Carter: Me-too-ism; Roz could’ve been Prez

| October 25, 2007

Jimmy Carter is making that last turn to get his musty ass all the way around the bend. According to the Washington Examiner, he claims Rosalynn, his wife, could’ve run for President and won;

Speaking at Washington’s Motion Picture Association of America before a screening of Jonathan Demme’s new Carter documentary entitled, “Jimmy Carter: Man from Plains,” Carter said that, if Rosalynn had “gone home from Georgia and run for Senate” (a la Hillary), she would have been a formidable candidate.

But “she didn’t want to do that,” he added, without a trace of regret.

I guess he doesn’t remember that America was just worn out from the first and only term we suffered through his spotty leadership. His Vice president, Walter Mondale, lost in a landslide to Ronald Reagan in 1984 after Carter had lost in a landslide in 1980. We were tired of being a laughingstock cowered in the corner from every tin pot dictator who shook their fists and took our citizens hostage.

I suppose Rosalynn was a nice woman, but Presidential material? Not on your life – she’d have been no leader, just like her husband was no leader.

And as for the “documentary” of The Man from Plains – what human being has so much time on their hands they’ll take time out to sleep through the story of his life – again. I had the misfortune to use his memoirs “Keeping Faith” for a paper in college on the Carter-Torrijos Treaty. Not only was it the most factually inaccurate drivel I’d ever read, it was a giant snooze fest. I’m sure this documentary will be no better.

Category: Jimmy Carter, Politics

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Don Carl

Well, of course she could have, except for how the whole country knew what a complete failure her husband was as president.


Hilarious. And his dad could beat up Clinton’s dad, too.

One thing ole Roz better do, and I mean quick, is take a page from Nancy Reagan’s book and sequester the senile old man. Reagan had a debilitating illness and his wife had the sense to confine him so that he kept his dignity. If Ole Roz can’t even take care of her lunatic spouse, I don’t think she can be trusted with the country.

Meanwhile, the local AMA announced that if your surgeon is too busy to operate, he’ll send his wife. Brain surgery, no problem. /sarc off