Now they’ve done it

| February 19, 2009

The Democrats went and pissed off Chuck Norris. He goes medieval on their collective ass at Human Events today;

Former President G.W. Bush pushed the first trillion-dollar bailout upon America. Nothing happened. Obama now has pushed the second trillion-dollar bailout upon America. Why should we believe there won’t be a third, fourth, fifth or sixth so-called government stimulus? What other recourse do they have?

We’re in the tank for trillions. And Congress’ only solution is to print more money and make more loans.

Haven’t they seen the movies? Don’t they know about the ass-whoopin’ they’re about to receive? There’s only 535 Congressmen and Senators – Chuck usually kicks that much ass in the first five minutes of his movies.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy, Liberals suck, Politics

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