The growing threat

| December 7, 2006

Taking his cue from the Democrats and the islamofacists, Kim Jong Il has decided to start making demands on the US, too. Since the paranoid North Korean strong man thinks the US may have nukes in the South, he’s decided he won’t participate in negotiations to reduce his threat to the region with his missiles thought to be assembled with baling twine.

It’s been said that the American people always get the government they deserve. In this case, the American voter has been hornswaggled into electing a government that has broadcast a defeatist message. In response, every tinpot dictator in the world is taking the opportunity to take swats at us.

It is reminiscent of the post-Reagan years when every blowhard with a forum was calling George Bush a wimp. Even nickel-plated Manuel Noriega thought he could get away with ignoring a local popular election of a President that wasn’t his choice for the job and killing a US Marine and his wife. Forced into a corner, GHW Bush launched an invasion of Panama and eight months later had to send troops to Saudi Arabia to push Hussein out of Kuwait.

All because the media and the Democrats in Congress tried to defeat a Republican in the court of world opinion. This President is getting backed into a corner, too. Not only by impudent third world maniacs, but also at home with stupid and ill-conceived study groups that can’t shoot straight, Congressional Democrats who talk out of both sides of their mouths, and second-guessing Congressional Republicans rushing to the Left and calling themselves moderate.

The media is calling for bipartisanship which is really a call for moving the whole country Hard Left and moving our troops out of the Middle East just to vindicate their morally bankrupt 60s anti-war policy.

So what’re all of these rocket surgeons going to do when George W. Bush explodes into action, when he’s forced to neutralize the Korean threat, the Syrian threat, the Iranian and the Venezuelan threat with the force of arms? Worse yet, what’ll they do when he doesn’t do anything?

Category: Foreign Policy, Politics, Terror War

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