Gregory Salcido on admin leave

| January 30, 2018

This weekend, we released the Kracken on Gregory Salcido, the teacher at El Rancho High School, in Pico Rivera, California who has a very low opinion of members of the military and their parents. If you want to read the transcript, our buddy and TAH alum formerly known as StrikeFO, now the founder of The Duffel Blog, We Are The Mighty and Code Red News did what these old ears can’t and listened to the entire rant and typed it out for you with his own commentary.

The Whittier Daily News says that Salcido has been placed on administrative leave while the school board decides what to do with his ignorant ass. Of course, you are the problem;

The firestorm over expletive-laced remarks against the military made by Salcido continued as security was stepped up at City Hall and the school, and phones rang off the hook at both sites with callers demanding he resign both posts.

Superintendent Karling Aguilera-Fort, school board President Aurora Villon and member Jose Lara, along with Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Capt. Pat Valdez, met with school faculty to discuss safety issues in light of the controversy and how to move forward teaching students.

The school district hasn’t been able to talk to Salcido. I’m not surprised – his email and Facebook has blown up, but you think he’d want to go to a phone booth and call his boss, wouldn’t you?

Salcido, 49, in a text message to this news organization, said he was not conducting any interviews at this time.

“Based on the many hateful, vulgar, and violent threats being made against me and my family, my priority is the emotional and physical health of my wife and son,” he said in the text.

I guess he doesn’t like it when his “hateful, vulgar, and violent threats” are met in kind.

The Pico Rivera city council was quick to release a statement;

“We the elected governing body of the city of Pico Rivera unequivocally disagree and condemn the recent comments made by Councilmember Salcido regarding those individuals who have served or are currently serving in our nation’s military,” according to the statement signed by Mayor Gustavo Camacho and councilmen Bob Archuleta, David Armenta and Brent Tercero.

“The City Council and residents of Pico Rivera are steadfast in the recognition that the contributions by those who have served or are currently serving our country via military service are respected and we are grateful for their service,” they said.

Salcido is becoming a very lonely figure very quickly, but he should be fired from teaching and governing. I don’t often demand that people should be fired, but in this instance, it seems to be the only reasonable solution.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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A Proud Infidel®­™

Atomic Cocksucker.

Craven Moorhead

ONLY of military wang !


You got that right, the dipshyt doesn’t like hateful and vulgar remarks towards him but doesn’t mind doing that to students that can’t tell him to go phuck himself….freaking moronic, liberal, no honor, no integrity PIECE OF SHYT!


Is this a paid vacation?


Common, Sapper3307. Of course he is still getting paid. The local teacher’s union will make sure of that.


And make sure he isn’t fired.

As to how successful they will be. . .


‘Based on the many hateful, vulgar, and violent threats…’

Pot, meet kettle.

Profanity has NO PLACE IN THE CLASSROOM, you moron. You were hired to teach a specific subject, but you failed because you couldn’t keep your big, fat, hatefilled yap shut.

Never once when I was in scool, from 1st through 12th grades, did ANY teacher voice personal opinions on any subject matter.


Absolutely. The subject of his rant is quite irrelevant – there should already be in place rules which prohibit the use of obscenities and profanity by teachers in front of their students. That is what he should be charged with doing.

The subject of his rant personally offends me, of course. The rules may also prohibit his rant against the military. If so, charge him with that as well.

Since he has apparently already been given a pass for an actual assault against a student, it is doubtful that this will be properly punished. However, since lefties seem to think that words are more important than actions, maybe they WILL hold him acountable this time. Not gonna hold my breath.

Bill R.

I heard lots of opinions from my teachers over the years but one in particular stands out. My 5th grade Social Studies Teacher, while we were going over the Pledge of Allegiance, stated that there was no comma between Under God and Indivisible, meaning as long as our nation was under God it was indivisible but if we lost God, all bets were off. 5th grade was a whole lotta years ago but I still remember him saying that.


That, IMO, says it all, Brother.

The country is in the mess it is, because the fear of the Lord is non-existent in a large chunk of our population.

I suspect that we very close to what was happening in the Days of the Judges. When every man did what was right, in his own eyes.

Internal decay could accomplish what no foreign military was ever able to.

The destruction of the Republic.

Only time will tell how this plays out, but I remain hopeful.

Used to be still serving

“god” doesn’t exist. I think it’s quite arrogant to think that if a god did exist it would give two shits about the western world. Considering that the majority of the religious myths are from the middle east. Religion exists to control the masses…

The Other Whitey

So say some. I respectfully disagree.

used to be stillserving

I also respect you belief.

jeff monroe

Say who jerkoff? so just exactly how did you get here?

used to be stillserving

Are you talking to me?


You the free will to choose. How you choose, is your decision.


And if you’re wrong?

used to be stillserving

Then I guess I’ll be in the bad place. I’m pretty confident that when the brain shuts off, we’re done. Of course, no one knows for sure. Like a famous rock singer once said “I’m going have my kicks until the whole shit house goes up in flames.” I do appreciate your concern.


Given that “Under God” wasn’t part of the original pledge, and was added several decades later during the 1950s Red Scare, that’s pretty funny.




My 5th grade teacher told me he was going to “slap the hell out of me” if I didn’t behave. I had it coming.

2/17 Air Cav

Mine, a math lay teacher in a religious school, used to turn his college ring around and nail me on the head with it. I wasn’t grateful. To this day, I’d like to kick him in the nuts for that.


My middle school math teacher Mr. Garguile would have us sing ‘It’s a Grand Old Flag’ after the Pledge each morning.

He did not like it one bit if someone tried to sit during either the pledge or the song.

Strict man, but I respected the hell out of him.


In school, we always sang ‘God Save the Queen ‘in addition to O Canada

Made for a long intro to the day


Was the 2nd verse always in French, or is that a recent change?

Marine 0331

Hah. I had a science teacher do the same. Only he would turn the ring and wrap you at the base of your skull. And my mom and dad were the type that supported teachers and authorities. If I got punished at school, I got it again when I got home. The nuns were asskickers too. Everyone I had could have easily been a Marine DI.

Robert Bruce

You should kick him in the ‘nads for that. He had no right to do that, I don’t care what you did in class. I taught for 20 years, and I rarely even had to raise my voice, and I NEVER used any form of physicality with my students. There is no need if you show them the respect and treat them with the dignity they deserve as people. And they will love and respect you for it. Your teacher was not a teacher: he was a bully who had no place in a classroom.

The Other Whitey

My 4th grade teacher was my (step) grandmother. If I acted up, she’d just whip my ass after school. Then tell my Mom & Dad, who’d whip my ass some more. Plus, she let the whole class know my middle name. My childhood behavioral problems ended quickly in the 4th grade!

Wilted Willy

Amen Ex, I still remember my 10th grade science teacher, Mrs. Grace B Mayfield. She was a WWII vet and used to fly P-38’s over to England from the factory here at home! She gave me my first flying lesson and a wonderful woman! She was partially responsible for me joining the military. I enjoyed her class more than any other, as you can tell. She was such a great teacher, I think her class was the only one I ever got an A+ in? I hope this no load piss pants squeak hole gets a big dry one from Bubba and the gang at the poundemintheass prison!
Fuck this Asshole!


He is probably curled up in corner somewhere sticking pins into a GI Joe doll.

A Proud Infidel®™

Whenever he isn’t picking his nose or sucking his thumb.

2/17 Air Cav

I got a laugh out of the city gov’t’s messages. Days after this story broke and the ire of many good people was raised, the mayor issued a short message distancing himself from the classroom remarks of Salsa/Sausalito/Whatever. A couple of days later (actually, yesterday) the mayor and the city council (excepting our confused boy) issued another, more forceful statement. Makes me think of a railroad engineer running hard to get on the moving locomotive.


The current mayor has two sons who are Army officers on active duty.

Daisy Cutter

He’ll survive this… per his rant, he’s smarter than everyone.


I wonder if Greggy finds it to be a burden to know more about everything than anybody else.


I’ll match my SAT and ACT score, along with my Masters against his BA in History anyday.


I’ll match my AS, BS, BA, MS, GCT/ARI, CV, IQ against his any day. He won’t come in a close second. I truly despise those who benefit from the fruits of the labor of others and the security afforded from same, and have a holier than thou attitude. This guy is no better than any honorable member of the military, past or present, yet lords himself over us. He is truly a pathetic person. I don’t typically wish ill of others, but I’ll make an exception in his case. If he’s permanently canned, how long will his ‘benefits’ last? I’m hoping he has the opportunity to find out.

Just An Old Dog

I’m not that smart but in the right circumstances I’d match my left hook with his smirking face.

Lars Taylor's Narcissism

This is what happens when military members and veterans don’t listen to me, and take my advice based on my superior Berkeley education. If you guys did that, he would have been at awe of your superior knowledge. Thanks to me. But noooooo! You guys want to make fun of me instead!


Gregory Salcido is not an educator, he is a petty tyrant.
Gregory Salcido is finding out that bullies get push-back.
Gregory Salcido is learning that he is not as smart as he thought.
Gregory Salcido is finding out that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Gregory Salcido is not happy when others do to him what he does to his helpless students.
Gregory Salcido is an ASS.

Gregory Salcido is really enjoying his fame.


Just to make sure that my “lowest of the low” ass understands your message, Graybeard:

Gregory Salcido is not an educator, he is a petty tyrant.
Gregory Salcido is finding out that bullies get push-back.
Gregory Salcido is learning that he is not as smart as he thought.
Gregory Salcido is finding out that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Gregory Salcido is not happy when others do to him what he does to his helpless students.
Gregory Salcido is an ASS.

Gregory Salcido is really enjoying his fame.



Roger, HMCS(FMF) ret
Copy 5×5

In addition, I understand that Karma is twisting one off in his squeakhole as we speak.



Speaking of Karma, what was that I read about her the other day?

Oh, Yeah, “Karma is like a big rubber band. You can only stretch her so far until she snaps back and smacks you in the face.”

Sage words.


A Proud Infidel®­™

Just to be sure GB, I copy:

Gregory Salcido is not an educator, he is a petty tyrant.
Gregory Salcido is finding out that bullies get push-back.
Gregory Salcido is learning that he is not as smart as he thought.
Gregory Salcido is finding out that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Gregory Salcido is not happy when others do to him what he does to his helpless students.
Gregory Salcido is an ASS.

Gregory Salcido is really enjoying his fame.

And Gregory Salcido is an Atomic Cocksucker.



I think this creep was the leader of my welcome home air port greeters mob at San Francisco back in 1969 minus the long hair and beard.

The Other Whitey

Haven’t you heard? No returning Vietnam vets were ever harassed by protestors! That’s what the teachers are saying now, so it must be true, right?

I had a teacher try to feed me that line once. I asked him if he would care to tell my mother that she didn’t actually witness a gaggle of filthy hippies shouting obscenities at her older brother when he came home from Vietnam in his USMC greens. Or that she “imagined” my WWII-vet grandfather literally trembling with rage over the insults being hurled at his eldest son, the only time she ever saw him on the verge of violence, with said combat-vet eldest son talking him down in spite of the vitriol being slung his way.

Revisionism is sadly alive and well.




Fucking cowards then, and now they’re just old cowards.

I hope St. Pete turns them away for being yellow.


I happen to be a history teacher, and that is NOT what I teach. I, and all the history teachers I know, teach about how Vietnam vets were treated so badly when they returned. Don’t paint us all with the same brush.


Having been a H.S. English teacher for a grand total of 2 1/2 semesters, thank you for what you do for our kids.

I think there is a tendency to overstate the case. In some localities the loonies are in charge of the asylum, and the kids suffer. In my perception, that is not as common in the Sunny South, at least not outside the major metropolitan areas. (Houston ISD has been damaging students since at least 1956, when I started there, and has become worse with time, IMHO.)

Oh, and good luck with the kids during a Super Blue Blood Moon tomorrow.


No one overtly dissed me when I came home in Oct., 1971, when I flew from SEATAC airport to Phoenix, AZ. But a year or so later, walking down the street wearing greens and my green beanie, in Cambridge, MA, some hippy looking grad student called me a baby-killer. My Army nurse fiancé wanted to slug him, but I wouldn’t let her. I would have slugged him, but I knew I would be the one arrested and in trouble with the 10th Group C.O., so I just ignored him.


Graybeard…you are badmouthing the Kalifornicators again lol

The Other Whitey

One of my cousins is a high school history teacher here in San Diego, and like you, she teaches history, leftist revisionism. But there’s unfortunately plenty of teachers out there who are perfectly happy to perpetuate lies that fit their worldview. You, her, and the other good ones have your work cut out in combating the bullshit.

The Other Whitey

*not* leftist revisionism.

Fucking iPhone.


That makes me ill- wish I could smack every last one of them, for disrespecting our soldiers, their families, and every American! Grrrr


Gregory Salcido must have thought Teachers have the same employment protections as Professors. Salcido hides behind the Constitutional protections that the military swears to defend, then mocks the men and women that are sworn to uphold and defend said Constitution.

This queef created cum bubble is nothing more than a coward that spouts off hateful rhetoric to High School students. He doesn’t have enough equipment in his sack to repeat the same words to a group of Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines…let alone Veterans of those services.

I hope your kid joins the service someday just to rebel against you Gregory Salcido. In fact, I hope he becomes a Flag Officer someday just to shove your nose in your own shitty thought process. I dare you to speak like that to my face Gregory Salcido you craven bastard.


Atkron – “educators”, like GREGORY SALCIDO, have been allowed to use their position in the classroom to run their mouths on their point of view on anything, especially when it comes to the military. The ones that I have met are probably the most ignorant and bigoted people walking.

I’ll give you an example, from one of the school district in my AO. This school district cannot pass a construction bond or operations levy to save its life… and the reason is:

– Teachers/Administrators/school district “lapdogs” constantly belittling the public as “ignorant” or “stupid” when a bond/levy fails to pass
– Financial mismanagement on the part of the district (paying a former superintendent 500K to “resign” and not tell the public does wonders to public support).
– Rampant “blue on blue” harassment in some schools
– Inability to fire poorly performing teachers/employees

The public knows what is going on in their schools, but it seems like it takes an incident like the one involving GREGORY SALCIDO to get them to act.


I know exactly what you mean.

Everett (Wa) School District is trying to get a huge Bond passed this election cycle. Yet, instead of building a new school recently, they built a new Administration Building and hired more overhead instead of putting that money into the classroom.

Had a friend that worked for that district in IT for a short time. He saw Fraud, Waste, and Abuse every single day. New trucks, new tools for the facilities staff.

Yet, year after year we hear the Teachers themselves complain that they have to buy their own supplies, or put out these outrageous school supply lists for parents to fulfill, that include supplies for teachers.

I think these districts need to be audited yearly, poor performing teachers should lose their certifications, and overhead cut.


Over here in Kennewick we hear the same thing. I have to buy supplies, etc. It took me a bit to tie onto the fact that the great big school supply list we bought every year was to not only supply our kids, but to subsidize, other kids or the classroom ready rack of pens, pencils, paper, glue sticks, etc.

Fortunately Mrs Dino and I can do that without too much of a financial strain. There is a part of me though, that is saying WTF!!! My parents bought supplies for their kids (my three brothers and I) and were not expected to supply the classroom…

The Kennewick School District just came out with a levy for operations, equipment, and technology upgrades. My wife and I both voted yes to this. I will continue to vote yes even after the kids have graduated from High School and go on with their lives.

I believe that an educated population provides for a strong nation.

It is disgusting for this teacher to say what he did. Im pretty sure his comments would have just gone over yippie skippy in the old USSR.

Hmmm sugarless gummie bears are an abomination, just like Mr Salcido.


About 40-50 years ago, our public school system abandoned education in favor of idoctrination.




Check that–it started LONG before the last century.

A couple of good reads by John Taylor Gatto, New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991:


Poorly performing administrators should also be cut loose, along with the overhead.
I worked security for a suburban school district for 9 years. The administrative overhead was truly a G.O.B.* network. There were 3 assistant principals and one principal in the high school. Only 3 grades, 10th, 11th and 12th. There was a principal and an assistant principle in the Freshman Center. And each of the two middle schools had the same setup. 6 assistant principles and 4 principals. Each elementary was similarly overloaded at the top. And, the salaries for those at the top were, shall we say, “generous”.
*G.O.B.=Good Old Boy

A Proud Infidel®™

One always sees the Bubba System in each and every public school system no matter where you go. Teachers who care get run through the wringer while if an administrator or bureaucrat is pals with the right people, he can be as incompetent as he wishes.


It is even worse in the colleges and universities.


Here’s one that will piss you off – one of the local primary school principals was caught one day last school year checking out FB profiles of prospective teachers. One was of a teacher in another state that spent her free time as a bikini model – and he was doing the perusing with his phone on the district’s wifi – during the school day!

The district reassigned him to another school as “punishment”




Karma is a bitch


And she has GPS. She WILL find you

The Other Whitey

Couldn’t happen to a nicer asshole.

RGR 4-78

Every time I see his picture at the top, I can’t help but think he is constipated to the point of impaction.


I wonder if DB’s Bunghole will come back as Zombie DB’s Bunghole….

Commissioner Wretched

He picks now to not make any comments? He should have made that choice before the whole thing started. Too little too late, there, Greggy-boi.




Ahem, 12,500 + and closing in on 13,000
Choke on a GORILLA COCK, Greggy.
They grab a fan belt to bite on, we’re GOING IN DRY





Prepare to DORK.


























The latest from GREGORY SALCIDO (NSFW):






I just lost my burrito

😂 🤣 😅 😜


Musta gotten sucked into the vacuous cavern of blackness that is GREGORY SALCIDO’S RECTUM.
/nearly killed em’
😀 😀


He needs Bradley Manning to hold him in a rocking chair.

Little bitch!

chooee lee

Tell you what to do with him. Then throw his ass on the compost pile.

Perry Gaskill

Paul Szoldra at Code Red did a good job with the transcription and commentary. There might be a very minor fact error in how Salcido’s rant was recorded, but it’s no big thing. According to some reports, the mother of the student who made the recording was the one who caused it to go public. Her son was a friend of the kid getting ragged on for wearing the Marine Corps sweatshirt.

It seems to me a big difference between reading the entire Salcido transcript, and snippets such as the those in the Whittier News, is that what Salcido was saying wasn’t a minor verbal slip. Perhaps because he was having a bad day. It was an extended moonbat rant that he made a kid sit through because he could. It was Salcido’s world view, and the same kind of thing a religious cult leader might do to single out somebody for shunning. And for the same reason.

Sometimes what happens in these situations is that, because of the union involved, people like Salcido get shoved into an administrative slot where they push paper for the rest of their career. This is because they can’t be trusted with students. What’s also going to be interesting is what happens at the next Pico Rivera City Council meeting when Salcido meets some pro-military citizens, not captive students, willing to get in his face.


I think StrikeFO did an awesome job. Amazing that Salcedo got all of that from one single t-shirt.

Regarding electricity, I scanned one hell of a lot of rural Afghanistan while I was there. Almost every single mud hut had a satellite dish.


“Based on the many hateful, vulgar, and violent threats being made against me and my family, my priority is the emotional and physical health of my wife and son,” he said in the text.

BULLSHIT. This little bitch is hiding in a corner, waiting it out while trying to make people think he’s actually protecting his family from all the horrible people out there. He’s a coward, not a protector.

I can’t wait to hear his half-assed apology. I bet it’s full of redirected blame and ‘poor me’ statements.


His ‘apology’ will be woe is me bullshit.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

Figures he’s hiding behind a skirt and his kid ?
what a wuss ! NO SYMPATHY…
TERMINATE this useless bag of bones and let him explain to his family why, also make him do a public apology to all who have ever served and are still serving….make this arrogant snot sheithead eat some humble pie


I’ m sure the teacher’s union told The Asshat, “just take your ‘admin’ vacation’, keep quiet and come back when the shit storm subsides. You have tenure, you’re golden”.


I was not aware that Teachers had tenure, I thought that was a College level thing so a Professor could speak freely without fear of reprisal from the college administration.

After all, Professors are supposed to engage their students in the free exchange of ideas. K-12 teachers are there to teach students the basics.


Our teachers in Michigan do. Takes 5 years under the original act to achieve tenure, but once they do, teachers were pretty much untouchable, except for criminal offenses.


I was doing a little googling of Mr. Salcido and discovered a restaurant that had a sandwich called “The Mayor”, named in honor of this esteemed teacher and community leader. I sent them a nice email, asking they reconsider their naming. I received this reply:

“Thank you for your email regarding our menu item. We 100% support our military servicemen and women and DO NOT, in any way, support Mr. Salcido’s stance or his comments made public from his classroom. We will remove that item from our menu immediately. Thank you for your support. “

Marco C. Zapien
Zapien’s Salsa Grill

I was very happily surprised and my thanks go out to Mr. Zapien!


Well done!


And, the school board has announced that they’ll be having a special meeting tonight, to discuss hiring legal counsel. From the article announcing the meeting, “The meeting was announced as the district faces controversy over a recording of El Rancho High School teacher Gregory Salcido disparaging military members while teaching, including calling them the “lowest of the low.” District representatives did not respond to requests for comment about whether the meeting is in response to Salcido’s conduct.
The only item on the open session agenda is to appoint the law firm Garcia Hernández Sawhney to provide legal counsel. The board will then adjourn to closed session, where it will consult with legal counsel.”


Looks like the School Board is looking for a fast way to distance themselves from this shitstorm by firing GREGORY SALCIDO.

Better get that resume updated, GREGORY SALCIDO… you’ll need it!

A Proud Infidel®™

Like one of my former Bosses said “McDonald’s is ALWAYS hiring!”, maybe Gregory Salcido needs to rehearse saying “Would you like fries and a hot apple pie with that?”.


Too bad his teaching credentials aren’t being yanked.

Dave Ross

I’m surprised that, in this day and age, nobody is addressing his disparaging remarks about South/ Central and Far Eastern Asians. Just saying.


No mystery there. He’s a lefty. It’s OK for lefties to be racists and make disparaging remarks about anyone, because, you know, he’s one of the special people who can be that kind of evil with impunity. Yes, he seriously expects the rest of us to recognize his special status and to reward his hypocrisy.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, Gregory Salcido is a left wing moonbat “Person of Tolerance” who handily demonstrates that liberalism is a mental disorder.


Well dip me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians! I even sent the owner a thank you.


Cthulhu is not pleased.


The Other Whitey

I believe he meant “Kraken.”


The Ancient Ones will awaken!


The Kraken Cometh!!

Enjoy infamy, Gregory Salcido. You brought it on yourself.


Does it have a daughter?


Holy. Fucking. SHIIT.
That took me a moment to process.



If it does, would you hit her?


THAT is what crawls out of one’s ass after eating sushi

The Al

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu f’htagn!


Laughing boy’s smiling face was on national Fox News last night. My the lad has gone far!


Literally if this was said about any other group in America minus white christian gun owners they’d have canned his ass ASAP.

As for these pussies that talk tough, then when they get the heat for it to try to play the victim is rich.

Hopefully this scumfuck’s life is ruined. He’s a scumfuck and deserves it.


” … the many hateful, vulgar, and violent threats … ”

Really, Gregory Salcido?

You were hateful, vulgar, and although not making violent threats to that student, you were definitely bullying him. But, that was ok because it was coming from you, but it’s not ok when coming toward you?

You should have engaged your brain before opening your pie-hole, cabron.

And do some reading besides the DU or Atzlan propaganda.

Carlton G. Long

What is weird is that unlike so many snowflakes, in the pic above, he actually looks like a soldier – even a hard-charging one at that. But once he speaks, the snowflake comes gushing out.


I know. Compare it to Mikey Whinesteam above and the two have a similar “want” about them. A “longing” if you will.

A Proud Infidel®™

I hope the both of them burst into flames the next time they take a shit.


Originally posted by Jonn Lilyea:

If you want to read the transcript, our buddy and TAH alum formerly known as StrikeFO, now the founder of The Duffel Blog, We Are The Mighty and Code Red News did what these old ears can’t and listened to the entire rant and typed it out for you with his own commentary.

Jumped over to the page, and read the rebuttal. He played patty cake with Gregory Salcido, councilman for Pico Rivera, and employed by El Rancho High School, and the district that it’s a part of.

Gregory Salcido was not only inaccurate about members of the military, he was inaccurate with our outcome in Vietnam and Iraq.

I’m going to rebut him with my own style of rebuttal so that he gets additional Google fame, and lose whatever credibility he might have left by the time I post it.


I might post my reply in sections, as articles. 😀


Bye, Felicia

E4 Mafia For Life.

An educator’s profession is to teach a subject matter objectively, not to inject their world view or verbal diarrhea.
Sure enough, my younger daughter came home from school last week (senior year of HS) and her “History teacher” stated that they were going to learn about a bunch of “old dead white guys.”
Typical wretched old hag libtard.
My older daughter is in college, is an Army Combat Medic (National Guard) and has had to restrain herself from going postal on the indoctrinators at the university/re-education camp.
My wife has taught for 28 years (K-3) and is only 1 of 3 conservatives at her school.
May Gregory Salcido live forever. May he be blind and in excruciating pain. May he never sleep.

A Proud Infidel®™

Three things one wishes upon scumbags like Gregory Salcido: insomnia,immobility and immortality all at once.


Add in itchy balls and it’s perfect

A Proud Infidel®™

Just like I wish for him to have sneezing fits with explosive diarrhea while he’s out in public or speaking at a podium.


WHOA!!! DUDE, tha’s just mean.


Yep Salcido. You are so intellectually superior to military people. That’s why you are hiding behind your family hoping no one beats your ass. Has MENSA called yet?


MENSA called – Gregory Slacio never qualified for membership.



Fat fingered that.

Drag Racing Maniac

…try again…


blast it. I didn’t even catch it the 2nd time.


Heavy Chevy can make a spot for him in MESNA


Originally posted by JURRASICHM:

Yep Salcido. You are so intellectually superior to military people. That’s why you are hiding behind your family hoping no one beats your ass. Has MENSA called yet?

Gregory Salcido, councilman for Pico Rivera, employed as a teacher for El Rancho High School, said something about military folk having “0.0” GPAs. I graduated Summa Coum Laude for my masters, and Magna Cum Laude for my bachelors. You need more than a “0.0” GPA for that. 🙄

Cheese Eater McBlobfish

That’s MESNA!

Dennis Howard Chevalier
Denny H. Chevalier


Annnnnnnnnnnddd we’ve hit 13,000 and turned the corner…..
14,000 by the end of the day?

Bitch has become Internet and national news famous.

My, My, My

Loved the final Sentence from Code Red.

A Proud Infidel®™

Gregory Salcido STILL looks like he always goes through life with a dozen corncobs up his ass sideways. I wonder if that school board is really wanting to do anything with him, or is that “Administrative Leave” just a way of them shuffling that Atomic Queef known as Gregory Salcido to the side until they think the heat is off and they’ll put that little shit right back in the classroom?


Can anybody tell me who this Kent Morrison jackass is on the FB comments? Demanding Jonn apologize for something? He strikes me as a beer or 3 short of a 6 pack


Was just about to comment on that myself. Jonn, did you piss in his Cheerios?

A Proud Infidel®™

He could be some poser or embellisher previously busted on TAH and/or other sites and IMHO he’s at least five cans short of a sixpack!


From his GoFundMe page (don’t read if you just had breakfast):

“Mr. Salcido has positively impacted many students lives and he still continues to. Salcido has always supported his students and believed in them when other people didn’t. Gregory Salcido is an astounding teacher that’s should not have his life turned upside due to him using his 1st amendment right. Out of all the educators at El Rancho High school he is the one that goes above and beyond. Residents, students, and parents show the media and the world that we care. My name is Raymond Flores and I am from Santa Fe Springs.My relationship is public and I am concerned how many people are getting into a frenzy, calling for deportation, death, assault and General hatred of Gregory Salcido. The attention Gregory Salcido has caused is worldwide and I and others feel that he has an unfair disadvantage to explain his side of the story with so many jumping to conclusions and making fake social media profiles to further discredit his character.The funds will be given to Mr Salcido himself/ or a charity of his choice (god willing) and me will contact him through Social media, email, etc. I understand that legal bills pile up and gets expensive, but my point is to show appreciation and General concern for Mr. Salcido as he has with us and so many former students. I and others have learned so much and patiently wait to see how this situation plays out”

A Proud Infidel®™

He whipped out the Victim Card®™ in no time at all!

2/17 Air Cav

HMCA(FMF): What a scream! Here’s the link. I see that $5 has been promised by Ura Douchebag, Eat Shitanddie, and EatA BagODicks.


And they have a goal of 1K… how many laywers are gonna jump all over that case?


Sorry, I didn’t see your post until after I posted mine.

Hey, it’s still funny as hell and worth a repost.
😀 😀 😀


Alright which ones of you fuckers you are these “contributors?”

Ura Douchbag – $5
EatA BagODicks – $5
Eat Shitanddie – $5


I’m tempted.

2/17 Air Cav

It’s just too bad the minimum donation is $5, but it is. Can you imagine what fun we could have with a .01 or .10 donation?


Yeah, I’d love to leave some love from “Karma Izabitch” and “Mensa Rejectsyou” but not enough to spend my lunch money on him.


That is so poorly written, it is perfect in its representation of the intelligence of Gregory Salcido and his groupies.

Just wondering, does GoFundMe allow 2-cent level contributions. I certainly wouldn’t want to drop a solid fiver on him.


Could it be someone that’s not related to this fiasco, who’s attempting to make some money while it’s ongoing? 😐

The Stranger

In this case, I hope so. That way Salcido gets no benefit.

Stephen DeSantis

I think this guy would do well to read the book “Citizen Soldiers” by Stephen Ambrose. He might learn what those “lowest of the low” did to sacrifice in order to save the free world from NAZI tyranny. It would mean he would have to pull his head out of his ass long enough to read it. Might do him some good. My father was lucky to return. His brother, my uncle wasn’t. It’s a sad situation that he is teaching our next generation.

A Proud Infidel®™

I have that book in my collection, VERY good reading!

2/17 Air Cav

Decastro, Ortega, Barkeley, Bazar, Silva, J. Martinez, Davila, Adams, Garcia, Lopez, Valdez, C. Rodriguez, Perez, Herrera, Villegas, Gonsalves, Gonzalez, Ruiz, Lopez, Obregon, J. Rodriguez, Hernandez, Gomez, B. Martinez, Garcia, Guillen, Versace, Fernando, Rascon, Rubio, Yabes, Lozada, Gonzalez, Vargas, Benevidez, Santiago-Colon, Jimenez, Dias, Baca, DeLaGarza, Keith, and Rocco.

Those are the names of Latino CMOH recipients, courtesy of the “Home of Heroes.” I wonder if Salsa/Sausalito/Whatever has heard or read about any one of them. There are many others with Hispanic surnames. I’m not sure how the Home of Heroes list was decided.


Since when is a BA in History something to lord over others…it’s akin to AA degree in my eyes…get an advanced degree in History, and we’ll talk Greggy.

Or better yet, get a BS in Engineering or physics.


Yeah, my sister has a masters (which she never fails to tell people about) in European history.. and she works in retail… not such a good choice for her… though she does seem to get plenty of time off to march in her pussy hat… lol

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember a certain UC Berzerkely type who used to bawl about how his ex-girlfriend couldn’t find a decent paying job with a PhD in Chinese Politics.


Yep, i think it’s funny as hell.. it’s been over two years since I called her anything other than “The Master”… not sure i even remember her name… lol… she is totally convinced of her superiority, and can’t understand why us heathens don’t bow to her greatness..


I’d love to see a few hundred former USMC, US Army, Navy or Coasties stand outside the school and tell the students what their military experience did for them , and that they went on to be successful people. I am from that area of Southern California and I know there are many many former USMC-Navy vets who came from those public schools by the thousands over the years. Never lost respect for those straightened out, tough and proud latino Marine corporals going home to Pico Rivera, downtown L.A. etc on leave making their parents and neighborhood proud.
This crap weasel teacher needs to be put in the rubber room and not let around students. Maybe a “guest” for 3 weeks in USMC boot camp at MCRD will tighten his act up CAPT “Bones” USN (ret)

A Proud Infidel®™

Would Gregory Salcido even last the first five minutes without pissing his pants and fainting?


Gregory Salcido, councilman for Pico Rivera, employed as teacher for El Rancho High School has a steadily growing, and evolving Wikipedia page dedicated to him. Given the actions that his associates are taking related to him, it’s best that Gregory Salcido resign his positions and accompany that with a speech holding himself accountable for his actions, an apology to the students, the community, the military, and to the nation, etc.

This doesn’t appear to be going anywhere, now with people from the Pentagon and White House voicing their opinions about Gregory Salcido and his nonsense.

Resign his positions, or wait till his colleagues, and community, toss him like a toxic hot potato? 🙄

2/17 Air Cav

John Kelly, Retired USMC General and current Trump chief of staff, was asked about Salsa/Sausalito/Whatever. Said Kelly, “Well, I think the guy should go to hell.” So much for mincing words.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ain’t it great to have no-bullshit adults at the helm again versus the Candyasses they replaced who would stand at a podium rocking back and forth on their heels with their hands in their pockets like they’re playing pocket pool?


I found some interesting things about the Pico Rivera, CA, school system in the way of salaries. To hit a higher pay rating, you have to have the BA or BS plus graduate work. And Salcido doesn’t seem to have that. The salaries really aren’t much more than teachers get in my area, either.

But what I found interesting is that his attitude is so biased toward anyone who isn’t HIM, he forgets a few things: the trades pay better, by a long shot.
I ran some errands this afternoon, stopping on the way at a state Labor Dept billboard that lists hourly wages for specific skillsets. Equipment operators, for intsance, get $38.50/hr, less taxes, health care cvg, and a few other things. There are road and bridge repairs going on now, which is why that notice is posted.
And since those guys work a 40-hour week on these projects, $38.50/hr is nothing to sneeze at. It’s about $80,000/yr +/- down time. So someone who runs something like a cement truck or the asphalt layer makes a better living than this snot-nosed wise guy who thinks he’s so much better than the rest of us.

His opinions are worthless, unrelated to reality, and his classroom profanity should have gotten him fired on the spot. He’s entitle to his opinion, but it doesn’t mean he has to inflict it on students. Apparently, they don’t like him, either.

3/17 Air Cav

His councilman gig pays him approximately 15,000.00 annually including benefits. I’m not sure when his term is up, but I’m pretty sure he won’t be re-elected.

A Proud Infidel®™

He only works in Local Government jobs which kinda says to me that he’s either too incompetent, too much of an asswipe or afraid of trying to make it in the private sector.



The GoFuckMe account is closed at $240

2/17 Air Cav

You’ll love this. The El Rancho School Board held a special meeting last evening for the limited purpose of hiring lawyers to deal with Salsa/Sausalito/Whatever. That was the only agenda item. Nevertheless, some 150 people, some carry Old Glory and others in military uniform, wearing Vet ball caps, or displaying the USMC globe and anchor showed up. Evidently, the city attys can’t help with dealing with the problem due to a conflict of interest. So, that’s why the outside counsel is being retained. It’s not for the wayward teacher’s benefit.


The statement that GREGORY SALCIDO is dreading to hear from the School Board (NSFW):


That is so funny.
Even my useless basement dwelling nephew was able to raise more than that.

3/17 Air Cav

Go to his twitter account, as he spars with his detractors, he states “I don’t like Niggers either”

Personally, I detest that word as much or more than any other!

3/17 Air Cav

If you checkout his twitter account, Salcido spars with his detractors. As he does this he mentions that he “doesn’t like niggers either”

I detest that word!

3/17 Air Cav

Sorry for the duplicate post, I thought the first one got lost!