New Game: IVAW or Claymore?

| February 4, 2009

I have absolutely nothing to post today, but I came across this on the internet.  Now, knowing IVAW and our poster Claymore, the challenged for you is to figure out who wrote it.  On an unrelated note, feel free to forward your war stories to us at the email listed below, so we can keep this gig going.

I remember it like it was yesterday, man. Our team had been assigned to recon some of the barrier islands south of the Stankchoochee Archipelago, near Ding Dhong. The area was a hot bed of insurgency and we were ordered to go in and check it out. We picked up a chopper from one of the locals, some dude who dragged tourists around from island to island, and had him parachute us in from 30,000 ft. This is what’s known as an “air drop” or “air insertion”, where we come in from the air. After our “air drop”, we regrouped, checked our gear and decided to eat. Without ground transport, we humped it about 3 or 4 miles into a village one of the guys spotted during the “air drop”. The village had an IHOP, so we lucked up. I got the all-you-can-eat pancakes, and they were damn good compared to the Army food we normally get in the Army (we call that chow, because you have to chow down on it fast). After “chow”, some of the team wanted to look for a place for us to hole up for the night. We were tired after our forced march, so the sarge told us to split up and find a place to sleep for the night while he interrogated a local girl he found outside of the liquor store. He said he was going to pump her for information and come find us in the morning. We never saw that dude again. Then to make it worse, PVT Goldberg blew our entire stash of flash-money playing Golden Tee while trying to get the locals to rat out their insurgent friends by buying a dozen rounds of beer for everyone. With our resources gone, our sergeant MIA and my cell phone down to just three bars on the battery, we called the ball and ordered EVAC. Goldberg’s mom picked us up at 1800hrs, the mission a total failure. This was just another example of the failed policies of Bush and how this war has killed the soul of this country.

Category: Politics

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I know this Goldberg dude. What a wuss. I remember yelling at him once about standing a post, but him and his freaky whack-job Scientologist friend just wanted to go to 7-11 for a case of Code Red and a Demi Moore movie. Pussies.

airborne injun

Claymore, Sounds just like an op I had back in the day in a ville called Haye Street in the souless war torn country of fayette Nam. It was a real meat grinder for our poor young troops!!


…the horror.

Jungle Mom

This is completely off topic, but today is the 17th anniversary of the failed Chavez coup. I have posted my memories of that day along with the memories of several others who were there. I thought you might find it interesting.

509th Bob

I think some critical facts were omitted from the story. Such as:

The chopper pilot, whose code-name was “T.C.,” met us at Forward Air Base Twinkie. The chopper, a Special Warfare UH-60 with auto-deployable main rotors, was loaded into a C-5A Galaxy-Quest. The C-5A lifted us to 30,000 feet, where we pre-breathed in preparation for the air drop. I kinda worried about the Sarge, since his pre-breathing bong smelled a little odd. Anyway, we loaded into the chopper and the C-5A dropped its rear ramp. The chopper, and us, free-fell out of the Galaxy-Quest bird, and T.C. began the auto-deployment of the chopper’s main blades. What a blast! We free-fell for 20,000 feet before the chopper’s blades finally deployed and started to bite into the air. At 9,950 feet, we smoothly exited the chopper, making a completely stealthy insertion into the dreaded Ding Dhong area of Death.

airborne injun

Claymore,Ive been really reluctant to post this IVAW war story because Im really worried about the possible flashbacks and blowing big snot bubbles on some liberal pukes desk so that I could get a little attention!!! This aint no shit…It all started when I was deployed with the 170herd airborne brigade to attack elements of the Zimbawbe National Gaurd who were threatening to over run Lower Slobovia in a military coup. We came in low and slow in C124 jet aircraft and fast roped from them at about 500 feet(AGL) and comenced to kick some ass. I will always remember that horrible day (begin dream sequence flash back now)There I was at 500feet, waist deep in hand grenade pins, surrounded by 10,ooo screaming hoogie cong, and down to my last three rounds of ammo!!! Was I scared? Hell Ya!!! I was afraid that some of the bastards would get away! Then I realized that none of this was ever necessary.. It dawned on me that if i wanted some liberal Pussy all I had to do was act like a pussy. thats when I decided that I never had to act like a man again!!! P>S> Promise me youll hold me if I get scared Claymore!LOL

509th Bob

I contributed a wonderful addendum to this story, but MY comments are always held in abeyance for “awaiting review,”! WTF? Is it my “.gov” address? Inquiring minds want to know!

airborne injun

Uncle Claymore,what awesome IVAW war stories you tell! Can we sit on your lap while you tell us the story of how you and unka Jonn Haloed in for the amphibious assault on Stalingrad when ya’ll were toting the man packed 105mm howitsers? It would be just great!!! Thanks