Grassroots lobbying

| February 9, 2009

Obama has apparently pegged his reputation to the passage of this stimulus bill – that’s fine, because when it’s all said and done, he’d better be able to stand the criticism for the failure. But, he’s in Indiana today doing what he does best – campaigning for himself;

We’ve had a good debate. Now it’s time to act,” Mr. Obama siad. “That’s why I am calling on Congress to pass this bill immediately.

That’s like saying that “after we have a trial, we’re going to have a good hangin'”, doesn’t it? The media made sure that the only news came out of this was the President’s scare-language. How many have seen the media report the CBO findings that the stimulus will have the effect of slowing growth? Do a Google search – I found it mentioned once somewhere besides the Washington Times. In in one of US News and World Reports blogs.

It’s almost as if the media wants Obama to fail by letting this bill pass.

The defeatist language isn’t impressing people either. From Frank Luntz, quoted in the Washington Times;

“Mr. Hope has to be careful not to become Dr. Doom,” said Frank Luntz[…]

“The danger for him is using the Jimmy Carter malaise rhetoric, particularly for Mr. Obama, who was elected because people thought he was the solution. There’s only so much negativity they will tolerate from him before they will feel betrayed.”

The grace of Gerald Ford coupled with Jimmy Carter’s doom and gloom malaise rhetoric – a one-term strategy.

Added: Video of the noggin knockin’ at Gateway Pundit.
Count on Treacher to add Benny Hill effects.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy, Liberals suck, Politics

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Adirondack Patriot

Klutz. Spazz. Doofus.

The media should make sure that these words are in their spell-check for the next four years.


OMG, he did a Jerry Ford…. LOL, the most divine president ever is just a doofus.


“Mr. Hope has to be careful not to become Dr. Doom,” said Frank Luntz

Zero is fear mongering big-time and doing something he promised he wouldn’t do, a typical “do as I say, not as I do” duplicitous lefty.


…quick, someone send him a bag of pretzels!


I guess I miss the references. How is he pulling a Carter or a Ford?


I guess I miss the references. How is he pulling a Carter or a Ford?

It makes me feel old to say this, but judging from your username, you probably never saw the SNL with their original cast (John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase, Jane Curtin, Garrett Morris, Laraine Newman and last but not least, the great and late Gilda Radner. It was Chevy Chase that did the President Gerald Ford skits, playing up Ford’s supposed clumsiness (Obama bumping his head on the helicopter). Chevy Chase got hurt on a skit while doing a fall down the steps! Ahhh, those were the days of great comedy from SNL.

The Carter part is how the “One” is very much like him, they both are good at emphasizing rhetoric and empty promises which prove to be ineffective once in power. It did get them both into power though, but it didn’t take long to find out how inept they were.


SNL used to do great spoofs of Ford, who was known for his physical clumsiness.


#7 Defend, but he was wicked accurate with a golf ball. Gerry was my congressman for years. What great people they were, and still are.