Bagram hospital prepares for more casualties

| February 8, 2018

Stars & Stripes reports that the folks at Bagram’s Craig Joint Theater Hospital is gearing up in anticipation for more casualties in Afghanistan as more troops arrive, ROE restrictions loosen and air strikes increase;

“The more combat you have, the more casualties you’re likely to have,” said Col. Walter M. “Sparky” Matthews, head of the 455th Expeditionary Medical Group. He oversees the military’s medical task force responsible for non-special-operations medical teams here. “It would be unwise for us not to plan for an increase in casualty numbers.”

The medical system is ready and able to treat more wounded than it has been, even without added staff, Matthews said, because the number of casualties is normally pretty low. The Bagram hospital was quiet on a recent afternoon, and its emergency and operating rooms were empty. A few Afghans in civilian attire and bandages sat in a waiting area.

“It would also be unwise for us to assume that the low numbers of U.S. casualties that we’ve had in the recent past would remain that way,” he said. “We’re certain that increase is going to come. We just don’t know to what degree.”

Colonel Matthews says that his traffic through the hospital has a 99% chance of survival.

Officials would not say how many patients were Afghan troops, but there were just 113 U.S. casualties in fighting in the country last year.

The motto on rounds here is “no one dies today,” and as they’ve come close to achieving that goal, deaths have become so rare that Matthews said it’s unnerving when someone does not survive.

My son was at Bagram a few years ago and he told me that they treated more Taliban than allied troops during his tour.

Category: Terror War

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The Taliban ‘patients’ should be immediately and permanently treated with a pills(of 124 grain potency) dispensed to each at about 1,200 feet per second.
The ‘Mozambique’ Treatment is most effective, being a one time dose of three 124gn pills.

Used to be still serving

So, you’re saying that we should stoop to their level? My Hippocratic oath and human decency tells me to take care of all the injured(as capabilities and supplies allow) regardless of who they are. I’m glad you’re not going to be my POA.
Israeli medical professionals also render aid to their enemies. You’re savage.


And you’re entitled to your opinion.


You can’t play by made up rules expecting to win against savages. It doesn’t work like that which is why we are no in perpetual warfare with an enemy that has more will to fight than our leaders.

Subscribing western civility warfare is a failure when fighting a fanatical enemy. It is what it is. Pussy footing around Pakistan being the actual source of fighters and logistics isn’t helping either. We defeated the taliban within weeks in 2001. Now we play hide and seek with Pakistan backed goat fuckers pretending they are taliban than what they actually are.


Just categorize all Taliban/unlawful enemy combatants as “expectant” during tri-age.
Treat them after all US and coalition personnel have had their hangnails, hemmorhoids and STDs treated.

Or just give them some Motrin and water and tell them to change their socks (which will be a first for those goat pumping kiddy diddlers)

“Sucking chest wound? Try to take shallow breaths.”

“Traumatic amputation below the knee? Yeah, you’re going to want to stay off that for a couple of weeks.”


Yeh dumbass, save the suckers so they can kill more Americans…remember ‘AN EYE FOR AN EYE”!!


Exactly!!!! The Mozambique Treatment is the only 100% effective and permanent means of curing the patients of their Jihaditis affliction.
Never to be a nuisance again, guaranteed!!!

Plus, they start to smell better after treatment 🙂


Curing Jihaditis at its source means it is less likely to result in Outbreaks in our Western cities.

Used to be still serving

An eye for an eye. Nothing like bringing religion into this. What about turn the other cheek? I’m an atheist and have more humanity than those quoting religious texts. What a joke. Also, resorting to name calling. Gotta love that.


I respect your stance on the oath. I was suggesting to cure the Jihaditis immediately in the field, or after interrogation.
This isn’t My Lai, or Pershing’s ‘everyone over 10’. These Taliban are enemies of the West who are actively TRYING TO KILL YOU!!!

Do you think they would treat you the same way??? Not a chance unless you are ‘Backdoor Bacca Boi’ Beau Bob Bergdahl!!

If They wont take the Olive Branch, time for the sledgehammer.


*Bacha Boi

(Not a gay youth in a Chewie mask)

Used to be still serving

No. I don’t think they would afford me the same treatment. And frankly, during my two deployments to Afghanistan I was terrified of the Afghan nationals working on the COPs I was on. Where as, I really enjoyed working with the Iraqi nationals when I was deployed there. I have nothing against killing these people on the battlefield




Hail the heroes of the Medical Groups, wherever and whomever they are. From the medics in the field to the doctors in the ER, they are warriors as much as anyone – maybe with less personal risk but with great dedication to the troops.


Left leaning S & S strikes again.

Daisy Cutter

Some refer to this as the Spring Thaw. When things start warming up the belligerents are more apt to come down from the mountains and participate in activities.

Daisy Cutter

To quote an article:

<i)"The frozen mountain passes offer some refuge from the flow of weapons and explosives. However, with the spring thaw, insurgents reemerge to resume their deadly assault, often with renewed impetus."


As my brothers and sisters of Dustoff recently showed in Korea ( by rendering life saving care to the KPA defector) it’s a human life-block out everything else and treat the patient.



I read an account of some Christians providing medical care to folks in the Middle East, among whom were “insurgents” or whatever the word de jour is.

In the separate room where the wounded insurgents were held, one patient was heard asking another “These people are so kind. Why are we fighting against them?”

Not every one of them may have a change of heart, but some of them may – and change others themselves.


And others get a drill bit in the head for allowing themselves to be treated by the Infidels, like us…


Surgeon-Captain Richard Tadeusz Jolly OBE (29 October 1946 – 13 January 2018 did the same =
A true hero


Time to leave Afghanistan and learn some lessons. We obviously learned nothing, so continuing the charade is futile, costly, and now embarrassing.

Unless you literally start colonizing the region you won’t change the culture and won’t end fighting especially since it’s coming from another country which has largely escaped the consequences of waging armed conflict because we like to pretend sunshine and farts when it involves Islam.


Oh no you dinit! You did NOT just use the ‘c’ word!
Besides, the muzzies have already got us on the whole colonizing thing, they’re breeders. Have you seen the reports from EU countries when Muhammad (and derivations) have become the number one name for babies! Our compassion is clearly a weakness being exploited for cultural domination by our enemies.


Gray beard has it right
The fight against Militant Islamic Fundamentalism is not only a war of bullets, bombs and drones strikes
The real battlefield in in the minds of the next generation
We are losing that propaganda war
Counter messaging is nearly non existent
The Saudi funded Salafi religious Madrassa schools keep pumping out new terrorists and terrorist sympathizers all over the world
We need to have our moslem allies start a rival worldwide school with a more moderate messge
Otherwise we will lose this endless war