Dan Helmer; gun show loophole liar

| May 7, 2018

There’s a fellow running for the 10th Congressional District of Virginia by the name of Dan Helmer. He claims to be a veteran and he’s running on a gun control platform. He made the above video in which he purchases an AR-style rifle at a gun show in the district. He says, “Last week, I went to a gun show to find out how easy it is to buy an assault rifle. What I found was terrifying – it took less time to buy a weapon of war than a cup of coffee.”

What he did was buy an AR-style rifle from a private seller – the guy who sold it to Helmer is a veteran and Helmer showed his own military ID to the guy. The seller thought that he was doing a fellow veteran a favor, not knowing that Helmer was looking to screw someone over. The seller even asked Helmer if he is a felon before he sold the gun to him.

Helmer claims that it took less time to buy the rifle than it would take him to buy a cup of coffee. Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. talked to the seller, a collector, and Helmer was not truthful about the time constraints of the purchase;

The story says 10 minutes to purchase, while the seller says it was almost an hour! During the first 20 minutes Dan Helmer showed the seller his military ID and they spoke about their military experiences. Mr. Helmer claimed to be doing reserve duty at the Pentagon. The seller used this time to also make sure that Mr. Helmer was telling the truth and didn’t have any obvious mental problems. Prices were negotiated. Mr. Helmer left for about 20 minutes and then came back, saying his wife had given him permission for the purchase. The purchase was then completed in the final 20 minutes. The seller asked Mr. Helmer if he was a felon, to which Helmer replied, “no.” (The reason that Mr. Helmer wanted the gun was supposedly to take his accompanying friend to the range. The accompanying friend was really there to surreptitiously film everything.)

There is no “gun show loophole”. According to the Justice Department, less than 1% of criminals admit that they purchased their firearms at gun shows;

Federally licensed dealers must conduct National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) checks at gun shows, just like they do in their shops. Private sellers who are not Federally licensed, don’t have to do NICS checks just like they wouldn’t if they were selling from a yard sale table on their lawns. Gun shows are not the problem. Law abiding gun owners are not the problem. A real caring person running for government office would highlight the real problem – prosecutors are not prosecuting gun crimes like they should. There are enough gun laws without writing more that prosecutors won’t enforce.

Our friends at Victory Girls wrote a very good piece on Helmer that you should read.

Category: Veterans in the news

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A Proud Infidel®™




Out of sincere respect, I always try to use the more formal appellation for douches like this: Sucker of Cock.

A Proud Infidel®™

Do you know what douchebags like Dan Helmer do when they’re done sucking cock?

They spit out the feathers.


A lying sack of shit Rhodes scholar. Is it something to do with the award? Seem to remember another one of them who had difficulty with the truth.

MSG Eric

Key thing here is, if he’s a Commissioned Officer in the Army Reserves, it would be impossible for him to be that AND a felon. There were a few years where they were doing waivers for felonies, but the last reduction of force kicked all those with felonies who might still be around to the curb.

As an Officer, he is also required to have a security clearance, to which he’d not have one if he were a felon. And so on.

I would also stipulate that he used his military ID to conduct “political activities” which is contrary to good order and discipline. His commander should have a conversation with him about that.


If he’s using his military status as a commissioned officer to conduct partisan political activities and/or run for office, that would also appear to violate current DoD regulations. Last time I checked, violating published orders or regulations is a violation of UCMJ Article 92.


Does Article 134 cover “Public Douchebaggery”?


Probably not, as it’s arguable whether or not this conduct detracts from good order and discipline in and of itself. But DoD Directive 1344.10 is fairly specific regarding restrictions on political activities imposed on members of the military, both active and reserve. As I recall, prior to retirement or discharge pretty much any use of your military status as part of a partisan political campaign is verboten.


There is one Daniel Helmer in the DoD Global address book. Daniel I Helmer, LTC. No other contact info, may be TAP-ing out? If he has a reserve ID card and is no longer in the Reserves, he’s also in violation, not that he seems to care about honesty and/or integrity.


He’s a democrat. Dishonesty has long been a pillar of the party platform.


Global shows very little, that’s just not normal. Name, rank, and email. All other slots blank. Maybe he’s in witless protection.


Someone should make a movie about this Dan Helmer guy. Working title could be “An officer and a Douchebag”. Lowercase “o” and capital “D” are purely intentional.

The Other Whitey

As is my usual response to such things from liberals: if they are right and we are wrong, if they are the good guys, etc., then why do they have to lie?

RGR 4-78



…and he’s a lousy actor, too.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Let’s do make sure that Mr. Dan Dan the Pantsload Man gets the full treatment of scorn heaped upon his narrow shoulders.


“I can buy that gun in three minutes George”
(old game show)

By the way, who is the cutie in the gray sweatpants, on the left, in the photo.


The most interesting part of his video.


The guy is a DOUCHE, no question. Smarmy little snot with a David Hogg level punchable face I HATE people like him. I would make it my personal business to see to it that his shot records, in particular those for smallpox, cholera, gama gobulin, and tetanus were kept meticulously up to date and occasionally disappeared from the system requiring immediate revaccination. Not that any Corpsman would EVER intentionally do anything like that to get even with someone no matter how much they deserve it computer glitches do happen…


Damn. I’d hate that to happen to Robert Bateman as well.


So no laws were broken and he’s upset. Sounds like a Libtard to me. I’m sure criminals selling guns to other criminals would definitely obey background checks law if it was the law…..

Liberals are insufferable cunts. Everyone is a criminal except the actual convicted criminals.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Everyone is a criminal except the actual convicted criminals.”

Liberals see it that way, they view criminals as “Victims of Society” rather than what they truly are, further proof that liberalism is a Mental Disorder.

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY Dan Helmer, SHIT in your Momma and Daddy’s faces for breeding you! You also made what I consider THE MOST moronic campaign commercial I have ever seen, it’s this: *SPEW ALERT, may cause loss of IQ Points*


That may be the single worst campaign commercial I’ve ever seen.

It does work as a good weight loss tool, since it causes you to immediately barf and lose your appetite for six hours.


I have visual on asshole, requesting throat punch.


Roger, target douchbag is declared hot, FDC requests you go Winchester on target area.
It’s a sad commentary one your campaign when you have to resort to lying. That’s what this video is, it’s a fabrication, false, flimflam, hucksterism at its most deplorable!
Dan Helmer is an asshole!
Dan Helmet lies.
Dan Helmer couldn’t represent a ham sandwich.
Dan Helmer makes my feet sweat.
Dan Helmer causes halitosis.
Dan Helmer looks like Stifler.

The Other Whitey

What do you got against Stifler, that you would compare him to this shithominid?


I don’t know, just lashing out at this Helmer guy.
I just don’t like his face.


Poor old fella sitting at the bar minding his own business. Look at him. Confused as to why this gay shit is going on around him.
Guy picked the wrong bar to have some peace.

Hack Stone

“I’m Dan Helmer, and I am for killing babies in the womb.”

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I have a Florida Concealed carry permit so when I make a purchase from an FFL dealer, I fill out the paperwork, he calls the ATF to make sure things are kosher and I walk out of the store same day unless the item is back ordered. For a private sale, I show my carry permit. Easy. Bought a S&W Detective special .38 in mint condition and a Star .380 for a hundred bucks apiece from my upstairs neighbor. Can’t beat that.


“The seller asked Mr. Helmer if he was a felon, to which Helmer replied, “no.”

Well, that’s reassuring. We all know felons don’t lie; it might be a parole violation.

“… less than 1% of criminals admit that they purchased their firearms at gun shows;”

Once again, very reassuring. How close is that to the percentage of criminals who admit they are criminals?

Bottom line, there is no background check. Sounds like a loophole to me.

Depends, I guess, on what your definition of ‘loophole’ is.


You wanna have to maintain a Federal Firearms License and conduct NICS checks just to occasionally sell a personal weapon?

In this state while I can sell the weapon, the buyer is still under the NC laws as far as having to get a sheriff’s permit if he’s not a CCW holder. It’s not my job to make sure he does so.

I guess if the law were changed then consignment sales would just increase. You make a valid point, but it’s pissing on a barn fire as far as criminal activity goes.


” …consignment sales would just increase… but it’s pissing on a barn fire as far as criminal activity goes”

True. I just tend to be a nitpicker about accuracy, and like I said, it depends on what your definition of a loophole is.


How do you plan to get the crooks to obey ay background check law? They dont do so now. Why would they start?

What is being sought is to stop law-abiding folks from acquiring guns that cannot be later confiscated.

They do not -now- prosecute most crooks for gun violations. It is usually the first charge negotiated away. Most especially are heavy “federal felonies” not prosecuted, like cutting down shotguns, etc.

So any “background check” law is just aimed at making it that much easier to know where to gone get them later. Part of the goal of “universal registration” just prior to “confiscation”.

Otherwise, they woudl be perusing legislative goals like “no parole if you are a crook in possesssion of a gun” and “no plea-bargains if you are a crook using a gun”.

Because it is 100% demonstrated that gun-crime is -not- re-committed by crooks while -in- prison.

So sore me the “background check” crap. It is -not- targeted on crooks.

“Hey hood-dood! I need a gat!”
“Got this one here, stole it yesterday.”
“How much?”

Now how are we going to force NICS checks and such on those two typical street-level offenders?

Right. That -wasn’t- the plan.

And we all know it. So “no”.

2/17 Air Cav

I have never known an honest politician. These SOBs slay me with their approach to getting elected. They contract with polling companies who bother you day and night as elections near. They then match your responses to the candidate’s positions to ensure that no matter where you are on an issue, the candidate appears to meet your litmus test. This guy is wet behind the ears. He put his dishonesty out there front and center. He has much to learn. He’s probably a future US senator.


He should stick to being a lounge singer in gay bars.


Good ole Dan says to the seller in the film:
“This is the same gun, same magazine I had in Afghanistan. Thirty round magazine 5.56 mm.”

So Dan, you carried a SEMI-AUTOMATIC rifle in a combat area?? The arms room must have run out of the ones with the Full Auto feature, I guess. /sarc

One more thing. You need to drop and give us 20 for saying “GUN”! Didn’t the Drills teach you anything in Basic?

Once you’re done pushing the ground away, grab your rifle and then grab your crotch and say after me:
“This is my rifle, this is my gun.”
“This one is for shooting, this one is for fun.”


The Stranger

Point of order, “dickweed” is a term of affection around here. An unofficial title for the fine individuals who post here. We need to find another term to describe this “Magnificent Fellow” here.


I believe that ‘gobshite’ may be available.


Dickhead is always in season.

A Proud Infidel®™

I concur and wish to add that IMHO “SHIT-FOR-BRAINS” is a far more fitting term to use when describing Dan Helmer.

Hack Stone

How about “Bernath”?

A Proud Infidel®™

I say YES, “Bernath” or Bernathian” would be perfect for describing Dan Helmer to the masses.


I stand corrected, Stranger.

Maybe “Dickless Dan” might be more fitting.


So what’s he planning on doing with that sweet rifle? Since he doesn’t seem to want it, is it for sale? Asking for a friend.


Is your friend Mark Gifford? /sarc


I’m not sure who taught Dan Helmer muzzle discipline but I’m sure they should be fired.
What is a ‘weapon of war’? Aren’t all weapons for war? Can’t a truck or a gallon of gas be used as a weapon? Do you propose disarming me of my ‘assault truck’?
Let me tell you something Mr. Helmer, in addition to being an disingenuous asshole you’re coming really close to becoming a civil war starter too.
It’s a trifecta of stupid you’ve got yourself, Mr. Helmer.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

Having served several years as a RSO as a collateral duty, guys like this we’re routinely dismissed from my ranges for safety violations.

“But TOP?! I haven’t qualified in 3 years and I need to be current for the promotion board! If I don’t qualify I might get passed over!”

“You can qualify in the next 2 weeks or late next month. Today you are done. We’ve talked about safety since day 1 and you’ve done nothing but play games on line and treat these range Marines with contempt when they correct you the last few days.”

“But I’m going on leave to the Turks and Caicos next month.”

“That’s your decision. Now scram, sir.”

“I’m calling your C.O. when I get back. This isn’t over, not by a long shot buddy!” (Whimper…)

“I invite you to call him,sir. But know that I’ve already called my boss who has already called your unit. I’ve been assured your C.O. already knows about all this, but you can come back and qualify later.”


“Don’t forget your gear, sir.”

(Everyone caught on pretty quick, and we didn’t toss anyone else the rest of the week.)

Fuck this guy.



Rosalee Adams

I believe Barry said it is easier than buying a DVD player….
And then there was Cuomo who was spreading a story of a purchase in 5″ no drivers’ license. Problem is it never happened.