Darrin Sealy; phony Marine
Our partners at Military Phonies share their work on this piece of work, Darrin Sealy who used to be the CEO and President of the Collegiate Officials Group, an organization of referees and umpires. For some reason, he decided that he needed to be a former Marine, but, he couldn’t stop there. He claimed to be a MARSOC Marine and that he had parachuted into Cuba – to actual veterans;
So eventually, he resigned as President and CEO;
The National Personnel Records Center confirms that he never served in uniform;
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
Of course he didn’t serve. HEY! Is this the first Marine poser of the year?
dammit….accidentally hit the “report” button.
See, even with posers we’re still the few! haha
You….reported ME!?! Ouch….
It was a blip on his radar screen and he reacted instinctually.
What you did there…I see it.
Nope, he is number 6.
Oh thank Christ we finally got one!!
I know right. I was feeling a bit down nobody wanted to be a cool marine anymore. 😂
Parachuted into Cuba? How come he’s not sitting in a Cuban jail? Fidel must have been slipping.
Ex, Q- do you know why Batista hated his wife? A- She used to sleep on a CASTRO.
Ha! 😀
Shows your age. When I was a kid in school and read about all this Castro stuff, I could not figure out why they were pissed at the mattress company.
Finally, a fake Marine gets on the scoreboard.
— WHEW —
It’s about time. I was wondering when we’d pitch back into the fight and get back in on the poser action.
The phony SEALs have been running away with the competition so far…
Yes, but his name is SEALy. That has to count for something.
2/17-Is that the guy that makes SEALY mattresses.??
Nah, He’s a LAZY-BOY.
He went to Cuba for the CASTRO- CONVERTABLE sofa.
He invented the SEALy POSER-PEDIC mattress.
You win the internet for today.
I missed that, 2/17 Air Cav.
Well played!
Darrin Sealy is grinning in that photo like a meat gazer in a crowded locker room.
Turd burglar.
Once had one of my soldiers ask me “What’s so special about the Marine Corps? Anybody can join.”
My reply “True, but not everybody does. And you don’t really ‘join’ the Marine Corps. You become a Marine.”
What Darrin Sealy MEANT to say is a Cuban CIGAR jumped into him, á-la Bill Clinton .
Carry on.
Darrin was exposed and got smoked by MajGen Nuttal, U.S. Army (Retired).
Fuggin’ awesome.
Now he’s going to be famous.
That has to be the highest ranking ass kicking yet. Unless Gen Mattis knife hands the next one.
That FB page is creepy in a creepy sort of way.
Like too many pics with him and kids?
The vibe is strong with this one…
Yeah, Snoopy was enough for me.
Yeah, that and the Snoopy motif.
I wonder how many of the never served and don’t know anyone well who did crowd think that these lies are plausible because they think the military is so large that no one will ever know….
Or that it is so small that the likelihood of meeting anyone who actually knows better is so small that it will never happen….
Either way that makes them stupid…
His FB page says his high school class was 1989, so he started in 1985. After HS, he says, he attended college for three years. Then there’s a six-year blank before he lists his 1999 referee work. I can’t help but wonder what he was doing during those six years. We know what he wasn’t doing: serving in the military.
Secret missions in Cuba! Duh!
Sooperdoopertopseekritskwirrel shit?
Scrolling down the post to check out the Seal below this phony.
Google will definitely not be your friend. You asked for it. Sucks to be you.
From over at the Military Phonies page linked above:
He was even asked where he went to basic training as well as what his Military occupational specialty (MOS) was.
Darrin’s response was that he couldn’t talk about any of his military service because of its secretive nature.
Straight from the well-worn, dog-eared pages of the Official TAH Poser 101 Handbook.
‘I can’t talk about it because it’s classified.’
Unless, of course, he’s posting about his amazing acts of derring-do in the Facebook SCIF, or regaling his rapt, unsuspecting civilian audience in the local bar with incredible tales of desperate battles won and lost whilst perched upon a barstool.
Sealy McFakeseal
Strike Three! You Out!!
Technical Foul! Ejected!
Oh. I forgot.
He tried playing poser games with a retired O-8, ouch…
Love it.
James Nuttall, RI National Guardsman and former Deputy Director, Army National Guard (among other assorted assignments) where he conceived and realized the dream of an Army National Guard chopper from OCC… also the one and only time Paul Sr. wore a jacket and helmet while riding (part of the ARNG MC Safety program)
This makes me feel warm and fuzzy about his ethics when ref-ing HS games.
Great example for the kids. Not.
We currently have issues with bad refs in our district for football and basketball. They need to clean house as well.
Yeah, I was wondering how many tough Marine lectures he bellowed out over the years to kids.
Q: Why did you parachute into Cuba?
A: My mirror engaged, Sir.
Q: Your mirror?
A: I ate breakfast 200 yards from someone trained to kill me.
Q: This is not making sense.
A: I watched “A Few Good Men” for backfill on Cuba and that’s all I can think of.
At the :42 mark, he should say “Have you ever parachuted into Cuba son”?
Sealy couldn’t handle the truth!!
Would you trust DARRIN SEALY to officiate any sporting event?
I wouldn’t…
Enjoy you career as a official getting DORKED IN THE SQUEAKHOLE, DARRIN SEALY!
Too good to pass up, I left Darrin Sealey my usual message of love:
“You Shitstain, you lyin’ bastard. You claim to be a MARSOC Paratrooper? You are not, I am a paratrooper. The only time you have jumped has been when someone says “BOO”, you pussy. Be the coward that you are, and block me on Facebook, like the rest of your poser brotherhood usually do. You chose to stand in the blood of better men than you, to claim valor that you didn’t earn. What a fucking low life. You might go to the link below and try to unfuck yourself. In the mean time, every comment made that uses your name, creates a gooogle hit that will live forever. Anyone throwing your name at the altar of St. Goooogle will see what a lyin’ bastard you really are. Your name is up in lights at this link:
http://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=77870 “
” Darrin Sealy who used to be the CEO and President of the Collegiate Officials Group, an organization of referees and umpires.”
Little known fact:
He was also in charge of “fouled Balls”.
I’ll bet he touched all the bases.
No, Atomic Cocksucker.
Ex-PH2, did you have anything to do with this guy getting outed? Thank you so much.
Now come on, fake Marines! Only one entry so far!