Friday morning feel good stories

| June 1, 2018

From Grand Junction, Colorado;

A husband and wife who live in the 2100 block of 45½ Road told law enforcement that they “were happy they didn’t have to shoot” a man high on methamphetamine who kept trying to get in their home early Tuesday.

Mesa County sheriff’s deputies arrested Robert Ortego, 53, after they found him on the back porch of a residence just after 4 a.m. The homeowner called authorities after Ortego allegedly tried to force open the back door, this after circling the home looking for a way inside. During the call, a dispatcher could hear the homeowner in the background “screaming he would shoot him,” according to an affidavit for Ortego’s arrest.

Ortego was fidgety and incoherent at times, and he showed other physical signs of being high on methamphetamine, deputies noted. Ortego allegedly admitted to recently shooting up, according to deputies, and made numerous paranoid and nonsensical statements during questioning.

The husband and wife who confronted Ortego as he tried to break into their home in the middle of the night told deputies Ortego got on their back porch and attempted to force open the back door.

“(The homeowners) stated they were both terrified of him getting into the house but happy they didn’t have to shoot him,” an arrest affidavit reads.

A judge issued Ortego a $5,000 cash-only bond on Wednesday.

Ortego was on parole at the time of his arrest, and previously served a five-year sentence for a drug-related case.

From Wales, Wisconsin;

According to the Waukesha County Sheriff’s Office, deputies were dispatched to a burglary-in-progress in the Village of Wales around 6:20 p.m.

Officials say a 76-year-old male homeowner was involved in a physical altercation with a 33-year-old man. The 33-year-old man became unresponsive during the altercation and was later pronounced deceased.

At this time, names are being withheld pending notifications and further investigation.

From Harris County, Texas;

Deputies say a robbery suspect is dead after he showed up to a hospital in north Harris County.

Authorities tell Eyewitness News this all began as a gunfight between the robber and a resident in the parking lot of an apartment complex at 16700 Kuykendahl Rd. around 9 p.m. Wednesday.

Investigators say the victim told them that the suspect shot at him first, so he pulled out his gun and fired back.

That’s when the suspect was injured. Officials say he drove himself to Kindred Hospital.

He was then transferred to Houston Northwest Hospital due to the severity of his injury. We’re told that’s where he died.

In Farmington, New Mexico;

Hours after sending an alert saying they sought a suspect shot with a bow and arrow, San Juan County deputies say they they found him.

Eric Tillerson faces charges of aggravated assault, trespassing and cruelty to animals. Deputies say a homeowner shot Tillerson after Tillerson threatened him and began shooting the homeowner’s dog with a pellet gun.

Tillerson reported walked out of the intensive care unit after being taken for treatment.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Each of these stories indicates that the weather had something to do with crazypants behavior.

It’s almost like seeing stories about Chicago neighborhoods on a busy night. When summer comes, the looneytoons come out of hiding.


Drugs. Always Drugs. Burglaries get worse at the end of the month when the government money runs out. Then crazy stuff starts at the beginning of the month too when the government checks hit the bank and they can really get high.

“The 33-year-old man became unresponsive during the altercation and was later pronounced deceased.”

That’s why I always say don’t F— with old people: they are mean.


Darwin- you don’t get old being stupid.

A Proud Infidel®™


A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve always heard from LE Folks that people go the nuttiest during summer nights when there is a full moon.


Mrs. AW1Ed was an ER Tech, and says the same thing.


Ask any police officer, I can guarantee you they get nuts on a full moon night!


Same in homeless shelters.


Absolute truth, API. You know, as you call in service and you hear folks baying at the moon.


In the summertime people are outside and are more likely to have contact with each other. The full moon thing is mostly a myth however during the summer time when there is a full moon and you’re outside you can see people better. For a certain crowd of people that is all it takes.

Deplorable B Woodman

Where’s Sister Mary when you need her? “Shot with a bow and arrow.” That must have been a real bitch for the hospital staff to remove both the arrow AND the bow from the idiot. How about just, “shot with an arrow”?


Sister Mary Grace observed that phrase, and responds thusly: shot with archery equipment would also be correct, but the reporter has probably never heard of that term. Two words instead of three (archery equipment vs. bow and arrow) would also save wordspace which can be crowded.

But technically, ‘bow and arrow’ is a cooloquialism that is colloquially okay, especially for undereducated and uninformed reporters. The readers are probably at the same low level of comprehension.


Ask any police officer, I can guarantee you they get nuts on a full moon night!


Too many syllables in “archery equipment” for the run of the mill illiterate reporter LOL

Deplorable B Woodman

Two Ds (a DOT and a DRT) for four altercations in today’s reports. Not bad, 50%.

Deplorable B Woodman

Oh. Almost forgot.

And the world is a more peaceful place……….now.


God how I love these happy ending stories! The meth head was so damned lucky he did not attempt to enter any one of the domiciles of probably 99.9% of ALL who post on the T A H web site.
But the one story which gives me so much hope and inspiration for quite a few of us is the one where a 76 year old male handed a 36 year old his ass in a hand bag. What’s his headstone going to read? Maybe “And I Could Have Held Hands With Manning” May he rest in a hole filed with fire ants and many maggots who feed on shit.


Ok look. First off I am not a “methhead” ok. I Don’t shoot up. These marks on my arms that you call “track marks” are scratches ok. I got these while moving furniture. Thirdly, I did not “burglarize” this place ok. That old man asked me inside to help him get rid of some stuff that he was throwing out anyway. But I think he has dementia because he attacked he me for no reason ok. He jumped me from behind while I was picking up stuff for him. Secondly he may look 76 years old but I think he may be younger. Maybe like 40. You should be checking him out.


From Wisconsin:

76 year old man vs 33 year old who becomes unresponsive (choked out?) during physical altercation —

Patented Sleeper Hold?

Names being withheld — Possible list of suspects:

“Super Fly” Jimmy Snuka
Rowdy Roddy Piper
The Iron Shiek
Dory or Terry Funk
Jake “The Snake” Roberts

The list goes on and on/smile

And Yes, I know some of the possible suspects are no longer with us, but Hey, dead people can vote, so dead wrestlers should still be able to choke out a wanna-be burgler.

RGR 4-78

Andre The Giant snatched him up by his pencil neck with 1 hand and held him in the air, until he had no more air?

Carlton G. Long

Johnny Weaver was the true master of the sleeper hold.


In the 60s I took grandpa to the local wrestling matches in Greensboro and surrounding towns. He walked with a cane and if he didn’t like the way the match was going, he would try to go to the ringside and whack the wrestler with his cane. I quickly learned to keep an eye on grandpa. I miss him and grandma. He was a WW1 veteran, farmer and carpenter. Great guy. Learned a lot about being a good person from my grandparents.


Still trying to translate that hot mess of the Houston article. Guess the important part is the DOT at the end.


Never bring a pellet gun to a bow and arrow fight

RGR 4-78

I wonder if it was a field point or a broadhead? The broadheads my kids use fold out on impact and are wicked little f#$kers.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

26Limabeans; was scrolling down to post the same thing you just posted so now I can save the keyboard ink ribbon.
PS. Every time I see your “handle” I think of ham & Limabeans C Rats.


“Every time I see your “handle” I think of ham & Limabeans C Rats”

Me too. It’s a blend of MOS and the crap I had to trade for something more palatable during C ration bartering.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Officials say a 76-year-old male homeowner was involved in a physical altercation with a 33-year-old man. The 33-year-old man became unresponsive during the altercation and was later pronounced deceased.”

Further proof that if you value your life YOU DO NOT mess with Elder Folks, they don’t GAF if you live or die when one is stupid enough to mess with them and it’s hard to tell who will give in and who WILL NOT GAF while they kill a stupid perp who was likely conceived by accident on a cheap date in either a run-down drive-in theater or a rent-by-the-hour motel room.


I’m too old to run, too fat to fight. I’ll just hit you with whatever I have or whatever else I have to do to win. I do mean whatever.