China’s Tiangong-1 space station will crash to Earth within weeks
Live in northern China, the Middle East, central Italy, northern Spain or the northern states of the US, New Zealand, Tasmania, parts of South America and southern Africa? Then I have some bad news for you.
The Guardian reports China’s first space station is expected to come crashing down to Earth within weeks, but scientists have not been able to predict where the 8.5-tonne module will hit.
Estimates differ, but the US-funded Aerospace Corporation thinks the Tiangong-1 will re-enter the atmosphere during the first week of April, give or take a week, while the European Space Agency says the module will come down between 24 March and 19 April. They’re just a bit vague on the “where” part.
“If this should happen, any surviving debris would fall within a region that is a few hundred kilometres in size,” said Aerospace, a research organization that advises government and private enterprise on space flight.
“When considering the worst-case location … the probability that a specific person (ie, you) will be struck by Tiangong-1 debris is about one million times smaller than the odds of winning the Powerball jackpot.
“In the history of spaceflight no known person has ever been harmed by reentering space debris. Only one person has ever been recorded as being hit by a piece of space debris and, fortunately, she was not injured.”
“I would guess that a few pieces will survive re-entry. But we will only know where they are going to land after the fact.”
Aerospace Corperation warned that the space station might be carrying a highly toxic and corrosive fuel called hydrazine on board, so there’s that. I certainly feel better, now. Thank you Chinese rocket scientists!
Category: It's science!
I’m definitely no expert on spacecraft, but wouldn’t something as volatile as hydrazine fuel be one of the first things to burn on on reentry?
Thin sheet metal tanks have previously made it to the ground, when formerly surrounded by other stuff.
With tons of mass to burn, some stuff may make it down, and fuel tanks tend to be fairly sturdy.
An impressively large amount of Columbia made to to the ground as recognizable items. there was a mostly intact section of landing gear, with at least one intact tire.
I remember.
Yep, I had friends on that recovery mission.. I figured there’d be a chance the tanks would survive, was just thinking the fuel itself would burn off
Here is some info from Wiki on Hydrazine…
Pics of a propellant tank for NASA MAVEN mission to Mars:
Oh nice…maybe we’ll finally solve the Seattle Homeless problem.
Hydrazine is no Joke. When i worked out at Cape Canaveral one of my worst fears was breathing that shit in due to a leak.
Had to look Hydrazine up, that is some nasty crap!!!! When people ask me about my work I usually say something like; unless you get a seriously acute exposure, radiation might give you cancer in 40 or 50 years; but chemicals will kill you right now!
I do like the image part of this thing slamming into Pioneer Square. That would reduce the homeless and indigent population a tad on the western side of WA.
If parts of it come down here in the Tricities, there will be science nerds/geeks duking it out in the streets to get their hands on the debris…
When the Colombia disintegrated over Texas (and yes, we witnessed part of that), there were PSAs about not touching any of the debris scattered across E Texas & W Louisiana because of the toxic nature of some of the substances.
Pieces were still being found several years later.
I knew Colombia’s pilot, Willie McCool; we swapped coach duties for our son’s soccer team here at Pax River, just before he got picked for the astronaut program. The guy was a God in the A-6 community, and an all round decent guy.
There’s a memorial on base that I pass by a couple times a week. Sad.
yep, truly a sad loss all around
Not just pioneer square anymore…all along SODO. Now they want these safe injection sites.
Here, just commit felonies…because ‘we care’.
Hydrazine is what is used in the F-16 Emergency Power Unit. Roll the HAZMAT team if you ever have a lawn dart wih an IFE that included possible EPU deployment
I saw a huge red cloud of Hydrazine leaking out of the last Titan, due to leak…luckily the wind was favorable that day and didn’t make it down to SLC-37B where I was that day.
We used to babysit full Titan IIs in the AZ desert. Tens of thousands of pounds of that shit. We called the clouds BFRCs (Big Fucking Red Clouds). Good times.
Ahhhh yes, the BFRC. Remember it well. A 50/50 mixture of hydrazine and unsymmetrical dimethel-hydrazine for fuel and nitrogen tetroxide oxidizer. Hypergolic – mix them together and they go bang (see Site 374-7). Four years on Titan crew – fun times.
We used Arizene-50 and Nitrogen Tetroxide for the 2nd stage on our Delta II’s. 1st Stage was LOX and RP-1.
Delta IV is LOX and Hydrogen for both 1st and 2nd stages.
Had to google Titan.
If any of it lands on my eastern Washington property, it is mine and you will see it on E Bay before it cools. I ain’t feared of no Chinee hydowhactamacallit.
Well its time to get that Powerball ticket.
And Newtonian Physics still finds some application in an Einsteinian Physics era.
The Law of Gravity is still in effect.
A law that Dan failed to comprehend.
Oh, he only failed to comprehend that it applied to him.
He foolishly thought his mad lawer skills would repeal the law of gravity. As I previously wrote:
There once was a lawer named Dan
Who got himself thrown in the can
He was finally let out
And went flying about
And that’s when the shit hit the fan!
I asked my insurance agent about whether or not I’m covered for space debris. He said no, I’d have to pester the space agency to compensate me for damaged parts to my house.
Once an insurance agent was trying to sell me a policy; I thought, okay, I’ll play your silly little game, tell me what it won’t cover. He said should I die in outerspace the insurance company would not pay. That gave me a great idea for a TV show; “Coach Potatoes in Space”.
I think they better stick to making sparklers and other harmless fireworks! Was anyone ever aboard this piece of junk, or did it just not make it into orbit? I never heard a word about this thing before it started falling to Earth? Hope it doesn’t hit anything here in Florida! We can call this thing the Chinese Lawn Dart in honor of you know who?? Same result, can’t maintain altitude, so down you go!!!
Been up there 7 years, launched 2011.
“What a piece of junk!”
“You came in that thing? You’re braver than I thought.”
Not, surprised at all! My Chineeze made toaster oven burst into flames last week … and every Chineeze made tool I have ever bought has broken.
I hope the satellite crashes into the new dam and power plant on the Yangzee River.
But what do I know …
says someone typing on a Chinese component computer or telephone. They are just like us…make good stuff and bad stuff, usually according to the specs they are given. Some American companies just say “build it as cheap as possible” and what you get then is just as crappy as the American equivalent.
“usually according to the specs they are given.”… I’d say “according to the specs they have stolen” would probably be more accurate for most Chinese stuff… they’re not real big on patent / copyright/ intellectual property stuff…
Thanks CAPT Obvious!
By the way, you have been on your computer too long, go take a shower.
Everything that China ships to the US has a small amount of toxic waste embeded in it.
That’s how they get rid of the stuff.
So, let’s say that some junk hits Chiner and kills 50,000,000. My question is, will anyone notice? (Those Chinermen sure do like their boinky-boinky.)
So, let’s say that some junk hits Chiner and kills 50,000,000. My question is, will anyone notice? (Those Chinermen sure do like their boinky-boinky.)
I believe the “crew” at TAH predicted the crash of Bernasty better than NASA is predicting this one.
Hail Hydrazine?
This sounds like a Cobra plot.
Wonder if vinegar sprayed liberally around the perimeter will help ward off any ill effects. Kinda hope so because there’s quite a lot of it left over here from the last big contrail scare.
Really? We need a /sarc tag??
Hey Jonn, why don’t you get a CAPTCHA for you website? This place appears to be full of very advanced AI bots. Your sign up security is deplorable.
How . . .
trolldroll, lily.Well, no, not really – it was actually a pretty transparent (and pathetic) attempt at trolling. But I wanted to use the above pun anyway. (smile)
Your definition of troll is “anyone who doesn’t fall in line with my point of view”. Also, get some real sign up security because I’d bet this place has a few bots in it already. They’re advanced enough to fool you.
Vitskertr tik, gamla vis Hruga uskit’r.
Lily, the “bots” are better commentors than you have ever managed to be.
A 10mm long tube.
Almost as big as my donkey.
The Avengers will take care of this thing.
Yef, if your “donkey” is only a bit more than 10mm long . . . you have my sympathy, amigo. (smile)
Sad for Yef, just…sad.
100 mm is only 10 cm, about four inches and that’s 10mm X 10! Do you TRY to jam your foot in your mouth or does it come naturally? STOP huffing the floor wax before you post, Yef!!
I suppose I should know better, but I was trying to figure out what in the heck Yef was blabbering about.
I suppose huffing floor wax could explain his post.
Yef, life is too short to waste it swelling that horsepiss beer.
This thing is projected to fall between 43rd parallels, so if you’re north of that you’re chance of getting hit is nil. Because of the orbit of this thing, as expressed on a map, is a wave as the object approaches the peaks the incidents of exposure are less.
Bottom line: this thing has a minimal chance of hitting the US (back of the envelope math, 2%…?)
What I’d really like to see, if NORAD can give us a heads up via EBS so IF it does come down around here I can watch!!!!!
Imagine, for just a moment, that the thing craters on NDtBF.
That. Would. Be. Glorious.
“It was a one in a million shot, Doc, one in a million”
😀 😀 😀
I’d be tempted to believe in Karma in that case.
I wonder if it lands in the US, will they want to apply the cost against the tariffs on steel and aluminum that President Trump is pushing for ???
It would probably make a decent dent in the $300 billion trade deficit…..
Ta dat crash….