Media expects Bergdahl to plead guilty

The search engines are clogged with media speculation that Bowe Bergdahl will plead guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy so he doesn’t have to face a very public trial. According to Fox News;
That’s according to two individuals with knowledge of the case.
They tell The Associated Press that Bergdahl will submit the plea later this month and sentencing will start Oct. 23. The individuals weren’t authorized to discuss the case and demanded anonymity.
The 31-year-old Bergdahl could face up to five years in prison on the desertion charge and a life sentence for misbehavior.
That would be the smart thing to do, especially since he’s been able to witness the beating that Bradley Manning has taken in social media. But, we’ll see in a couple of weeks, I suppose.
Category: Politics
I wish him no ill…
OH, screw that! I hope he is so ostracized in Leavenworth that he wishes he had stayed where he belonged.
You spelled sodomized wrong
Well it is morning, so give her some leeway.
Ostracism is worse than sodomy.
In sodomy, you at least have contact of some kind with another person.
In ostracism, you have no contact. Essentially, you cease to exist except when it’s necessary to acknowledge your useless existence, e.g., mealtimes.
Sodomy by ostrich…nice
that is what ostracism is, right?
Sounds even better than what I thought it was.
He’ll be ignored until it’s his time in the barrel.
Wish it was in front of a barrel, in fact, several barrels, locked and loaded, awaiting only the fire order.
Goat Raping Fuck Nozzle.
I hope they turn his asshole inside out so big, you could drive a truck through it.
I’m guessing that his “friends” have already done that with him… he looks like he enjoys being the fat bottomed boy.
That can actually happen…
Pretty sure by time he leaves prison, his farts will sound like a yawn.
Likely the sound will be a very soft ‘puff’.
Like a gentle wind through the willows..but with a slightly less pleasant scent
Hence the Brit/ NZ slang for a gay man: A “poofter”.
Here’s my hope.
“How do you plead?”
“Guilty Sir.”
“Very well. It is the order of this Court that you be hanged by the neck until dead.”
“But…but…I thought…hey wait a minute!”
“Guards, take the prisoner away for immediate execution of sentence. The big tree out back is fine. That is all. This Court Martial is adjourned. The jury is excused with the thanks of the court and I’ll see you gentlemen at the O-Club.”
A beautiful dream. Alas, one that will remain unrealized.
Tell them to use a new rope, preferably stiff and scratchy.
But it has to be a hemp rope. Manila rope leaves unsightly rope burns on the corpse.
No, hanging is too clean.
Kick him out of a plane at 25000 feet naked with no parachute over the south pole.
If he lands safely he can back to assganistan and live with his lovers.
Why do you hate goats?
Haters gonna hate, I guess…
he is the goat…that is why they kept him. The “deal” for his release no doubt included goats, sheep, and Mexican Whooping Llamas…
All virgins, of course 😉
I make an official motion for Bowe Bergdahl to receive The Official TAH Wall of Insults®™.
That hadji Thursday Night Goat-boy!
OK I certainly can fit that in today.
Do we have a Second?
2nd the motion, and hurry up about it. Even a hurricane would reject this slimeball.
We have a Second, Do we have an AYE vote?
And TAH, there we have it. Per TAH Robert’s Rules, We Are a GO!! Wall of Insults®™ FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!! TACTICAL NUCLEAR ROUND OUT!!!! DANGER CLOSE!!!! MOPP LEVEL 4!!! TAKE COVER!!!!! Bowe “Goat Fucking/Daesh Daily Pivot Man” Bergdahl, Buttfucking SHITBAG, Deserter, Malingerer, misbehavior, ALLEGEDLY, but not confirmed or proven, but in some people’s opinion, works balls, tickles taint and tongue punches hobo’s crusty fart boxes all, I Guess, while being a syphilitic, turd-sucking feces factory, Bitch-ass Fuckstick guzzler, pile infested, onion-eyed flapmouthed butt-bailiff, “Fowl” mouthed Chicken Fucking Chickenfucker, moral equivalent of pond scum, THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS A WALKING TURD, inflamed, “Towel boy” in a gay bath house, Ambulatory verbal dissembling anus, gaping ass fungus nugget, Cambodian cunt sauce, Poopy Headed ball working asshole, Poster-child for abortion, Swallowing Spoo Sampler, shit tonguing, munching wanktoaster, cock gobbling Pigfucker, lientery steatorrhea, sperm burping, tit, sniveling, codpiece licking toilet seat sniffer, lying bucket of Chihuahua shit, taintpimple, Pillow bitin pickle smoocher, Bowl of ass soup, Festering fuckwart on a sewer rat’s ass, needle dick bug fucker, Satan even said about you, “Boy is this guy a DICK!, Sparklepony, Toilet weasel, worthless, Vice Admiral of the Narrow Seas, Blows winos behind bus stops for a nickel and gives change, More worthless than rubber lips on a woodpecker or tits on a boar hog, moldy bowl of ratshit, would wear Richard Simmons’ used jockstrap as a facemask, useless bag of monkey fuck, rectum circling colon goblin, rancid floor buffer wax spreader, both of your Grandmothers should have had an abortion, just in case, I’ve seen bigger wieners on a cocktail plate!, Mayor Grundle of Scrotumburg and Anusville, waste of oxygen, Grandstanding cunt, prickwrinkler, anal sphincter canyon yodeling phallic squeezer, numbnuts, snowball, giggling beerflecked canker blossom , ball-tickling & ball gargling bullshiat artist, maybe a “buggerer of little boys”, rottencrotched, rump wrangling, colostomy bag curator, culo de chongo, booger eating fuckbucket, Lemon Party-lusting fruitcake, putrid, rotting, Santorum Stained Molting Muscrat, whoreson whale’s carcass, overzealous polyp burglar, bed wetting, follows in Victorious Felder’s bovine excrement -filled boots, I wanna get a running start and drop kick him… Read more »
Nice, but what happened to “kutomba wewe”?
It’s there, API. The wall is just so high now that it’s easy to miss. (smile)
Okay, the last time I really looked I counted over thirty insults I contributed!
tokhe straav!
Burn in hell
Perhaps Bernasty and Bergdahl can be long term roommates.
Is this the “man” whose parents the Kenyan invited to the Rose Garden?
That would be him. Full-time catcher on Man-Love Thursday (and the rest of the week).
Hang him.
I have a great idea. Put him in the same cell with that offensive ass Repo Rapone. They can talk each other to death.
Or bunghole each other on man-love Thursday.
It may require the introduction of an actual male, these two appear to be catchers.
That is a GOOD idea!
I guess this means his defense team can’t miracle up a motion that will suppress every bit of evidence and get him off and have decided to ask for a plea deal.
I really wanted to hear the testimony about how big an oxygen thief he was. I hope he enjoyed that unearned E6 he’s been wearing.
He’s lookin’ to keep his asshole just a little bit tighter by getting just a little bit less time in that Big Grey Federal Jug.
As much as it pains me, I’m going to go against what’s probably the general TAH consensus, and say it’s doubtful Bergdahl will do prison time. The AP story seems to be sending off signals there’s a plea bargain in the works. What also seems apparent is that although the Army might have a strong case from the standpoint of veterans or those in the military, it’s not hard to imagine civilians somehow turning a conviction over on appeal.
IIRC, Bergdahl has also not been in confinement since Afghanistan but instead mostly a duty soldier at Ft. Sam Houston. During that time, he evidently has not caused any problems aside from his desertion case.
Best guess? Bergdahl gets kicked to the curb with a DD, and forfeits all awards and back-pay including for the time he was playing house with the Haqqani.
Meanwhile, the Army, as at least one quid pro quo, no longer has to waste years dealing with sad-ass events on Planet Bergdahl.
“evidently has not caused any problems aside from his desertion case.”
Aside from going on leave and getting caught at a pot grow house during a police raid
Good point. Still, being on a Mendocino farm where pot is grown is about like finding chicken at a Colonel Sanders…
Sorry to say I agree, he won’t see jail time.
I wonder if he’s convicted (or guilty pleas) if he can profit from it? Sell his story for his “ripped from the headlines”, “I’m not a traitor, I’m just misunderstood made for TV movie.
I recall hearing that convicts can’t profit from their crimes. Which is probably why we haven’t bore witness to Manson’s autobiography.
If it was anyone else other than Obama’s boy, he would see DD, forfeiture of pay and Leavenworth.
For just desertion, “maybe”. But ‘misbehavior before the enemy’ is a very serious and significant charge. He’s not walking away from that one unscathed.
Perhaps if it was still the Obama regime, or even the Hillary regime that would be true. But, I’m thinking optimistically that his butthole won’t walk away without being refit, for a few years.
I shall be extremely disappointed if that dog-turd doesn’t do long years.
He should have never, ever been put in a position to commit the varying fvckups he committed.
I hope that those who had a hand in the decision to put him where he absolutely did not belong do not escape the consequences of their poor judgement and leadership.
And poor little Bowe needs to be made a harsh example.
Good Men were WIA and KIA due to the response to his idiocy.
unfortunately you can’t dump every fuck up in HHC. Not enough slots in support platoon or in the S Shops. I really think if he had been dumped in HHC, nobody in this world outside those that served with him would have known his name.
Sad, but true.
I’m not especially well-read/researched on the specifics of his situation, but I recall reading that initially he was in a rear-area/support role and was at least okay in the performance of his duties. Someone had to either come up with the brilliant idea of moving him closer to the pointy end of things, or okaying the move. I would like to know ‘why’ and ‘what were they thinking?’.
I also recall reading that he became disillusioned over something, and got it in his head that ‘the brass needed to have their eyes opened’. To me, this says the relevant SNCOs were not doing their job in the way that they did with me.
As a young/new Teamguy, you get just a glimpse of the Big Picture (TM) from time to time, and combined with an above-average level of personal initiative, it is not uncommon to develop some ‘WTFO?!’ anxiety, for lack of a better word.
At which point your platoon chief or LPO patiently explains, over beers and shots, that things will always seem fvcked up because you will never, ever be in a position to see the entirety of the ‘big picture’. I recall having similar discussions with new Teamguys, not yet pinned, when they were raging over the fact that we didn’t do anything in terms of a rescue op when a few of our Soldiers were ‘taken’ by hostile forces in Kosovo. I pointed out it was a dream of the opposition that the US would conduct a raid on a heavily defended and fortified military prison compound.
I don’t care how SpecOps you might think you are, alerted and waiting Yugoslav Soldiers are no-joke opposition wise. With surprise effectively lost you’d be courting disaster.
From the sound of the other guys in his platoon, I don’t think it is as simple as the SNCOs didn’t try to do their job.
Most importantly, sometimes you go to war with the ones you scraped from the bottom of the barrel because without them you’d be Non-Mission Capable. If he could shoot, follow orders, stay awake on guard duty, etc., then he’s on the plane. It sucks, but that’s the sad truth.
IMHO Bergdahl needs to face Charges of Manslaughter, one for each Troop that was KIA while searching for him as well as holding him accountable for those who were WIA.
I thought “misbehavior in the presence of the Enemy” was punishable by up to death!
“Death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct”.
Just sayin’.
It is absolutely punishable by death.
The addition of that specific charge at the beginning of this whole clusterfvck of a saga caused some raised eyebrows for that very reason.
Think an Old School Soldier, buried deep in the clockworks, making a badly needed statement.
If they sentence him to death, it will be awesome to see what response (if any) Rice has.
“Think an Old School Soldier, buried deep in the clockworks, making a badly needed statement.”
Hadn’t considered that … but given the nature of the last administration, that makes a lot of sense.
If accurate, good for him/her/them.
Death by Bungo!!! At 1300 hrs, on the parade ground. The bungo line forms on the left.
Or just leave him hog tied to a pole in downtown Kandahar with his drawers around his ankles on man-love Thursday night.
Every night in Kandahar is man-love thursday!
Fucking traitor…
Any truth to this wikipedia quote?
In 2006, Bergdahl entered basic training in the United States Coast Guard but was discharged after 26 days for psychological reasons and received an “uncharacterized discharge”.
If there is I’m sure he’ll pull the psycho card…
Yes, he was not fit for the Coast Guard. But, thanks to the wonders of “separate him quick n’ easy” along with HIPAA laws about not releasing medical information, an Army recruiter wouldn’t know any better. Even if he asked about it, Bergdahl could’ve said “I wasn’t smart enough” and maybe gotten a pass.
Just because you can’t get into one service doesn’t mean another won’t take you.
Once knew a guy who was tried for murder, and his big defense was “Your honor, my client was under the influence of MARIJUANA when he confessed!” to which the judge said “So?” I imagine the same sort of ‘ah, shit’ ambience when Trump was elected.
So you’re saying Trump was smoking weed when he got elected? Well, that’s a good way to celebrate for some I guess.
Dishonorable discharge, reduction in rank to E-1 and all back pay refunded. Go directly to the closet rock to hide under for eternity!
With at least ten years at hard labor in Leavenworth.
I hope he indeed pleads guilty.
And then I hope the judge body-slams him bigtime.
F**k this turncoat. Since he’s highly unlikely to receive the death penalty he richly deserves, I wish him the following:
May his life be long, joyless, and poverty-stricken;
may his eventual death be slow and painful;
and may he then rot in hell for all eternity.
May he have insomnia, immobility and immortality all at the same time.
I read that at another site. Ab-so-lute-ly fuckin’ brilliant!
Yep, show the public what SHOULD have happened to Manning.
Manning got a pass, “because transgender!”
That would be the smart thing to do, especially since he’s been able to witness the beating that Bradley Manning has taken in social media.
I don’t see that, at least not necessarily. His case is judge alone so, as far as sentencing goes, it doesn’t matter what “social media” thinks about him…he’s got a very senior judge who’s unlikely to care what gets said on social media.
Guilt is (or from my point of view ought to be) a lock-cinch on desertion with intent to shirk. The cases are pretty clear about what that means, and how little you have to do to be guilty of it, at least when your unit is already in a combat zone.
But desertion carries a lighter sentence than misbehavior, and misbehavior never gets charged these days…so they might have some “reasonable doubt” to raise on that one.
However, the Great Unknown for me is the classified evidence…which I understand has been extensively litigated…the dynamics might change if the prosecution has something really good that we haven’t been allowed to see.
(The other, of course, is whether he has a plea deal in place. A good enough deal might justify a plea to just about anything…discharge for desertion will deprive him of all VA benefits anyway.)
Pleading guilty would be the first thing he does that’s actually a service to this country!
The sad truth is that the vast majority of this country hasn’t served and therefore doesn’t get the visceral hate we vets have for this man. So he’ll get kicked to the curb and could very well become the poster child for the left as another “victim” of the military. I mean, after all, he only wanted to take a walk around, outside the wire. Stop and smell the poppies.
I’ll believe this tripe if and when it actually occurs. I’m skeptical that Bergsmall has the intelligence to actually admit he’s cooked. However, I can be surprised.
I’m guessing they found the “best” defense attorneys in the Army inventory to defend him because they didn’t want any possibility of error or appeal.
That is why he’s probably going to appeal. The information, testimony, evidence, et all are so damning, he’s screwed either way.
Not “appeal” plead guilty as part of a deal. Not sure where I was thinking on that one. lol
Eight years after deserting during wartime to trial?
In WWII didn’t it take the U.S. Army just four months to settle deserter Eddie Slovik’s hash??
There may have been some, shall we say, kicking the can down the road, when it came to rushing to trial for Bergdahl. It did take Obama out of the equation, and the possibility of yet another traitor getting a commuted sentence.
If you read about Slovik’s case in detail, he really asked for it.
Numerous Os and SNCOs tried to guide him away from a firing squad, and he’d have none of it.
The rest, they say, is history.
Slovik’s problem was that he listened to the Barracks Lawyers. The guy was a constant fuck up and was more of a liability than anything positive that he could contribute to the (Allied) war effort. Multiple desertions, multiple second chances, and his cellmates convinced him that the US would never execute a deserter. He was almost 25 when the Army had enough of his shit. Hack’s old man was drafted his senior year, right after turning 17. He spent his 18th birthday in PI fucking with the Japanese.
I sat on court-martial boards and we awarded desertion
much differently: DD, forfeiture pay, and Leavenworth.
The fact it did not turn out as Berghdahl hoped it would is of no consequence.
However, what can you expect from someone who awarded himself the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service and his half-wit SecDef pinned it on him?
I’m predicting 50 years hard labor. Name change to Chelsea Beghdal.
Of course the “media” also expected Hillary to win………
Yeah I’m the guy who just has to piss in the punchbowl and ruin it for everybody else.
True, it may be a inside leak though.
I believe it’s all going to boil down to what the prosecutor and defense team present for mitigating circumstances in the sentencing phase.
Bergdahl’s biggest hope is that the sentencing judge takes in his being in custody of the Taliban for 5 1/2 years.
That will get him some pity. I think that despite of allegations that he was buddy buddy with them , that had to have been a terrible ordeal, especially at first.
Are there any minimum sentencing guidelines for his offenses?
5 and a half years? Not long enough. Give him back to them.
Candidate Donald Trump talking about Bergdahl while campaigning = Undue Command Influence
President Barack Obama saying that Bergdahl “served with honor and distinction” = Not Undue Command Influence
This is testable, so be sure to take notes.