AP goes all in for Manning

| May 7, 2018

The Associated Press has thrown all of their chips in for the former soldier formerly known as Bradley Manning, the convicted traitor, in his bid for the US Senate seat currently occupied by Democrat Ben Cardin.

She’s certainly got an eye-catching platform: Close prisons and free inmates; eliminate national borders; restructure the criminal justice system; provide universal health care and basic income. The top of her agenda? Abolish the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a federal agency created in 2003 that Manning asserts is preparing for an “ethnic cleansing.”

Manning ticks off life experiences she believes would make her an effective senator: a stint being homeless in Chicago, her wartime experiences as a U.S. Army intelligence analyst in Iraq — even her seven years in prison. She asserts she’s got a “bigger vision” than establishment politicians.

Obviously, Manning doesn’t realize that one Senator can’t do that shit all by himself. One vote among a hundred. Another perfect example why we should rescind the 17th Amendment and go back to the days when a state legislature chose Senators to represent the state’s interests.

The Associated Press should wipe the drool from their collective chin.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Except for leaving senatorial selection in the hands of state legislators… sorry, I don’t want half the legislative process in the control of a cabel of local pols. Just my opinion.

Manning? Even in Maryland, I doubt that platform will fly.


I’m with Jonn regarding doing away with the 17th Amendment.

Our responsibilities, as an electorate, was intended to apply more to the community/local level, as well as to the state, than at the federal leval. This falls under the “States and people” concept listed in the Constitution.

This, along with the Electoral Collage, was intended to respect the rights of the States, as well as their right to secure their interests at the federal level.

The States, through the Electoral Collage, voted for the President. The States, through their legislatures, used to vote for their senatorial representatives.

We, as the general population, voted for members of the “Lower House,” the House of Representatives. The States were given the right to vote for the “Upper House,” the Senate.

Where the members of the lower house were voted in by the majority of the voting public, the members of the upper house were voted in by the state legislatures.

Who voted for these legislatures? The voting public. When you have the majority, in a State, voting for a congressman, the advantage is going to go to specific population centers.

With the members of the legislature voting for the Senate, representation becomes more “equitable” for the general population, and not heavily lopsided to the urban centers. Without the 17th Amendment, my State would have two Republican Senators in the Senate right now, and not two Democrat ones.

Some states botched that role by not even coming to a vote for a Senator due to one reason or another. With today’s technology, rapid communication, 24/7 media, etc., we’d have a fighting chance to make sure the legislatures did that specific job.

You may not trust a cabal of local pols.

I don’t trust the liberals from the north, escaping from the poisonous crap they fermented in their areas, to come here to practice the very things in this state that created the crappy things that they escaped from.


Amen, and amen. The “cabal of local pols” are WAY closer to the citizens than a Senator elected by millions in a popular vote. The folks choosing the senators would be your neighbors who live in your community, and who need your support and help. You can influence them in a way that you’ll NEVER influence a senator. They have to answer to you.

And the magic of it is that the Senator then has to answer to the state – to our representatives, who are paying attention to what laws will gut the states’ powers to govern locally. He/she can’t play bullshit feel-good games trying to appeal to the population centers, name recognition and 30-second ads to try to get half-plus-one – his/her constituency is the forgotten state legislature, who care about what that senator will actually DO.

The genius of our system are the checks and balances, and the 17th amendment forever gutted the check and balance between the state and the federal government. And we are far less free as a result.


Convicted felon and transgender darling for Senate. Sounds like it checks all the buckets for the left.


Can’t this guy just go somewhere and FOAD? I’m tired of him, like I’m tired of Alyssa Milano, Rosie O’Donnell and the rest of the idiot brigade of the left.
Quick note for the AP, Manning is a male, born a male, is a male, will die a male. DNA and chromosomes don’t change just because one changes one’s name.


You have that 100% RIGHT! This pathetic asshole needs to be elected to “permanent latrine duty in a federal prison with no hope for parole” imho the traitor deserves NO LESS!


Buck Fradley Manning.

May he have a long, unsatisfying, and painful life – ending with him passing alone, unmourned, and unnoticed.


Or to paraphrase Evil Spock, “Live short and suffer.”


references to “her”? It had a chopadicktomy?


I pre to call Manning an it. Not pc but, I don’t care.


That’s prefer.

Mike Kozlowski

“The Associated Press should wipe the drool from their collective chin.”

All things considered, I don’t think that’s drool.


Damn Mike, ya beat me too it!

Hack Stone

Beat Hack, too. A little to the party, but Hack was busy at work completing his “Ethics In Government Contracting Training”. Only one question on the test, and the correct answer is “Don’t get caught.”

Roger in Republic

Someone needs to tell the AP that a pair of deuces and three spades is not a full house. You will go bust going all in on that hand.


When is this attention whore going to be ignored by the media?


When people start ignoring the media.


Judging by ratings, that’s been going on for decades.


When he ceases to be of use to them he’ll get thrown away like a used condom.

See also: Cindy Sheehan (remember her?) 😉

Michael Yates

It forgot to include it was a musician. It plays the skin flute.

The Other Whitey


The Stranger

I thought he was more of a rusty trombone type of guy.

The Other Whitey

He ain’t a she. Until they acknowledge that the wannabe-eunuch Bradley Manning is not and never will be a female, I won’t give the rest of it the time of day.


No. It just needs to go back to the hole from whence it crawled. Right next to Cindy Sheehan and the other formerly-useful idiots.


“…eye-catching platform…”
From Merriman-Webster: “platform,(definition) 3 a(1): a usually raised horizontal flat surface, *especially*: a raised flooring”

Just add rope.

The Other Whitey

And a trapdoor.


Nice catch.


Bradley, how can we miss you if you won’t just go the F- away? Not that we’ll miss you when you finally do go the F- away. He/She/It could drop off the face of the earth this second and I couldn’t care less. The AP just goes to how much more irrelevant they want to become. No damned wonder the news media is held in such low regard, journalists like Murrow, Huntley and Brinkley, and Cronkite have got to be spinning in their graves at the joke print and television media has become. Yeah, Brad, why don’t you and Cindy Sheman take a nice vacay down by Kiluea, enjoy the vapors, views, and hot springs – AND NEVER COME BACK!!!!

Daisy Cutter

Increase the yard time from 30 to 60 minutes.

Reduce penalties for toilet wine manufacture.

Yeah, he’ll have a heck of a platform.


Carpetbagger, felon, eunuch, traitor. The saddest part of this whole circus is that there are people who contribute to her campaign and who would actually vote for him/her/?.


At this point, Manning only qualifies as an “it.” I think that is the correct pronoun for a dickless whatsit.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe if the Associated piss and the left continues to pimp and parade their true colors like this, the more people will say “FUCK NO to the left and the D-rat party? It’s been said that many millenials have become very disappointed with the D-rat party, ditto with Blacks and Hispanics. Possibly the more the left goes batshit pushing their agenda, the more solidly Trump/Pence will win in 2020? In the meantime I still join everyone else in wishing for Bradley manning the traitor to wither away and die someplace completely forgotten, preferably in a Hawaiian lava flow.


That photo of Manning looks like the head of a penis of someone who has been low crawling through wet sand in only their skivvies.

Combat Historian

Three posts in a row about cock-sucking cum-swawelling gun-grabbing demonrat political ratfucks. Republicans are basically the gold-standard for stupidity, but demonrats are pure unalloyed EVIL !

Bernie Hackett

AP did us a favor, showing how delusional this twit is. Or confirming it. As one of my college Professors once remarked “Product of a confused mind!” One day the circus will move on, leaving Hogg & Co. and this pathetic individual to ponder their futures, if any.


careful what ya wish for

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Take the letters ociated out of ASSociated and what does that leave you.


I’m all in for Manning being summarily executed.


I’ll volunteer to provide the fine hemp rope we used to use as a picket line and a nervous horse. Then all we will need a good old oak tree with at least one strong overhanging branch.

Hack Stone

That’s not drool on their chin.


[…] Political Hat: Dear Comrade Bernie, The Hunger Games Is Not A How-To Guide This Ain’t Hell: AP Goes All In For Manning, also, Dan Helmer, Gun Show Loophole Liar Victory Girls: The Maverick In Winter Weasel Zippers: […]


“Another perfect example why we should rescind the 17th Amendment and go back to the days when a state legislature chose Senators to represent the state’s interests.”
A thousand times, YES! The Senate has too much power to entrust it to police themselves.


We need to get back to the days when traitors were executed for their crimes, too.


Enough with the “she” crap.
Call him what he is. A fucked up male.
After surgery you can still call him what he is.
A fucked up male.

A Proud Infidel®™

A fucked up male that had a “Snip & Tuck”.


BM: “Pay! Attention! To! Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

Roger in Republic

Saw a neat chart the other day. It was the continuum of genders. Male, mental defect, Female. If you are not the first or the last then you are the middle.

Green Thumb


I wonder if that his how they do it locked up?

Rosalee Adams

I guess Maryland loves felons in office.


It looks like more than “drool” that the AP and its progressive propagandists need to wipe from their collective chins.


“Another perfect example why we should rescind the 17th Amendment and go back to the days when a state legislature chose Senators to represent the state’s interests.”

You couldn’t have said it better Mark Levin.


How many other Mannings might there be? Man-bun bitches looking for a place to become what they are.


“The Associated Press has thrown all of their chips in for gone balls deep for the former soldier formerly known as Bradley Manning”

FIFY, Jonn…


Note to the media:

This guy just isn’t as fascinating as you seem to think he is. It is actually quite cruel to continue to give him attention, subject him to public ridicule, and otherwise draw attention to what is a very private issue. You are directly contributing to whatever difficulties he has.


I REALLY hope Manning runs on exactly that platform. PLEASE!!!! 😀

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

I’m sorry but this dude is a goofball and a fugly “wannabee “woman.”

Get a life “Bradley” you’re a disgrace!