal, of the ocean variety.

Combat Historian

I’m pretty sure that the ocean seals would not want this blubberjelly as a member of their colony…


I’m going with humpback.


On second thought, he could have become stuck transiting a hatch, blocking it completely until the mess section slathered his body with all available Crisco and/or KY lube while work details on either side pulled or pushed to free him, earning the nickname of “seal”.


As our British allies might put it: “Aye, he’s a seal, a’right – a bloody elephant seal!”

A Proud Infidel®™️

He looks more like a Manatee to me!

BlueCord Dad

I was gonna say more likely a walrus..


Are you certain of that? He appears, to me, to be a “Sea-lyin'”.


And he Huffed and he Puffed and he blew the house down. Well, he blew the house anyway.


Actually, he huffed the house down. 🙄

Scott A Huff was never a Navy SEAL, thus he’s a phony SEAL. He should’ve bragged about being a land whale instead. 🙄


The Sharks @ TAH will have a feeding feast over this one, lying NOT A NAVY SEAL POS Scot Huff. And there is plenty for every one. It is worth the trip thru the doors. Enjoy your Google fame walrus.

Doc Savage

“We just want to help Scott Huff out and get the word around this interwebnet thingy that he was never a Navy SEAL and people should stop saying that.”

You guys are SUCH givers and humanitarians….how fortunate jigglyhuff is that you are looking out for him.


What is it with the ladies falling for the phony Seals? Look at the guy. He’s begging for a massive stroke. Does anyone believe a Navy Seal would let themselves bloat out like that?
Scuba tank? This guy would have to carry an air compressor with him just to stay afloat.
Hell he’s probably included on the “ships afloat” roster as a barge.
A giant anchor tat would be a nice reflection on his service… an anchor.


Well, look at the upside of it. He’s so enormous, there’s no room for her in the bedroom, never mind the bed.

All she has to do is make sure his will is in her name, and keep feeding him Diet Coke. He really is a sure thing that way.


With all that blubber, I don’t think they could put enough weight belts on him to make him neutral buoyant for a SCUBA dive.


Dude looks like he ingested a couple of SEALS…and a manatee, and a beluga whale,and….


Yeah, It looks like he ate his last birthday cake before they had a chance to tell him there was a stripper inside of it, too.


He knew there was a stripper inside; he simply misunderstood what they meant by “eating her out”. 🙄

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Not a bad start this week for phony Seals. Did His PFD inflate under his white shirt. How come his head looks like a jumbo egg. Humpty dumpty sat on a wall.

Carlton G. Long

A stormtrooper graphic on a 4XL camoflauge t-shirt just screams “special ops.”


***Nerd warning***

That’s Boba Fett. So next Huff will be claiming he’s a bounty hunter.


More like “Bounty Eater” of Meal Team Six. 🙄

K. Cowgill

I think that t-shit character is “Boba Fatt” …bounty hunter type.

Although he resembles Jabba the Hut a bit… the six chins give it away.


A walrus perhaps! An elephant seal…. possible!, A US Navy SEAL, never!
Were he to get in the water, some Norwegian whaler would harpoon him.

A Proud Infidel®™️

He still bears the scars from his last trip to the beach when some Greenpiss hippies dragged him so far out in the water that he got harpooned by a boatload of Japanese Tourists!

sgt. vaarkman 27-48thTFW

Come on guys! quit disparaging marine mammals, Scott Huff, well he’s the Michelin man or the Huff & puff & then suck marshmallow dude or a deep fried twinkie. MOS was the admiral’s food taster till he was caught with fudge on both of his cheeks from some bath house in San Fransicoh known as The fannie packers night club & bistro

Wow 2 years and the all prestigious rank of E-2, bet he didn’t get an honorable discharge ?

A Proud Infidel®™️

He couldn’t even cut it as an Apprentice Towel Boy at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in Rear).

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’d say he’s more likely a Navy walrus, but that’s an insult to walrus everywhere….

If that fat fuck was a SEAL then I played ten seasons in Boston for the Celtics as a small power forward with Danny Ainge and the boys.


It’s entirely possible that Scott Huff is related to this kind of seal. And don’t say I didn’t warn you, even if I didn’t.


That’s Huff. I’d stake what little reputation I have that you’ve identified Huff on a camping trip to the beach.

And he’s another that enjoys your favorite, up the nose, photo technique.


Those vehicles that got attacked? The drivers attempted to inform Scott A Huff, phony Navy SEAL, that he never was a Navy SEAL. He got mad, pulled a tantrum, and attacked their vehicles. 🙄


Thanks Ex, you made my girlfriend’s day. Now she has GIFs of elephant seals crushing cars… she’s amused.


The only surf entry he ever did was in the gravy boat at Golden Corral.

Went from E-3 to E-2 and kicked to the curb just past 2 years. Several things I can think of why this would happen.

And I’d love to see the nautre of his discharge. Granted, due to his legit awards he does merit being a VFW member, but does the VFW also require an honorable discharge as the Legion does, or am I wrong on that count?


VFW is Veterans of Foreign Wars…this phat phart was in from ’92 to ’94..what freaking war was he in?


This guy has more chins than a Chinese phone book. I doubt he can see his peanut with an under-vehicle inspection mirror, and has to squat to pee.


That’s the triple chin canopy that you earn while being a part of Meal Team Six. 🙄


Men piss, posers pee.



Daisy Cutter


TEAMLEADER: That’s it, Frogmen. Green light, we’re over the jump zone.
TEAMLEADER: Let’s go, Huff. You’re first man out.
HUFF: I… just… can’t get… these straps…
TEAMLEADER: Huff! Let’s go, dammit.
HUFF: Thing must have shrunk since —
TEAMLEADER: You know that old expression about never leaving a man behind?
HUFF: Yes, sir.
TEAMLEADER: Well, I’m gonna have to cash that one in. Stay on the plane, have some cocktail peanuts —


Just thinking of him on a plane makes me feel bad for the loadmaster.


I feel sorry for the plane.


He can start a new stint in the Navy. They can use him as a boat fender.


I actually met this guy at an air show in late spring of this year.
He was rather an unusual person, so I took a picture of him.

Here’s another picture of him since he has been exposed by TAH & Military Phony.




Opps, forgive me for I was Army.

In Navy speak that should be:

“Thar she blows”!!

Please forgive my transgression. (smile)


Think you were right the first time.

He’s married…. am I the only one flashing to a picture of two beach balls…



More “cushion” for the “pushin”??


I have NO desire to see his spousal unit. I’m too old for the mental shock.


Tire Fire.


“Oh, the Humanity!”

(As he crashes and burns)


More like “Oh, the huge Manatee!”


What he meant to say was, “I was in the Navy and ate a seal for lunch, then another after my nap, two for dinner, one for dessert, one for midnight snack and I start all over again at breakfast”.

Hope this clears up any concerns.



Gunner, missile, lardosaurus, 1200 meters…




oh sweet jesus…he is melting…

Button up! Liquid lard on the way!


He should avoid the ocean until Japanese whaling ships return to port. Nothing like being 250 pounds overweight and calling attention to yourself.


Today is Purple Heart Day … perhaps we can post the history of the Putple Heart rather than discussing the multiple chins and stomachs of this PERP.

Daisy Cutter

I guess I shouldn’t let Google remind me of what I should remember each day.

They did not acknowledge Purple Heart day on their start page. Not their fault, I should have been more mindful.

Thanks for pointing this out.


Master Chief:

Yes, it would be nice to read today about National Purple Heart Day.

My favorite story is the YOUNGEST Receipient of the PH, Calvin Graham, who was only 13 years old when he was wounded in the Pacific during WWII while serving in the US Navy. He later became a Marine:

Rest In Peace, Mr. Graham.


Purple Heart Day:


Surely those pictures are taken using the Fat App right?


Are they stored in the FAT files? That’s the real question.

A Proud Infidel®™️

He does look like a genuine MEAL Team Six Buffet Assault Commando as well as a highly experienced Jelly Doughnut Assassin!


He eats his enemies.


It appears that he took the Carbs Diet Plan too seriously… or it took him… or something.

An Old Arty Sgt

Not the fastest FB page to disappear, but his page is gone..less than 6 hours of being outed.. Wonder if his fellow truckers know over at May Transport…


He bailed water for a while but ultimately decided to scuttle the ship.


At least now we know he knows we know and we now know he knows too.
Or something like that.


Sucker of Cocks

A Proud Infidel®™️

He sucketh the cock and spitteth out yon feathers.


He sucketh the high hard one behind Circle K and May Transport.


Dude looks like he BLEW a seal… bet he was never a SEAL.

Daisy Cutter

Scott Huff is into fitness.

Fitness whole pizza in his mouth.

Oh, and he is not a Navy SEAL.


For God’s sakes, don’t pop it:

“My goo!! My precious goo!!”

A Proud Infidel®™️

Scrotum-sniffing Sphincter Carp.


I think he ATE a seal. Or three. Maybe make it a dozen. . .

A Proud Infidel®™️

Scrotum-sniffing Sphincter Carp.


Miscommunication he ate 8 SEALs. 😂


“[he wants his] baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back baby back ribs… Chili-i-i-i-i’s Baby back ribs.”
“Of course [he’s] not happy! Look at [him], [he’s] a big fat slob! [He’s] got bigger titties than you do! [He’s] got more chins than a Chinese phone book! [He’s] not seen [his] willy in two years, which is long enough to declare it legally dead! [On the verge of tears] [he] can’t stop eating. [he] eat[s] because [he’s] unhappy, and [he’s] unhappy because [he] eat[s]. It’s a vicious cycle. Now, if you’ll excuse [him], there’s someone [he’d] like to get in touch with and forgive…[himself]. [Farts] Sorry. [he] farted.”
Get it? He’s a Fat Bastard!
Brought to you by the genius of Mike Myers and me doing MLA format on my iFone, because I hate my life.

ETCS (ret)

Rumor also has it that he’s got a turtle head poking out. Seriously. They say he’s got a crap on deck that could choke a donkey.

ETCS (ret)

What he MEANT to say was, “I am the walrus”.


Goo goo ka choo.


We could feed a third world nation if only were to give up one meal a day. Please!! Someone enroll him in Jenny Craig.


Looks like he was breast fed by a Fur Seal….


I would have figured he was the real deal by the picture. What a crazy world.

Green Thumb

Call Sign: Fat Turd.


Must be proud of the MRS..

Wearing her vagina on his fifth chin.

Unless its the leftovers after he ate her

Mr. Sharkman



Humbrol D

well, well, well…look what we have here yall… another person tied to Richard M Hollingsworthless from the Pocatello group…two so far how many more from this group…no wonder I never joined this group