Andres Avelino Anduaga bilks US out of $360k with fake ID
The Associated Press tells the story of 66-year-old Andres Avelino Anduaga who, beginning in 1974 with a fake birth certificate, created a phony persona with a driver license, social security number and a US passport that served him well over the years. To the tune of $360,000 in disability payments and medical costs as well as food stamps.
Anduaga’s charade began to unravel in April 2015 during a standard review to determine whether he was still eligible for disability benefits. The man who called himself Riojos gave an address in the Southern California city of Chula Vista, according to the criminal complaint. But when investigators visited the home in January 2016, the landlord admitted Riojos never lived there but instead resided in Mexico, court papers show.
Investigators turned to border crossing records, finding frequent travels indicating Riojos had likely been living in Mexico.
Further investigation revealed the man claiming to be Riojos had a rap sheet that included 21 different names and six dates of birth, dating back to 1974, the newspaper reported. They included a firearms violation, forgery, cocaine possession and multiple DUIs, according to prosecutors.
Immigration records showed he’d been deported in 1994 and again in 2000.
Andres Avelino Anduaga has offered to pay back what he owes, but he’s looking a twelve more years of living off taxpayers’ largess in prison.
Category: Illegal Immigrants
I want my taxes refunded with interest for allowing such a debacle.
That, or let me have at Andres Avelingo Anduaga for an hour of uninterrupted counseling. I will provide the counseling equipment, let them do clean-up afterwards.
Let me donate say, at least a pair of needle nose pliers, and icepick and some jumper cables.
But, but – these illegals aren’t costing the taxpayers any extra money. At least, that’s the argument that they keep trying to foist off on us whenever this issue is raised. 21 different names, and then they wonder why regular people are pissed when we are being forced into paying for enhanced drivers licenses and the such. We need to find a nice, deserted island and dump these POS’s onto it. Maybe the Marshall Islands??
The Marshalss are inhabited. The residents won’t want them, either.
How about Bikini, instead? It’s still contaminated with high radiation levels, and the fish in the lagoon are thriving, but inedible.
The Rat Islands in the Aleutians would be my choice. Ditto anyone sentenced to death for violation of Federal law whose sentence was later converted to life without parole.
Word. I’m sure there are colder, more miserable places on the planet that Rat Island.
But not many.
Snake Island.
no Bikini Atoll, its still radioactive!
Assumes as given that which has yet to be proven.
Do you have any reliable data showing the actual number of these freeloaders, or did you pull it out of your fourth point of contact?
I have no use for illegal immigrants, but that doesn’t mean I’ll put up with BS claims like you spouted either.
It may be different in (say) the People’s Socialist Republic of California, but unless they’re working a strictly cash-only job such as construction or yard work, even illegals and their employers have to fill all the required paperwork, which I can testify is a lot these days. They pay taxes & withholding like everyone else.
Most of the country isn’t as foolish as California, so they don’t offer everyone breathing free goodies.
Living the dream.
Yep, that’s a Dreamer for ya.
And did he VOTE?
He had 20 or more aliases. I’d say “yes” would be a reasonably safe bet.
Early and often in each election cycle.
Two guesses which party he voted for too. Gotta keep those benefits flowing. Which is actually part of my retirement plan, to turn into a big government liberal. Gimme, gimme, gimme.
I’ll give THREE guesses but the first two don’t count.
Maybe he is just one of those late blooming “dreamers.” After all, he has been living the dream, at US taxpayer expense.
Given that “El Pendejo” Anduaga had 20 other aliases going back to 1974, what are the chances of other undiscovered fraud violations under a different name?
If only there was a way to discover how many other services are being provided to the same address he used.
You mean that the government agencies giving away taxpayers money could check the addresses where the recipients of our largesse reside and see if there are, maybe, 15 or 20 recipients living in a single story, 2 bedroom house?
Maybe if we bought some computers or something to sort through all that data.
It’s not like anybody could write a program to automatically flag multiple recipients at the same address.
Or even check voter rolls to see if they can find oddities – like 50+ voters registered at the same LA-area 2BR apartment, none of whom actually lived there (as was verified by the actual residents when they were contacted and questioned by a reporter).
That actually happened prior to a recent US Presidential election (not the last one).
The real crime is that he wasn’t discovered earlier. His next step was to just have his disability payments sent to MX. Bet he was thinking he was going to be caught for the first ten years and after that it was a game just to see how far he could go.
A lot more common than is reported. The Middle Easterners are notorious for it. We had several prior deports that came back into the country with a different name and even managed to get naturalized.
I remember one who was filing 4 different tax returns and getting refunds on all of them. The address he was using was a 7-11 where his cousin worked.
“Andres Avelino Anduaga has offered to pay back what he owes”.
In installments or a lump sum ???
And where is he going to get this repayment… out of his 4th point of contact?
Sell his kidneys. And his liver.
I’ve got a “Lump Sum” for him…. I had to deal with that crooked 3 letter agency of leaches a couple months ago… no fun. And this POS got away with all that for all that time???? Inside help and intentional abdication of job responsibilities by your Gubmint Scamloyees.
Oh yeah, and despite my best internet detective searching, I have been unable to find one single picture of this “Dreamer”… not even via Mexican websites/news outlets. Methinks something steeeeenks….
But… but… Undocumented folk are not criminals! The Left pinky-swore!
What part of “outlaws” did folks miss?
Maybe “foreign outlaws” would help focus the debate?
We have plenty of outlaws born here. Perhaps a tarrif on the foreign models? Bill the country of origin?
Yeah, and this is the kind of BS that causes we, the REAL citizens, to have to produce 3 to 5 forms of ID to get a friggin’ drivers license (happened when I took a good paying DoD contract job in Northern AL; then again when I came back to Texas 5.25 years later) and this weekend when I drove 2 hours to JRB Fort Worth (a wasted trip) because my wife had her TX DL (in date) and her dependent ID card (expired). Even there the bitch behind the counter trying to talk down to you only made me more mad. I had went to the JRD DEERS Office website the day before, and yeah, it stated 2 picture IDs (even stated an expired DoD issued ID card could be used). But no, the bitch behind the counter decided it was incorrect. I friggin’ hate civilian GS workers and friggin’ power hungry GS clerks are at the top of that list.
How come all those ID hoops only discriminate against pigmentation during elections, but not when banking, buying a gun, signing a lease, going to a doctor, and such?
Odd eh?
Only if we could have Ronald Regan back as president.
But, but, immigrants pay taxes, take jobs our citizens won’t, pay into social security, add valued diversity to the gene pool. Blah, blah, blah, blah, fucking blah.
Illegal immigrants are like sperm. Two million make it in and only one works.
Got nothing personally against the individual, but am opposed to the invasion we are now facing. Collectively we are facing an onslaught and are unwilling to take steps to stop it. Demorats need those voters.
Remember when President Trump’s predecessor said that illegal aliens were doing the jobs that American Citizens weren’t willing to do? Apparently con gaming is right there along with drug running dope dealing, pimping, murder,…