Monday morning feel good stories

| May 7, 2018

From Washington, DC;

Miguel Smith, of Oxon Hill, Maryland, tried to leave Safeway on Saturday morning with around $15 in groceries he hadn’t paid for, according to D.C. police.

An officer confronted Smith, who made a grab for the officer’s gun.

The gun came partially out of the holster, then went off. Smith was hit in the leg, but still managed to limp away on foot.

Police found Smith at the Rhode Island Avenue Metro stop after police received a call that someone had been shot.

D.C. police said they determined that Smith was the suspect from the Safeway robbery.

He was taken to the hospital for treatment and then arrested on charges of theft and assault on a police officer.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Shot stealing $15 worth of groceries- now that takes a special sort of stupid.

Deplorable B Woodman

And the (as)salt on the open wound is that Smith shot himself while grabbing for the officer’s gun.

Rosalee Adams

I always love a story that ends well

Doc Savage

I think shooting yourself with a LEO’s firearm goes well beyond “a special kind of stupid” and into the realm of “weapons grade stupid”.


Is there a “nuclear” stupid?


“Nuclear Grade Stupid” = When the perps kill themselves in the act of committing a crime.


yeh, or an idiot invading illegal!!

Deplorable B Woodman

The perp has an ordinary name (Miguel Smith), but what’s the multipliers for Dumbassery In Action (DIA) and Wounded Right There (WRT)?


The multipliers for Dumbassery In Action and Wounded Right There are already both included in the SIBLDAM (Self Inflicted Bernathian Level Dumb Ass Move) category which is a multiplier of six (6).

Whiz Wheel results are:

Miguel Smith (SIBLDAM/WRT) 19 x 6 = 114


That is definitely a new way to shoot oneself in the foot.

It’s just a pity the gun was aimed so low. A little higher up could have benefited the entire community.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

If the perp suffered a gun shot in the other leg then- Are you ready for this?? He wouldn’t have a leg to stand on when he goes to court. Any groans out there??


bada-boom! {rimshot}

Is Nuclear Grade Stupid the level you reach when you try to rob a gun store when there are off-duty cops shopping in-store?