Tuesdays with Claymore

| July 3, 2018

Willie Brown’s fluffer has something to say

Someone else do it

Spark of divinity

For the Horde!

Suddenly the left loves Rick Wilson

Swamp dweller

Uncivil War

Oh hey, did you know that Trump is a Nazi?

No wait, he’s a Russian plant

Nope, definitely a Nazi

Strike out

Skinny jeans, vape and IPA’s for everyone!

Who says they’re not communists?

Let not your heart be troubled

Trade you for the ATF…

Joe Lieberman, stealth Republican?

Full court press

Mad Maxine deserves better

Jim Acosta’s relevance coming to a middle


You say that you’re a dreamer…

Cut it out


Fairy tale

Assault with a deadly dildo

Fake confrontation with fake MAGA hat person is fake


Killing journalists is worse than killing regular people


Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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“A general strike only works if everyone feels oppressed. And they don’t. Most people couldn’t care less about any of this. They don’t even know it’s hsppening and they don’t bother to vote.”

Responding to a DUmbass who wants 50-75 million people to go on labor strike against Trump, this other DUmbass ALMOST gets it.

Then he gets into the obligatory Trump-supporter bashing. Whatever.

My take-home pay went up. The economy is soaring. My stock investments increase in value almost every day. That’s what most Americans are experiencing- nobody’s going to strike and blow that up because leftists continually have an outrage du jour.


One-fifth of American society is man-purse carrying, Starbucks soy latte drinking, feminist preaching, gender studies majoring, cuck beta f**ks that could be duped into really poor behavior. ‘Civil’ insurrection is a’comin’.
Or at least it feels that way.
Anyone see that the Socialists shutdown Main Street Hartford CT because they hate laws, or something.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This is right, all of our employees here are getting more each week in their checks. We already cover the bulk of their health care, and their 401k investments are climbing.

No one is complaining because life is good at the moment. I’m not a Trump fan, I’ve made that clear but in the end I felt he was least likely to screw me and my employees and it turns out I was right in that regard so I’m grateful for that reality. If he nominates a true constitutionalist to the SCOTUS I might even be happy to cast a second vote his way.

Jonn Lilyea

That’s why Stalin and Mao had to starve to death a portion of their populations in order to get them under control – not enough of the middle class cared about the class-struggle BS until they were starved or shot into submission.


A concentrated echo chamber of absolute stupidity. I still don’t see how you can stomach reading all of it, Claymore. Mad Maxine was enough to make want to choke some idiots….


I was actually excited for once to read these since Justice Kennedy is stepping down. I could not wait to read all the comments about Trump getting to pick another Justice. Still not tired of Winning yet!


It started out as a lark, way back when Bush 43 drove all of these progressives underground, into their little enclaves, hidey-holes and foil lined bunkers. Now I like to do it as a barometer on how unhinged their like have become. I’m never disappointed.


Props to ya for doing it!

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Those fucks at DU moderate anyone who writes any opposing viewpoint and ultimately blocks them.

Like VoV wrote the other day on a similar issue, at least their histrionics are consistent and predictable.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

These poor fuckers have lost their collective shit, and it’s getting worse rather than better. Their angst and sadness makes me laugh out loud.

I am however getting sick and tired of the constant Nazi comparisons….my uncle survived a concentration camp, nothing we do compares even on a mild scale with what he saw or what was done to him. Those idiot fucks at DU render their arguments meaningless with the comparisons.


What else would you expect from soft, useless twats?


I only get the local newspaper, not the Trib.
And I don’t want to pay for a Trib subscription, either, so unfortunately, I missed this story:
After U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., implored Americans of good conscience to publicly confront White House officials over their policies, leading Democrats joined with Republicans to denounce Waters’ comments as uncivil.

Even Pelosi went after her. Maxine may drive people to vote for the opposition party (GOP) in the fall, just because she can’t shut her big, fat, flapping yap.

I think we should encourage her to continue to embarrass herself in public as much as possible.

There will be far less joy in Mudville in November. I expect to see more of those small gatherings of children in adult bodies throwing screaming tantrums at the sky.

I’m waiting for the 2nd SCOTUS nominee’s name to come up. dTrump has several, one of them a Stanford Law grad.

Claymore, you;re a peach. A brandied peach on vanilla ice cream on a hot summer day.

2/17 Air Cav

“…every time someone jokes about killing journalists…..’ I want the name of the guy who was joking.


“For the Horde”
Actually, John Pavlovitz, I “do” own America, at least a small piece of it. And I’m going to defend it.


Like you, I too own a small piece of America and have a vested interest in Her success!
From a comment on ‘…Horde’, “I refuse to be condescended to and lectured at by a white guy who excludes himself from the group of white people who need to express compassion, gratitude, and kindness.”
If that’s their attitude then we have one thing in common, we’ve got nothing to discuss.



I don’t get why these lefties think that we should be grateful to the rest of the world for our country! We have the greatest country in the world, where people are literally dying to get in. I can sympathize with the desire to want to live here, but it’s our country. They do not have a right to come here unless we say they can.

Seems simple to me. Funny how these dunces get it when you ask them why they have a fence around their yard or a lock on their doors.


Someone should reach out to them to explain that if they restrict unskilled labor from coming here that’ll raise wages.
That whole ‘supply and demand’ thing…
But that’s supposing they believe in market principles.