Ryan Payne, phony Ranger, sentenced in Malheur occupation

| February 28, 2018

We first wrote about Ryan Payne when he was head of security at the Bundy Ranch four years ago and telling the media that he was a Ranger. Actual Rangers questioned his claims. It turns out that he wasn’t Ranger qualified, nor had he served in a Ranger unit.

Payne FOIA

Payne FOIA 2

Payne turned up again at the Malheur bird sanctuary occupation and stolen valor convention two years ago, where eventually he was arrested. The Herald and News reports that he was sentenced for his leadership role in that incident to three years and a day in prison.

Payne, 34, helped seize the bird sanctuary in southeastern Oregon on Jan. 2, 2016, in a protest against federal control of Western lands and the imprisonment of two ranchers convicted of setting fires. He and standoff leader Ammon Bundy had come to Oregon two months earlier, warning Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward of civil unrest unless he told the federal government that ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond would not report to prison.

Federal prosecutors said Payne had a leadership role during the ensuing occupation. In charge of defense, he coordinated armed guards and provided tactical training.

The judge also ordered Payne to stop associating with the “Patriot” movement. But Joe Rice is still running around a free man.

Category: Crime

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But… but…. he has a post-ETS Ranger style beard. Isn’t that good enough?


And look for more folks sporting the “Spec Ops/Ranger/SEAL” facial hair with 12 Strong at the theaters. Don’t forget the OD/tan ball cap with the backwards flag attached with Velcro…
Even on the base I work at, the amount of folks wearing them in civies, you’d think everyone here was a PJ.

SSG Kane

That beard looks well manscapped.

RGR 4-78

Looks like a pretty boy gone stupid.


It almost looks like that fake beard Steve Jordan was rocking in one of his ‘dress up games’ You know? The one with the zip-tie mouthpiece…😂


his johns made him grow it.


I dont get it. I dont….fucking…get it. Guy has a GOOD honorable career with substantial service and he shits all over it. Why?

2/17 Air Cav

We have two things here, the false claim of Ranger service and his involvement in a zany scheme that has now resulted in his imprisonment. I have great disdain for the first item and a strange sort of admiration for the second.


Except, in the case of the second stunt, he accomplished nothing but get himself a three year stint in the federal pound and the disqualifications of a felony conviction. IMHO the only thing he has going for him is he didn’t run from the feds out into a snowy field and get himself smoked like that other dumb bastard.

2/17 Air Cav

I didn’t say he was a genius and I can’t disagree with you. I suppose it’s akin to having admiration for an enemy or for the guy who says Fuque Ewe! to the biggest, baddest SOB around, knowing full well an ass kicking awaits. There’s a part of me that admires the rebel–not the kind who hide behind masks and sucker punch people with bike locks, but the ones who believe in what they are doing and keep doing it, despite the lost cause aspect and despite the derision and ridicule.


It’s like a story my dad related about a bull moose charging a freight train. “I admire your nerve, but your judgement sucks”.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, SFC D, that about sums it up perfectly.


I guess that is part of the reason I enjoyed being a Confederate cavalry re-enactor. Plus, we were allowed to win some of the battles.

2/17 Air Cav

Speaking of geniuses, today comes the story of a Georgia Social Studies teacher who locked his classroom door and wouldn’t let the kids inside. The principal got ye olde master key and attempted to enter, whereupon the teacher let loose a round from gun. The bullet was last seen passing from the classroom’s window to a place unknown. The police were called and the teacher surrendered. Now, I ask you, who is stupider, the teacher or the principal? Or is it a tie?


The teacher was doing his part in the “Teachers can’t be trusted with firearms” movement.
You want to arm teachers? Hold my beer and watch this, says this nimrod.

SSG Kane

To the layman, ie someone who doesn’t know much about the miltiary outside of what they see in movies and on TV, what sounds more impressive:

I served as a Ranger


I served in a unit that you never heard of and now I’ll have to spend an hour talking about how badass it is and you’ll just blow it off because if it was really as badass as I’m saying it is you think there’d be a movie about it staring Bruce Willis, John Wayne, or Marky Mark…

Confession time here: I’m actually guilty of something similar.

I get so tired of having to explain that Psychological Operations doesn’t help our military men and women cope with PTDS, I just tell people I supported 25th ID, 172nd, and/or 20th Engineer Brigade in Iraq, or if I want an air of mystery to it, I’ll use “supported CMO”.

Even with that confession I doubt that is what Ry-Ry was doing here. I think he was marketing himself and new Ranger was better for his branding to work his way up the leadership chain with the Patriots. Ie he wasn’t doing it as a short hand for his skill set, he was doing it to grow his brand.


I was in the 4th PSOP Co.(Reserve) for over three years. We turned out some badass propaganda leaflets in our mobile print shops. Even went to Bragg for schoolhouse training for two weeks one summer. It was like a homecoming, since I hadn’t been back there since SF school.


If the FBI wasn’t so focused on him and white supremacist they might have stopped the Florida school shooting after the shooter was reported to them beforehand.

A Proud Infidel®™

Lily, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THAT IS GOOD, take SFC D’s advice and take your damned meds.


He might want to put down the bong and catch up on recent events, since the activities of this clown occurred over two years ago. I imagine any FBI investigation of Payne was completed over a year ago when the referral was made to the US Attorney for prosecution.


Sandy Hook massacre happened in 2013. Yet the FBI put all those resource into this guy and meanwhile we just had another school massacre.

A Proud Infidel®™

The rapier wit and wisdom of Captain Shithead aka lily.


Three years for it? I don’t think he’ll quit hanging out with people like the Bundys and the Hammonds.

The so-called ‘patriot’ and militia groups aren’t patriots.


If your definition of patriot includes; being a puerile armed shithead that likes to threaten local LEOs, Federal Agents and the population around the area you are ‘liberating’, while unlawfully squatting in a closed facility where you have to turd in the corner like an uncivilized Iraqi and think you can get away with it because you read the Constitution once…


“Oath Keepers”, “3 percenters” and their ilk seem to have a twisted view of the constitution. Most people understand that the 2nd amendment exists to prevent a tyrannical government. These asshats and their cohorts view it as a reason to view everything the government does as a violation of their rights and an excuse to act like armed spoiled brats. Does the government overstep their bounds and act beyond their limits? Absolutely. Every instance of government malfeasance or heavy-handedness is not a reason to take up arms and occupy federal property. I’m surprised that there was only 1 death in that entire circus.


I knew exactly one “Oathkeeper” and he was as gullible a rube as ever came along. He got his pee pee slapped for giving a speech to an Oathkeepers group while wearing a uniform…a useful idiot as the term goes


Yup. The Ron Paultards were an interesting bunch, to say the least.

Most of them might have READ the Constitution, but damn few of them understood it.


I suspect that Tom Clancy used them as the “inspiration” for a couple of his “Mountain Men” characters in “Executive Orders”

Although the real-life guys are much dumber.


The fact that they’re dumb doesn’t bother me, it’s the smug assertion that THEY and THEY ALONE know what the Constitution “means” and anybody who disagrees with them must be wrong and ignorant of the Constitution.


Clancy may have been thinking of this cocksucker too.



This old article from The Onion pretty much sums up most of the Oath Keepers/III %ers, Patriot movement, etc:

Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be


“Our very way of life is under siege,” said Mortensen, whose understanding of the Constitution derives not from a close reading of the document but from talk-show pundits, books by television personalities, and the limitless expanse of his own colorful imagination. “It’s time for true Americans to stand up and protect the values that make us who we are.”


Gotta love it when The Onion seems to be more accurate than “legitimate” news. Almost as much fun as predictions from The Simpsons!


Wouldn’t it be kind of logical to start asking why these groups come together and act this way?

They seem to want to find enemies where there are none. If they can’t find any, then they make them up.


I put them in the same camp as ANTIFA, BLM, Redneck Revolt, White Nationalists, etc.
They are LARPers, mentally they are children acting out a fantasy.
(No offense to the non armed role players)


I think that’s an excellent analogy.

Put another way, Americans are apparently so comfortable, well fed and safe that some of them have the leisure time to be able to indulge in fantasies of persecution that allow them to imagine themselves as gritty “freedom fighters” locked in a life-or-death struggle against a cruel and oppressive tyrant.

It’s probably not an accident that movies based on comic books have been at the top of the box office for the last decade or more.

Essentially we have a portion of the population who are chronologically adults but psychologically they are still angry teenagers who are mad at Dad and see him as the source of all their misery.


You’ve gone and done it, nailed it with immaculate precision.
If your theory is true, one I also believe, what will be the impetus for change?




These shitheads remind me of the “-ista” (ask Jonn to explain the reference) types, or the idiots on YouTube who act like total douchebags to the cops, claiming they’re, “Article IV Free Citizens,” and the like.


Ah, yes, the “Sovereign Citizens.” A particularly dense breed of paranoid loony, seemingly impervious to reason or any information that doesn’t come from their own kookoo bananas world view.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Sovereign Citizen”, another term for “Extremely Deluded IDIOT”.


Dude did almost 4 years in LRS? Why f**cking embellish?!
Also, how does one do 22 months in Iraq during the ‘good times’ and not come out with a CAB/CIB? Maybe just no listed, maybe permanent TOC/HQ beeatch. Suspect AF.


CIB is listed on first line of second page of the summary.


I stand corrected. Will administer corrective training until muscle failure.


Maybe just get another cuppa coffee instead?


… and give it to top! Then proceed to muscle failure.


Spent an awful long time in a recon unit without being Victor qualified…..

Knowing how much emphasis recon units in an Airborne unit place upon junior leaders going to (and passing) Ranger school, I can easily imagine a young PoS deciding to try to use his years of pent-up jealousy of the tab for his own benefit, now that he’s out of the service and no one to fact-check him.


At the time he was in his LRS units was part of Military Intelligence battalions. As such they were kind of in a fish-out-of-water situation with regard to career management.

Unless you had a commander or SGM who would fight for those few slots available, they’d likely go to infantry and SOF units instead.

Eventually the Army figured out that having V-coded LRS units as part of MI battalions was just not a good fit. Some of the LRS units were moved to the divisional recon units (i.e. the divisional Cav squadron) or into infantry units where training and career management was easier.

I think when the Army went to the BCT concept they put all recon assets into a recon-oriented unit and separated them from the MI units.

Anyway, this is a long-winded way of saying that there are legitimate explanations as to why he sat in a V-coded position without ever being sent to Ranger school.

(for those not familiar with army Tables of Organization and Equipment, a “V” coded position means that in order to be fully qualified the soldier should be both a qualified parachutist and also a Ranger school graduate. In theory, that means that the soldier should have priority over another whose specific job does NOT require Ranger school, but in practice it rarely works that way.)


Elaborating on the above, it’s also possible that he was never sent to Ranger school because he didn’t pass pre-Ranger, and/or because he wasn’t physically fit enough to be sent. Sending a soldier to Ranger school costs a unit money and uses up a slot so if a soldier is dropped or quits at the beginning, it’s a big black mark on the unit. For that reason, most units make sure their soldiers are both physically fit (PT studs) and qualified (i.e. can do night land nav) before they send them to Ranger School.


Final thought (wish there was a way to edit comments!) it’s possible that by the time he got back from his deployment, he just didn’t have enough time left before ETS for the unit to want to send him.

If he made it clear he wasn’t reenlisting then they’d likely offer a Ranger School slot to someone who was.


I’ve often wondered why the Rangers (Veterans who were Rangers) don’t have a database that could confirm those who served in the Regiment ( or tabbed) ala Don Shipley. Or something akin to Guardians of The Green Beret. Over the years since getting out I’ve met several alleged former “Rangers” who anyone who has served for more than a month could tell that they were full of it.


According to the membership rules of the 75th Ranger Regiment Assn. (I am a member), those who served in LRS units can join the Association, but only if the LRS unit “can trace its lineage” to a LRRP, LRP or Ranger unit “deployed to Vietnam as listed in section 2,3, or 4 above.” (” Who is eligible,” Patrolling (magazine) vol. 29, ed. II, pg.3).


I spent three years in a National Guard LRS Company (technically it was a “Troop” since it was part of a Cavalry Squadron). We had some incredibly capable and professional soldiers. About 20% were Ranger with half qualified from active duty prior service, and half from being sent by the unit. That being said, in no way would my time in the LRS make me feel like I had a right to join the association. I’m proud of my time in the LRS but I never went to ranger school. It is as simple as that.


I served with Ryan Payne in F co, 51st Infantry. He was in a different platoon than me. Its the question of slots to Ranger School and the MI brigade, we had no issue getting slots to Ranger or MFF school or any other school really. Not sure why Ryan never went. Many of his peers that arrived around the same time frame went.


I think the Cherry/Sundae analogy is appropriate here, again.

A Proud Infidel®™



I do not understand the comment in the “Military Education” block:
“… Military specific training (Infantry, Recon, etc.) is not shown on DD Form 214 per DoD Instructions and Army Regulations.

My DD214 lists the Airborne, Ranger, & Air Assault courses — along with other “military specific training” that I received.

The quoted section almost makes this FOIA response sound like “this is secret squirrel stuff.”

??? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ???



A Proud Infidel®™




Okay … wrong mark-up code for quotes. Let’s try again:

“… Military specific training (Infantry, Recon, etc.) is not shown on DD Form 214 per DoD Instructions and Army Regulations.

Sure wish we had that doggone EDIT button instead of the REPORT button!

Perry Gaskill

Payne might be a dickweed, but it can also be pointed out that those involved in Malheur had some legitimate reasons for being angry. The Feds bungled both the case against the Hammonds in Oregon, and also the Bundy case in Nevada. It’s probably fair to say that the judge in Payne’s case is sending a signal that if you defy the federal government, you can be prosecuted even if the feds are wrong.

Those who don’t live in the West might have a difficult time understanding some of the issues at stake. The feds control a huge portion of land, and it used to be that federal policy was to make it available for mixed public use. Starting in the late 1960s, that started to change with the influence of the Sierra Club and other environmental groups. Flash forward 50 years and federal land-use policy has slowly been evolving in a direction to allow no public access or use at all. The goal, in theory, being to restrict things in such a way that public land reverts back to wilderness. No more camping, hunting, logging, grazing and so forth.

A few years ago in California there was the case of a small company on Tomales Bay running an oyster farm. It so happened that a federal biologist, who was apparently a radical environmentalist, took a particular dislike to the oyster farmers and set about running them out of business. During the court case that followed, it turned out that among other things the biologist had falsified her key findings on the water chemistry involved.

A reason I mention the oyster farm case is because the process of defending itself turned out to be very long and expensive for the oyster farm. What was also curious was that at no time were any charges or censure brought against the biologist for making stuff up.


Because, to the proggies/libtards, it’s all about saving the ruby-throated sap sucker and fuck the truth.


Sounds like our issue with Spotted Owls.

They (environmentalists) claim it can only live in Old Growth forests, yet are seen in 2nd growth, and even in the ‘Reprod’ forests.

Now, they (WDFW) are considering killing another owl, because they have found that it preys upon the Spotted Owl.

If it wasn’t the owl it would be a speckled salamander…I hate these frigging pansy hippies.

Perry Gaskill

Something I’ve found confusing is the current feud over the escape of Atlantic salmon now being farmed near Puget Sound. Apparently there are those in the Washington State legislature who are seriously upset because they’re afraid if horny male Atlantic salmon escape they could breed with nasty Pacific salmon sluts, and trash the aquatic biosphere.

It’s almost like an episode of the Kardashians with fins.

In an evidently failed effort to head off such a perceived environmental melt-down, the legislature last week narrowly defeated an Atlantic salmon control bill which would have included a measure to limit the Atlantic salmon raised to females only. I’m hoping I’m not alone in wondering what’s supposed to happen if Atlantic salmon females go wild, and hook up with Pacific salmon males looking to party…


It isn’t just that, the damn things are diseased from being in close quarters from those nets.

The Puget Sound Chinook are listed endangered. Between the Gill Netters, and the Tribes hardly any get upstream to spawn naturally. So you throw in a substandard breeding stock, and you’ve lost the native salmon to some kind of hybrid.

It’s AFU…


Aren’t the Atlantic salmon supposed to migrate into the Great Lakes, or something like that?
I know there’s good trout fishing in Lakes Michigan and Superior, and I’ve also been told there is, or was, good salmon fishing in Lake Michigan.
Maybe the northern pikes got them.


It’s mostly Chinook salmon in Lake Michigan, and it was great fishing at one time. It’s not quite as great as it was, but it’s still good.
The commercial fishermen have been telling the state to stop stocking salmon because there isn’t enough food species for the salmon. Invasive species, whatever they are, have impacted the food chain. There were dire predictions that Lake Michigan would follow in the path of Lake Huron, which has few salmon now. The “experts” say that Huron has no salmon, even though Huron and Michigan are joined at the Straits of Mackinaw, and the fish are free to swim wherever they want to.


I know there’s a restocking program going on around here, that students at the various schools can participate it. They restock lake trout fingerlings, and they may be doing that with salmon, too. I’d have to check on that, but the county does a lot with the restoration in this area.

A Proud Infidel®™

UhhhmYEP, the Barred Owl has been invading the habitat of the Spotted Owl and chasing them out for years. FORGET the Loggers, IT’S NATURE itself doing that but DO NOT LET facts and logic get in the way of Government Minions with a God Complex…


I’ve lived in the west nearly all my life, and I agree that the Feds seriously stepped on their collective dicks in the Bundy and Hammond cases. That doesn’t mean you’re allowed to occupy federal buildings under force of arms and engage in a standoff with authorities. Piling one fuckup on top of another never succeeds. Everybody involved on both sides of these cases stomped their peckers flat.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Sounds like this guy could be a real Payne in the butt. If he shaved off that beard it would be “Hair today gone tommoro”. Looks like the Rangers want to lead the way at the TAH starting gate. You know that he is not from Florida from the above story but it seems that the Seals are the only ones from the Sunshine State.


I’ve helped a few of you out with Squid speak in the past. Maybe one of you can help me out with Big Army talk.

You can claim to be a Ranger if you have been through RASP, and spent time in the Regiment; or have passed the Ranger Course, right?

Or, is it I am Ranger Qualified (Course)…I am a Ranger (Regiment)?


One is Ranger Qualified if he has graduated Ranger School.

One is a RANGER if assigned to a Ranger Battalion. A soldier can be in Battalion without going to Ranger School; but, if he wants a leadership position, he’ll have to go to school; and before going, he’ll have to successfully complete RAP.

I think one can serve in a Ranger Battalion without being a Ranger … if one is in a support MOS. Active-duty or recently-active-duty personnel can correct me if I’ve erred here.

When someone asked me the difference, I said that one is a school, the other is a duty life-style.


Thank you, just something I have always wondered.


Support MOS’s in Ranger battalions can go to RS if they are recommended by the battalion cadre.

I’ve known a few that did, including a Counterintelligence agent (MOS 97B) who was the only “leg” Ranger I ever knew (i.e. he had been to Ranger school but not jump school. I guess every time they got a slot for jump school he was either injured or was mission-critical for a real-world mission.)

Even though everyone in a Ranger battalion is supposed to be parachute qualified, the battalion was in such dire need of a 97B that they kept him in the unit.


When I was the S-4 of the 2/415th our Battalion Commander was a “Leg” Ranger Armor officer. Being a seriously line doggie tanker I always wondered about why he would go through all of that fun and not learn to jump outta perfectly good airplanes. NOTE: I am not Ranger or Airborne or Air Assault qualified. 🙂


I hear the distinction made between being tabbed and scrolled.

Ranger tab: one has successfully completed Ranger School and is Ranger qualified as rgr1480 says.

Ranger scrolled: one is serving/has served in a Ranger Battalion, and is entitled to wear their scroll.

Our AB son had to clarify that for his mother when he was being slotted for Ranger School (which, for various reasons, he has not yet been able to attend.) She was concerned about him being sent off to do secret squirrel stuff.


Roger that. In our building we have one of each.

A. I am Tabbed, but not Scrolled.
B. He is Scrolled, but not Tabbed.

I wish I had a scroll
He wishes he had a Tab.

The rocket scientist/engineer was in the AT platoon in 1st Bat. back in the 1980s.


One exception to your comment: Back in my day (1969) one could graduate from Ranger school and not be awarded the tab. I believe there were about 20 in my class who were given the graduation certificate but did not receive the tab because of academic and/or leadership failures. If you did not pass at least 50% of the times you were called upon to be a patrol leader or asst. patrol leader, no tab for you. To be clear, the Army is/was full of officers whose only “Rangery” act after Ranger School was having the tab sewn on their uniforms.


To be clear, the Army is/was full of officers whose only “Rangery” act after Ranger School was having the tab sewn on their uniforms.

How ’bout being “down RANGE” in Tongduchon? (^____^)

I know a guy who knows a guy …


The “DOWNRANGER” tab can only be obtained through drunken debauchery and much consumption of Soju.

A Proud Infidel®™

Aye-goo Ahdashi, Number Hana Jinro and good girl rove you rongtime!!


I was dismayed when one of our local boys & West Point grad got tabbed, but then a year or so later ETSed.

After he got tabbed, they put him on a desk job, so he may have decided to just call it done. He’s a good kid, and have trouble believing that he got tabbed as a checklist for his bling. Doesn’t strike me as that sort.


I am not saying there is anything wrong with that; it is just a reality. I commanded a Ranger Company in RVN only as a fluke; I tried to get into two other companies (C and K) but was unsuccessful because I was an O-3; then months later, I was asked to be put in the competition for my company, when I only had three months to DEROS. The Div. commander and the G-2 picked me over a dozen other applicants. Those other captains likely never served in a Ranger unit. But now I hear RA infantry officers with no Ranger tab are looked down upon. I doubt your acquaintance was just looking for bling. I suspect he was planning to make the Army his career, but found it wasn’t his life goal, as many did.

A Proud Infidel®™

I have to second that. A US Army Ranger Tab is a very essential talisman for an Officer’s Career Success, especially in the Infantry.

Green Thumb





Well groomed beard!


I’m sure the reason he claimed he was a Ranger is because he served in a Long Range Surveillance unit. They do similar things to the Long Range Recon Patrols who served in the early years of the Vietnam War. Yeah he didn’t go to the Ranger School, so he shouldn’t have said that he was a Ranger. It looks like he had honorable service and did a deployment. At least we know you can’t attack him for disagreeing with your gun views because we know you’re both in the same boat with that.


I curse the spermatozoa that created you.

A Proud Infidel®™

He should have stayed a spooge stain in the back seat of an AMC Pacer.


^^^ Troll looking for some attention, nothing to see here, move along.


I never understood any of that business at the bird preserve.

It was never about anything except grabbing attention and ended badly. Didn’t have to happen, but these dopes seemed to want to pick fights because they could, not because there was anything to fight over.


Here’s the facts:

Lets start off with a few books for you who are cherries here(most likely the Navy vets). Please order “LRRP Team Leader” and “Recondo: LRRPS in the 101st Airborne”. Both books say that in the early part of the Vietnam War that the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrols were formed by men who only completed basic infantry training and airborne school. When they got to Vietnam they were lucky if after they got into a LRRP unit they could go to the special forces recondo school. It wasn’t until the latter years of the Vietnam War the LRRPS were integrated into the Rangers. But today the unit that is most similar to the LRRPS according to the Rangers is the Long Range Surveillance units of military intelligence. The rangers themselves say so in this this Vietnam War LRRPS documentary. It’s easily located on YouTube. If you look at the video starting at 40:15 to 43 you’ll see the Vietnam LRRPS are saying that Long Range Surveillance units are the most similar unit to the Vietnam War LRRPS.

So why don’t you shut your pie hole, stop being an arrogant loud mouth and learn something? I hope you enjoy this education free of charge.



A Proud Infidel®™

DO YOu TRY to be this big of a RETARD or does it come to you naturally?


You’re a stalker and troll.

A Proud Infidel®™

Nope, it’s just that YOU are three shades past Full Retard, Full Potato and Full Rutabaga almost all the way to Mildewed Shower Curtain.

You lose yet again.

Five Beers

lily, you’re a moron.


The only moron is you because you can’t can only name call and can’t engage in conversation. It’s a fact and I’ll guarantee you many who don’t post, but read what you say think you’re a moron.

A Proud Infidel®™

Looky there, Captain Shithead strikes again with his rapier stupidity!

Five Beers

Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah, babble, babble, babble, yap, yap, yap.

Dogs barking at the moon make more sense that lily does, but we’ve established a few things.
– lily hates squids, period. Really hates squids
– lily doesn’t like veterans but claims to be one, and keeps returning to a blog aimed at vets
– lily thinks everyone, including mentally ill people and those with histories of violent behavior, should have guns, no questions asked
– lily thinks lily knows more about Viet Nam than in-country vets
– lily thinks lily knows more about anything than anyone else and changes the subject to try to control others
– lily has a bone to pick; well, several bones to pick

Got it. Now I’m bored. Moving on.

Five Beers

lily is definitely a huuuuuuge fan of the not-a-LRRP Deadly Dallas Wittgenfeld. Haven’t heard from that drunken old gasbag lately. Anyone miss him? Me neither. Guess he stopped commething. ooop ooop ooop ooop


He is such a fan-boi, I think he may want to apply for auxiliary membership in the DRG.


Boi (plural: bois) is a term used within the world and butch and femme communities to refer to a person’s sexual or gender identities. Boi also is slang for “my dude”. For example: “Danny identifies as a boi” .[1][2] In lesbian communities, there is an increasing acceptance of variant gender expression, as well as allowing people to identify as a boi.[3][4][5] The term may denote a number of possibilities that are not mutually exclusive:[6]

A “boi” is (generally) the younger person who prefers older partners, and is the “boi” in a “daddy and boi” dating, relationship, or sexual situation, where “boy” and “boi”, respectively, are used to differentiate between someone who is underage, and someone who just identifies as the younger who wants or needs someone older. In this context, “boi” can be masculine or effeminate, or anywhere along that spectrum, and some males identify as a “boi” well beyond their 20s, and especially so long as they are involved with older men. Often, though not always, a “boi” prefers a submissive role.[citation needed]
A younger person, possibly embodying stereotyped attributes towards casual sex and commitment in relationships, in contrast with the stereotype of the U-Haul lesbian. Bois may not identify as butch, regarding butches as playing a more powerful or responsible role – the “man of the house” – while a boi is still in a freer, younger phase.
A submissive butch in the BDSM community, or a younger butch in the butch-femme community.[7]
A young trans man, or a trans man who is in the earlier stages of transitioning.[7]
A term of endearment for butches by femmes. It may also be used in the gay community to refer to a younger person – bisexual or gay – who may have effeminate characteristics. The term can also be used by anyone who wishes to distinguish from heterosexual or heteronormative identities.[7]

A Proud Infidel®™

I miss *SLUUUURRRP!* QuEeFeRs41 like I do my last toothache and I’m sure that lily is quite the connoisseur of Dutch Rudder Gang Cocktails, rubbing alcohol seasoned to taste with antifreeze and garnished with a lead paint chip.


Z z z z z z….