Venezuela: Maduro Raises Minimum Wage by 40 Percent

| January 4, 2018


“We have good news regarding the protection and stability of all the workers,” said Maduro in a televised address. “I am announcing the rise of the national minimum wage by 40 percent for all our doctors and public sector workers.”

Breitbart is reporting the Venezuelan socialist dictator has raised the minimum wage for the seventh time in order to fight back at a claimed “economic war” against the US and other Western powers aligned against his regime.

The latest raise will bring a basic salary of 248,510 bolivares to working Venezuelans, or about $2.02 USD per month. A food ticket increase worth 549,000 bolivars will bring the total monthly income to around $6.48 USD.

These hikes will likely only exacerbate the country’s stunning inflation rate by continuing to devalue its currency.

“According to latest figures, inflation rose by a staggering 1,369 percent between January and November last year. The figures were only released by the country’s opposition, as the Maduro regime refuses to publish them.”

The country faces hyperinflation, defaulted debts, and US and EU sanctions aimed at the country’s state run oil company and a number of government officials. The country is planning to launch a new currency, the “Petro” based on its natural oil and mineral reserves.

These resources are worthless while they’re in the ground, and will be extracted by the Venezuelan government, so I don’t expect the Petro to go very far. Seems to me they’ve run out of other people’s money- are you listening, California?

Category: Government Incompetence

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Good news, Comrade! We have multiplied your worthless income by 40%, but it is still worthless and you will starve to death.


Bet it still can’t buy TP – well maybe the super abrasive John Wayne military issued stuff.

The Other Whitney

I thought asswipe was all the bolivar is good for. Not for purchasing, mind you, but for wiping your ass with it.

Pinto Nag

Well…he’s probably doing the right thing by paying the doctors. I have a feeling they’ll need every one they have, and very soon.


Maduro should immediately stop listening to Kim Jong Il’s self-help audiobook

The Other Whitey

But he’s so ronery!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Too bad he can’t up the available food quantities to keep those folks from killing every dog and housecat in the country.


No country will take his money for their products.


don’t forget the zoo animals…and the possible cannibalism…


Isn’t Venezuela supposed to be a workers’ paradise? They seem to be running out of other people’s money. Hyperinflation like Germany? That didn’t turn out well.

RGR 4-78

A suitcase full of Bolivares and you still can’t afford a loaf of bread.

A Proud Infidel®™

I heard you need at least a wheelbarrow full of Bolivares to buy a loaf of bread and that’s ONLY IF the local store has any.

RGR 4-78

You would need a tri-axle dump truck full for a hooker and a couple of industrial strength condoms.


Reading the above, an old dark-humor joke that was reputedly popular among 1970s Soviet citizens regarding their economic issues comes to mind:

“They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work.”


From the jolly ol DDR,
Q: What would happen if the Western Sahara became a Socialist state?
A: For a long time, nothing. Then, there would be a sand shortage.


I heard another from then-Communist Poland:

After waiting all day in line for some meat, by the time he got to the counter a man was told they were out. He was furious.

“This is terrible! Things were never this bad under Stalin!” He spent several very loud minutes expressing his displeasure until being escorted out of the shop. One friendly KGB agent tried to give him some advice. “Be careful comrade; back in the day if you complained like that…” and pantomimed a gun to the back of his head.

When the man got home (without any meat) his wife asked “What’s wrong? Are they out of meat?” The man replied “Worse. They’re out of bullets.”

Reverend Pointy Head

Even if the bolivar was worth anything it’s kind of pointless to have extra money when there is nothing on the shelves to buy.

A Proud Infidel®™

Gee whiz, it sounds like Maduro is even more stupid and worthless than Bernie and Fauxcahontas combined. BTW, I heard it’s SO COLD outside that Elizabeth Warren has started pretending to be an Eskimo!


Germany, and the Weimar Republic all over again. Zehn Millarden Mark notes worth about $.05 American.

Yeah, good luck with that, Maduro, you imbecile.


Zimbabwe, more likely.

Their inflation was so bad they printed up to $100 trillion bills!


Makes me miss the good ole’ days of Rhodesia. Salisbury was the nicest city in the entire Sub-Saharan shithole.


To Maduro,
Pls tell Justin Turd-eau that stupid minimum wage hikes do nothing. That fairy POS hasn’t grasped the concept.

Virtual Insanity

Copilot: “We’re in a nose dive!!”

Pilot: “We should apply more power!!”

The Stranger

Sounds like a graduate of the Daniel Bernath School of Aeronautics!


Raising wages always cures hyper inflation. It worked wonders for us.
Robert Mugabe, President for Life Zimbabwe

Rosalee Adams

Must make Sean Penn’s day………


Remember all those libidiots that promised to leave the country when #PresidentTrump was elected ???
They’re still here…
Why don’t they come to their senses and move to venezuela where they can be with people that think just like them ???


You walk into the grocery store and there is a roll of TP and a Turnip on the shelve. You only have enough Petro’s for one. Which do you buy?

The TP. You can eat toilet paper but you can’t wipe your ass with a turnip.

The Stranger

Ok, I don’t know if this meets the requirements, but I herby move to present Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro with the Wall of Insults™️©️®️. Can I get a Second?

Also, if at all possible add the following:
Cagado mojado
Hijo de su rechingada Madero’s

Thank you and muchas gracias!

The Stranger

Dammit, the last should be “Madre”

E4 Mafia For Life.

Looks like the photographer caught Maduro trying to explain to the waiter he wanted a cock meat sandwich.


“Every people has the government they deserve”.

I forgot who’s quote this is.


Waitaminute! Something is missing on this thread….

Got it. No one marx-splained to us how Venezuela had -too much- capitalism, they didn’t do Socialism right, it wasn’t -really- Socialism, and that if done right by the right leaders blah blah blah….

Poor bastards. They -voted- for what they are getting.