Samantha Bee is the feckless c### here

| June 1, 2018

The other night, Samantha Bee, the shrieking harpy on TBS’ low-rated “Full Frontal” program called Ivanka Trump a “feckless c###” and People reports that two of her sponsors, Autotrader and Farmers’ Insurance, have pulled their ads as a result.

CNN Money reported that an Autotrader spokesperson explained the suspension is not a temporary thing. “We will not run Autotrader advertising on Samantha Bee’s show moving forward,” they wrote in a statement to the outlet.

State Farm Insurance is also pulling their advertising dollars.

The company told CNN Money, “[We have] asked TBS to suspend our advertising in the program and are reviewing any future placements. We constantly review programs to ensure alignment to our programming guidelines and brand values.”

They haven’t been paying attention to the program if this single incident triggered a response. Every week, Bee calls the President a Nazi and a racist, with no real supporting evidence.

Her whole shtick is that she’s the only woman with a late-night program and she insults women in the Trump Administration, you know, because conservative women are not worthy of her praise. The Canadian immigrant complained that her first vote in a Presidential election didn’t result in Hillary Clinton winning the 2016 election.

So. Sally Field has to weigh in on Bee’s name calling episode, according to CNN;

Sally Field…tweeted on Thursday afternoon that Bee was wrong to call the first daughter a “cunt.”

“Cunts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest,” Field wrote.

I guess some women are more equal than others.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Lets drop Turner Broadcasting a letter registering a complaint and advising them we will be registering complaints with their advertisers as well until she is gone.

She can say whatever she likes and I as a citizen can withhold my money from who ever I’d like as well.


What is it with all the bloody Canadians coming here, making millions, then shitting on the floor? Irritates me, especially since Mom and my grandparents immigrated from Montreal.h

Combat Historian

That piece of shit Jim Carrey should be the first to be booted…


Fuckin hosers

Roger in Republic

A pal of mine always characterized Canadians as “Mexicans with funny accents”. That more than explains the ‘shitting on the floor’ thing.


I was in Ottawa a few years ago and decided to do the tourist thing around the city. Kept to myself, maybe a little chit chat here and there. Helped me to stay undercover as long as I didn’t use the word “about.”

Anyway, I was shocked at how much the Canadians talked about the USA. I swear it was their main topic of conversation.

When was the last time you even thought about Canada? Present company excepted.

Nice people though.


“Present company excepted.”

Meant present SITUATION excepted.


Hey…..You are the guys with the “Museum” of Creationism 😉


William Shatner is a pretty good guy.


The government of Canada has apologized for Bryan Adams on several occasions.


But we are still paying penance for Bieber and Nickleback.
I am truely sorry…..

Doc Savage

I guess she does not come on AFN…I have no clue who this twat is.

Commissioner Wretched

Not too sure myself, Doc … I don’t watch television (unless a Cubs game is on).


The entertainment industry’s typical “double standard” in action… Roseanne gets dumped (and the original show episodes pulled from multiple networks) for her tweets, but no action against Bee.

And they wonder why they have problems with losing viewers.


Roseanne’s shows all disappear, over a Tweet. Yet, Cosby’s shows are still on the air. And, Bill Clinton is still sought-after guest for most Network shows.


What about the two pigs griffin and the bitch from the dc dinner…? no one complains about their trash talking the Prez? We need to watch closely and keep our money in our pockets rather than support ANY of these morons imho


Senior Chief, I agree with you wholeheartedly! There is a serious double standard used by the liberal left!


“Cunts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest,” Field wrote.”

I don’t think that word means what she thinks it means!


I thought it was a military cover


It used to be back in our day. Although, I don’t think the WACs ever thought it was an appropriate name for that cap. I guess we wore the original pussy hat, even if not pink.


Yer showin yer age


That’s what we called it (unless in mixed company) in the early to mid 2000’s? What do the kids call it now?


We called it a cunt cap in the 1960s Navy. Doubt that would fly now. Anyone know? When I hang around AD today, of all services, their language is almost sterile.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

Watched 10 minutes of her show once about a month ago and her opening shtick, found it lame , not funny, moronic and totally lacking any talent, and wondered “how did this no-talent asshole c-u-n-t get a television gig?” really how ?

along with a few others…like some of the “The View” cuties(sarc) that spew heaps of puke worthy vitriol



Somebody clue this fool in that the public exhibition of potty mouth trashing people, while it might garner you 15 minutes of fame, is not likely to lead to long term stable employment possibilities.


Anybody seen 2006 “The Path to 9/11”?

I heard the Clintons blocked that TV movie because it claims BJC could have had OBL taken out in 1998 and they were trying to protect his presidential legacy and HRC’s reputation for the 2008 election.

To this day that movie has not been released. The wikipedia page about it is full of excuses and accusations.


Most of your posts seem nonsensical to me and a diversion from whatever topic is under discussion. But I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt on this unrelated topic.

So, as much I am certain to regret this: how in the ever lovin hell are we going to watch a movie that hasn’t been released?


She reminds me of an ad in the now defunct Craigs List “casual encounters” section where a
transgender was looking for someone to verbally abuse them while doing the nasty.
Even had examples of specific words and phrases that would do it for them.

I wonder what her day job is.


Put an “s” and an “r” in that word and we have one that aptly describes Ms. Bee.

Perry Gaskill

Samantha Bee is apparently just another member of the liberal entertainment business circle jerk. Ultimately, at least it seems to me, most of them are cowards. In the first place, they don’t have the stones to go against the hive mind. To not follow pro-Hillary and anti-Trump sentiment is to risk being singled out as a pariah by the rest of the Borg.

Then too, here’s a simple question: Would Samantha Bee be calling Ivanka Trump vicious names to her face, or in front of the President? I don’t think so.

2/17 Air Cav

I don’t know who this dame is and I really don’t give a shit what she says or does. Thank you.


“Cunts are….honest”? Thanks for that bit of enlightenment, Sally.


The left is, as usual, confusing. Last year being a c##t was good, right? Is it still good? Maybe the insult isn’t in the use of the word c##t but in being a feckless one. Maybe being a feckful c##t is what one should desire to be.

charles w

Growing up in a house full of women, my father would have beat my ass if I said that word around any women.

NR Pax

The Canadian immigrant

Found the problem.


I found the incest references to be more disturbing than the dirty words that pissed people off.

“Put on something tight and low cut and tell your father to f****** stop it”

It isn’t the first time she has done it either. Projection is a hell of thing.

There is little the right or moderates can do about it. She sings to her choir and they all say amen. Nobody with any sense at all would watch her show as show by the vanguard of left wing defenders who think she is the shizzle.


Most people probably do react similarly, 5JC. Name calling, no matter how disgusting, really isn’t on the same plane as accusing folks of committing criminal activity. Incest ranks right up there with the worst of the worst crimes short of murder.

Trump has been accused of it since he announced his intentions to run for president. Just one more example of how stupidly hypocritical the left can be. Trump was a champion in his advocacy for women until he announced he was running as a Republican. Suddenly his relationships are all inappropriate, including with his own daughter.


As if things weren’t weird enough the Felon forgiveness program touted and pushed through by the Dems is allowing pro-incest pedophiles to run for congress.

Gov. Terry McAuliffe, you are hero to sex offenders everywhere.


What does c### mean?


C-hashtag-hashtag-hashtag, I think.


👍🏻 Got it now!

The Other Whitey

Remember when that was the “pound” sign? Owen Benjamin had a good one about that: “‘Pound me too?’ Shit, how horny can one chick get?”


Let me see now…wasn’t Samantha Bee the only woman who begged to stand in for Ned Beatty during the anal scene because she thought the ass bandit was hot?

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Who was the banjo player in that scene.

The Other Whitey

Joy Behar.


AKA “Maude”


This makes me more glad than ever that my TV died and I didn’t replace it.

There’s an advantage to having a library full of movies that you know you want to watch, as opposed to staying up late to watch some vulgarian run off at the mouth because it thinks it is funny.

I’d say her 15 minutes are catching up to her.

The Other Whitey

I think this is all just a misunderstanding. Clearly there must have been a mirror next to the camera. Bee just reflexively blurted “feckless cunt” when she saw her reflection in it.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Hey Samatha, Bee a real shitbird and move back to Canada. eigh.

Rosalee Adams

Mom once said “Consider the source and move on. To do otherwise is a waste of time and lends dignity to it”
She was talking about Bee and all the rest like her
including Fields who claims it is an honor to be
called a c**ts
She tweeted specifically:
“C**ts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.”
(I choose not to spell out the word as I find it so offensive)
Hypocrisy is thy name in la la land and MSM.


She is just another in a long line of smug liberal assholes who are convinced they are always the smartest person in the room, although that would only be true if the room was empty. I watched about 2 minutes of her show once by accident. Not one thing about her was intelligent or funny, much like “the view” it’s all 3rd grade name calling and vitriol.


Maybe some day, good manners and common decency will return to society.

I can dream, can’t I?


I hope for this, also. How that could happen, I haven’t a clue.