Thanksgiving Guest post from MCPO

| November 23, 2017

The Master Chief sends us this instructional video for Thanksgiving Day. I know it’s a little late in the day for turkey hunting advice, but it took me most of the day to get the file to YouTube;

Also in the Thanksgiving spirit, for all of you sociopaths who aren’t on Facebook;

Category: Satire

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Jonn, Jonn, Jonn…

THaT hAS GoT To bE ThE bESt FAcEBoOK POsT EVER!!!!!!!

Thanks for the 😂🤣😅😆😁😃😀😉


P.S. To those two ole Florida souls depicted on your Facebook post:

“It’s frikin cold in VA and MD…and that’s just the beginning…wait till December! Bet you won’t be singing 🎶”Take Me Back To Ole Virginny”🎶 (or Maryland) when you return to Florida!” 🕵️‍♂️


December? Try Jan-Feb.

It can get positively brutal in MD during those months – single digit nighttime temps aren’t unknown. And though it’s a bit warmer, the Hampton Roads area ain’t exactly a tropical resort during Jan-Feb either.

EnJoY yOuR sTaY, yOu TwO. (smile)




Too bad they didn’t pull that shit in Minnesota. Or Alaska.


oh, SNAP!


Genius work! I’ll send my cat to them with a box of turkey stuffing! Bon appetit!


They’re probably stuffed with prison turkey, prison ham, and their normal tube steak sandwiches. Besides, your cat might be allergic to them. 🙄

Daniel Bernath’s Bunghole

Tell me about stuffing

A Proud Infidel®™

I wouldn’t even send them a roadkill opossum!


On Turkey Day it is fitting to salute two of our favorite jailbirds. 🤣


They’re thankful for three meals, a cot, a place to sleep and stay. 🙄


It is commonly known as “three hots and a cot” in military jargon. Many infantrymen in the Viet of the Nam would have paid serious money for that kind of assignment. Although, not for a trip to the gray bar hotel.


I know, “three hots and a cot” was jokingly, and commonly, used in the Navy. Instead of using that term, I reworded it as the common term is overused.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Ex; Now that’ts talking Turkey.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

rgr769; Curtis Sliwa (NYC Guardian Angels) used that term when he had his radio show every time there was a high profile perp going to spend prison time.

A Proud Infidel®™

I shot my first turkey this week, scared the SHIT out of everyone in the Frozen Foods section!


API: May I please “steal” your hilarious line? 😉

A Proud Infidel®™

Be my guest, I stole it myself!

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if both of them will spend Christmas in the Greybar Hilton?


Magic 8-Ball says,

“Pretty good chance!”

Green Thumb

Bernath = Loser.

Dallas = Loser.

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) = Loser.

The list goes on and on and on………


Bernath and Dallas’ bunghole = Looser.

They may not want to go skydiving after they get out.

Having their bungholes flap in the wind would be embarrasing.

Or maybe hilarious? Would it sound like a continuous wet fart from the time they leave the plane until they pull the rip cord?

Frankie Cee

It would sound like a gentle, non-restricted “wooooooosh”. totally lacking in rattle or resonance.

mr. sharkman

I stand in awe of The Hat (TM).

A Proud Infidel®™

If you want the ™, type “0153” while holding the Alt key, “0174” while doing so gives you®, but you HAVE to type the digits on the number pad, doing so on the main keyboard won’t do it.

Frankie Cee

The wheels of justice turn slow, as illustrated with these two, and on occasion, go clear off the track, as with Shane Ladner. That piece of shit should be rotting in a Georgia prison, instead of sitting at the house telling his wife that he really was a super sekrit squirrel in Central America.

John Scanlon

I did not get the Central America connection until now, with Ladner? That really sucks as many of us really are missing records, in particular helicopter crewman based out of J.T.F. A, also known as Camp BlackJack were 20 Huey’s were positioned and flew operations all over that region during the 1980’s. 25 Killed that I know of. Many of our now applying for the A.F.E.M. And other medals that were awarded 10 years after we left.


Dang, that was funny!

Happy Thanksgiving to to you and all your House, Master Chief.


Nice ushanka. Hillary now has the missing link. Russian interference confirmed!


Is that a free range turkey?
No dear, that is an in range turkey.


Most prisoners ask the warden for extra commissary for good behavior. These two dingalings ask for the left over cockmeat sammiches.




Who is this Bernath person?


Not real familiar with him, but from what I’ve heard, he has been very naughty.


Santa is gonna be delivering at lot of coal in their stocking this year!


It ain’t coal, it ain’t his stocking getting filled, and it ain’t Santa!


I’m assuming the ‘filling’ will still be black and hard tho…

A Proud Infidel®™

Likely someone who has to give up parts of his meals and desserts for “Protection” from Bubba, Thor and Company. HEY, I heard he has everything in his wife’s name to the point where she could pack up and jet leaving him with less than nothing.

mr. sharkman

Someone begging to have the MCPO Special Issue Mk7Mod1 GobbleScatter field tested on them? 😉


For a full report of what has been happening recently with this person, you should consult one of his body parts who has been commenting here of late. Search this site using “Bernath’s Bunghole.”

Daniel Bernath’s Bunghole

I am now hosting spelunking expeditions…


On belay!!!


Nice video, Master Blaster!

AS TO Bernath, DuLlAsS and Kyle Barwan… hoped you three enjoyed what was on the menu at the BTJT Deli yesterday.


I image Ol ‘Nasty has a pretty matted beard from all the ‘Thanks’ he gave Thursday.


And may Thanksgiving been bountiful, peaceful, and without legal service for those that have spent 5 years on the good fight against the two in turkey orange. Thanks to all.


It has been that long, hasn’t it?

If only someone had just learned to shut his mouth, back off, and stop being a public nuisance… this story might not have had a happy ending!

Happy Turkey Day After to one and all!!!


4, actually, for just Bernath. 5-6 when you throw in DullASS and Sealy McChippendale.

But seems a LOT longer.


Yeppers, Sparky. They all count. Maybe not as equally, but they all count.


Thanks for the vid!

Must the adaptation be the specific brand mentioned or could another brand work, depending upon, perhaps, the age, caliber, finish, etc of the scary thing it is affixed upon? Just asking in case someone with a raspberry colored less scary looking bang thingy wishes to modify it with a turquoise Sunbeam whirly adaptor, for instance.

Hope everyone continues to have a great Thanksgiving weekend.


Virtually most long arms with forgrip can take a kitchen mixer modification. Use commercial grade wire straps and you are good to go.

Just remember, this is a total solution for your turkey hunting needs. Although it speeds up the entire hunting and preparation process, it leaves quite a mess.


Maybe a small dozer at the ready to quickly cover the debris would help.

Also, may I suggest the installation of a perimeter of electrical outlets to extend the range?


Is it legal to own in Massachusetts?


Probably depends upon the color. White would be racist, black too scary. Code pink would object to using any that are light red. Maybe rainbow striped would be legal?


You can get a Native American exemption based on a “high” position of your cheekbones.

Most others can not make such modifications in MA.


I think this is a wonderful weekend, indeed. I found that Black & Decker makes a large countertop oven that will accommodate a large chicken, or perhaps a split turkey breast.

Purchasing a countertop oven will eliminate my need to bend over and put the turk in the stove oven, thereby saving me some aching back muscles.

Kitchen tools are da bomb! Everyone should have the right tools for the job.


I had one of those for years.
Works good for small dishes but a turkey might be a bit much. Mine attched to the underside of a cabinet and cooked everything
in the the cabinet above as well.


I used to have a countertop convection oven. So incredibly useful.

Don’t have one now because 1–ex kept it, 2–can’t find one similar, 3–don’t have the counter space anyway.


Thanks for the video Master Chief. A Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours Sir.


We tried so hard to make it to New Mexico to send out s care packages for these two
Instead we spent turkey day with friends at fort huachuca
Hope they enjoyed the green eggs and ham



Bernasty and SluRp! Oh what a joyous holiday season!

Daniel A. Bernath's Sphincter

Hey, I’m WIDE open now!

A Proud Infidel®™

Shave the hair off that guy on the left wearing orange and I bet he’d look like Jabba the Hut with Downs Syndrome!


I’m in Richmond for the weekend. Wonder if I should drive down 64 to Tidewater and watch the convicts pumping iron in the yard?


Sj: You are so kind in wanting to visit the home of the Inmate Formerly Known as 89963.


Richmond to Portsmouth? Please give yourself lots of time traveling on 64 with all the road construction, going thru the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel and looking out for all those courteous folks who insist on driving in the left lane while texting on their smartphones and at the last minute, do the Saudi Sweep to make a right exit off of 64.

And those VA State Troopers on 64 find the neatest places to hide while zapping their radar guns at traffic ( I am grateful for their services)🤗.

Enjoy your time in Richmond!


Let’s just remember that three weeks from now on a Friday, someone will be getting his next hearing.

But will he have learned anything from his stay in the gracious environs of the state correctional center? Inquiring minds want to know.


Happy Thanksgiving long weekend to MCPO and family. Any truth to the rumor that revenge is served often and cold at your mess? Kudos to your camera operator too. Nice work.