Sporkmaster in the sand

| February 2, 2009

One of our newest members of this tiny community, Sporkmaster, is currently deployed to Iraq. Sporkmaster says this is his first unit and his first deployment. He writes that he has a private blog, but that he wanted to share with readers of TAH the private Hell he creates for the poor Iraqi citizens and the unending terror that soldiers in Iraq are dealing with everyday.

Of course, the Iraqi police sullen and angry at the occupation we’ve inflicted on them, hate Americans, too;

These are the faces of the evil perpetrators of the dastardly occupation;

Hmm. They sorta look like the guys who lived next door, or the guys i saw graduating from high school last Spring. They don’t look like sadistic killers and rapists, do they? I wonder what IVAW is talking about.

Sporkmaster has sent me a slew of other photos that I’ll add over the next few days when I get time. I want to thank him for not only sharing these photos with us, but also for the job he’s doing over there, which probably doesn’t seem too glamorous at the moment, except to those of us who really appreciate the sacrifices he and his comrades are making for us and for the Iraqis.

Category: Politics, Terror War

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Thanks for sharing the photos and most of all, thanks for you sacrifices!


Your making me blush.

Oh I wanted to post some more on the IA guy there.

“I got a chance to talk to the Iraqi Army guys that helped us with a project a month ago and they remembered me too. This time I got a photo from a guy named Omar that was a interesting guy to talk to. He was in his early twenty’s, liked to get into trouble, would ask me for porn and Viagra and never hesitated to offer me a smoke. He also showed me a injury that look like ether a burn or a guns shot that he says was from the enemy.”

The work is not too bad, but I have been told that when the medic is board it is always a good day.

Oh I am going to my first Soldier of the Month board tomorrow. Wish me luck.


Thank you, thank you, thank you. Don’t think we don’t appreciate you, bec. we do — I do and so do lots of others!!

The pictures are so nice to see.

(Sorry I haven’t been commenting, but you have plenty and I’ve been busy! Hope you’re all doing well — well, you and CO — whatever his name and #s are!!)


The thanks are for Mr. Sporkmaster and then to Jonn for putting up the pictures so nicely. 😉


Spork, thanks for the pics, and thanks for your service!!


Sporkmaster, thank you for your service!

Frankly Opinionated

Sporkmaster! You should be ashamed! Torturing those poor kids into acting all happy and stuff. We here at home watch the CNN news and know that all Iraqis wish we were gone. You must be holding a gun on them.
Good stuff guy! America appreciates you, no matter what the wackos say on the evening news. And yes, I guess it is a good day when the medic is bored. Thanks for your service.
nuf sed



Where are you at in Iraq?


Frank_ Thanks, I have also seen son crazy things too. One case there where kids that where climping into trash trucks to look for loot. The thing that makes it crazy is that the trucks where moving at the time.

Warhorse, but I have been to JBB, Normandy, Caldwell, and NVM to name some examples.



Warhorse…Diyala province. I guess they send you guys where the action is. Please stay safe, and come back often for the internet hijinx in your downtime. It’s a fun timekiller on deployment.


In the first photo Sporkmster has captured classic symptoms, as described by Amnesty International, of oppression. Note the children smiling and waving – at the same time! Children do not normally exhibit this behavior, according to the experts at Amnesia International.

Thank you for carefully documenting the situation, we need to get the truth out about Iraq. The world needs to know about the happy children in Iraq!


Stay safe and send more photos!


The kids smile and wave at us a lot, it was a a rare chance for those photos because normally we go by them too fast to get a good shot. But that day we where going slower and I was able to get those photos.

Things are quiet for the most part, it is just certain area that you might see excitement. But then my unit is not Combat Arms.

Frankly Opinionated

Your disclaimer that your unit is not combat arms is not what the IVAW and Code Pinkies want you to say. Yer supposed to say that as a corpsman, when things get slow you go out and frag a few haji’s to drum up business. Don’t you know that your honesty really screws their stories all to hell. Like your “,,,, not Combat Arms.”, I have no problem telling all that I was blessed with being “between the wars”, as in service from ’60-’64. There is no job in the military that isn’t somehow useful, except perhaps, JAG.
nuf sed


As of this posting I have around 2500-3000 photos that I have taken on various convoys, projects and bases. Also the photos are in high res so that makes them around 2.5-5 megs each.

One thing that is kinda bad about this place is that the internet is expensive if you want it in your room. I pay 80 dollars a month for 250megs of download content a day for my wireless internet. So I can only get so many photos out.