Ray Rodriguez; phony US Navy Lieutenant Commander

| June 23, 2018

There’s this guy in Los Angeles who says that he’s a US Navy Lieutenant Commander, by the name of Ray Rodriguez. He shows up at most veteran events and the local politicians are more than eager to attach themselves to him. Politicians like Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard;

And the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors;

But at Topix, some of the locals seem to think that Lieutenant Commander Rodriguez is nothing but a Sea Cadet title;

The Navy and the National Personnel Records Center ask “Who?”

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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And not a SEAL also? We’re running out of SEAL phonies?


I thought we’d have had a live phony SEAL POSer by now this week, but we’re about to run out the week with only a dead one. But we do seem to have more Navy fakes/embellishers this week than the other branches. The final numbers should be on the open thread by tomorrow.


I see a Cadet hiding in the shadows



Wasn’t there another lying SeaCadet LCDR posted on TAH recently…🤔

Hey, Yef…is that you in the facial blackout picture… posing with Raymond..and holding a Bud Lite…😉

2/17 Air Cav

Uh-oh. The Sea Cadets have “SEAL” units. You know what that means.

Green Thumb



That’s an impressive rack of fruit salad he’s wearing on his uniform. Posers love a lot of military ribbons, ropes and flashy bling. None ever steal the 92G MOS (Military Food Specialist), a really honorable job. They steal rank, high decorations, and badges. I doubt all the bling got him laid, which was probably his objective.

The Stranger

If “Under Siege” taught us anything, it’s that a cook can just be a cover for a high-speed Operator type!🤣


I visited ‘The Wall’ shortly after it opened. The side closest to the Lincoln Memorial was infested with posers. They mostly all wore the black leather vest with all sorts of patches and badges. None were cooks .. all were airborne with a 2nd or 3rd award of the CIB. At at moments like that, I wish a ‘cook’ would come along and kick some butt.
I see some of the same in VA posts today, usually sticking to the bar like a tree frog.

The Stranger

I was in DC last year, visited the wall and took some pictures of some of the names (hometown fallen and such). I saw the same kind of thing. Went to the Korean War memorial also and it was a humbling experience as well.

2/17 Air Cav

I saw it being built. I happened to be attending grad school with a bunch of KGB and CIA types at Geo Wash U at the time. Took my evening stroll most daily and saw as the granite-laden wooden crates arrived and then went up.

2/17 Air Cav

Bad sentence. Of course, it was the granite, not the crates, that went up!


Haven’t had the chance to see it in person yet, but I get the impression that where the Marine Corps Memorial (Iwo Jima flag raising) is triumphant, the Vietnam Memorial is somber, and the Korean Memorial is haunting.

Just seeing the statues in photos makes me feel cold and wet.

The Stranger

I made a similar comment to my nephew when we were at the Korean War Memorial. Those Soldiers as represented in the statues looked tired and miserable. Very moving and I believe summed up the so called “Forgotten War”.

2/17 Air Cav

The VN Memorial is chilling. It tugs at the heart the way no other memorial does. Some memorials instill pride. All command respect, but The Wall is–I guess the way to put it is–that The Wall is personal.


You have to see the Korea memorial at night. The lighting makes the figures come alive, very somber.


Saw the Korean Memorial several times but never was it so impressive as the early morning of March 17, 2007. It had snowed during the night. Dawn, with 4 inches of snow, and slush, dampness, and a bit of mud on the walkways with no one else around made the already eerie monument take on even more surreal aura.


Could one of the Team TAH computer imagery ninjas (with obviously better computer skills than mine) please zoom in on that ribbon rack and let us know what this assclown has on there?



I tried to see and couldn’t make it out either. Top one looks suspiciously like a MoH ribbon, but the resolution is too low to verify.

I am reasonably confident that’s a NDSM center row 3.

I’m not totally up on my naval uniforms, but all those pins and that overly large name tag look off. Could this be a legit Sea Cadet advisor uniform?

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

If he doesn’t know GI beans GI gravy, gee I wished I joined the Navy, hippo hoppo ring out the moppo, then he ain’t legit. Any Navy Boot Camp alumni should know that little ditty. Learned that as a graduate of class 475 Great Lakes 1963 and that’s the fact Jack- Know what I mean Jelly Bean.


Jeff LPH: Orlando boot, 1968, class 0025. Company Commander GMGC Yarborough, about 5 feet tall and 5 feet wide. Dude was actually square. Most of his vocobulary involved profanity. One I remember distinctly was: I don’t know but I’ve been told, green grasshopper has a red asshole.’ That’s about the cleanest one I can print. He was profane but I thought he was a great CC. Boot was a hoot. Only thing I disliked was getting up 0500. I am NOT a morning person, but can function well after sufficient quantity of caffeine fuels my cells.


At Army Ranger School at Camp Darby, they told us we were getting up at “Zero Dark Thirty,” which translated to 0330. But 0330 was when you had to be in formation after you packed all your field gear (sleeping bag, poncho, air mattress, etc.) into a duffle bag after sleeping under the stars. So, wakey wakey time was about 0300.


Remember the first day? It lasted until about 0130. Then they woke us at 0200.

City Week … what a vacation.

Falling asleep while taking notes, with the “drool of knowledge” all over my notebook.

Yeah …. good times.


It was so long ago, I can’t remember the first day. Except, I remember the first week, as I was a platoon leader which meant I got about 2 hours less sleep than everyone else in the platoon cuz I had to meet with the other leaders and the student company CO and then get my gear organized for the next day. I don’t think I would have survived the Benning phase if I hadn’t been canned as platoon leader because I couldn’t climb the wet, slimy, muddy rope when my platoon was last on the obstacle course one morning. More than once, I was ordered to go stand because I was falling asleep in the bleachers or class room. Getting more than three hours sleep was the exception rather than the rule. In the field, you were lucky if you got two.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

HMC Ret; I had a rough time in boot. First morning on the outside grinder, I got gigged because I didn’t shave the peach fuzz off of my face then a couple of us “scrounges” had to walk through the dempster dumpster. I couldn’t get storing my clothing in those vertical lockers plus I couldn’t tie my ditty bag right on my bunk rail which led to myself and like a hundred other guys working off the demerits almost every night in the large drill hall doing the infamous 96 count manual of arms with an American made Enfield rifle while listening to music piped over large speakers while the rest of the company were smoking and coking in the barracks lounge. I passed out during one of those sessions then learned that I had pharangitis and ended up in the ward and missed service week. I was there in 2007 for our Iwo Jima Class ship reunion and all those modern old barracks were being torn down and new ones being built that accomodated both sexes and all the classes were in the same building. The old wood barracks were torn down sometime after I left there. I think it was what was called camp Moffet and I remember a camp porter but I don’t remember if that were our barracks. JFK was shot on Nov. 22, 1963 and we had the day off in what was called rope yarn Sunday.

Larry Folds

I’m a graduate US Navy Boot Camp company 120 June 1963 SDiego. Glad to greet you. Lot’s of you guys came to us from Great Lakes because of a meningitis outbreak.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Larry, I remember the meningitis outbreak being mentioned but it was just before I go to the Lakes. Had pharangitis with a high fever.


There’s a few other comments about RAY RODRIGUEZ over at the Topix link that don’t reflect too kindly on his character… kind of follows the SV SOP.


HMCS: Yes, I know what you are talking about. I’ll not be specific, but you’re right, it’s not good stuff. Why does this seem to be a pattern for so many highlighted on TAH?

If true, perhaps that would explain the association with the Sea Cadets?


US Naval Sea Cadet Corps was established by the US Navy in 1956 and passed its establishment in congress… any ranks provided are official to cadets and staff.. it is one of the few sea cadet programs that is official… you can read more about them at USNSCC …i dint things ray rodriguez is part of the USNSCC…


I’d like to “pipe” this dickhead aboard the good ship Blue Falcon for a year long hitch and let the crew take their turns on his sorry ass. BUNGHOLE!!!

The Stranger

Oh he needs a pipe alright. Right upside his melon.


Based on Topix, found a 2016, Montebello, CA newsletter (PDF)..on page 14, it stated Ray Rodriguez is a CoFounder of K.I.A. (Killed In Action), an organization honoring families whose military loved ones were KIA.


However, have yet to find anything on a K.I.A. Organization in Montebello, CA.


And here is a news article that states he is the Co-Founder of K.I.A.:


“The city helped organize the event with Ray Rodriguez, co-founder of Killed in Action, a group that supports families of soldiers who were killed in the service.”

Joe Williams

No Grad. with awarding of your Eagle , Anchor Globe equals NO MARINE. Joe

Joe Williams

Wrong story Joe


I went in our local VFW this week for the first time in five years. Our minister wanted some help on a vet project he is working on. In the first minute the guy that had the POW/ PH pins on his ball cap reminded me why I don’t go to the VFW. I debated playing nice and then made an excuse and left. If the minister had not been there I would likely have made a scene.


This dude reminds me so much of Freddie Mercury. Hmmm, kind of makes me wonder if he is also a slurper?
Lt. Commander Peter Puffer…sounds reasonable.


Why is this man not being arrested for multiple felonies?


Yes, I know it’s only Hollywood, but still apropos. This clown is what Donnie Brasco would call a human fugazzi.

FRank rizo

Who wants his address