Socialist, Thief, Liar, Dumb-ass or Traitor? Or all of the above?

| February 14, 2009

Give it a rest Democrats. You won and shoved this steaming pile of shit down our throats. Good job ass hats, your children and grandchildren and the general security of this nation are now in peril but good job anyway.

But stop getting on television and trying to defend something that you DID NOT READ!

No human being with a spoonful of integrity would even attempt to defend the largest government spending expansion in history without having read it.

For you socialist trolls, feel free to rant in the comments. This of course only allows you to be-clown yourself as the pathetically retarded dumbass that you clearly are.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Politics

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Larry Sheldon

No intelligent person is going to have much to say.


To quote the Simpson movie;

“I was elected to lead, not to read.”

AW1 Tim

It’s got a lot to do with that alternate reality they live in. The congress Critters, that is. Sigh.


A bunch of lawyers OWNED by lobbiest groups making decisions about how to deal with the economy they have helped screw up… a recipe for disaster.

Doesn’t someone in Law School have to READ to get the diploma? Doesn’t the bar exam require you be able to read it in order to pass it? There are waaaay too many asshats in this country that are like this jerk.


I have renamed the Stimulus Bill to “Pigs in a Tote” bill. I have also added another black date in American history. The three are…

December 7, 9/11 and 2/13.

The lawmakers might have well written a bill on one page saying the government was going to give Obame $800 billion and authorizing him to make it up as he goes along. Might as well, since no one had a chance to read it.

Southern Democrat

Uhm, if you all didnt realize, the bill was in the Senate for the last week +. There has been more then enough time to read it. Just because it wasnt voted on, didnt mean your representatives and senators couldnt pick up a copy of the draft…

COB6 Wrote: This is what I meant by be-clowning one’s self. Would you sign a mortgage that you have only seen the draft of? Idiot!


One of the contributors to RochesterConservative gave me the heads-up on a video that pretty much explains what the Porkulus package is really about:

Smoking Gun: Democrat Insider Says “Obama Has Secret Plan to Fund a Patronage System”

It does make sense, especially considering the corrupt Chicago political machine that spawned the “One” that he’s taking that system to the national level.


Anyone who is in the Seattle area, protest against the Stimulus bill Monday at Westlake Center in the park starting at noon.


Everyone has it wrong. It’s not $900 billion or $1 Trillion dollars, it’s many trillions of dollars borrowed at an unknown interest rate which will immediately double/triple the national debt. A loan that 300 million people can never pay back. It is also an eyes wide open fall of America into communism. Get ready, you will have to meet O’Dumbo and his jackboots with gunfire and bombs or move to a more safe progressive country like the Sudan.

Every member of congress who blindly voted for this pig in a poke should resign immediately or face the rope. We knew BDS was a bad mental illness but never gave one thought to the fact it would go this far.

The bill was not available to be read after all the midnight criminal actions of the democrats until less than 18 hours before the vote. Anyone who says different I call a liar here and now. Documented fact that it came off the press shortly after 0001 AM on the day of the vote is there. Look it up fool.


Southern Dumbass-
Who are you trying to kid? First drafted, it was 700 pages 850 billion. Then 800 plus pages and more money.
Now, what makes sense about a cheaper price tag, and the mere addition of 350 pages? Not a single congressrat read it, yet they were willing to vote. What would you demand happen to General Petraeus if he were to go into battle not having read the 1000 page plan of attack?
I wonder, do you swallow?

Frankly Opinionated

The bill that was made available was in PDF form, 647 pages, (of which I read 40 or 50 some of), and not in detail. There was no fully detailed print copy of the Spendulus bill. Southern DumbPhuck, you have progressed/regressed to a form lower than Dhimmicrat. The final “draft” of the bill was not available for a week and I challenge anyone to show me where it was. It was still being tweaked and added to late this week. It don’t take a damned lawyer to see that this was hoodwinking to a T. And any so-called republican that signed it is no more than a RINO, and deep under the covers in bed with the Menage a Gummint that is Prez Hussein, Stretchface Pelosi, and Harebrain Reid. Not one of the three has done one damn thing to earn the respect of the lowest of the lowly out here in the populace; no matter how much teen adulation they generate. That this sorry swipe at Americans was put through so fast, shows exactly where this country is and is headed. God Bless the USA! We are so screwed!
nuf see


Bring the troops home and send them to Congress to finish the job.

God Help us All!!!


I have a lil story. Was sitting in a cafe overheard the waitresses yammering about the Porkulus Bill. All were praising the *tax break* er tax credits & looking forward to receiving a *stimulus check* from $500.00 to $1,000…..

Each had a different *amazing* story to tell….funniest one was an immigrant *cough* ranting about her welfare payments she ain’t getting and said because O’Bama had promised it??




They don’t realize that Obama thinks they’re rich…


I loved Huckabee’s name for this POS


Southern Democrat

First we won the election for President.
And we won the elections for Congress.
Now we win when we put bills on the floor.

No matter what you all think, nothing we can do in the next 8 years will be anything as horrible was what Bush and his lies did to America the last 8. I dont know if this stimulus, the way it is written, is the best thing for the USA, but at least we’re trying to move forward…Bush just pushed us back.


Oh, Yeah, Southern Dumbass. You move forward every time you spew about mean and nasty President Bush.
How was your life so bad while he was President?
What did you have to sacrifice?
How are you in such a bad spot now?

I am sick of you idiots saying how we have moved backwards. Not even close. But you can mark my words- We have already moved backward under dumbo the COW because his foreign policy makes him look like the inexperienced loser that he is.
In the near future, we will be attacked, God forbid. And I want to know, whose fault will that be?
Will it be former POTUS Bush’s fault because diplomacy didn’t work? Or will it be General Petraeus’ fault because he doesn’t have what he needs, but somebody will have to take the fall?
Get your head out of your ass, dumbo. Go read other news besides CNN, Olberman, and the like. Try WSJ, National Review, American Spectator, Michelle Malkin, Oliver North.


SD’s refrain is exactly what I keep hearing from these braindead leftards; we have to do SOMETHING. It’s as empty as the oft parroted “Hope” and “Change” mantra tossed out by the Teleprompter-in-Chief. What is this “something” we have to do? I mean, I guess the captain of the Titanic could have slowed down running through the North Atlantic, but that would have impeded his progress…his moving forward, as it were?


SD has BDS, myopia, and long-term memory loss…

Tell me, SD, was the country better or worse under Jimmah Cahter? How about Billyboy Clinton, who managed to take an economy set back on its feet by Ronald Magnus and crew and totally screw it up?

Don’t get me started if you try bleating about how the ‘Pubs were in charge these last eight years, because due to your triple handicaps you aren’t aware that it wasn’t the ‘Pubs calling the shots – they rolled over very early in the game (thanks, you twits…).

Oh, and if you had any edumacashun you’d realize that “The President proposes, Congres disposes”. To keep it simple that you undereducated Dumbocrats *may* be able to understand: The president signs off on legislation that CONGRESS creates! (Executive Orders notwithstanding…)

So, take your tiny brain and your stupidity elsewhere while the ADULTS try to fix the problem imposed on us by you children. IF it’s possible. Gonna be a long haul!

May God have mercy on this Country and the World..
