Arnold LePotvin, phony Vietnam vet turns over phony finery

| January 30, 2018

We discussed Arnold LePotvin last week when we discovered that, despite his claims, he hadn’t served in Vietnam with 82d Airborne Division, or in Cypress with the United Nations Special Forces. The Observer reports that he handed over his phony finery to veterans in Sarnia;

Sarnia veterans Bill Majovsky and Les Jones said Arnold LePotvin gave them the medals when they visited the man recently asking questions about his claim to have fought in Vietnam in the 1960s after enlisting at age 17 in the U.S. Army.

But, LePotvin said he was “forced” to hand over the medals.

“I didn’t want to but unfortunately I was threatened and I didn’t appreciate it,” he said.

“They were going to do this and do that, and I just said, ‘No, I’ve had it.’”

Jones and Majovksy deny LePotvin was forced to hand over the medals.

“He was never threatened,” Jones said.

“We told him he should give them up, and do the right thing.”

Majovsky added, “We specifically asked him if he was volunteering to hand over his medals so he couldn’t come back on us for any reason.”

Majovsky and Jones are both veterans of the Canadian military, and Jones is a retired Sarnia police officer. They said the medals will be returned to the military.

Yeah, LaPotkin isn’t going quietly into that great good night.

Asked about the claims his medals were displayed incorrectly, LePotvin said, “I had my medals mounted by a professional, that’s all I got to say to that.”

To the claims he never served in the U.S. Army, LePotvin said, “Well, that’s wrong.”

He added, “I’ve got a few people in town who are out to get me and, frankly, I’m sick and tired of it.”

Because school janitors have so many enemies.

Someone who knows Arnold really well, disputes his claims, along with the NPRC;

Sarnia’s Ronnie Askin said she is a close relative of LePotvin who was raised, as a sister, with him in the same home in Sarnia.

“I know him very, very well,” she said.

“He’s never, ever been in the service.”

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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I truly wonder if these assholes live the lie so long, they start to believe it’s real.


Yeah, if those were medals I had EARNED then they would have had to fight me for them. This guy is apparently working from the Bernath playbook. Lie and then when caught, lie some more.


I’ve got a modest stack…mainly a bunch of participation awards and a couple personals. None for valor or ‘fearless intrepidity’…but they are MINE. I’ll fight a bitch for them.


Same here. I don’t have any kind of medals for valor, but what I do have, I earned. Only someone who didn’t earn them would hand them over.


Ditto: I have nothing for bravery. Have the usual geedunk, passing through stuff. One Navy Achievement. Five good conduct, etc., etc. Ain’t nobody getting any that I earned, regardless of any ‘misunderstanding’ or whatever.
And, no, a ‘professional’ didn’t mount them. Anyone can go to Google and see exactly how they should be displayed. These toads piss me off. I’m assuming whomever it is in town who is out to get him improperly mounted the medals and forced him to wear same. Toad


I have one, can’t mount it wrong!

Just An Old Dog

“working from the Bernath playbook.”

Unfortunately for him he will now never get that copy signed.


Someone raised in the same household as LePotvin as a sister and knows him well, says ‘he’s full of hot air’.

And none of this is his fault. He was forced into it. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Okay, next!!!


Is that “Arnold LePotvin” or “Arnold Le Pot-head”?

Arnold the pothead LePotvin – dude, get some ventilation in that closet where you store those cleaning supplies, the fumes have damaged what little gray matter you have left.

2/17 Air Cav

It’s that time again…

Slick Goodlin

Classic scene, that’s the way it should be done, but don’t forget…Chuck Conners really was innocent!

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, it’s best played (after the instrumental intro) with no sound because of that. The lyrics say he’s innocent (unlike out TAH targets) but I use it once in a while for the ceremony of disgrace.

Wilted Willy

Another phony lying sack of shit! I think some of these mental midgets rock the lies for so long that they actually start believing their own bullshit? I think that is the case with my own pos brother, David “Doc” Shrum! I am certain his poor wife thinks he is a real deal war hero, but you would think she would wonder a little bit when he regales about all of his killer missions and having his arm blown off, etc, etc,etc and yet he doesn’t have a single scar on his entire body? I’m pretty sure she would have had to see him neekid at some point in their relationship? I just pray someday he will get his just rewards!!!


Well, see, that arm that got blowwwnnn off, sir! was reattached by a space alien large animal vet whose expertise is reattaching things like that. And all the scars are on the inside, of course. Helluva veterinarian, too.

Specializes in marsupial hominid medicine.

Guard Bum

So from what I understand, I can add a few doodads to my fruit salad as long as I have them professionally mounted. Good to know.

Combat Historian

These liars have so much invested in their lies that they will take their lies to their graves, where they will lie with their lies forever…

2/17 Air Cav

“I’ve got a few people in town who are out to get me and, frankly, I’m sick and tired of it.”

Gee Arnold, don’t sell yourself short. There are more than a few people who would like you to get your comeuppance and most are not town folk. Hell, they’re not even from Canadia.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

At least he’s not from the Sun Shine state. Eh.


Plenty of Snow Birds from Quebec end up in Brevard County…their driving is shit.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Atkron; I’m in Palm Beach County and when I go on the road, you catch the Montreal, Quebec and Ontario plates on the cars plus some of the Northern NY, Mass.,Etc., I’ts an adventure just going to the barber shop. The influx is great for Florida’s economy though and the Gov. was looking to make a deal with Canada to extend their Snow Bird time down here.


Purple Heart before the Silver Star?

Mounted ‘professionally’….you betcha.

Arnold LePotvin is a greasy low-life bastard.

2/17 Air Cav

Professionally to clowns like this guy mean they paid themselves a quarter to do the job. It’s akin to the late (but early to land) D. Bernath who was able to ridiculously justify every one of his bizarro claims.


Bernath’s foolishness eventually took him to the exact scene of the crash. I have my own beliefs re the ‘accident’ but so does everyone else.


All those out of work tailor shops along Rosecrans Avenue in SD, and not one of them could help?

And yeah, I had mine mounted, and wore them all of maybe 3 times.


When I made Chief I bought and had tailored a set of choker whites. Man, I think the out the door price was over $200. NEVER wore them the remaining 7 years I was in the Navy. Not one time.


I’ll bet they pissed in his Molson’s.

Green Thumb

A totally “Phildoiscal” dude.


He is a retard.

A Proud Infidel®­™

Another Golden Corral Assault Commando is held up to the light.

A Proud Infidel®™

Arnold LePotvin, the most badass broom-pusher and mop-slinger in his town.


Yup, no one sprinkles those wood chips on vomit and urine quite like him