Biden Chimes In
Loopy Uncle Joe takes this special moment to beclown himself. Again. During a Q&A session on the “Today” show, Biden opined the citizen who stopped the Texas church shooter last week should not have been legally allowed to possess an AR-15.
“With the tragedy that just happened in Texas, how do you justify the Democratic view on gun control when the shooter was stopped by a man who was legally licensed to carry a gun?” a young woman in the audience asked Biden.
“Well first of all, the kind of gun being carried he shouldn’t be carrying,” Biden said. “I wrote the last serious gun control law . . and it outlawed assault weapons and outlawed weapons with magazines that held a whole lotta bullets so you could kill a lot of people a whole lot more quickly.”
Left unmentioned was the fact the shooter, in addition to being armed with an AR-15, was also wearing a ballistic vest. Fortunately the local hero wasn’t limited to Uncle Joe’s shotgun to engage the shooter.
Category: "Teh Stoopid"
Any post re Biden must include the classic picture of ole Joe groping the knee of the Sheriff.
The look on that cops face is absolutely priceless !!!
I wish I knew how to post pics here, I would post it. It’s great.
Aye aye.
I always figured that Creepy Joe was a switch-hitter…
Gaffin Grinnin Joe will likely try to hit anything with a hole that he can hold onto.
That poor cop just cot Frankened and almost Weinsteined by Uncle Chester.
Uncle Chester? Try Uncle Ernie …
That sheriff looks exactly like W.C. Fields to me! and it’s a wonder, he didn’t knock Biden Bullshytters head off! Biden should marry Maxine Waters, or Pelosi or some other wart on the ass of humanity…imho
The look on that Sheriff’s face is like “BOY, if you weren’t the VP, I’d have your ass in cuffs right now!”. There are no shortages of pictures of Joe “Hairplugs” Biden groping, pawing and grinding!
The looks by the other guys are awesome also.
To old senile Joe the serial groper, I dedicate my new Mini-14. It doesn’t look as scary as the AR, but it will get the job done. Libs are so stupid.
That firearm is perfectly acceptable though because it isn’t scary and black.
Don’t get why Liberals are always so scared of anything black. Seems kinda racist.
That is the reason we can have them in the PRM. Not a scary Black Rifle!!!!!Can’t have an AR-15 but you can have an M1A, gotta love Transnational Progressives.
Is that MD or MA? I’ve lost track of the loony liberal PRMs in our country…
They would crap thieir pants if they saw my BB gun….its black too! lol
Well, your Mini-14 might not have one of those scary black things that goes up at the back, but does it have a scary flash processor?
And what about a big scary banana clip that holds lots of scary bullets?
I took my Mini-14 and added a collapsible stock with a pistol grip, and a 30 round mag. Instant scary black illegal assault rifle!
At least here in the PRofMD.
Yes it has a flash suppressor, my wife was giddy when I put a bayonet on it and told her to stick a liberal in the eye socket with our legal weapon. My ar’s were lost in a house fire years ago. It was ugly… the horror.
So how ARE Joe’s shotgun skills these days?
Still advocates using a double barrel shotgun and firing a couple of rounds in the air to scare off any attackers – thereby letting them know you know have an empty shotgun.
He is too busy these days shooting off his mouth!
“…a young woman in the audience asked Biden….”
Creepy Joe immediately sidles up to her to rub her chest and smell her hair…
I could be wrong but I’m betting more people are killed per year by pistols than rifles, assault or otherwise named. Chicago has numerous gun incidents will injured or wounded. I know common Joe would love the fact to be that most shootings in Chicago come from rifles, but the truth may be different. It’s like plane crashes; a lot killed when incidents happen but still the safest form of transportation.
For the last several years the firearms death count has hovered around 30,000 annually. Out of those, roughly 20,000 are suicides, and roughly 1200 are police shootings. Actual criminal shooting deaths of all types average 8-9,000 annually (I believe 2016 saw a surge to around 12,000. Now, out of all those 30,000 a year… rifle deaths average roughly 300 a year. Call it a tenth of a percent of all gun deaths. Most gun deaths are from normal pistols.
Yep, I’ve checked the FBI stats myself and posted about them regularly. Pistol deaths are 20 times higher than “rifle” deaths and that’s ALL rifles.
Shotguns actually are used more for homicides than rifles are, but pistols are in the thousands.
But when you use those silly statistical things on anti-gun folks, they just don’t wanna hear it. Even worse on those communism/socialism loving types who are proselytizing a form of government that has killed over 100 million people in recent times.
Don’t say it too loud, the freaks of nature will want to outlaw all scary pistols/revolvers!
They have started working on that also. First reduce the number of rounds then outlaw pistols. Revolvers will be next.
The (thankfully) former VP is a brainwashed dumbass who is incapable of thinking for himself. He thus only spouts the “approved party line”.
And is reportedly looking hard at a 2020 run for POTUS.
Please let him run.
The victory for the Trumpminator will be bigger than the Reaganator against that dude nobody remembers from 1984.
I only remember him because he had a woman VP candidate running with him, Geraldine Ferraro.
I remember the joke motto:
Fritz and Tits in ’84!
‘“Well first of all, the kind of gun being carried he shouldn’t be carrying,” Biden said. “I wrote the last serious gun control law . . and it outlawed assault weapons and outlawed weapons with magazines that held a whole lotta bullets so you could kill a lot of people a whole lot more quickly.”’
Her’s my question… did he really write it or did he plagiarize it (like a speech he gave years ago)?
I’ll take Answer #2, Senior Chief. Do I get $50 now?
And if his law was so successful, why did the shooter have one?
Never mind- rhetorical question.
well, the law was allowed to sunset because every reputable institution on the planet admitted the law was totally ineffective at attaining its stated intent.
The “law” never “outlawed” any rifles or magazines… It only banned their manufacture. During the time that the Brady Bill was in force, pre ban rifles and pre ban magazines were bought and sold with regularity…legally. Joe Biden’s self agrandizing bullshit notwithstanding.
The gun manufacturers just eliminated bayonet studs and a few other features and their rifles were still legal under the Demoncats’ so-called “ban.” There were already so many large capacity magazines around, the manufacturing ban had little effect other than raising prices for the existing ones.
I remember that plagiarism situation costing him a run at the 1988 Democratic primary … he is said to have told his followers three things that night:
1. We have nothing to fear, but fear itself
2. It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt
3. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life
One thing I’m not worried about is Creepy Uncle Joe trying to take my guns.
He cannot take his hands off of young girls long enough to grab my gun.
Gun. Guns? GUNZ???!!!
Sorry GB, had to.
Gotta do whatcha gotta do.
There are an estimated 300,000,000 firearms in the US since serial numbers were added in 1968. There are an estimated 5 million AR-15’s. Add 80% builds an that number climbs significantly.
Let’s say that everyone with an AR-15 owns 3 magazines. That’s a minimum of 15,000,000 magazines.
A good many of us own a lot more than 3 bullet holding military grade high capacity belt-fed magazine clip ammunition feeding devices.
Just like the 1994 “Assault Weapons Ban” scary black rifles will go into hiding and become “safe queens.” No one in their right mind is going to hand over their $4500 AR so it can end up in the evidence trunk or in the scrap yard.
Then, there are those of us with M1 Garands, M1A’s, Mini 14’s that will keep them legally.
The 5th Amendment of the US Constitution protects personal property rights and the government may not confiscate property without just compensation.
That’s roughly $300,000,000.00 in magazines.
About $5,000,000,000.00 in AR-15’s.
In 1775 Benjamin Franklin used stated in his contribution to Massachusets Conference – “They who can give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”.
Give up your firearms and you will reap what you sew.
P.S. I lost all of my firearms in a boating accident…
You too? Damn, there’s a lot of that going around lately.
I lost my boat In a firearms accident
My father who was the mayor of his small town in Colorado, once had to take this stupid fuck on a fishing trip, he could not even bait his own hook, my dear Pa had to do that for him! Teh Stoopid is strong with this one!!!
That’s because Unca Joe only knows how to unhook a bra, now how to hook a worm.
I don’t doubt that one bit. I wonder if Joe “Hairplugs” Biden even knows how to wipe his own ass?
As Ol’ LBJ reportedly would often say: “This bastard couldn’t find his ass with both hands.”
I’ll just leave this here for Creepy Uncle Joe
NSFW or little kids or clergy
I love (in a bro kinda way) Penn Jillette.
Who knew he came from probably the most hippie place in Massachusetts?
I think shit bird biden just shot his last load.
That’s gross. Especially since he probably has plenty more loads for women on stage with him anywhere.
Gross, that’s exactly 144 more loads to shoot.
Joe Biden pickup lines:
1) “You’re not vertical, you’re beautiful”
2) “You have very good taste”
(Biden once quipped to a man about the man’s wife, during a ceremony)
3) “You got a smile that lights up the room”
4) “There’s a lot to smile about today”
(Biden threw this one out during a swearing-in ceremony while looking at someone’s wife)
5) “You married up, son”
6) “Spread your legs, you’re gonna be frisked”
I thought I heard that “Plugs” and Al Franken were going on a groping tour.
I can’t believe the vaginaness level of every single Father who stood there and let Joe put his hands and face and breath on their young daughters. Fuck that. I would have been body slammed by the secret service but I would have gotten one quick solid open palm slap on his face if he did that shit to my daughter.
I don’t think he has SS anymore does he? Ex-VP only gets them for maybe 6 months after they leave office? I don’t know for sure, but its something like that.
Well, good.
That means that if he touches one of mine, I can beat the snot out of him, kick him so hard he has to pee through his nose, then call 911 to report that I had caught a perv molesting my loved one and file charges for same.
No, just go all Texas on him and choke him to death with your bare hands.
I was looking up “clueless” in Websters the other day, and lo and behold, there was Joe Biden’s picture.
That bastard Biden made a big deal re commuting to and from Wilmington DE – DC via AMTRAK.
My elderly parents often traveled Boston MA – DC via AMTRAK to visit historical sites, etc, in the Capitol.
Biden would show up and he would have everyone removed from the coach (security !!!) regardless of reservations, paid tickets, etc. He had a private train car.
Maybe he overheard and remembered my dad. Back in 1997, we were in DC at the same time as my mom and dad. In those days, politicians didn’t feel as threatened by the populace. Biden was about four feet from us on the steps of the Capital. My mom said “That’s Senator Biden”
My dad (normally a quiet guy) said “He’s an idiot”. Case closed
If guns kill people, how come the 10 years of off and on visits to the Florida gun shows, I never got shot along with the multitudes of people that also attend. If cars kill people, how come all the times I visit the dealers for maintenance, I never got run over by a car along with all the other car owners at the dealership. I think I got it. Maybe you need a person to pull the trigger and a person operating the vehicle.(sarc)HHHHMMMMMMM
Come to think of it, WHEN was the last time anyone saw or heard of any violence, murders or mass shootings at a Gun Show? DITTO at any Bass Pro Shops or Cabela’s outlet!!
Luckily, every time Shotgun Joe opens his cock holster, he demonstrates to the world that he’s a fucking idiot.
ABSOLUTELY, but since he’s a D-rat the mainstream mess media covers for him further proving just what a whorehouse our mainstream news media truly is!
Per the former VP, I am still shooting at things, threats and risks (real and imagined) from my back deck and will continue to do so until the order is rescinded.
I think we should allow actual military M-16s to be freely distributed from the back of a truck like a parade ceremony for dipshits.
Just give whoever the fuck thought my M-16A2 was a good enough idea. A chrome (nice consideration) XM16 bolt with “fuck head-space”. Granted I’m Air Force but for fuck’s sake I had to treat it like a Springfield Trap-Door while in reality I’d be better off spewing foul language.
Before you say it I already know.
“Airforce with a rifle is like Army with a book!”
I was discussing Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” with fellow Cottonbalers as a PFC. Also key works of Enemy doctrine and political thinking. (Communist Manifesto, Koran, etc, etc, etc)
I also routinely shot Expert, usually maxing the course, with box-stock as-issued M-16A1s.
You make it sound difficult or something. Must be an Air Force thing.
Aye, I’m just grateful the lambasting on your and everyone else’s part was merciful.
Let me start over..
See, I was in the Office Eagle trying to get a case of our weapon of choice (Skilcraft or go be a pussy somewhere else) and there was a huge mix-up so there I was at CATM before nap-time.
The rest kinda lands me back to where my original story began.
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Fill your hands or your pants. It makes no difference to me.
( •_•)>⌐■-■
I honestly wish there were like buttons here. Especially for that one, Lily.