Weekend open thread

| June 1, 2018

June 1, 2018

City Sunset

The sun sets over Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, one spring evening. The city was founded by Portuguese explorers in 1565 and has been deemed a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Just a warning – our $6000 annual rent comes due next month, I pay a year in advance so that I save $1200/year. So start digging that change out from your couch cushions. I’ll be rattling my tin cup next month.

Category: Open thread

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Talk about luck! While waiting on a customer I had a moment to check.
Have a GREAT weekend y’all!!!

Commissioner Wretched

Not first again!~




A new personal best!

RGR 4-78



Wrong button, dammit.

Commissioner Wretched

Don’t ya hate it when that happens?


Yeah, I think my F5 button got stuck between single, burst and full:-)

Commissioner Wretched

Check yer safety!


and your sear!

The Stranger

Was it an F5A1? I’ve heard that’s a common problem with those!🙃


Top Ten!!!


Donation posted.

Ante up folks!

Commissioner Wretched

Proud to say I’ve just made my contribution to the cause.

Jerky Dave

Anted… Everyone feed the meeter

Carlton G. Long

top 20

Commissioner Wretched

In response to the almost audible cry for more, here’s this week’s trivia/humor column. Enjoy (or not, as your pleasure dictates). DID YOU KNOW…? What was the first zombie movie ever made, and who was its well-known star? By Commissioner Wretched Life is made of trivia. Don’t scoff … you know it’s true. Yes, the things we read about in the newspaper are very important, even earth-shattering – now. But in ten years, twenty years, they’ll be footnotes in the history books. Those kind of footnotes are also known as trivia. I have many and varied sources for the little factoids I send your way each week, and at least two of those sources are history sources. The events of those days were, to be sure, of extreme importance, especially to those who were living through said events. But now? Not so much. There’s a philosophical take-away from this line of thought, and I wish I could claim credit for its creation. It is contained in a simple, often-repeated, and very true phrase: “This, too, shall pass.” In that spirit, then, I present this week’s trivial collection of things that might have been once earth-shaking, but are now relegated to dull research by people like me. You can add your voice to the cacophony by dropping an e-mail to didyouknowcolumn@gmail.com and many of you already know that I write back right away. So here’s this week’s assortment of the formerly important … our trivia! Did you know … … during World War II, British soldiers were given a ration of three sheets of toilet paper? American soldiers received 22 sheets. (Make of that what you will.) … there are about 5,000 airplanes over the United States right now? (And the leg room is … well, let’s not go there, okay?) … the New Hampshire state lottery has a scratch ticket which smells like bacon? (Crispy or saggy?) … the pencil was invented in 1564? What makes that little fact interesting is that the eraser wasn’t invented until 1770. People actually used soft bread to remove stray pencil marks in the… Read more »


Besides Bela Lugosi, you should remember an actor named William Pratt… who achieved immortality as Boris Karloff, by taking the Frankenstein role Lugosi rejected because the monster only grunted, never spoke.


Butterflies smell with their feet. They also like salt, they will happily go after something that is fermenting, and they will willingly get stinking drunk.

Carpenter bees are so territorial that they will chase every wasp and hornet away from their chosen nesting spot. They also have no stingers, period.

The oldest human-made food is flatbread, going back over 10,000 years ago. It is also the most common food there is, appearing in cultures everywhere from Morocco and Greece to China and Mexico. It’s the fillings that make it “ethnically” special. Well, that and how it’s made. Naan bread is different from pita bread, for instance, and tortillas are different from crepes. But it’s all the same thing.


First! With zero help the Russians.


TAH 6 seems to be applying Payday procedures as he sits next to the paymaster and gets “donations” for AER, NCO Club, Red Cross, CFC, …

You youngons haven’t had the pleasure of getting paid in cash and then running that gauntlet.

Now, off to the “DONATE” button.


Didn’t get paid in cash, but I do remember having to sign for a check with the Statue of Liberty on it, backed by the U.S. Treasury, every payday until they forced the split pay option on us. :mrgreen:

Oh yeah…

As of June 1, 2018, Dennis Howard Chevalier, a.k.a. Denny H Chevalier, phony Gulf War veteran, phony veteran, phony C-130 compass call pilot, phony SWAT veteran, phony retired USAF Lieutenant Colonel… That Dennis Howard Chevalier… Still was arrested on February 27, 2018, for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

He pointed a gun at his ex-wife and son, waved a loaded weapon around and pretended to shoot things, threatened an ex-fiancé with putting a round into her head, and then his arrest for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

They need to take this guy’s weapons away before he shoots someone.

Here is one link to one the details:


Just google “Dennis Chevalier arrested” to get additional details.


Yeah, leave it to the Army to take the fun out of getting paid.

I still can’t figure out what was wrong with my reporting for pay the first two times I did it wrong and got sent back into the line.

We went to direct deposit while I was at AIT at Fort Lee.


And the hospital corpsmen with your shot card, right in front of the pay line.
Cheatin’ bastards.



And then there was the time in ’64 when I, as pay officer in the 82nd Signal BN ran out of money half way through the line! Pucker time. PVT Smedlap, my security force, and I beat feet back to Finance where a shit storm ensued.

Turns out they gave me the money for one of the Infantry BNs but the right vouchers for my BN. The Infantry BN pay officer had a lot of cash left over. Luckily we both had signed for exactly what was given to us.

The Troopers were late getting to Fayettenam that payday.

Frankie Cee

LOL. I once had a First Sergeant who was collecting for “The Fund for the Widow of the Unknown Soldier”. One of us asked who she was, and he replied: I don’t know her name but when I find out, I will give her the money. What’s left, at least.


I recall when CFC was an almost never-ending process. The gov got tired of it being done this way so it is now changed into a once-a-year process. Or at least it was when I retired. Yep, I remember being paid in cash. I once got double paid in cash. I was working nights on the Repose and got paid and got paid again a few days later by by Chief who had been entrusted with my $38. I explained but he said I had to take the $38 and straighten it out myself. I couldn’t get to disbursing fast enough. I had visions of being in the brig. They wouldn’t take back the money. Said their books showed I was paid only once but they would investigate. A few weeks later I got a head’s up to go to disbursing with the $38. Damn, I coulda been rich had I been able to keep the double pay. That was a lot of money to me back then.



Daniel Alan Bernath is still dead.

That is all.

PS: 18rd


Who? <<>>


Gator fertilizer

Frankie Cee

WHO? Well, it is that Non-flyng, non-lawyering, non-successful human, that had to self catheterize, and chose to tell the world about it, in several of the lawsuits that he filed. That Dan Bernath. The guy that gathered up some dopes that were even dumber than him, and had no facts against his adversaries so they made up stuff, and were found out every time. That Dan Bernath. The guy who took mental illness to a whole new level, down, while hijacking his daughter’s website to post lie, after lie, after lie. That Dan Bernath. Shall I go on?


Oh. I forgot about him.


Still awaiting the SITREP ….


0ft AGL and at ambient temperature.

Hack Stone

You didn’t say “Over”, over.


Ha 21 and free as a bird


I hate this game.
I never win.

Wasn’t the WOT supposed to start at 1400?




It starts when Jonn says it starts and not one second earlier.


It started around 1300 East Coast Time, Yef, just like always. 1303 today, to be precise- don’t ask how I know that.


Quit your fucking whining.

At 1300 hrs on a Friday you’re supposed to be at your place of duty conducting Army business, not dicking around on a smart phone trolling TAH.

Geez, some people.



Frankie Cee

Kyle Barwan, the serial poser and user of people, now doing time in the Florida State Prison system has been moved to the Lancaster Correctional Institution, a Male Youth facility. He is 28 years old but acts like a little kid much of the time. And two days later, he got moved to the Gainesville Florida Work Camp:


5′ 6″ 138lbs.

Skinny little shit that KYLE BARWAN of GOOGLE fame.


25th of the first 25.


Not late to the game. I was measuring the front steps for replacement and trying to decide if I should do that first or get a new stove. Replace one aging commode or get a new stove. Do some laundry or get a new stove.

Am I in a rut here?

Oh, yeah: Tooty-twelferter.


Get a new stove.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s funny. One brand spanking new thing gets walked on and the other brand new spanking thing gets–well, we know what happens to that. As for the choice, if the steps are dangerous, that’s the one. No one ever broke a hip or an arm by sitting on a worn-out toilet.

2/17 Air Cav

Huh? Stove? Where did I get steps from? Yeah, get a new stove.


Roger, AirCav!

Perry Gaskill

I just got a new stove, Ex. I’d tell you how cool it is, but then you probably wouldn’t get your steps fixed. And if the steps don’t get fixed, the FedEx guy could break an ankle, and might refuse to deliver tasty gourmet kitty treats which could piss off your cats and turn into a nasty situation.

Because, as everyone knows, dogs get over it but a cat holds a grudge forever…


Yes, they do, and if they are as loud-mouthed as Miss Punkin Squawkypants, they let the entire neighborhood know that Mommy screwed up again.


I spent some time this morning taking the measurements on the old steps, including my elegant drawings with “inch” numbers included. The handyman will cometh sometime in mid-June and get the stuff and get ‘er done.

If it’s a tossup between a new commode (both are 20 years old and need to be replaced, and anyway, I’m tired of other people’s crap), and a new stove, I can call Nick’s to come and replace the oven igniter and/or pick a stove with a long burner for a griddle (which I prefer) and the cotton-pickin’ commodes will have to wait their turn. Little jobs like that mean “order the stuff” and then call the handyman.

As it is, I will have at least one new commode by Thanksgiving and a replacement (or a repair) for my current stove. And I will not complain because some things just work out the way they’re supposed to.


Not very accommodating ….


Bad pun! Bad rgr1480!!

Good thing I stocked up on cat litter, isn’t it? 🙂 🙂 🙂


Am with everyone else and you: Stove.

Speaking of stove, here is a vintage commercial from the 1950s on a stove. Classic.😊


Hack Stone

Be sure to use “ when referring to inches and ‘ when referring to feet, or you may end up in a Spinal Tap moment.


A commode lasts forever properly maintained, and other than cracked porcelain bits, pretty much all the parts combined cost less than $30. No need to replace, just rebuild.


Interesting story from Flint Michigan about individuals impersonating Police Officers:

“Fake Cops Responded To 911 Calls Fooling Police For Years”:


In their defense, their Lawyer said they had good intentions and wanted to make their community a better place (even though they committed a Felony):




Anyone here remembered Dennis Myers from Iowa who had a Silver Star presented to him in 2014 by Senator Tom Harkins, but turned out Myers lied and was never was awarded one (see the TAH link posted below).

Well, this newspaper must not had heard about his bogus story, because they did an article on him in 2017. Guess what Award he is holding in the picture that is featured with the article:


For those who don’t remember, here is one of Jonn’s post on Dennis Myers that has Myers’ Silver Star “certificate” and his Military records:


At least Dennis Myers did not get his Silver Star certificate from Forgin’ Frank (Myers purchased it from the American War Library):




NSFW language, violence. Everyone’s favorites!


AW1Ed, Brother you made my weekend! That was the funniest little film I’ve seen in, well, forever. Thank you for a ton of laughs.

One of my favorites was the whore saying,
“and women too!”
To which the gunfighter replied,
“Let’s not get carried away.”


Welcome! Thought it would be a crowd pleaser- especially this crowd.


Two thumbs up …. on the same hand!

Great, thanks for the laugh.


No country parson sitting in the corner? I’m disappointed!

Too funny for words!




Thank You!


Front porch.


You just caused an 8 minute work-stoppage in my shop. 3 grown men are crying and laughing. Encore!


Thas wha folks git drinkin

…. wry whisky!


I blew snot out my eyeballs. I think it was snot. Funny as all heck.

Lurker Curt


Haywire Angel

Present and off to see an airshow this weekend. Have a good one!

A Proud Infidel®™

67st and Honorary First yet again.



Sock Puppet Alert!!! Here we go again…

One of SP5 Richard Hollingsworth’s Enablers is starting “lawsuit” noises.

His name is John Dannunzio. He is the Quartermaster of VFW Post 735:


Send him some Love on this recent TAH blog about SP5 Richard Hollingsworth…😉


According to John Dannunzio, for those of us who use screen names, we are “Chicken”…

“Chicken Man! He’s Everywhere!”


LinkedIn Profile gone already.

I wonder why?

Squares I-2, G-3 and O-1 on the TAH Stolen Valor Bingo Card all checked off.


Claw: Good…that shows he is reading the TAH Blog.

Most of all, it shows John Dannunzio is a Hypocrite…HE is the one that is “Chicken” by making his Linkedin Profile and Picture go *POOF!*

Hey, John Dannunzio, since you believe so much in your buddy, Richard Hollingsworth and he is hiding behind your skirt, why don’t YOU, John Dannunzio explain Richard Hollingsworth’s Infantry Blue Cord and bogus awards.
Me likes the BINGO Card…😉


Dannunzio: It’s collection time. Would you care to make a donation to the cause to keep TAH going for another year? Thanks so much.


Money is on the way, Jonn. Really appreciate your work in exposing these slugs. I also get a kick from my fellow miscreants. A lot of this stuff is just funny as hell.

Expose da posers!!

And the sock puppets. I don’t want to leave you out of the equation. You slugs pile on. This old man needs the humor you bring.


I don’t know if I’m the only one who ever watched ‘The Nine Lives of Elfego Baca’, but I used to watch that every time it was on Disney, on the weekends.

Out of curiosity, I looked him up, and found this: “Baca officially became the sheriff of Socorro County and secured indictments for the arrest of the area’s lawbreakers. Instead of ordering his deputies to pursue the wanted men, he sent each of the accused a letter. It said, “I have a warrant here for your arrest. Please come in by March 15 and give yourself up. If you don’t, I’ll know you intend to resist arrest, and I will feel justified in shooting you on sight when I come after you.” Most of the offenders turned themselves in voluntarily.

It’s a pity that LEOs can’t do that kind of thing nowadays, isn’t it?


And he survived one hell of a shoot out un his tiny cabin … I forgot the Spanish word. Anyway, lots of holes and he didn’t get a scratch as I recall.


Floor sat a little lower than the walls and he flattened out. During a lull in the fighting his attackers were astonished to smell him making coffee, despite having shot up the cabin into a collander.


From the week that was.
Memorial Day is everyday to the men and women buried in these cemeteries from all over the Earth.
I am still in awe of the heroes I served with and the ones that I stand beside as a Veteran of the greatest Military of the Greatest Country in the history of mankind.
It’s an honor gentlemen and gentle ladies.
Take a listen, will bring our the dust wherever you are…


Everyday I am grateful for the opportunity to serve with the best this nation has to offer.
A toast to my Brothers and Sisters in Arms! Let us never forget the Fallen!
Long live the Republic!


I’m proud of the way the military cemeteries are maintained. The workers do a damn good job, damn good. They obviously have respect for those buried.


The Bourne National Cemetery is exceptional.
As you drive through it the stones are not
visible until you get out of your vehicle and stand. The effect is stunning.

However, the new windmill at the admin building is a very disturbing and ugly eyesore that has no place there. I hope they come to their senses and remove it before I take up residence down the road from my dad.


He’s back!

John Dunnunzio, Quartermaster of VFW Post 735, Idaho, AKA SP5 Richard Hollingsworth’s Enabler, is on the defense…and not only are we “Chicken”, but also “Morons”!:


He also is trying to justify SP5 Richard Hollingsworth’s military service…of course, without documents.

Keep digging, John Dunnunzio as well as letting Richard Hollingsworth hide behind your skirt…🤔

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, he makes me think of those small potatoes in a can. I don’t know whether there’s a name for them but, if there is, he’s one of them.


Yep…and John Dannunzio is SO small that he cannot masquerade as Mr. Potato Head…or get it on with Mrs. Potato Head…😉


I’ve been listening to the Danish National Symphony Orchestra of late on YouTube.
They did a concert “Duelle” where they do the compositions of Ennio Morricone and are well known as the musical scores to the Spaghetti Westerns done by Clint Eastwood and others.
This one is my favorite, “Once Upon a Time in the West”.
Tuva Semmingsen does the vocals in this one so beautifully it makes one just close your eyes to float on the melodious sea she sails on.
Sarah Hicks is the guest conductor. She is the lead conductor of the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra and unlike other conductors I have seen over the years brings a gracefulness that shows the music flowing out of her heart through her baton, into the musicians and out the instruments they play.
Trust me on this one, once you start to listen to them, you WILL be hooked !!!


Dammit, bad link…


Nice. Very nice.


One of my favorite spaghetti westerns, although critically slammed and fairly unpopular when released.

Seemed having Henry Fonda playing a villian didn’t sit well with many folks back then.


This just in from Esquire Magazine.

“Okay, Now I Actually Do Want To Take Your Guns”

Esquire Magazine Link

Listen, I know the moments after a gunman opens fire in a school are hectic for you. You have to get your talking points together, you have to mentally prepare to debate a traumatized yet sensible child, you have to look at yourself in the mirror and practice saying that more guns would have made the situation less deadly. It’s a busy time! And since we are always either in the moments after or the moments before a mass shooting, you’re pretty much always busy, I have noticed!

Anyway, I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I now actually do want to take your guns.

All of your guns.

Right now.

Well there you have it. The editor of Esquire Magazine for Metrosexuals demands our firearms, RTF now, dammit! All well and good, but just how does cake-boy mean to take them?


If they could magically make all the guns owned by members of the NRA disappear it would not stop the next school shooter. We know it, and if they don’t know it they are too stupid/willfully ignorant to engage in conversation about it.

Securing schools has nothing to do with private citizens owning guns. Securing schools involves physically securing schools, by whatever means is necessary. That is all.

Making gun ownership illegal will have the same impact upon society as making drugs illegal. Thos who want to get drugs do so now in spite of them being illegal. Why would guns be any different?

The only difference is that firearms ownership is protected by the US Constitution. Illicit drug use is not. Nor is drunk driving, and a host of other things.


Molon Labe, bitch.


He’s free to want whatever he wants, however misguided and foolish. I’d suggest he not try and execute his wants in this particular area, however.

Oh, and I’d also suggest he go execute “sit and spin” on an ocotillo. After firmly inserting one or more stalks in the appropriate bodily orifice, of course.


There are more of us than there are of these metrosexual pissants, you know.

What a tiresome jerk he is. WHy isn’t he bitching about black-on-black gang shootings? Oh, that’s right – they’re black so they don’t count unless the police are accused of doing something questionable. It doesn’t matter that an 11-year-old black kid on a playground is shot in the head and dies because he was near a pair of other black kids who were gangbangers. No, that doesn’t matter at all.

Try harder, asswipe.


Esquire Magazine, the rag for queers, half wits, bisexuals, transsexuals and the generally confused about all things in their life.

So, fuck them and fuck the head staff. (You know how to tell which ones are the head staff? They’re the ones with the dirty knees.)

Anyway, anytime they want to attempt to take my weapons, it is their choice and their lives to put on the balance. On my side of the scale, I have already weighed my choice on the issue, so it would be all up to them what their lives are worth.

Fuck them!


A little bit of Saturday evening humor:

I was talking to my buddy the other day over morning coffee and happened to mention that my wife had left me.

He said, “Yep, BTDT, but Cheer Up, things could be worse.”

And you know, he was right. Just as soon as I cheered up, things sure got worse……

Cause the wife came back./smile


Obviously, you need a hug, Claw.


Don’t let Mrs. Claw see that joke! Don’t think there is a NSN for a spousal unit (and if you find one, then you are indeed the Super Supply Daddy of them all..) 😉


Nope, no NSN for an actual spousal unit, the closest thing to one of those is the “Rubber Lady” that used to be issued in your TA-50:

8465-254-8887 Mattress, Pneumatic

Funny thing about them, though. When the FSN was brought on line in 1963, the specs called for the color to be Army Olive Green, Shade 207.

All those Rubber Ladys who were Gray (after 1968) were made to Navy specifications.

So, that makes me wonder what was meant by the title of the movie “Gray Lady Down”?/smile


We had those gray ones in the Viet of the Nam in 1970. Funny though, never heard them called the rubber lady. They were the only thing that made sleeping in a hole in the ground bearable.
Since I married an Army nurse, I used to tell people the Army issued me a wife, but you are correct, she does not have an NSN.


103rd today.

Was off at a nephew’s HS graduation. The last of my sibling’s kids to age out of ‘government mandated education’ as the Valedictorian said.

Which reminds me that our oldest nephew is 65 coming on 66, and our youngest is 18. That is some kind of spread.

I’ll get back to the TAH Stolen Valor Race Scoreboard later. Sorry, guys.

Hack Stone

Anyone on the blog plan on attending the Beer Bourbon & BBQ Festival at National Harbor on June 16? If so, please RSVP so that can ensure that he has enough corporate swag from a proud but humble woman owned business. Tickets are still available on Groupon. See you there.



Tip one for all your buddies here at TAH. One for us collectively would do it, but if you want to toast us each individually – well, that’s up to you!

Hack Stone

Four ounces at a time. The beer festivals at National Harbor give you glass souvenir sampling glasses, the beer festivals in DC (Nationals Park) give you a lame-ass plastic sampling glass. I think that the ones in DC have a proud but humble woman owned business from Bethesda as corporate sponsors.


Rest in Peace, MG (Retired) Mark Yenter:


Mark was only 60 when he passed away. He recently retired from the US Army. Had the pleasure of working with him at the beginning of OEF at Bagram when he was a LTC with CJTF180. His attached obituary reads loud and clear of his Military service. He was buried yesterday, 2 June 2018.

He passed away two days before MG Jerry Bannister, who also was too young to leave us.

Both Gentlemen: Salute.


Rest in peace Sir.


So I was watching a rerun of the first episode of Kung Fu on Amazon Prime. Saw it when it came out a couple of years after I got back home.

Here’s the odd thing. In that episode, Caine comes across a burned out house and finds a boy left alive. In the burned structure are arrows. Now, these weren’t just any arrows. They were the ones with the same sign as “Paints His Shirt Red”, the Crow chief in Jeremiah Johnson.

So I figure the Crow and old PHSR got around a bit and figuring the time difference between the two events, Paints His Shirt must have been pushing 80 plus years old.

Go figure. I guess I’ll file this under, “Crap I notice when I’m really not trying”.

Have a great rest of your weekend folks.