Bump stock politics

| October 6, 2017

No one acts like bump stocks existed before Sunday when actually they’ve been around for years. It was the Obama Administration Justice Department that approved the device, and no one got upset when that happened, not Democrat gun-grabbers nor Republicans. I watched YouTube videos of demonstrations when they first came out and I wasn’t impressed. I was always a marksman and prefer to aim at a target rather than “spray and pray” that I hit a target.

Some dork was on Fox News this morning and said that bump stocks belong in the military inventory. I’m pretty sure that the military wants nothing to do with the device.

But the NRA and Republicans are throwing the bump stocks under the bus. According to The Hill, the Trump Administration is “taking a look” at a bump stock ban;

Earlier Thursday, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders indicated the administration would weigh the proposals but stopped short of supporting a ban.

“We know that members of both parties and multiple organizations are planning to take a look at bump stocks and related devices,” she said. “We’d like to be a part of that conversation.”

According to their website, Slidefire, the folks who make bump stocks is overloaded by orders for their product;

Funny, but phony Vietnam veteran, The Dick Blumenthal took to the pages of the Hartford Courant to complain about Congress not taking guns from law-abiding citizens;

The death toll is staggering and unacceptable: 30,000 every year. A mass shooting nearly every day. Congress is complicit in this mass slaughter through its incomprehensible inaction. I will not abandon the fight to make America safer and better.

In the coming days, my Democratic colleagues in the Senate and I will offer commonsense, serious solutions to addressing the scourge of gun violence. These include legislation I will introduce to close background check loopholes and measures to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers. Wednesday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and I introduced a “bump stock” ban proposal to stop sales of mechanisms that convert semi-automatic assault rifles into fully automatic machine-gun like weapons. These carnage force multipliers should be banned.

A “mass shooting” every day. I’m expecting him to take up the “93 million gun violence deaths every day” of the Virginia carpetbagger governor. When Democrats offer “common sense” solutions, expect them to try to regulate things that have nothing to do with the safety of your family.

The NRA and the Trump Administration have already decided that bump stocks are on their way out, but you can bet that Blumenthal and Feinstein are coming for your scary, black guns, too. Say goodbye to your bayonet lugs and grenade launcher mounts. Those “things that go up in the back” are history, too. No more “Ghost Guns” firing their bullet clips for you.

From Townhall;

“This must stop,” [The Dick Blumenthal, valor thief] said. “It is positively infuriating that my colleagues in Congress are so afraid of the gun industry that they pretend there aren’t public policy responses to this epidemic. There are, and the thoughts and prayers of politicians are cruelly hollow if they are paired with continued legislative indifference. It’s time for Congress to get off its ass and do something.”

“Do something” – legislate. Never mind that there are thousands of laws and regulations that the enforcers aren’t utilizing – write some more.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Wilted Willy

Fuck you Dick!


I hate it when I open the site and have to see a picture of Dickenthal the Moron.


A few years back I remember seeing a guy tie a shoelace on his belt loop and bump firing an SKS. I guess they are going to ban shoelaces now.


Only certain lengths/set ups:


Not supporting anything nor saying this person was proposing Evil.


What in bloody hell is a bump stock?

Oh, I know – it’s a political target that has nothing to do with shooting into a crowd at a concert. A target is something you focus on, to try to hit it. In this case, a bump stock helps you focus better on the real target.

Just so all of you know, it’s still illegal in the UK for you to defend yourself with anything other than a rape alarm. Roy Larner, the lion of London Bridge, defended himself and the crowd at that restaurant, with his fists, so he didn’t get arrested for it.

You think it can’t happen here? Dream on.


I guess gun restrictions aren’t enough in the UK. Now it’s knives, acids…and eventually cars, pressure cookers, cast iron pans, stiletto heel shoes, cricket bats, toothbrushes, pens/pencils, etc.


Blithering idiot.


Ummm I got whacked by a stiletto heel once, it freaking hurt! Even though I do have a denser than normal skull… Good thing we were just playing around! I almost got to find how a pithed frog feels.

A Proud Infidel®™

Sniveling-ass milquetoasts!!


Excellent example!


Oh, FFS. Double face-palm.

…You forgot bicycle chains. Nasty weapon.


Knives? That yeasty bint would have apoplexy is she saw the things I’ve bought from zombie tools.


I’m saving up for the tyrannosaurus.


The stupid ass dumocraps didn’t say a word when they pet queer/prez ok’d these bump stocks, nor when the ATF ok’d them? So they start these fires and then make a big ass deal out of it later…SCREW YOU DUMOCRAPS!


It is always a mystery to me how Dickheads like Blumenthal get elected to high places. Even more mysterious is how they keep getting reelected like Ted Kennedy used to be the perpetual Senator from Ma. Sen. Leahy of Vt. claims to have cast the most votes in the senate. That only tells me he is the most at fault for the trouble we find our selves in today.


How does he get elected?

Paraphrasing the quote from the 1974 classic: “Forget it, Jake. It’s Connecticut.”

Notice the only people pissing and moaning about this shit are in safe seats in deep blue states. Nuff said.

Sonny's Mom

The Donks need to win more Senate seats in 2018 to keep Obama policies locked in. But out of the 23 Democrat Senate seats up for reelection next year, a few could actually flip. This incident just gives the Dems an opportunity to attack the president some more, and Republicans in general.

Jus Bill

It’s called “election fraud.” It’s a Democratic specialty.


But do know how many Americans are killed a year in zeppelin incidents? IT MUST BE STOPED!


I am fascinated by this statement by blumerbutt:
“Wednesday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and I introduced a “bump stock” ban proposal to stop sales of mechanisms that convert semi-automatic assault rifles into fully automatic machine-gun like weapons.”

Hmm… well, I don’t know much about guns as a general subject, but I do know that a machine gun, a/k/a a Thompson or tommy-gun, is a specific category and has been barred from personal private ownership since 1938.

I am completely mystified AS TO how blumerbutt thinks a rifle can be converted to a tommy-gun. Perhaps some of you more knowledgeable people will be kind enough to inform me. After all, it was Machine Gun Kelly who made the gun famous, wasn’t it? If you have an hour and a half to spare, James Cagney is great in this one as Kelly.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Glad you mentioned the Thompson sub gun. The OKIE 3 had the Thompsons on board along with the BAR’S, Garands, M1 Carbines and Browning .30 cal machine guns. The main reason for this text is that when I started working for Brink’S back in 1970, the company was called United States Trucking and was in the process of a merger with Brink’s Inc. The trucks were green colored and were changed to the gray color that you see today. U.S. as we called it was general trucking and the other part was the armoured cars which I started on. to make a short story long, Under the ramp to get to street level there was a small shooting range. During a cleaning up of the range, 3-4 Thompson’s were found and then turned over to the ATF which was located at 90 Church Street, Manhattan in NYC. The dispatch office had pics on the walls of the U.S. Trucking guys wearing Sam Brown belts and those putee pants that the Cavalry soldiers wore and the men were holding Thompson subs. They also had those hats that looked like the crushed hats the NYPD Motorcycle cops used to wear. These guys looked rough and most likely WW1 vets.


Oddly enough, the FBI deems all weapons capable of automatic fire “machine guns.” It’s in the legal code.


P.S. On a more general note, “machine gun” is generally used to refer to any automatic rifle. This includes the BAR, Ma Duce, M60, and M249. Many sources consider any select fire rifle as a machine gun, hence the M14 and M16 (select fire versions) also count.

A Proud Infidel®™

If Gun Control Laws are such a panacea for violence, then why is Chicago such a violent hellhole?


They blame the neighbors for that.


Nothing makes it easier for a homicidal lunatic to commit mass murder than disarming his intended victims.


Do you know what an attempt to disarm citizens is?
A treasonous act of war.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO Gun Control Laws and the politicians that pass them do little more than aid, abet and embolden violent criminals by assuring them via legislation that law-abiding people will be conveniently unarmed VICTIMS and I offer Chicago as just one example.



Think about the disenfranchised lives we could save if we outlawed self-defense!
Self-preservation is a manifestation of Euro-centric thought. Its bourgeois!!!


same tired old absurdities and generalizations


Next thing you know they’ll be banning belt loops on pants as well, snice that’s how most people did bump firing before the stocks came out, but what the hell do I know?


Not in New York.

MSG Eric

In New York even your grandfather can’t be grandfathered.

RGR 4-78

Sure he can, he just has to vote democrat after he has died.




exactly…if you search belt loop bump fire on youtube the first video that comes up is 7 fukking years old.



Technically this is a VERY slippery slope – the weapon is technically still a SEMI-automatic (which is why BATFE ruled in its favor. Not sure they had a choice under existing law.) What are they going to try next, banning Jerry Miculek for being “too fast”?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=87&v=nEJx_5XFNgE or
For those who say he’s only fast, check out his video of popping a balloon with a 9mm – at 1000 yards.
Maybe a better alternative would be to make murdering people illegal?

The Other Whitey

Hey, Dick! Fuck you, you lying sack of roach shit! You might want to unwad your panties before someone decides to give you a wedgie with them! Fucking two-faced nutless cocksucking pussy chickenfucker…




Just can’t improve on the TOW well said!

The Other Whitey

Well, what can I say? I’ve had to step up my game since I made Captain last month. There’s a standard to meet.


You are completely correct
For a military they are completely useless
Bumpfire stocks are not very accurate and take quite a bit of practice to function properly
As range toys they are great fun !
I have 2 bump stocks and 2 of the Bear Arms trigger devices that do the same thing for the CZ Scorpion
Everyone I let shoot one has a smile on their face
They do a great job of turning money into smoke and noise
Banning a tool an evil person uses does not combat the problem of what to do about evil people
The Republicans are racing to see who can join with the Democrats faster to ban bump stocks
The next killer will just have to use an airplane or a truck or set a fire


knowing what I do about bump stocks (ahmma gear queer), I’m actually surprised it took this long for some asshole to use them improperly, they are nothing new by any measure


not to mention being able to get them to work consistently for 10 minutes.


yeah, like the double drum magazine. Great idea, but not great in reality

I did figure that Chicongo shooters would have used the bumpstock by now for a spray and pray drive-by. Statistically though, they don’t even favor long guns for obvious reasons.


Dick (sucker) Blumenthal, like most of his ilk, spouts absurd numbers without an ounce of sense or support. I would not use a bump stock, I’d rather buy more ammo and if I wanted full auto, it ain’t that hard to do. But I have no need for it. Comes the Zombie Apocalypse, I’d still be driving nails for head shots and not using a bump stock. But as long as they are legal, leave them alone.


I keep wondering why no one brings up the politics of Paddock or Hodgkinson (shot Scalise). They were leftists, liberals, gun collectors.

Why is THIS not being discussed in the media????? Another inconvenient truth, perhaps?

A Proud Infidel®™

According to one account, Paddock once worked for the USPS and later on he was an IRS Employee, talk about a toxic combination!


Hodgkinson was no gun collector. He shot Scalise with one of the cheapist semi-auto military type weapons he could buy, the Chinese made SKS. He had no gun collection. Paddock does not appear to be a bonafide gun collector. He apparently bought dozens of AR style semi-auto rifles that have no collector value whatever. The fact he wasted many thousands of dollars on these guns (remember, he could only shoot one at a time) tells me he was a disturbed individual, unless he was planning to recruit and arm a platoon of terrorists. And based on what I have read and heard about his personality, he all the charisma of a rattlesnake.


Oh,come on! If you have more than one of some lethal thing, you’re a collector in the SJW howler monkey eyes. Thought you knew that!

Hodgkinson did have several rifles in his car. Doesn’t matter what model he used to do his damage. They are all capable of doing harm, regardless.


Preee-cisely, Ex. If the shooter in Vegas(I refuse to use his name) had been a Republican or Libertarian, the DNCmedia would have been screaming it 24-7 since the shooting. That they have not said a word kind of does lend credence to the idea that he was a liberal, and probably a registered dem.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The bump stock will become the sacrificial lamb for this tragedy….I hope not, but it appears that will be the case.

Not that it matters to me I don’t own one and never intended to…seemed more a novelty item for me than a useful tool but that is just my opinion and most likely not a particularly useful opinion.

I’m opposed to outlawing for the same reason I’m opposed to the Patriot Act, any laws that are designed to “protect” us by infringing on the BoR amendments should be struck down or opposed on principle.

Fuck the government thinking they have any right to continually reduce the measure of my freedom based on their desire to control every aspect of our lives.

That government governs best which governs the least. Still true today.


Yes, VOV, but wasn’t it clever of the NRA to step right up and involve itself in making the bump stock a persona non grata item, well ahead of the politicians??

Think about that for a second.

DiFi wants to look like she’s the instigator on getting rid of something that almost all of you have said is useless junk anyway, and she’s been one-upped by the NRA.


Why the fuck does the military need bump stocks?


Re-read for comprehension before asking questions.


Re-Read for sarcasm.


If your comment was intended as sarcasm, I apologize. However, might I suggest that when there are no other contextual clues that a given comment is intended as sarcasm, that it is good form to include something such as “/s” or “/sarc” to make it clear?

The written word is notoriously easily misunderstood.


I’m kinda with you GB. I read the comment and just didn’t understand it.

I was waiting for the punchline. 🙂


Duly noted.

And no need to apologize, I understand that dry comments tend to refute any sarcasm and I am not a very wordy person. However, it was intended as such.



I’ve had to clarify a few of my comments in the past myself.

No harm, no foul.


At least you have more charm than the cryptic shit-n-run Joe.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

So “/sarc” means sarcasm? I see that a lot on this site but did not know what it meant. Since owing a PC since 2009, I’m still a novice and AT&T gets fifteen bucks a month from me for online tech support which I use often. My checks are typed out on a portable Smith Corona typewriter and I use a manual 8500 series paymaster check writer to print the dollar amount on the checks.


except in my case, SARC means Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman 🙂

MSG Eric

Wut is sarcasm? That some new gun shooting technique to scare people?


Say “they” do ban them.
Anyone with a 3-D printer can get the instructions for making ’em off the intertoobs and voila!


Dick (face) is the twin brother of Nancy Botox Pelosi.


The M1 carbine doesn’t need a bump stock.
Three to five round bursts can be had by simply
pushing on the fore stock at the right moment.
You will be replacing the broken firing pin though.

When I first heard the Vegas gunfire, it sounded like a runaway. Very easy condition to find yourself in when screwing with a semi auto. It will be interesting to see what if any homeowner mods were done by the guy.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

If Feinstein still carries that .38 concealed wheel gun, maybe she can modify one of those bump stocks to fit her revolver. I never heard of those stocks until the Las Vegas incident. I did hear of those gizmos that fit on the trigger and you crank it like one of those old gattling guns.


Those crank-trigger-gizmos go back to the early Eighties, at least.


Oh, gee. Democrats trying to pass another Jim Crow law. I am shocked!


Wait until Feinstein or Dick Blumenthal attach a ban on 20, 30 or more, round magazines to this “Bump Stock Ban”. Thinking people know this is gonna happen.
If it’s going to happen anyway, I hope the BATFE does it by regulation, taking away the opportunity for these asshats to grandstand further.

John Robert Mallernee

As I understand it, from what I read in the news, the bumpstock was invented to assist people who are physically handicapped.

So, if the bumpstock is outlawed, then what effect will this have on physically handicapped gun owners?

Also, according to what I read in the news, using a bumpstock actually compromises the accuracy of the weapon.

The victims in the Las Vegas mass murder were hit because they were crowded together in a large group, not because of any marksmanship ability, as there was none.

Since the purpose of our inalienable rights under the Second Amendment is to guarantee the people’s ability to rise up in open, armed, bloody revolt to overthrow tyranny from within our own government, the bumpstock might become a necessary tool, and therefore, should definitely not be banned.


People who build or sell bump-stocks may have used that justification, but no civilian needs to fire a full magazine on full auto, handicapped or not. Those of us who know how to hit what we shoot at don’t need full auto weapons to “overthrow tyranny.” Full auto fire in AR’s is a waste of ammo anyway.


rgr769, I respectfully submit that the 2nd amendment doesn’t say nuttin’ about NEED……..


I don’t dispute your point on “need.” I would rather have the ability to have a real selectfire weapon, but with the present political realities, it won’t happen. The stupid bump-stock is not worth the fight. All the Trump BATF needs to do is pass a regulation that says they are an illegal work-around to make a semi-auto full auto, just like installing a full auto fire control unit in a semi-auto weapon.


it actually is -not- a mod to full auto, or ATF would not have approved it.

It is a method that allows the shooter to pull the trigger, one shot per pull, as fast as the action will cycle.

A -skilled- shooter can do just about the same thing in controlled pairs.

The bump stock simply allows the loosly-held pure-semi weapon to move, bouncing the trigger off your finger, which pulls the trigger as the sear resets.

Not full auto, just twitchy quick.

You can do the same thing with a 1911 and the finger of the support hand, bouncing the trigger and guard. It goes BRRRRT for eight rounds.

So the -only- way to ban “bump stocks” is to ban -all- semi autos.

Because you can bump fire without the “bump stock” if you know the trick and hold it right.

So “ban bump fire” is exactly what the bastards keep trying; banning repeaters starting with semi autos.

So the answer must be “no” .


“being necessary to the security of a free state”

1.required to be done, achieved, or present; needed; essential.

Yeah, I know I’m twisting the comment for my own purpose but I just can’t resist a wide open door.


“…no civilian needs to fire a full magazine on full auto, handicapped or not.”

until he does


“…don’t need full auto weapons to “overthrow tyranny.” …”

Then explain the use of SAW gunners in an infantry unit. Or why my father had to carry a LMG across Europe in WWII.


You get the full auto weapons from the military when the uprising comes. You are not going to get the avalanche of laws changes re full auto weapons. It would be nice if we could own anti-tank weapons, too. I would like to have an M-79 and the ammo to shoot it, if I could afford it. But our current culture and gov’t is not going to let that happen.

John Robert Mallernee

@ RGR 769:

I remember many years ago seeing an article in “SOLDIER OF FORTUNE” magazine about an M-79 grenade launcher that was owned by a private citizen.

They pointed out that it IS legal for private individuals to purchase, own, and fire an M-79 grenade launcher.

It is the high explosive rounds that are illegal.

You can still use the M-79 grenade launcher to fire other types of rounds, i.e., flares, tear gas, and/or shotgun rounds.

A friend of mine manufactures and fires full-sized historical replica black powder cannon.

The only kind of ammunition he’s not permitted to fire are high explosive rounds.

But, he can accurately place a heavy projectile on a selected target.


Good to know, but the only ones I have ever seen for sale are de-milled ones or parts. We have used full scale original and repro canons in re-enacting for years. Also, there are clubs that live fire them, but use only sold shot. That has been going on for over 40 years.


I see the ‘commonsense’ buzzword is being touted again.

Bumpstocks are ridiculous, and seem to me to be favored by the Call Of Duty warriors.

Me? I want control, and to shoot accurately.

The NRA, is probably taking the stance because it knows the Politicians will be able to say they did something…and the citizenry won’t lose more firearms Rights.


Bump fire is simply manipulating a semi auto quickly. The -only- way to ban it is to ban semi autos.



This NEVER gets old!

MSG Eric

Double Burn!


When God was giving out Brains, good ole Dick thought He said “Trains”…and asked for a slow one…😉

So does this mean Viet of the Nam Dick is going to push for “Train” control for his next agenda?

BTW, CT is not doing too well budget wise. Maybe Dick needs to focus more on that situation. He will probably blame President Trump for their financial fiasco.


What? And keep his buddies from dipping their hands in the trough?

Better to talk about the Eviel Gunzzz Nutzz. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

A Proud Infidel®™

Pity that Acela Train didn’t hit him while going full throttle at 150 MPH.


Dickey Doo……………your nose sticks out further than your Dickey Doo. Stolen Valor Liar.
I expect this kind of stuff from a so called senator from Connecticunt.


The point of semi auto is you have to pull the trigger each and every time. Bump stocks made it to where you pull the trigger once and the gun keeps firing. Of course bump stocks should be considered an illegal alteration that changed a semi auto to full auto.


Not so.

Bump fire is simply pulling the trigger repeatedly, fast.

You -cannot- ban that.

What they want his to ban repeaters, starting with semi auto.

Again, bump stocks -do not- modify the firing mechanism -at all-, they simply allow one to pull the trigger as fast as the weapon will reset. One pull of the trigger for each shot.

So, no, we should not accept -any- ban on such things, for their intent is to ban all repeaters, starting with semi autos.

The Other Whitey

Honestly, bump stocks appear to be about as retarded as the “chainsaw grips” for shotguns that Mossberg introduced a while back. They’re for people who don’t know what they’re doing and just want to dick around. Since there’s no law against being stupid, it follows that there should be no law against these. Just as there’s no law against putting $26,000 worth of “tuning” parts onto a used Honda Civic that Bluebooks for $1850 so you can pretend you’re Vin Diesel in a rice rocket. Or planning your cute little anti-establishment/anti-big business attention-whoring activities while hanging out sipping snob latte at Starbucks. That’s a consequence of personal liberty and, while irritating, is nevertheless unavoidable if essential liberty is to be maintained.


Not true, with a bump stock you pull the trigger once and then all you do is rest your finger while the bump stock causes your finger to bump against the trigger faster than you could pull it.


What I said is true. The weapon’s action is unmodified, remaining semi-auto. You are pulling the trigger each time.

The ATF will -not- approve -anything- that makes one trigger pull fire more than one cartridge.

Have you ever held the timer for a competitive top-level IDPA or IPSC/USPSA shooter? I have. I hav meet soem fo the top shooters in the world. They can fire doubles and triples with split times that you have to see to believe. If you can make a 0.1 second split time, you are firing at an effective rate of 10 per second or 600 per minute. That is -semi- fire at MG rates.

So yes, the bump stock is simply a modded recoil-reducer with a customizable tension, that lets the -shooter- pull the trigger at the max rate of the weapon.

So your opinion is -wrong-, and you espouse giving the banners the ammo n ended to ban all semi-autos, by your repeated willful refusal to understand a trivially simple event that can be duplicated with a bootlace, or nothing at all if you practice.

I can, and have, bump-fired an out-of-the-box AR type rifle, with -no- accessories. -Anyone- can. Thus -all- stocks are effectively “bump fire” stocks in the hands of a knowledgeable person.

Your willful misunderstanding and resultant fear are -no- reason anyone else should experience restrictions of their rights.

You are both technically and morally wrong.

Having been corrected, with easily-provable, easily-verifiable facts, any further support on your part for banning such silly things must be taken as intentional, including the “deceptive” part. On this forum, you may anticipate significant “smoke sessions” if you persist in such folly.

I know a number of ladies who use spring-action stocks to allow them to shoot Trap competitively (and hunt, etc) and also several arthritic folks. Banning articulated/springy stocks means they will -have- to quit. On behalf of those ladies:

Thanks a shitload for your sisterly solidarity in preserving their protection under the Second Amendment.


Excuse me, but a bump stock is not required to turn a semi-automatic into a rapid fire weapon. You only need a $.01 cent rubber band. It takes two seconds and does the same thing.

So, Lily, your argument does NOT come close to the truth.

The Other Whitey

Okay, Lily. Let me revisit an earlier point here. How many lives are claimed by fire each year? How many families left homeless? How many children maimed and scarred for life? How much property and infrastructure destroyed? Fire is as destructive in the wilderness as in the city. Whether it’s deliberately or negligently set, it is a force of destruction. Modern man no longer has the traditional need for fire, outside of very controlled industrial setting. Any use the ordinary citizen has for fire can easily be satisfied using electricity or other safe substitutes. There is simply no need for the risks inherent in the use of open flames, especially when compared to the toll exacted by uncontrolled fires every day. We allow over-the-counter sale of so many incendiary devices all over this country with barely any restriction. These devices are small, cheap, easily concealed, available at any gas station, and easy for children to use. Simple matches are dangerous enough, even if they are single-use and burn out within seconds. Bic lighters and barbecue lighters even more so, as they are even easier to use, can maintain an open flame, and carry fuel for multiple ignitions. Zippos are certainly the worst, with their ability to maintain a flame after the ignition trigger is released, their large fuel capacity, and their “cool” status in popular culture. These devices serve no necessary purpose for the modern man. Their sole use is destruction. They ignite fires. We do not need them. Electric cooking appliances are readily available, as is electric heating for our homes. Even smokers no longer need them, with the advent of e-cigs. Why do we allow these destructive devices? A single careless child can cripple, even kill, themselves and their playmates in mere seconds with one of these devices. A carelessly dropped match can easily ignite whatever it lands on, and if you’ve never seen how quickly fire can spread inside a house, you’ll be in for a rude awakening, possibly the last one of your life. And in the western states on a warm summer day, that $.99… Read more »


You came back again? Didn’t your repeated errors and replies on the other thread chase you away? ahh well, comic relief it is