Jonathon Pring turns over his guns to “do something”

| October 6, 2017

National hero, Jonathon Pring, decided to turn in his guns to the Phoenix Police Department in order to “do something” in regards to the horrendous mass shooting in Las Vegas, according to the Arizona Central;

“Who doesn’t love Las Vegas?” Pring said. “I couldn’t sleep last night. I was watching news and on Facebook and seeing lots of different posts … and I was just mad … I thought, ‘You know what, I’m going to do something.’ ”

Pring said he called Phoenix police and asked them to come and pick up his guns. He could tell the two police officers who arrived were “anxious” about entering the home of someone who declared having guns.

From Phoenix’ Fox 10;

Pring said he could have pawned the guns and collect a few thousand dollars. Instead, Pring said he wanted to do the right thing.

“We can do something about the guns, we can just get rid of them, it’s that easy,” said Pring.

He went on to tell any literate evildoers that he intends to fight them off with a baseball bat.

“If I have a break-in at my house, I’ll hit him with a baseball bat,” said Pring. “I’m not afraid. I don’t need a gun to be a man.”

That’ll look nice on his tombstone.

It’s a free country and we’re all able to do what we want – but this is grandstanding over a serious issue. I hope Pring survives his little display of theatrics, but it’s Phoenix.

Another modified Ruger 10/22 is off the streets;

Unless Pring had been planning a mass shooting, he really didn’t do anything except make himself a target.

Category: Guns

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A Proud Infidel®™

Awwwww, ain’t he a cute widdwe PC snowflake? Now the criminals in his area know where to find a house full of unarmed VICTIMS.


“Pring said he could have pawned the guns and collect a few thousand dollars. Instead, Pring said he wanted to do the right thing.”

OK, I’ll just leave that right here…

A Proud Infidel®™

Pring may THINK that is worth a few thousand but all I see is a tricked-out Ruger-10/22 and a pistol. I myself have a 10/22 in my collection and I kept it stock because to me it’s much more useful that way when I use it for varminting!


Still looking for the “high powered” guns mentioned in the article…


Few thousand dollars? SERIOUSLY??? He load one of those magazines with golden bullets? That’s a “let’s play dwess-up” .22. I guess it didn’t occur to him that unless he was taking them ON the streets, he just did nothing to get them OFF the streets. He probably is right, though, that he doesn’t need a gun to be a man. He needs a lot more than that.


He probably went to a gun show and the seller knew, “this is an ass hat clown” and charged him $2000 for the stuff.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’d say some salesman at a Gun Show saw him coming from far away and said “Hold my coffee and watch me clean out this sucker’s wallet!”


If I owned that .22, I would turn it in too…



A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, it looks like what you’d expect to see in some trailer court M’litia.


And the only caliber of bat this callow hipster can swing is “wiffle”


Dude, I turned in a Lorcin that didn’t shoot for a $100 gift card. I only paid $20 for it. Total win as I bought 10 30 round AR Mags.

A Proud Infidel®™

+50 COOL POINTS to jonp!

The Other Whitey

I’d say maybe $250 for the used 10/22, $300 (maybe) for the used pistol—what the hell is that, by the way? Logo kinda looks like Walther—and $200 for the used cheap tacticool. And that’s being generous. This virtue-signaling mall ninja doesn’t live in our reality.

The Other Whitey

The cops were obviously anxious because they recognized that they were dealing with an unbalanced individual.


No kidding. The only people who call to turn in their guns are those required to, someone prohibited from possessing it. Like a felon that finds grandpa’s rifle cleaning house or the guy just served with his restraining order.

Deplorable B Woodman

Sure…..I’ll turn over my guns……left side, right side, left side, right side…….

Virtue signal much?

Deplorable B Woodman

My apologies in advance, but Jonathan Pringe who?


I read that, too and was like “Am I missing something” before I realized John was being facetious”


Well Johnny, congratulations on your new job as subject versus citizen.

“May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”


“new job as TARGET versus citizen.”

There. I fixed it.

Deplorable B Woodman

National hero? More like national laughingstock.


How about that little virtue signal.

Josey Wales


What a little pussy.


Bwahahahahahahahahahaha! Queefsquirt.


Oh man, thank God we got another one of those baby killers off the street! Imagine what he could have done with that 10/22! He could have killed a million people with that! Now there won’t be any more mass shootings! What a hero! /s

Unless he was planning on a mass shooting using a 10/22, what the fuck is turning it in going to do to help anything? This asshole is just morally grandstanding on the blood and corpses of the people that were killed just to make him look good. Fuck that taintlicker.

A Proud Infidel®™

Next he’ll have some snot-drooling libtard politician bleating about him and his scawy bwack wifle with the 30-clip magazines that he took off the streets.


even better if they were actually his sister’s guns and when she finds out, she delivers a beat down to his scrawny ass.


And on this day, October 6, year of our Lord 2017, not a single fuck was given.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This is the right answer….


I left the house with 12 fucks and I still have 12 fucks.


I wonder if Ruger has any to give.
Be nice if it ended up back at the factory and Pringles get notified.

The Other Whitey

My fucks are limited and difficult to replace, so when I give them, I give them wisely. This beardfag twat ain’t gettin’ none.

Deplorable B Woodman

“BEHOLD, my field of fucks, for it is barren, and empty, and I have none to give.”


I am stealing that!

Deplorable B Woodman

Go ahead. I stole it from…..I don’t remember where…possibly TAH, possibly ExPH2.


Well here’s Rachael Madcow’s newest, bestest buddy, Jonathan Pringe.

Dumb ass attention whore. Money says he still has several more weapons and this was a passion play. If he ever uses one of the others for self defense he will have, “changed his mind after thinking it over”.

The Other Whitey

If he’s lucky, she might even let him taste her strap-on.

Carlton G. Long

Pathetic attention hound.

The Other Whitey

Pathetic attention-whore.

Fixed it for ya.

Carlton G. Long

Thanks…I usually access this blog from work so I have to keep my text “clean” but you definitely went where I couldn’t.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I don’t “need” a gun to be a man either…I have a gun because I like them fuckstick, the same reason I have a sailboat, a hot tub a nice home and a host of other material possessions…

and oh yeah because the Constitution says little twats like you don’t get to fucking tell me how to enjoy my pursuit of happiness or measure out my quantity of freedom for me.

The Other Whitey

Imagine if Pringle-boi was residing in Lexington, Mass., circa 1775…

The Other Whitey

And with the revelation of his origins, he wouldn’t even have been a Redcoat. That would require him to have balls.


What’s his street address, again? And who ‘doesn’t love Las Vegas?’ Well, I don’t. It’s a waste of time and money.

Seriously, attention-whoring and virtue signaling are SOOOOOO last month. If he really wanted to do “something”, he could have donated a quart or two of blood at the local blood bank. Obviously, none of it circulates around his brain, so he wouldn’t miss it.


Meanwhile, thousands of 12 year old girls celebrated getting their first hunting license this year. 🙂



The Other Whitey

My daughter comes home from preschool and practices the M1 Carbine’s manual of arms.


I look at it this way, If he feels the need to turn them in because its “the right thing to do” or he could “become a threat to everyone because of a gun.”

Then so be it, One less idiot with a gun and the onus to correctly treat a weapon is left to responsible adults.

Good for him.

Note to self: Clean your SCAR-17S, your going coyote hunting this weekend.



another jerk off who thinks he is having sex when he jerks his tiny thing.

What a felcher


Fucking Attention Whore!

Why don’t you go ahead and get a sex change while you are at it. You will get more mileage out of it anyway just ask Brad-she.

Woukdnt it be ironic if a home invader shot him as he started to swing his bat?


What a phony grandstanding Pringk.


His neighbors should post signs in their front yards saying “The gun free zone is next door!”


I think that was a misspell and should have said Zero, not Hero :-). I sure hope he’s good with that baseball bat since he just made what I would consider a billboard announcement that he’s a free target. The word twatwaffle comes to mind seeing him.


Here’s a shocker the twat is originally from London.

My cousin married a Brit, and brought him over here…he’s a twat too. Always reminding us how the UK doesn’t have guns. Funny enough, he married into a family of ‘gun nuts’. Don’t move to my country and tell me how fucked up it is…move back.

I wonder if the .22 wasn’t actually his wife’s. Not many guys I know would sport a soft shelled gun case with pink webbing straps.

A Proud Infidel®™

Judging from the look on his face, he appears to be thinking “Gee, I hope she doesn’t beat my ass for doing this!”.

Old Trooper

Funny thing is; the UK does have guns. Long guns and shotguns. Yeah, they “banned” scary black rifles and pistols for some unknown reason. That’s why Brits are subjects to the crown, because they want to be.


Yes, and that word “subject” is why we are NOT.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Well, I guess that he will just SPRING along with the rest of the hysterical/emotional left.

Hack Stone

Did he hand over his Man Card when he surrendered his weapon(s)?

A Proud Infidel®™

If not he needs to have it REVOKED and be henceforth known and addressed as “NEUTER BOY”.


He never had a “man card” in the first place.


Yes, his balls are neatly stored in his wife’s purse next to her lipstick and Tampon.

The Other Whitey

I thought he’s the wife!


Oh man, you guys skipped the best part. He says he could pawn them but he “wanted to do the right thing”, which by his telling is getting them off the street, right? One slight problem with that – from the Az Central article:

““Phoenix police will accept guns that people no longer want,” Howard said. “The guns will be tested and entered into NIBIN, which will allow us to compare them with known crime guns. In accordance with state law, the guns are then sold.””

“…the guns are then sold.”

baaahahahahahahaha….do not pass GO, do not collect $200.

A Proud Infidel®™

Sonofabitch, ROFLMAO!!!


Just another leftard media whore lookin for five minutes of fame. Most popos who take in guns not used in crimes sell them. It is a good source of extra funds. They also sell their obsolete service weapons, so giving guns to the police does not ultimately “take them off the street.”

The Other Whitey

Phoenix PD knows chickenshit when they see it.

Deplorable B Woodman

I’ll be passing thru Phoenix beginning of November. I’ll have to check and see if that particular gun is still for sale, at what price, maybe buy it.


Waiting to read about how his house was broken into and he was sodomized with said baseball bat…..


That’s just wrong!

But, damn that is the best line written today!!

Where would you like your “I won the internet today” trophy delivered?

John Robert Mallernee

Who is Jonathan Pring?



What a dingleberry.


He isn’t a man. That’s his Hallowienie costume.

If he says “thousands”, he obviously didn’t pay for them, so how did he get them in the first place?????

I’m sure that he closes the bathroom door so that no one can judge his manhood. He can’t even find it.

I can go on with the insults, but it’s lunchtime. My cats are hungry. I was thinking of sending them to his house.


I could say something along the lines of “Oh your cats eat p….?”. But I won’t.

But I will think it 🙂


He looks a little like the guy in an internet photo who tells his hawt girlfriend, “being around guns make me uncomfortable.” Her response was, “we each should see other men.”



Mark Lauer

Well, congratulations Mr Pring (what a hipster sounding name). Your “brave act” of handing yours, and your families security over to the police, and advertising this for every bad guy in Phoenix, has just accomplished in one fell swoop what all other forms of gun control have done in the fight against crime in this nation over the past 50 years….
So, take undue pride, stand tall, walk with a clear conscience and a spring in your step; you have DONE NOTHING!


From the Phoenix news channel 12 website:
“Phoenix man posts photos of giving up his guns, gets death threats”. That did not take long at all. Pring says he and his family are leaving town for a few days until things quiet down.
Well, good – now he’s just told the robbers where the unguarded house is too. Maybe they’ll grab his bat.
Also, the news writer for this piece calls the rifle a “machinegun” – no shit.
Here is a link to the story if you need a laugh…. retrieved 10/6/2017.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

(Beat me to it…)

RGR 4-78

“I will miss my guns. I enjoyed taking them to the range and doing Rambo poses in front of the mirror.”

This says a lot about him.


Rambo poses in the mirror eh. Yea, I’m glad he gave them up now.


“Machine Gun”? What machine gun? I see a Dremel Special .22

John D

And apparently he’s not aware that after Phoenix PD
runs the serials, if the guns are not stolen, they will be sold.


John Robert Mallernee

ROFLOL ! ! !

Old 1SG, US Army (Retired)

Wow, I’m impressed that he bothered to turn in that pea shooter. That does take balls, calling the local boys in blue to turn in a mean ol’ nasty gun.

They show up probably expecting a 50 cal or something substantial. Oh the embarrassment, when the cops dropped to floor laughing… now that takes guts!

Putting all those accessories on that weapon is like putting mag wheels on a Prius…

Hack Stone

I still chuckle over the buyback program that bought a used LAAW. Was that the LAPD?

A Proud Infidel®™

If I remember correctly they bought a piece of PVC pipe that was half-assedly made to look like a rocket launcher.

A Proud Infidel®™

That boy strikes me as the type who would traipse around the house in his wife’s clothes when she’s not home and IMHO the look on that Police officer’s face is like he’s thinking “DAMN what a dickless WUSSY!”.


This is obviously a way for him to make a lot more money on youtube, a publicity stunt. He probably has more guns at home. I’m for getting rid of bump stocks but I’m not against people owning guns. I’ve bought 6 guns myself. Glock 19, 2 Ruger p-95, 2 shotguns and and a Ruger 10/22.


well…that’s mighty white of ya


I’ve never owned a bump stock. Why would anyone want to simulate an automatic weapon with high inaccuracy? Only a coward.


lol…thanks, you made me laugh

A Proud Infidel®™

OR some Billy-Bob in a Trailer Court M’litia!


so, as long as you personally are privileged to own what you want, others don’t matter, right?

So why should anyone protect your rights, hmm? The banners you are willingly helping will not.

“Bump stocks” are a re-purposed recoil-reducing device with a hand-adjustable tension adjuster. You are saying that arthritic people, and ladies, can just give up shooting full-power weapons because you have an irrational fear of a mechanical device that you willingly refuse to understand.

What a -bold- virtue-signaling liberal-thinker you are.


If this asshat handed over an actual machine gun that he thought was worth just $2,000 he is too stupid to own firearms so I totally support his disarming of himself.

BTW: Party at dipshit with a baseball bat’s house for everyone who has a gun

A Proud Infidel®™

YO MISSY PRING THE NEUTER BOY, I gotta message for you:

Retired 98B

He might not need a gun to be a man, but he needs to have a dick to be a man and he is sorely lacking in that.