Assad wants American troops out of Syria and threatens to attack

| June 1, 2018

Military Times is reporting Syrian President Bashar Assad has threatened to attack a region held by U.S.-backed Kurdish fighters in northeastern Syria, saying in an interview broadcast on Russia Today channel on Thursday that American troops should leave the country.

The remarks reflect that despite pressure on multiple fronts, Assad is seeking to consolidate control after seven years of civil war.

With military backing from Russia and Iran, he has reclaimed most of the territory lost to rebels in the wake of the popular uprising that swept the country in 2011, and quickly descended into all-out civil war. But large areas remain beyond his control, including the expansive region north of the Euphrates River that is administered by the Syrian Kurds.

Speaking to the Russian channel, Assad said he has opened the door to negotiations with the Kurdish-run administration while also preparing to “liberate by force.”

Forces loyal to Assad and the Syrian Kurds have clashed sporadically over the eastern oil province of Deir el-Zour. Last year, they led rival campaigns against the Islamic State group, and maintain a protracted front against each other along the Euphrates.

The United States, which supports the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, operates air bases and outposts in the Kurdish-administered region. “The Americans should leave,” Assad said. “Somehow, they are going to leave.”

The U.S. has had a military presence in the country since early 2016 to train and advise Kurdish and Arab rebel forces fighting ISIS in northern and eastern Syria. The number of these mostly special operations forces in Syria had grown to around 500.

Hundreds more Marines arrived in Syria to provide artillery support to U.S.-backed Syrian rebels to retake Raqqa, ISIS’s de facto capital in Syria.

Army Rangers operate in Manbij to essentially act as a visible presence to prevent the Turkish military and Kurdish forces from fighting each other in the city retaken from ISIS months ago, the officials said, bringing the total number of US military personnel to about 2000.

The U.S. has conducted over 7,800 airstrikes in Syria as of March 28, according to the Department of Defense.

Also, a senior U.S. general has confirmed that hundreds of Russians fought – and died – in a major battle against American forces and their local counterparts in Syria.

The skirmish occurred on Feb. 7, 2018 when forces aligned with Syria’s dictator Bashar Al Assad, backed by Russian mercenaries from a shadowy company called Wagner, which were under the direct control of the Kremlin, launched an attack on U.S. forces and members of the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, a predominately Kurdish group, in eastern Syria. The opposing force consisted of tanks and heavy artillery.

After a massive American counter-attack involving air and artillery strikes beat back the opposing troops, reports emerged afterwards suggesting that as many as 200 Russians had died in the engagement.

I don’t think Assad’s Russian allies have any intentions of going head to head against the US presence in Syria, so he’d have to go it alone. Good luck with that.

Category: Syria

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Doc Savage

You know….I would pay cash to watch Assad send his forces against the US.

Assad: I will attack the Americans!
Russia: Uh….based upon experience-
Assad: I really will! And drive them out of Syria!
Russia: Is probably not good idea..


who gives a ratz azz what this pencil neck geek wants? A 500 pounder thru his house would shut him up imho


I’d pay cash to watch all US troops leave Syria. They are no threat to America or Americans. That place isn’t worth the life of a single American serviceman.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Looks like those 200 KIA Russian “Mercs” won’t be as one would say this Friday morning-Ready for this? “Russian around” any more. Only one egg YOLK this morning.


The Russians have mercs??? Do they advertise in Soldier of Fortune ragazine?

A ‘shadowy’ company called Wagner… oh, that is a hoot. Why call it ‘Wagner’? Why not give it a more glamorous romantic-sounding name like ‘Warsock’ or ‘Holeyboots’?

Doc Savage

Russian Craigs List….back page.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

EX; I think the magazine is possibly defunct now. I had their original 1975 first issue to see what it was about, hence the word MERC which was used. Wasn’t Wagner a famous music composer/flight of the Valkyries? Could be that is why the company was named that. Who knows.


Wagner did write ‘Die Walkure’.

But you’d think that they’d use some imagination and not be so obvious, wouldn’t you?


By what right, law or declaration are American troops in Syria?

It is a sovereign nation, recognized by all other nations with a legitimate government.


the foreign policy of ‘winners don’t pull out’?
they took a wrong turn at Haditha?
might makes right?
but for real AUMF covers it domestically and the UN didn’t exactly tell us to stop, so…


You’ll have to ask the previous occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave which Congressional action was the basis he used to commit US troops to Syria. After all the article says we’ve had troops there since early 2016.

USMC Steve

It would probably have something to do with Syria’s government and Assad in particular long being state sponsors of terrorism, 2banana. That in and of itself makes Syria our enemy.


That may or may not be true but it does not justify the occupation and the attacking of a sovereign nation without justification.

You know – something like:

A declaration of war or authorization from congress.
A UN mandate.

Or maybe you think America can attack anyone deemed an “enemy” on a whim. Cause it just feels right.


The previous occupant fi 1600 Pennsylvania Av seemed to think he had the requisite approval from Congress.


You really want to hold up “I am pretty good at killing people peace prize” obama as an example of other presidents to follow on foreign policy?

Really? That is your argument?


You’ve asked for “authorization by Congress and I keep telling you to go find the one that the previous occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania felt he had.

Consult the Oracle of Mountain View and perhaps you will find it.

How long has Syria been on the official State Sponsor of Terrorism list?


UN mandate?



Assad vying for that long sought after Darwin Award…


Assad won’t have to attack the Americans in Manbij.
We are negotiating with Turkey to force the Syrian Kurds out of that city.
Which they conquered from Isis in 2016 with U.S. air support.
We will then likely turn the city over to Assad or Turkey as President Trump rightly wants us out of Syria.
The Kurds are the only good guys in the entire Iraq/Syria conflict.
I am surprised that any local forces ever ally with the U.S.
We always seem to abandon the Hmong, Afghan and Iraqi interpreters and now the YPG.
If I led a group of native fighters, I would join with the Russians!


“the Hmong”
Driven from China long ago and persued ever since. The Viet Minh and Viet Cong in recent
history. Their enemies were our enemies.
They helped us tremendously.

The Other Whitey

Good luck with that, Akhmed.


“Somehow, they are going to leave.”…
You and your buttbuddy Vlad can go eat a big ol’ bag of ’em.
Make us get the band back together and break another Middle East country.
And Vlad, you can’t negate our SLBMs so sit down and shut up.


Syrian President Bashar Assad has threatened to attack a region held by U.S.-backed Kurdish fighters in northeastern Syria.

If so, the US will kill you, likely your immediate family, close cousins, clansmen and political and military supporters in one massive strategic strike.

Then, the US will destroy your backwards institutions and make ready for a new day for Syria and its people.

Dear Mr. Assad I urge you to make such an attempt.



But first, stockpile some virgins.


So you won’t mind when a nation does that to America and Americans.

and wonder why how such a thing could happen.

You really don’t think about 2nd and 3rd order effects – do you?

Because now you are NO BETTER than them.

If that is the game you want to play – you gonna have to applaud when a NK nuke goes off in a container ship in an American port.

Or some SAMs take out American commercial aircraft.

Or a suicide bomber detonates at an American political rally.

Or when ISIS takes control of Syria.


Last I checked, Trump wasn’t gassing civilians in NYC or giving support to terrorist groups or accepting support from state sponsors of terrorism.

MSG Eric



Then, the US will destroy your backwards institutions and make ready for a new day for Syria and its people.

That…didn’t work real well the last time we tried it in that part of the world.

Other than backing our Kurdish allies I’m more in favor of pulling out and letting the savages massacre each other without our help. I see no good in keeping our troops in harms way without a clear mission.

WRT the Syrian civil war and our part in it, I’m inclined to agree with the character that James Caan played in the movie “Gardens of Stone” regarding Vietnam: “Nothing to win and no way to win it.”

USMC Steve

It was working reasonably well right up until Homey the Klown took over the presidency and fucked everything up like a champ.


“working reasonably well” = trillions spent and thousands of American service men killed for an invasion that made no sense and did not have to take place. To destroy a country that was functioning reasonable well (by ME standards) and POSED NO NATIONAL SECURITY RISK to the United States.

But please – go on and tell us how great things were going in Iraq.


but I would like to see the Syrian Army put on the “merry go round” like we did the Russian “mercenaries”…

that is how they described the experience…the Yanks put us on a god damned merry go round…they kicked our asses…the yanks proved their point.

Some of videos on youtube have great audio from during and after the event…colorful and painfully truthful…


Jonn, from your article:

Army Rangers operate in Manbij to essentially act as a visible presence to prevent the Turkish military and Kurdish forces from fighting each other in the city retaken from ISIS months ago

Seriously? The most elite light infantry in the world are being used as ‘peacekeepers?’

Do we NEED Rangers for that? Isn’t there an Army Reserve MP battalion that could be tasked with the same mission? 😉


Whoops, my bad, I just assume everything here is posted by Jonn.


Syria, Syria, Syria. Shockingly, the United Nations, this past Monday, appointed Syria to head the UN Conference on Disarmament.

I wonder if they will get crackin’ on removal of their chemical weapons that B O’s own Silver Star awardee Secretary of State, John Kerry, stated in 2014 “we got 100 percent of the chemical weapons out.”


Yup, and Venezuela is on the UN Human Rights Commission (as is China and Saudi Arabia, to lend even less credence to that austere body).

The UN has long since proven itself to be an entirely useless organization. How many times did they condemn Saddam and threaten him with action? How many times they they threaten the various Kims of Norkie land?

Why we continue to participate and fund that den in inequity is beyond me.


Don’t forget about the strongly worded letter that condemned the atrocities in Darfur and other regions around the world…

or Russia’s annexation of Crimea…and so on.


First a handful, then 500, now 2000.

But they are only advisers, trainers, and a “presence”. They will never, ever, ever, honest-Injun, really, get into a fight with anyone. Really. Trust me. And our National Security (not to mention the fate of Western-Civilization) depends on our presence in Syria.

Out. Now.


The fate of western civilization depends on U.S. presence in Syria? How?


Chip, I sense some sarcasm from timactual.

Looks like he remembers just how many quagmires we’ve gotten pulled into after sending “only advisors”.


I realized that only after I responded.

2/17 Air Cav

Help a fellow out here. Does this mean Assad will or will not be visiting Disneyland this summer?

MSG Eric

I don’t think Ann Margaret is coming either.


[…] Around The Pension-O-Sphere This Ain’t Hell: Samantha Bee Is The Feckless C***t Here, also, Assad Wants American Troops Out Of Syria, Threatens To Attack Victory Girls: An Ex-Con Pedophile Is Running For Congress – You Can Thank Terry McAuliffe! […]

MSG Eric

I really kinda wish he would. Once he attacked US troops, he’d be JDAM’d, along with his butt kissing cohorts and we’d be done with his BS. Someone new would step up and not poke the eagle. Russia wouldn’t do a thing but utter strongly critical sentiments at the UN about it.

Just remember folks! You can’t spell unnecessary without UN….


Wagner is the group involved with the downing of MH17.
“Oleg Ivannikov was the person behind the covert name ‘Andrey Ivanovich’ who, according to multiple reports by Russian militant commanders and separatists fighting in the so-called ‘Luhansk People’s Republic’ (‘LNR’), was military adviser and de facto handler of the political leadership of the LNR in 2014. Ivannikov was deployed to Ukraine at an undetermined point in the first half of 2014, and remained there at least until early 2015. During his undercover deployment to LNR, he coordinated and supervised the military activities of Russian militants, pro-Russian separatists and “private army” contingents from the Wagner group. Ivannikov also supervised the procurement and transport of weapons across the Russia Ukraine border. He held these functions at the time of the downing of MH17.” Nasty jobs of work.


From a Tom Lehrer song in the ’60s;

“…Let’s make peace the way we did in Stanleyville and Saigon”.

“Those who don’t learn history are condemned to repeat it”
“Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose”
“There is nothing new under the sun”