Bentivolio vs Raczkowski; “Dumb and more Dumber”

| August 1, 2018

If an individual is going to use their military service to promote themselves or their business in any way; they should be prepared to back up their claims.  This is a case where two Army veterans are posturing and  bloviating over their military careers.  There are reports that Bentivolio made statements about having Bronze Stars, Purple Hearts and a Silver Star from his service in the Viet of Nam.   So the petulant acting Raczkowski decides to question the veracity of Bentivolio’s claims.


Bentivolio sued Raczkowski in May seeking $10 million in damages, alleging that Raczkowski conducted a “malicious defamation campaign” about his military record, including questioning his medals.

Raczkowski has called the lawsuit frivolous, while maintaining there are credibility issues regarding some of the Vietnam-era medals that Bentivolio has claimed in political campaigns and which Raczkowski investigated.

Both men are U.S. Army veterans seeking the Republican nomination in next week’s primary election for the in the 11th District, where U.S. Rep. Dave Trott is retiring.

I checked our email, nobody by the name of Raczkowski has asked us to verify the service of a Bentivolio.  It’s really not all that hard to submit a request.   We could have saved Rocky a whole lot of energy and produced a professionally conducted investigation that  would have stood up in any court.  Why use professional Private Investigators that verify military service every day when you can call someone at Fort Benning and make an ass of yourself.   It does not seem like Rocky Raczkowski is much of a protracted thinker.

Oh but wait, there is more.

The Detroit News obtained a partial recording of the 2012 meeting.

In the recording, Raczkowski tells Bentivolio that he inquired with the Combat Infantryman Badge command office at Fort Benning and was told they had no record of Bentivolio’s Combat Infantryman Badge award.

Bentivolio says, “My records for my awards for a Silver Star and three Purple Hearts disappeared, too.” Bentivolio adds, “There’s no proof.”

In the recording, Raczkowski points out that Bentivolio should still have his medical record to show he was wounded, but Bentivolio says that was lost, too.

Raczkowski later presses him: “So, what happened to the Silver Star?”

“I never read it. I just know that I was put in for it,” Bentivolio replies in the recording.

I have some advice for Bentivolio, if an award or in his case three separate Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star and a Silver Star are not in his records how about he STFU about having them.  Bentivolio says he never made any claims to having Purple Hearts and a Silver Star.  Ya, I guess he is attempting to say he was “Put In for Them”.  The great thing about going to Civil Court is the Discovery Process.  In Court you will have to provide your entire Service Record which can be held to the scrutiny of an “Expert” in the field.  It is easy to find a copy of Bentivolio’s DD214, he posted it on his web site.

I got lots of questions, but I will just point out the low hanging fruit.  Kerry here is going to have to explain how long he was in Iraq.  I am no math wizard but according to his foreign service,  8 months and 6 days minus how long he was in Iraq does not give our boy much time to get 3 Purple Hearts, a Bronze and Silver Star while in the Viet of the Nam.   I am going out on a limb here, but I am guessing Kerry Bentivolio’s records can be used to prove beyond a doubt he was never even considered for all of those awards nor could have he been.

That’s my opinion and I am sticking to it.

Category: Politics

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chooee lee

Well dip me in dog shit, another lying politician. Who woulda thunk it?

2/17 Air Cav

Ah, the old disappearing records trick. Spontaneous combustion? No. Hurricane, tornado, tsunami, lava flow? No, no, no, and no. The records just disappeared.


Musta been the Fire…


Everyone knows black ops, secret squirrel silver star awards are printed on nitrocellulose flash paper. Just like Mission:Impossible, they self-destruct five seconds after being read.

2/17 Air Cav

How do we know there ever were such records?

Because I said so.

And how do we know that you are telling the truth?

Because I said so.

Oh. Okay. Thanks. No more questions.


Found out after my Dad died that his records WERE in the fire. Yet they still managed to compile a record of his service an inch thick to send to my Mom.


Same here. Part of my dad’s were in the fire but reconstructed from other sources

Doc Savage


That’s gonna make someone’s peepeedong sting when it gets slapped hard like that.

“I know I was put in for one”…. da fuq?




Far from an expert (never even read my 214 carefully until I tried to reenlist in ’90) but if he got out with almost 23 years total prior service any time after 98, he could not have been in Vietnam at all. Or am I wrong?


He could have had a 3-5 year break in service, then came back in again. Happens in the reserve components when duty conflicts with the job that actually pays the bills, or you move because of your employment then have to link up with a new unit and/or get a new MOS.


He could not have gotten 23 years service after 98 unless he is a time traveler. He could have broken service after his Vietnam of the Nam adventure, and joined the MANG. This would not be his only DD -214 since it does show VN activity, and a CIB. This is one of those post title 10 dd214s one receives after a deployment on title 10 orders. I have a couple. They put all the awards one has accumulated in the course of their career on it. I do not see 3 Purple Hearts.

Retired Grunt

I was put in for the underwater basket weaving certificate of achievement. I still use that basket as my cereal bowl.

Wilted Willy

Lying politicians? This is my shocked face 🙁


Kerry. yeah, he’s full of shit.
Oh you mean Kerry Bentivolio.
I thought there, for a minute you were talking about John Kerry.
Same thing. Lying Shitbags.

OH and I *LOVE* the thumbs up/down comment votes.

I know a *lot* of folks ask to have something like that in the past. Nice to see it finally happen.
I believe it will add to the posts.


So would it be wrong for me to like my own post


Daisy Cutter

Do politicians vote for themselves at the polling booth?

Let that be your spirit guide. 😉


The term, “lacked candor” comes to mind.


What? You have a Polak and a Dago and they can’t get along with each other?

This is my surprised face. :O Not.

I guess I just expect people that age to be a bit more mature and not engage in public bitch-slapping contests with each other. I know: that’s expecting too much of them in this case.


If they do this in public,
Imagine what they do with each other behind closed doors?

😀 😀 😀


Gawd. There’s not enough brain bleach to imagine that.

MSG Eric

Their age? I find way too often adults acting more immature than a 5th grade class. Most especially present in politicians and celebrities.

charles w

I thought exactly the same thing. Let the Papist wars begin.


Looks like both Raczkowski and Bentivolio disliked this comment.


Must be a friend of Voepel.


He does have the same smirk


Ummm…..what the hell am I missing in his records? How the hell did he come in during the 90s but have a Vietnam service medal?


It’s a mess. I see a 20 year plus break in service
Before a call-up in 2007 I’d like to see his NGB-22
The Vietnam medal sounds way off for his in service
But after doing guard time myself
Mistakes get made all the time
My 214 shows me as being in Iraq for 4 years
That didn’t happen LOL…
And doesn’t around for prior overseas service in Germany and Iraq


Account and not Around
Damn spell check


I have to concur with Skippy. I have 5 DD-214’s and 2 NGB 22’s. Most of them are OK but my final NGB-22 for my retirement in 2005 is a soup sandwich.

I even went up to the State HQ with copies of records and asked them to fix it and they screwed it up even worse. At that point I quit trying because I didn’t see the point. Maybe once I retire from my civilian job I’ll have the time and energy to get it straightened out.


Yes, maybe an S-1 type can chime in but IIRC the “overseas service” portion of the DD-214 only covers the period of that DD-214. I’m at work so I’ll have to check mine but I’m pretty sure that was how all of mine were.


That’s correct. Overseas service dates are only for the period covered by the latest period of active duty.

I have three DD214’s for three separate/distinct periods of Army service. The last DD214 issued in 1991 does not reflect my time spent in Viet Nam in 1971/72, nor the tour to Germany from 1974-1977.

That info is listed on the Form 2-1/Record of assignments.


That just answered what I just posted below


You’re very welcome. Glad I could help.


My overseas duty in 12g of my
214 is off by 4-5 months
On line 18 it shows Iraq service
Basically from the time I enlisted
Until I was MEDEVAC
I had sent it to Jonn because it’s confusing
I deployed as a 88M but she keep’d putting
35H and 19D Down I worked as a fill-in S-2 and tac-ops NCO
For CENTCOM or 3rd Army
But I did one thing that my uncle skip said to do and that was I saved
Every award, set of orders and 214 ever issued to me
Nothing like a little CYA


My head spins


I think the REMARKS section of the DD-214 is Bullshit just because it insinuates missing records that will be forthcoming on a DD-215.
Soooooo… where’s the 215?

Never saw one “embedded” as a vital statistic either.


Maybe they’re just starting to get honest. “This form will have inaccuracies and will be amended at a future date to correct deficiencies.” Should be on every piece of government paper.

My orders to basic training were cut with the wrong name. That followed me around for about two years, with corrections needing to be issued every single time.

Dave Hardin

This clown has no idea what is coming if his bluff is called. Rumor has it that someone might have already ordered his records.

charles w

Could it be this Dave guy?


“Dave’s not here, MAN!”

A Proud Infidel®™️

Gee whiz, who would do sump’n like that?


Don’t find him having a PH award in the RVN


Bentivolio says, “My records for my awards for a Silver Star and three Purple Hearts disappeared, too.” Yea, so did your integrity you putz.



A Proud Infidel®™️

Just how did that schmuck’s records disappear, fire, flood in a cheap motel, “classified” or a hungry goat?


I’m going with the goat (no, I wasn’t in the Navy)


Stolen Valor math:

Dufflebag + flood in Mom’s basement = Missing records!


“I just know that I was put in for it”

I just know that I was put in for soldier of the month back in Viet of the Nam. Maybe it was employee of the month at Jack in the Box afterwards. Dunno, been long time.


Most likely what he meant to say was:
“I just know that I put in for it”

The request is probably still in his SGM’s desk drawer. /sarc


I had an S1 clerk fat finger my DOB in Germany…. took forever to get it changed.
But this guy sucks…and he lies like a rug.


The DD214 above is only his most recent, when he was discharged from a short tour in Iraq on active duty (mobilized under “Title 10” orders) while in the Michigan National Guard.

Where is his first DD214, from his first tour of active duty, when he claims service in Viet Nam as a Infantryman and award of the CIB?

Not saying it couldn’t be true, he was born in 1951 and would have turned 18 in 1969, he could have even been drafted. Soldiers were still being sent to Viet Nam in the early 1970’s (the war did not officially end until August 1974).

Assuming service in Viet Nam when last eligible (1974) and counting ahead to the discharge date of the above DD214 of 2008, there are 34 years. Of those, the DD214 accounts for 20 years. So it appears there were at least 14 years of “break(s) in service.”

Sounds like he enlisted/was drafted in 1970-1973, pulled a two year hitch in Viet Nam as a grunt, where he could have earned the CIB. Then took some time off, then enlisted in the Michigan Guard in the late 1980’s at age mid-30’s? It could happen.

But that first DD214 would have the CIB and any Purple Heart(s) or other valor awards.


yep…but I’m betting they don’t.

This is a confusing dog barf of a mess and I’m betting his previous records are no road map–if they even exist.

There is a high probability of life long bullshittery here.


There was no two year “hitch” in the Viet of the Nam for draftees. Infantry troops were being withdrawn throughout 1971 and 1972. A normal tour in the Army was 12 months.


There were boo coo early outs offered to DEROS candidates with only 10 months in country mid-late 1970.


That is true; also true for 1971.


In Dec 71, some aircraft loads of troops destined for Nam were diverted to the ETO. When we deplaned, they didn’t really know what to do with us, so we were scattered about Germany, helter skelter. Several of us Cannon Cockers ended up in a SGT Missle Bn. Thank you God and Dick Nixon.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

No Comment; This is too confusing for me plus I’m not savvy on these different forms that are commented about.

Dave Hardin

Exactly what Raczkowski should have said in the first place.


Exactly what Raczkowski WANTED, in the first place I would think. Confusion and obfuscation.


Should have blamed this mess on the “new math”…


You wouldn’t be talking about common crap opps core math

Combat Historian

This ugly political foodfight between technical adults acting like 5 years olds is both unseemly and embarrassing. Hopefully SF-180s have been filed with NPRC for both of these dummies’ records. It should hopefully clear up many or most of the questions raised here. Until then these two clowns should STFU and debate the issues, but there is obviously no hope of that scenario…

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Politicians being douchebags, as usual.

Using the same logic that poser fucks use, I apparently have 6 bronze stars and 1 silver star.

Those “subsequent award” devices mean something different to other people, I suppose.

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

As mentioned, this DD-214 appears to be one that was issued at demobilization from a stint in Iraq.

What’s really interesting is that the copy posted on the website and here at TAH looks to be a copy of an “original” that he had made up at the County Courthouse. In the past (not sure if it’s still done) veterans were encouraged to have a COPY filed (recorded) at their County Courthouse for safe keeping. It looks like that’s what this may be… however, the “continuation” page looks suspect. Why would awards for RVN be “documented” on a continuation sheet? This DD-214 does not appear to be for retirement where they would capture all authorized awards, etc. We know how easy it is to get a dummy DD-214, creating a fake continuation sheet would be even easier. According to the DD-214 most of his time was as a canon cocker, and his unit at discharge this period is Artillery… so I guess we’re to assume his CIB was awarded for his alleged time in RVN. Too many questions…

Looks like it’s time for a FOIA request…