Bump Stocks – l’Horreur!!!

| May 31, 2018


This relates to bump stocks, so read this Pew Trust article on the subject as a reference, if you like.


Bump stocks are anathema!! They are going to cause more and more slaughter!!! So let’s have a round of hysterics and a case of  the vapors while we’re on this subject.

– The money involved totals about $96.2 million overall in about 7 years, including taxes. That’s nothing to sneeze at.

– Purchase prices range from $180 to $452 per item. Likewise, this is nothing to sneeze at.

– If the bump stocks go, the sales taxes go with them, so there’s an economic loss no one thought about.

– There’s no compensation to people who decide to cave into a silly demand  Zero. Zip. Nada. Just leave it at the precinct desk or hand it over.

– As with weapons, there’s absolutely no guarantee that the po-po-pohlease will actually destroy it, so there should be a demand that the prior owner can watch while it’s chewed up in the wood chipper.

– There are no serial numbers on these things, so how could they be tracked in any way, period?

Let’s take a look at the practicalities of ownership, too.

– The cost of ammunition is not exactly comparable to bubblegum, is it? Rapid fire eats up more in one go than single shot fire, by a long shot.

– You’d have to keep it attached to the weapon anyway, because if your kids find it sitting by itself, they may use it for a lawn hockey puck or something for the dog to fetch, or your rugrat may think it’s a teething ring.

– Your bestie might decide it makes a really, really cute key fob or a hook to hang pots on in the kitchen.

– As has been noted in various videos, you can get the same effect with a heavy duty rubber band, which costs about $.01 each, which means that for about $1.50, you’re right back in business with rapid fire shooting even if the po-po make you hand the thing over.

– As has been noted by other people than moi-même, the only people who are really worried about it are politicians and others of their ilk, because they are all quite sure that you, an owner of weapons, “might” use it on them. (Paranoia and delusions come with the job, in my view.)  Considering the cost of ammo, I can’t think of a good reason to waste it on those parasites.

So maybe the real solution is to just not own one, but instead, go to your office supply store and get a big box of heavy duty rubber bands, buy cheaper ammo, and let ‘er fly. And then when the pohlease show up at your door looking for a bump stock (not that it’s likely to happen, they have real crimes to pursue), you can truthfully say “No such animal here, thanks for asking.” Kind of goes along with that terrible loss of some items falling overboard on your last hunting trip in a canoe.

Now, personally, I’d keep the crossbow and quarrels hanging over the fireplace in plain sight, along with the two-handed swords, the gladius, and the Viking sword, and my hunting bow and full quiver. They’d look at that and get puzzled, but with no guns anywhere and no bump stocks (which seem like a waste of cash to me) –  well, what can those poor fellas do? After all, if the ATF has determined that it has no authority to remove bump stocks from the possession of the owners, then it’s the state’s cost, not the taxpayers’.

Frankly, I doubt this is anything but another crackpot scheme to garner votes. Let’s recall that Ms. Haspel was approved for her CIA position on a 54-45 vote. That is a shift by itself. There are likely more to come. Stay alert.

There will continue to be more screeching by the media and the self-terrorized. I think they get some kind of adrenaline rush out of the self-inspired terror, some sort of peculiar mind-orgasm with the rush that follows and gives them a giddy high.

It does not help that the Florida county school shooter’s videos have been posted on the internet by the vultures in the media. Nor does it help that the noisy rampages of the media contribute to the next idiot who is hell-bent on collecting his 15 minutes of Warhol fame. There is a definite connection there. The lack of reality in blaming an inanimate part for a weapon that can’t perform without human interference is part of the neurosis involved in this nonsense, and that is slowly evolving into some sort of psycho freakout at even the mention of GUNNZZZ.

A crossbow with a bumpstock??? Okay!! (Thanks, Big Guy!)

Category: "Teh Stoopid"

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I put a bump stock on my Brown Bess. I have noticed NO difference, odd?

AND it has a scary ass bayonet lug!!! 😬




Dayum, how’d you do that — upload images? I’ve got an image I sent to Jonn that I wanted to upload; it outdates yours by centuries.


Several members and I have “Editor” privileges; I can post articles, images, edit posts and the like. If you have an image of interest, maybe Jonn will post it up, maybe he won’t. Good luck!


That’s so unfair.
I have a lot of funny memes I want to post and Jonn don’t let me.


Jonn’s blog, Yef. Feel free to start your own.


Life isn’t fair. Get over it.


Thanks, Ex! Great post, BTW.


I bet it shoots Minute Of Barn groups


It helps if you’re inside the barn.

Roger in Republic

I saw a thing on the History Channel a few years ago where an “Expert” fired a Brown Bess smooth bore at a piece of 4 X 8 sheet of plywood at 100 yards. He hit it too, about 2 inches from the bottom and two feet left of center. Even he was surprised at the hit.


If the bore is straight, and the slug patched properly, smoothbores can be surprisingly accurate.

If you use a modern “sabot” slug, that is aerodynamic and heavier in the front, they can work very well indeed.

Note that the Abrams main gun is a smoothbore. Plenty accurate.


Both APFSDS penetrators and modern HEAT rounds are typically finned. I believe that has an impact on their accuracy when fired from smoothbore or very low twist barrels. (smile)


Yup. Also configured for supersonic flight, which is a differnet shape, and has some really odd ballistics.

But it -works-, and really well.

But the simple “air gun pellet” shape works quite well in shotguns.

The Other Whitey

Rifles have been around for a long, long time. Hell, the first weapon that could be considered a sniper rifle in any sense was invented by a rather eccentric inventor in Florence named Leonardo (he was originally from the town of Vinci—you may have heard of him). Yet rifles didn’t replace smoothbores as the standard infantry weapon until halfway through the 19th Century, even though percussion caps and Minie ball bullets had been around for decades by that point. Why? Because smoothbores were effective enough, and versatile. When the US Army ditched its smoothbores after the Mexican War, they became very popular frontier arms, because they were cheap on the surplus market, and more importantly, they were easy to use and worked. A buck & ball load gave the shooter a little bit of spread that helped compensate for the reduced precision, and messed up whatever was on the receiving end quite well. You could also load it with birdshot if you were shooting dinner, which saved the money you might otherwise have spent on a shotgun.

Smoothbores didn’t really stop being a thing in the West until well into the metallic cartridge era.


You would be surprised at how accurate the old muzzle stuffers are if they have a rifled barrel. I have a Hawken style percussion rifle that out of the box, with the right load, shoots once inch groups at 100 yards. Now the old Brown Bess was no tack driver because it was a smoothbore and the issue balls were undersized for easy loading. They didn’t even bother to put sights on them.


Smoothbores were perfect for volley-firing at “normal engagement range” … then, fix bayonet and repulse or charge.

Our Revolutionary riflemen were flummoxed when the British/Hessians closed on them with fixed bayonets. Our riflemen didn’t see a need to have a bayonet lug on their hunting rifles. Because they were essentially helpless while reloading, they were routed by His Majesty’s bayonet — which did happen.

(Yes, yes … the old “sniper” complaint is applied to those riflemen: “They aren’t using us properly!”)

Bill M

It’d be even more scary with a chainsaw bayonet. Might be a little nose heavy though…


Luckily, most of those chainsaw things have the weight situated toward the rear to even things out. 😉

Jon The Mechanic

I have fired a 12 pound mortar, as part of a Civil War reenactment group. While fun to fire, they were a pain to lug around.


Available for a decade and no one cared…now….Ermahgeddern!!!


And here I thought my thumb and a belt loop achieved the same thing.

Oh wait, it does. Ban pants now! Cut off the thumbs of everyone in ‘Murica, cause gunzzzzz!


You make strong arguments. We don’t need to ban pants though, just belt loops.

I doubt the founding fathers could have foreseen the need for belt loops on pants since nobody had them back then. There were thumbs but they were not assault thumbs like we have today. People can keep their thumbs but a $2500 tax stamp will be required.

The Other Whitey

Personally, I think bump stocks are retarded as all hell. I think the same about the “Twilight” movies, Fiat automobiles, Glock firearms, Japanese cartoons, keeping arachnids as pets, Batman’s refusal to shoot bad guys, and the democrat party. None of them should be illegal, no matter how retarded they are.


“keeping arachnids as pets”

My pet spider “wolfman” kept me sane while in Viet of the Nam. Crawled on top of my netting and ate the mosquitos that chewed on my elbow against the fabric.
Didn’t need no stinkin bump stock either.

Mr. Pete

Wow do you and I think the same! Everyone I know who’s brought a bump stock has said “I wasted $300 bucks on this”


Im still waiting for that AR-15 with chainsaw attachment USA Today posted a pic of….


I plan on asking Santa for one.

The Other Whitey

I’m still waiting for heat-seeking bullets…



I wish I could make this up:


The Other Whitey


A Proud Infidel®™

Chainsaw bayonet, and he *shudder* uses it RIGHT in his backyard, THE POOR TREE SAPLINGS!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

OR THIS where a *GASP* gasoline powered chainsaw bayonet was attached to a shotgun(OH NO, glowbull wormening!!!) and unleashed on some innocent plywood zombies at about 2:50.


If I’m going to spend money on my AR, it’s going to be on something that increases its accuracy, like better optics or a good shooting coach. Bumpstocks are only good for rapidly depleting the ammo budget.


Must be old age. Never had a reason to contemplate owning such a thing. Until so many started screeching that I shouldn’t have one. Now? Welllll…

Naw. Still don’t want one. Don’t need one.


You’ll get no quarrel from me!

I just sent Jonn an image to post here … hopefully the artwork makes the cut.



You aren’t a fletcher, I take it; or do you support the pope’s ban on crossbows.*

*Not kidding; about the time of Richard the Lionhearted.


Can. 29 of the Second Lateran Council under Pope Innocent II in 1139 banned the use of crossbows and bows against Christians.

29. We prohibit under anathema that murderous art of crossbowmen and archers, which is hateful to God, to be employed against Christians and Catholics from now on.



Me too. I tried fletching using the old cord-wrap method. Once.

I’ll stick to buying pre-fletched.

2/17 Air Cav

Homicide statistics are curious things. Thanks to common misuse and misunderstanding of the very word homicide, many people think homicide is necessarily a crime. It isn’t. Homicide is the taking of the life of another. And that’s all it is. Murder and manslaughter are the crimes, not homicide. So what? So, it matters. It matters because homicide stats that are bandied about usually include suicides, which are a large percentage of deaths by gun and which, by definition, are not homicides at all. Similarly, included in death-by-gun stats are legally justified shootings that result in death. Accidents (i.e., negligence) are also included. Then there is the suicide. As we all know, intuitively, if a person wants to do himself, a gun isn’t necessary and suicides will not cease if guns do because guns aren’t the culprit, just the tool in many cases. Does the Left care about suicide causation? How about the out-of-whack and crazy numbers of inner-city shootings? I don’t hear anything from the Left about that. Accidental (i.e., negligent) shooting prevention? Don’t hear from them on that either. It’s THE GUN. They want the gun gone. They march around, make demands, look silly, go on TV and yap, mistake and misrepresent statistics, and feel good about what they have accomplished. That’s nice. I think I’ll go clean my AR and re-read the 2nd Amendment.


I have one on back-order, hope it gets shipped before Slidefire stops fulfilling orders.


Because fuck anyome who says I can’t have one, that’s why.


I have a lefty one I would be glad to sell you.
I also have the Znapfire trigger bumpfire for the AK to sell.
Florida has banned them all as of October 2018.
I have joined the lawsuit against it, but I have little hope.
If I keep it after October, I go from law abiding, tax paying physician to felon.


If they are buried in someone’s backyard in a tin can, are they really in anyone’s possession?


If you remove the tensioning screw function, is it not merely a recoil reducer?

If you put in a “non removeable” locking pin, is it n longer anything but a normal stock?

Think of all the pinned non-folder stocks, and oddly-cruciform steel “tent pegs”, during the AWB era.


Somebody gonna 3D print them en masse.
Just because. The roads will be littered with them. The oceans will form plastic islands from the flood of bumpstocks.


Hmmmmmmm …. we’ve got a 3D-printer in the lab …….


I still don’t want one either.

Back when the Federal Government instigated teen smoking by banning smoke buying for teens (which had been on the decline to that point) I could not believe how many kids fell for it. Banning things does not make things more interesting to me.


I have one, still in the box. I won it in a raffle. The ATF authorization letter is in the box as well. In the letter, the ATF specifically states that the device is authorized because it allows “those with limited hand mobility” to enjoy the experience of firing a rifle.

Think of the bump stock as an ADA accommodation (letter was written and signed under Obama’s reign).

Watch liberal heads explode.


That is the best suggestion yet!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Was at gun world range a couple of months ago and a shooter had one of those bumpstocks and the muzzle was bouncing all over the place while he shot.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Lefties like to think bump stocks are some great mass murder crisis du jour while in reality they’re just a “spray and pray” gizmo.


They excel at turning money into noise.


You can say don’t comply with an unjust law and 3 d print them
How does that help?
I can’t shoot it at the range.
I could shoot it at the secret spot, but what if I get stopped or have an accident going to or from?
The state medical board will likely revoke my medical license if I am even arrested for violating firearms laws.
Then how will I support my family?
As for bump stocks being foolish, you are wrong.
Look up “poor mans saw” videos.
Bump stocks work perfectly off a bipod in prone position.
I can do 3-5 round bursts, using the sights, and have an oval beaten zone like any other RPK or Saw type LMG.
Regardless of effectiveness, this is the first gun law that directly makes me get rid of my lawfully acquired property.
This is one more example of incremental gun control
President Trump has done more gun control in one year than Obama was able to do in 8!
The DOJ regulations banning them are at OMB.
Once approved, and after the comment period ends, bump stocks are banned by regulation nationwide.
These regulations will directly lead to banning all semi automatic guns in a few years.


i was bumpfireing before there was any “Special stock” 30-06 check, 308- check 10/22 with a 100 round drum- check, check check check…

like anything else, if you practice you can do it with out… think of it as the amish way to shoot a lot of bullets really fast and inaccurately 🙂