Gitmo alum gives accomodations low rating

| February 19, 2009

The Washington Times‘ Ayesha Nasir surprises us with the story that a former Gitmo detainee doesn’t like the way he was treated during his five year stay at Guantanamo;

Sometimes he wakes up drenched in cold sweat, his fingers tightly clenched into fists, remembering the time he says he was locked in an isolation cell where huge floodlights remained switched on for 24 hours.

“It was like a cage – smaller than a grave.” He said the space measured just 6 feet by 4 feet.

On other occasions, he said, he recalls seeing the Koran being desecrated by U.S. officials.

Yes, I have it on good authority that President Bush rotated his staff through Guantanamo so they could take turns desecrating the Koran – part of the sophomoric ritual of becoming a member of Bush’s staff. I think Cheney went twice. No one, including some guards, leaves Guantanamo without hinting that some Korans were desecrated. There’s been no evidence of the practice – just the empty words of a few malcontents trying to incite the Islamic world into another violent frenzy.

Mr. Iqbal also asserted that female guards touched his genitals, a charge that seems to go beyond what other former prisoners have reported happening at Guantanamo. “They did horrible things to me… sexually, I mean,” he said.

I’m sure Mr. Iqbal, unfortunate name aside, thinks everyone is trying to touch his genitals. I doubt any woman would want to avail herself of that opportunity. Genitals that touch goat shall never touch mine.

He said that when he returned, he couldn´t walk without assistance, he had an infection in his left ear and was dependent on high doses of antibiotics and antidepressants.

His physical condition had worsened because, according to a medical report filed by his physician at Guantanamo, Mr. Iqbal repeatedly refused medical attention.

“The American doctors repeatedly told me they did not treat me as a patient, rather they looked upon me as an enemy,” he said. “Why should I let anyone who thinks so operate on me?”

I’m sure if anyone besides the Washington Times had printed this story, we wouldn’t have read that admission from Ick-balls that he refused medical attention.

He was arrested in Indonesia and suspected to be a cohort of Richard Reid, the failed “Shoe Bomber”. He spent a year being shuttled back and forth across the Islamic world from Indonesia to Egypt until finally landing in Guantanamo.

After almost a year, he was told that U.S. officials were satisfied that he was innocent but could not send him home. “I was told that I would be taken to Guantanamo, where I would receive an apology and then I would go home,” he said.

Yes, that’s what we do – send people to Guantanamo to be released. They get a great big send off and an apology, a couple of weeks on the beach sipping mojitos and getting their genitals touched by female interrogators – then off they go.

I can almost see him now talking to the interviewer;

Category: Politics

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Ah, the dreaded Koranic desecration. That comes up, what, once a month? And the Female guard harassment. What no menstrual fluid toss for good measure? Maybe he should have studied the talking points a little better.


Couldn’t ee-even get past the title without bursting into fits of laughter. What other prisons do you know of gives out the luxuries of Gitmo??? hahahahhahaha…

Frankly Opinionated

The sad side to this is that the Sheeple of America and much of the rest of the world don’t realize that this shitball had it much better at GITMO than he did in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Pakistan, even without being a prisoner. Who supplied him with Qur’ans, Prayer rugs, and 3 squares a day before he got busted? Medical care? He didn’t even have a goat doctor, (vet), to go to before he became a ward of Uncle Sugar. I could care less what he says, except that the dumbphucks of the liberal, antiwar persuasion believe his drivel.
nuf sed


“…getting their genitals touched by female interrogators…”

Let’s really torture the SOB. Give him a gift certificate to Hooters.

Tom Jones

“Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.”
– Robert Blake as ‘Beretta’


I was held at GTMO and let me tell you, my Gazpacho was served cold. The bastards.

One time, they even served me green beans with out the almonds.

The honey on my granola wasn’t organic.

And my prayer rug was less than 300 thread count.



He did do the crime and didn’t do the time.


Even worse – last November, all male muslim tangoes were promised to have a disease-free male democrat come in once a week to provide sexual release for them, but since most of the demo whores went to DC, the promise has no longer been kept. The tangoes are reduced to using stray dogs again.


PS – a friend of mine who once spent a couple of years in Arabia has taken up the unsavory habit of tearing a page out of any korans that he encounters in local book stores, and taking it home to use as toilet paper. he says that the paper is a bit crinkly, but does a good job. And oh! the satisfaction!!

Richard Romano

One of my professors last year opined in class (an English class if you can believe it) that Gitmo was a concentration camp. I had to sigh.

I told him that North Korea is a concentration camp — Gitmo is a leftist cause celebre. To say that it is a concentration camp is to minimize the suffering of those who really are in one. The class agreed.

It’s laughable how leftists equivocate with terms in order to grind their political axes.


Raoul Says:
February 19th, 2009 at 11:48 am

“…getting their genitals touched by female interrogators…”

Let’s really torture the SOB. Give him a gift certificate to Hooters.

USNRETWIFE says: Thanks a lot Raoul. Now my husband wants to go to Gitmo for torture. He promises it’s the Hooters hot wings he really wants. Honest!



There’s a Hooters in DC, on 8th or 7th St just south of H St in Chinatown.

One door sez “Hooters” in English, the other has Chinese characters.

I’d LOVE to now how that translates…


When I read that dreaded Koran desecraction my blood pressure rises alarmingly and I start to grit my teeth. At Saudi airports customs have shredders for offensive literature which includes bibles and anything Christian. When are we going to march on the Saudi embassy and burn that down to protest against the desecration of OUR holy books.

Yat Yas 1833

IMHO this type of thing is truly funny! What did the ‘reporter’, with apologies to real journalists, think this camel-turd was going to say? “I loved Camp Gitmo! The arts and crafts were so much fun, the ‘counselors’ were so helpful and I’ve never had better medical treatment in my whole life!” the only people who believe this type of drivel is his jihadist buddies that have a lower IQ than the goat that’s their mother and the liberal left wearing their aluminum hats.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

So after being held for 5 years in Gitmo he did manage to leave alive right?

No one sawed his head off on video for distribution on Al Jhazeera and no one televised his death…he received better than he would have given. Perhaps a visit from one of our robotic airborne UAVs with resulting high order detonation would be appropriate…