Mort Walker passes

| January 28, 2018

Today we get the sad news that Mort Walker, the creator of the iconic Beetle Bailey comic strip has passed at the age of 94.

Like most of his generation, he was a veteran, according to Wiki;

In 1943, Walker was drafted into the United States Army and served in Italy, where he was an intelligence and investigating officer and was also in charge of an Allied camp for 10,000 German POWs. After the war he was posted to Italy where he was in charge of an Italian guard company. He was discharged as a first lieutenant in 1947.

Category: We Remember

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Doc Savage

God Bless, Mort…..thanks for your service and the laughs.

Green Thumb

Well said.

A Proud Infidel®™

Thank you Sir, Rest In Peace.


We have all met every one of his characters at some point in our military service.
Some of them are still serving.
R.I.P. Mort

2/17 Air Cav

Here’s the cartoon, episode #1, from 1963.


Such a gift he gave to us all. Thank you, Mr. Walker, for your service and for sharing your talent with us.

Rest now in peace.


RIP Soldier. Thanks for the laughs.

Combat Historian

Burial will be at the Camp Swampy National Cemetary…


Wilted Willy

May God Bless you Mort!


Vaya con Dios, 1LT Mort Walker. Many thanks.


Thanks, Mort… spent many Sunday mornings reading about Beetle and the gang.


Rest in Peace, Mr. Walker. I enjoyed all those comic strips, every one of them.


Rest in peace Mr. Walker. I never missed one of your comics. My father read them all his life.


Fair winds and following seas, Mr. Walker; thanks for your service in and out of uniform.


Everything I know about the Army, I learned from Beetle Bailey, and Sad Sack. RIP Mr Walker


Hopefully someone doens’t take over his cartoon and make it liberal. I could see them having a transexual and homosexual character if that happens.


Looks like two of his sons will keep Camp Swampy operational. They have worked w/ their dad for decades. RIP Mort.


Beetle has achieved ultimate slack, on the indefinite 3-day pass.


….And the original godfather of the E-4 Mafia.


Rest In Peace, LT.

RGR 4-78

Rest in Peace.